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Under the care of

The Juridical Commission
and Communications Office
of the General Curia OFM THE GENERAL CURIA
Rome, 2004
Rome 2004

DECRETUM MINISTRI GENERALIS ................................................ 12 DECREE OF PROMULGATION ........................................................ 13

«Domini nostri Iesu Christi sanctum evangelium observare» “To observe the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ” .......... 19
(Artt. 1-6) ...................................................................................... 18 (Artt. 1-6)

De Spiritu orationis et devotionis (Artt. 7-18) ............................ 24 The Spirit of Prayer and Devotion (Artt. 7-18) .............................. 25


«Omnes vos fratres estis» (Artt. 19-28) ...................................... 30 “You are all brothers” (Artt. 19-28) ................................................ 31

Peregrini et advenae in hoc mundo (Artt. 29-42) ........................ 36 “Pilgrims and strangers in this world” (Artt. 29-42) .................... 37
Titulus I - De modo laborandi et itinerandi (Artt. 29-38) .............. 36 Title I - On the manner of working and travelling (Artt. 29-38) .... 37
Titulus II - De munere Officii generalis Iustitiae, Pacis Title II - On the tasks of the Office of Justice, Peace and
et Integritatis Creati ordinando (Artt. 39-42) ................ 40 Integrity of Creation (JPIC) (Artt. 39-42) .......................... 41

In hoc misit vos Deus in universo mundo (Artt. 43-73) .............. 44 “God has sent you into the entire world for this reason” .......... 45
Titulus I - Normae generales de evangelizatione (Artt. 43-50) .... 44 (Artt. 43-73)
Titulus II - De munere evangelizationis ordinando (Artt. 51-58) .... 50 Title I - The General Norms of Evangelisation (Artt. 43-50).......... 45
Titulus III - De evangelizatione missionali ordinanda (Artt. 59-68) 56 Title II - On the task of organising Evangelisation (Artt. 51-58) .... 51
Titulus IV - De Custodia et Commissariatibus Terrae Sanctae Title III - On organising Missionary Evangelisation (Artt. 59-68) .... 57
(Artt. 69-73) ................................................................ 60 Title IV - The Custody and the Commissariats of the Holy Land
(Artt. 69-73) ...................................................................... 61
«Desiderare debent habere Spiritum Domini CHAPTER VI
et sanctam eius operationem» (Artt. 74-114) .............................. 66 “They must desire to have the spirit of the Lord
Titulus I - Normae generales de institutione (Artt. 74-80) ............ 66 and His holy manner of working” (Artt. 74-114) .......................... 67
Titulus II - De continua formatione (Artt. 81-82) .......................... 72 Title I - General Norms on Education (Artt. 74-80) ...................... 67
Titulus III - De formatoribus (Artt. 83-84) ...................................... 72 Title II - Ongoing Formation (Artt. 81-82) ...................................... 73
Titulus IV - De cura pastorali vocationum (Art. 85) ........................ 74 Title III - Formators (Artt. 83-84) .................................................... 73
Titulus V - De formatione initiali (Artt. 86-104).............................. 74 Title IV - The Pastoral Care of Vocations (Art. 85) .......................... 75
Title V - Initial Formation (Artt. 86-104) .......................................... 75

4 5
Titulus VI - De formatione ad ministeria et sacros ordines Title VI - Training for Ministries and Sacred Orders .................... 91
(Artt. 105-108) ........................................................ 90 (Artt. 105-108)
Titulus VII - De formatione ad alia servitia et munera (Art. 109) .. 92 Title VII - Formation for Other Services and Offices (Art. 109) .... 93
Titulus VIII - De studiis promovendis in Ordine (Artt. 110-114) .... 94 Title VIII - The Promotion of Studies in the Order (Artt. 110-114) 95


«Fratres teneantur fratri Francisco et eius successoribus “The Brothers are bound to obey Brother Francis
oboedire» (Artt.115-246) .............................................................. 98 and his Successors” (Artt.115-246) ............................................ 99

Pars I - De Ordinis constitutione et de regimine in genere Part I - The Structure and Government of the Order in general
Pars I - (Artt. 115-133) ................................................................ 98 Part I - (Artt. 115-133) .................................................................. 99

Titulus I - De Ordinis constitutione (Artt. 115-125) .................. 98 Title I - The Structure of the Order (Artt. 115-125) .................. 99
Titulus II - De auctoritatibus in Domibus Ordinis Title II - Authorities of the Order in Houses
(Art. 126).................................................................. 106 (Art. 126) .................................................................... 107
Titulus III - De collatione, exercitio et amissione officiorum Title III - Conferral, Exercise and Loss of Offices
(Artt. 127-133) ........................................................ 106 (Artt. 127-133) ............................................................ 107

Pars II - De Ordinis regimine generali (Artt. 134-157) .................... 114 Part II - General Government of the Order (Artt. 134-157) ............ 115

Titulus IV - De Capitulo generali (Artt. 134-137) ........................ 114 Title IV - The General Chapter (Artt. 134-137) ............................ 115
Titulus V - De Consilio plenario Ordinis (Artt. 138-140) .............. 116 Title V - The Plenary Council of the Order (Artt. 138-140) ........ 117
Titulus VI - De Conventu Praesidum Conferentiarum Title VI - The Meeting of Conference Presidents with the Minister
cum Ministro et Definitorio generali (Art. 141) .......... 118 and Definitory General (Art. 141) ................................ 119
Titulus VII - De Vicario generali (Art. 142) .................................... 120 Title VII - The Vicar General (Art. 142) ........................................ 121
Titulus VIII - De Definitoribus generalibus (Artt. 143-144) ............ 120 Title VIII - The General Definitors (Artt. 143-144) ........................ 121
Titulus IX - De Officiis Curiae generalis (Artt. 145-154) .............. 122 Title IX - Offices of the General Curia (Artt. 145-154) ................ 123
Titulus X - De Visitatoribus et Delegatis generalibus (Artt. 155-157) 128 Title X - Visitators and Delegates General (Artt. 155-157).......... 129

Pars III - De Provinciarum regimine (Artt. 158-216) ...................... 130 Part III - Provincial Government (Artt. 158-216) ............................ 131

Titulus XI De Capitulo provinciali (Artt. 158-165) ......................

- 130 Title XI The Provincial Chapter (Artt. 158-165) ........................
- 131
Titulus XII De Congressu capitulari (Artt. 166-168)....................
- 136 Title XII The Capitular Congressus (Artt. 166-168) ....................
- 137
Titulus XIII De Consilio plenario Provinciae (Artt. 169-172) ........
- 138 Title XIII The Plenary Council of the Province (Artt. 169-172) ....
- 139
Titulus XIV -
De Ministro provinciali et Custode Custodiae Title XIV -
The Provincial Minister and Custos of an autonomous
autonomae (Artt. 173-183) ...................................... 138 Custody (Artt. 173-183) .............................................. 139
Titulus XV - De Definitorio provinciali et Consilio Custodiae Title XV - The Provincial Definitory and Custodial Council
(Artt. 184-190) ........................................................ 146 (Artt. 184-190) ............................................................ 147
Titulus XVI - De Conferentiis Ministrorum provincialium Title XVI - The Conferences of Provincial Ministers and Custodes
et Custodum (Artt. 191-202) .................................... 150 (Artt. 191-202) ............................................................ 151
Titulus XVII - De Vicario provinciali et custodiali Title XVII - The Vicar Provincial and Vicar of the Custody
Titulus XVII - (Artt. 203-205) .......................................................... 160 (Artt. 203-205) ............................................................ 161

6 7
Titulus XVIII - De Definitoribus provincialibus et Consiliariis Title XVIII - Provincial Definitors and Councillors of an
Custodiae autonomae (Artt. 206-207) .................... 162 autonomous Custody (Artt. 206-207) .......................... 163
Titulus XIX - De Secretario et Oeconomo Provinciae et Custodiae Title XIX - The Secretary and Bursar of the Province and
autonomae necnon de aliis Officiis (Artt. 208-211) .. 162 autonomous Custody and Other Offices (Artt. 208-211) 163
Titulus XX - De Custodiis a Ministro generali et a Provincia Title XX - Custodies dependent on the Minister General
dependentibus (Artt. 212-216) ................................ 164 and on a Province (Artt. 212-216) .............................. 165

Pars IV - De domorum regimine (Artt. 217-240) ............................ 168 Part IV - The Government of Houses (Artt. 217-240) .................... 169

Titulus XXI - De Domibus (Artt. 217-224) .................................... 168 Title XXI - Houses (Artt. 217-224) .............................................. 169
Titulus XXII - De Guardianis et Vicariis (Artt. 225-232).................. 174 Title XXII - Guardians and Vicars (Artt. 225-232) .......................... 175
Titulus XXIII - De Capitulo et Discretorio locali (Artt. 233-236) ...... 176 Title XXIII - The Local Chapter and Discretorium (Artt. 233-236) .. 177
Titulus XXIV - De commoratione et transitu fratrum in alienam Title XXIV - Residence in and transfer to another Province
Provinciam(Artt. 237-240) ...................................... 180 (Artt. 237-240) ............................................................ 181

Pars V - De administratione bonorum (Artt. 241-246) .................. 182 Part V - The Administration of Goods (Artt. 241-246).................... 183


Ministri moneant et humiliter et caritative fratres corrigant “The Ministers should admonish their brothers and humbly
(Artt. 247-261) .............................................................................. 186 and charitably correct them” (Artt. 247-261) .............................. 187
Titulus I - De correctione et punitione fratrum (Artt. 247-252) 186 Title I - The Correction and Punishment of Friars (Artt. 247-252) 187
Titulus II - De fratrum transitu et egressu ab Ordine Title II - The Transfer of Friars and Departure from the Order
(Artt. 253-257) ........................................................ 190 (Artt. 253-257) ............................................................ 191
Titulus III - De fratrum dimissione ab Ordine (Artt. 258-261) .... 194 Title III - Dismissal of Friars from the Order (Artt. 258-261) ...... 195

8 9



Legislatio Ordinis, quin verbum faciamus de Regula bullata, The legislation of the Order, apart from the approved Rule
quatenus eiusdem fundamentum, actu iam duas collectiones which is its foundation, is presented in two juridical collec-
iuridicas distinctas prae se fert (cf. CIC 587), nempe Constitu- tions (cf. CIC 587) at the moment. These are the General
tiones generales, quae una cum Regula codicem fundamentalem Constitutions, which, with the Rule, constitute the fundamen-
nostrae legislationis constituunt, et Statuta generalia, quae ce- tal code of our legislation, and the General Statutes, which,
teras normas colligunt, uti ipsarum Constitutionum genera- redacted and approved by the General Chapter celebrated in
lium complementum. Assisi in 2003, gather together other norms as a complement
Equidem Statuta generalia, a Capitulo generali an. 2003 As- to the same General Constitutions.
sisii celebrato, haud paucis emendationibus et addictionibus Having carried out the necessary revision and having the
introductis, rite approbata fuerunt. consent of the General Definitory, we, using the faculties in-
Necessaria revisione peracta, deque consensu Definitorii vested in us by our office and in virtue of the present Decree
generalis, facultatibus nobis ex officio competentibus utentes,
praesentis decreti vigore
promulgate and declare promulgated the
promulgamus et promulgata declaramus
and prescribe that all contained in these Statutes is obliga-
Edicimus vero ac iubemus ut praescripta universa, quae in tory throughout the entire Order on and from the 8th De-
his Statutis continentur, vim legis pro toto Ordine sortiantur a cember 2004.
die 8 Dec. 2004. May Mary, the mother of mercy and advocate of the poor,
Maria, Mater misericordiae atque pauperum advocata, quae who obtained for her servant, our Father Francis, the privilege
Portiunculae pro famulo suo atque Patre nostro Francisco im- to “conceive and give birth to the spirit of gospel truth” (St.
petravit “ut ipse spiritum veritatis evangelicae conciperet ac pare- Bonaventure, Major Legend, 111,1), strengthen the renewed

12 13
ret” (S. Bonav., Legenda Maior, III, 1), renovatam voluntatem will of the Order to persevere faithfully in the same spirit. May
Ordinis fideliter in eodem spiritu perseverandi corroboret, she help us to make progress in the observance of the Holy
nosque adiuvet ut in observatione Sancti Evangelii proficia- Gospel and to serve the world, the Church and the Kingdom.
mus atque mundo, Ecclesiae ac Regno ministremus.
Given in Rome, at the General Curia of the Order,
Datum Romae, ex Aedibus Curiae generalis Ordinis, 8th December 2003.
die 8 Dec. 2003.


Minister generalis Minister General


Secretarius generalis Secretary General

Prot. N. 093968 Prot. N. 093968


The General Definitory, following a carefully review of the respective

texts during the Meeting of 5th July 2004, also approved the tranlations
of the General Statutes into the three official languages of the Order:
English, Italian and Spanish, to be used while keeping in mind that the
authentic text is that in Latin.

14 15




(Rb 1,1) (Rb 1,1)

Art. 1 Art. 1
Ministri et Guardiani curent ut unusquisque frater, exem- The Ministers and Guardians are to ensure that each Friar
plar Regulae et Testamenti S. Francisci una cum Constitutio- has a copy of the Rule and Testament of St. Francis, together
nibus generalibus et Statutis habeat. with the General Constitutions and Statutes.

Art. 2 Art. 2
§1 Unaquaque hebdomada, in quantum fieri potest, aliqua §1 Each week, in so far as is possible, at least some portion
saltem pars Regulae vel Testamenti S. Francisci in fraternitate of the Rule or Testament of St. Francis is to be read in frater-
legatur. In fine lecturae, Guardianus Seraphici Patris exhorta- nity. At the end of the reading, the Guardian is to read the ex-
tionem et benedictionem legat.1 hortation and the blessing of the Seraphic Father.1
§2 Curent Ministri et Guardiani ut pro continua renova- §2 The Ministers and Guardians, in the interest of a con-
tione spiritus opportunis temporibus in fraternitate legantur et tinuous renewal of the spirit, are to ensure that the writings of
explicentur Opuscula S. Francisci, Constitutiones generales et St. Francis, the General Constitutions and other documents
alia documenta, quae pro meliore interpretatione et accommo- that have emanated from the General or Provincial Chapters
datione Regulae sive a Capitulo generali sive a Capitulo pro- for a better interpretation and updating of the Rule are read
vinciali lata sunt. and explained at an appropriate time.
§3 Quae in paragraphis praecedentibus praescribuntur §3 All that has been prescribed in the proceeding paragraphs
magis explicite in Statutis particularibus definiantur. is to be more explicitly defined in the Particular Statutes.

Art. 3 Art. 3
§1 Ad normam art. 16 et 215 §2 Constitutionum genera- §1 It is the responsibility of the Provincial and Custodial
lium, ad Capitula provincialia et custodialia spectat Statuta Chapters, in accordance with the norms of articles 16 and 215, §2
particularia, locorum et personarum adiunctis et necessitati- of the General Constitutions, to draw up Particular Statutes ap-
bus accommodata, condere. Haec statuta, postquam a Mini- propriate to the situations and needs of places and people. These
stro generali, de consensu sui Definitorii, approbata fuerint, a Statutes are to be promulgated by the Minister Provincial or Cus-

1 Cf. Test 40-41. 1 Cf. Test 40-41.

18 19
Ministro provinciali vel Custode Custodiae autonomae pro- tos of an autonomous Custody after they have been approved by
mulgantur. the Minister General with the consent of the Definitory.
§2 In Provinciis et Custodiis noviter erectis, ad Definito- §2 It is the responsibility of the Provincial or Custodial
rium Provinciae vel ad Consilium Custodiae spectat Normas Definitory in newly erected Provinces and Custodies to draw
transitorias ad instar Statutorum de quibus in §1 huius articuli up transitional Norms analogous to the Statutes mentioned in
condere, quae a Ministro generali, de consensu sui Definitorii §1 of this article, which, having been approved by the Minis-
approbatae, vim habent usque ad primum Capitulum provin- ter General with the consent of the Definitory, remain in force
ciale vel custodiale. until the first Provincial or Custodial Chapter.
§3 Statuta pro aliis entitatibus Ordinis non autonomis a §3 Statutes for other non-autonomous Entities of the
competenti auctoritate, servatis de iure servandis, approbentur. Order are to be approved by the competent authority, observ-
ing the requirements of law.

Art. 4 Art. 4
§1 Si opportunum videatur, Definitorium generale Statuta §1 The General Definitory, if it thinks it appropriate, may
peculiaria sive pro toto Ordine sive pro singulis regionibus issue Special Statutes either for the whole Order or for indi-
emanare potest. vidual regions.
§2 Statuta peculiaria de materia, pro qua normae speciales §2 It is the duty of the Provincial Chapter to draw up Spe-
in Provincia requiruntur, Capitulo provinciali conficere com- cial Statutes for matters about which Special Norms are re-
petit. Statuta peculiaria alicuius Conferentiae Ministrorum quired in the Province. It pertains to the Conference itself, in
provincialium ad eandem Conferentiam, iuxta propria Statuta, accordance with its own Statutes, to approve the Special
approbare pertinet. Statutes of a Conference of Ministers Provincial.

Art. 5 Art. 5
§1 Quae de dispensatione statuuntur in art. 17, §§2-3 Con- §1 All that is established in art. 17 §§2-3 of the General
stitutionum generalium, mutatis mutandis, etiam Custodibus Constitutions with regard to dispensations applies, with the
atque Praesidibus Foederationis et Fundationis applicantur. necessary adjustments, also to the Custodes and the Presidents
§2 Auctoritas quae a praescriptis Statutorum particularium of Federations and Foundations.
et peculiarium potestate dispensandi gaudet, in eisdem Statu- §2 The authority that is competent to dispense from the
tis determinetur. provisions of Particular and Special Statutes is to be deter-
mined in the same Statutes.

Art. 6 Art. 6
Si certa de re desit expressum praescriptum in Statutis Or- If on a particular matter there is not an express provision in
dinis et Provinciae, nisi agatur de exercitio potestatis regimi- the Statutes of the Order or of a Province, provided it does not
nis aut de poenis infligendis, casus dirimendus est attentis le- concern the exercise of the power of governance or the impo-
gibus et decretis generalibus latis in similibus, si adsint; aliter, sition of penalties, the question is to be resolved by taking into
ut habeatur temporaria norma substitutiva, ad Definitorium account laws and general decrees enacted in similar matters, if

20 21
generale vel provinciale recurrendum est. Eorum decisiones in any exist. Otherwise, in order to have a temporary substitute
vigore manent usque ad proximum Capitulum generale vel norm, recourse is to be made to the General or Provincial
provinciale.2 Definitory. Their decisions remain in force until the next
General or Provincial Chapter.2

2 Cf. CIC 19. 2 Cf. CIC 19.

22 23


(Cf. Rb 5,2) (Cf. Rb 5,2)

Art. 7 Art. 7
Fratres Eucharistiam, Liturgiam Horarum aliasque celebra- The Friars are to celebrate the Eucharist, the Liturgy of the
tiones in communi, et, in quantum fieri potest, cum christifi- Hours and other sacred ceremonies in common and, as far as
delibus peragant. possible, with the Christian faithful.

Art. 8 Art. 8
Capituli localis est, approbante Ministro provinciali cum It is the duty of the local Chapter, with the approval of the
consensu sui Definitorii, determinare tempus ceterasque cir- Minister Provincial with the consent of the Definitory, to es-
cumstantias eucharisticae celebrationis et orationis in com- tablish the times and other circumstances of the Eucharistic
muni, sive agatur de Liturgia Horarum et de Verbo Dei, sive celebration and of prayer in common, whether it concerns the
de aliis celebrationibus Ordinis indoli consentaneis, servatis Liturgy of the Hours and of the Word of God, or of other ce-
tamen normis a competenti auctoritate datis. lebrations in harmony with the nature of the Order, observ-
ing, however, the norms given by the competent authority.
Art. 9
§1 Annua exercitia spiritualia saltem per quinque dies pro- Art. 9
trahantur. §1 The annual retreat is to last at least five days.
§2 Tempus orationis mentalis aliarumque recollectionum §2 The time of mental prayer and other periods of recol-
necnon earundem modi in Statutis particularibus determinen- lection, as well as their modality, are to be determined in the
tur. Particular Statutes.

Art. 10 Art. 10
Curent Guardiani ut occasione recollectionis vel alio op- The Guardians are to ensure that, on the occasion of a pe-
portuno tempore Capitulum renovationis vitae habeatur, in riod of recollection or at another suitable time, a Chapter of
quo fratres disceptent de iis quae ad vitam religiosam Domus renewal of life is held, in which the Friars are to discuss what
colendam et fraternam caritatem augendam necessaria et uti- seems necessary and useful for cultivating the religious life of
lia videntur. the House and for increasing fraternal charity.

Art. 11 Art. 11
§1 Curent Ministri et Guardiani ut lectioni spirituali, prae- §1 Ministers and Guardians are to ensure that adequate
sertim ex S. Scriptura, etiam in communi congruus locus time is given to spiritual reading, especially of Holy Scripture,
detur. even in common.

24 25
§2 Oratio scriptis et exemplo S. Francisci necnon doctrinae §2 Prayer is to be inspired by the writings and example of
magistrorum franciscalium innitatur. St. Francis as well as by the teaching of the Franciscan Mas-

Art. 12 Art. 12
Modis in Statutis particularibus determinandis peculiare In determining the details in the Particular Statutes, the fol-
momentum habeant: lowing are to have special importance:
a. devotiones propriae Ordinis de mysteriis Verbi Incarnati a. devotions to the mystery of the Incarnate Word, proper
temporibus congruis ut Adventus, Quadragesima, etc.; to the Order, at appropriate times such as Advent, Lent, etc.;
b. praecipuae festivitates B. M. Virginis et devotiones Ma- b. the principal feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Mar-
riales Ordinis; ian devotions of the Order;
c. commemorationes S. Francisci, sive Transitus sive im- c. the commemorations of St. Francis, both the Transitus and
pressionis SS. Stigmatum; et festum Patroni Provinciae; the feast of the Stigmata; and the patron feast of the Province;
d. communis celebratio renovationis professionis religiosae. d. the community celebration of the renewal of religious

Art. 13 Art. 13
Loca sacra et solitaria memoriae S. Francisci et Sanctorum The holy places and places of retreat consecrated to the
consecrata, auram silentii recollectionis servent, ut maneant memory of St. Francis and the Saints are to preserve an at-
tum ipsis fratribus tum S. Francisci et Ordinis amicis, intimae mosphere of silence and recollection in order to remain
orationis refugia. Peregrinorum tamen affluxus in iisdem locis havens of intimate prayer for both the Friars themselves and
occasio sit media salutis suppeditandi et testimonium vitae the friends of St. Francis and the Order. The influx of pilgrims
franciscanae reddendi.3 to these same places, however, should be an occasion for mak-
ing the means of salvation available to people and for giving
witness to Franciscan life.3

Art. 14 Art. 14
§1 Ministri studeant ut in territorio propriae Provinciae vel §1 The Ministers are to strive earnestly to have at least one
Conferentiarum Ministrorum provincialium unum saltem hermitage or House of prayer erected in the territory of their
eremitorium vel orationis Domus erigatur. own Province or of the Conference of Ministers Provincial.
§2 Fratres ibi commorantes curent ut, sine propriae recol- §2 The Friars that reside in such places are to try to receive
lectionis detrimento, libenter coetus christifidelium excipiant, willingly, without detriment to their own recollection, groups
ad eos in orationem franciscalem initiandos. of the faithful and to initiate them into Franciscan prayer.

3 Cf. CIC 1234 §1. 3 Cf. CIC 1234 §1.

26 27
Art. 15 Art. 15
§1 Fratres qui a proprio Ministro facultatem ad confessio- §1 Friars that have received the faculty to hear other Friars’
nes fratrum audiendas habent, possunt ubique confessiones confessions from their own Minister Provincial can hear the
omnium fratrum Ordinis audire.4 confessions of all the Friars of the Order everywhere.4
§2 Fratres ubicumque fuerint cuilibet sacerdoti a proprio §2 The Friars, no matter where they may be, can confess to
Ordinario approbato confiteri valent. any priest approved by his Ordinary.

Art. 16 Art. 16
Ad normam art. 34 §§2-3 Constitutionum generalium, for- The forms of penance, adapted to the circumstances of time
mae paenitentiae, temporum et locorum adiunctis accommo- and place, are to be established in the local Chapter in accor-
datae, in Capitulo locali statuantur. dance with art. 34, §§2-3 of the General Constitutions.

Art. 17 Art. 17
Pro unoquoque fratre defuncto Statuta particularia deter- The Particular Statutes are to establish the suffrages to be
minent suffragia communiter peragenda, et a singulis sacerdo- offered in common for each deceased Friar and at least one
tibus Provinciae una saltem Missa pro eodem celebretur. Mass is to be celebrated for him by each priest of the Province.

Art. 18 Art. 18
§1 Parentes et benefactores, tam vivi quam defuncti, parti- §1 Parents and benefactors, both living and deceased, share
cipes sunt precum et suffragiorum quae in Ordinis fraternita- in the prayers and suffrages offered in the fraternities of the
tibus peraguntur. Order.
§2 Pro defunctis patre et matre fratris et pro benefactoribus §2 The suffrages for the deceased father and mother of a
suffragia peragantur iuxta Statuta particularia. Friar and for benefactors are to be offered in accordance with
the Particular Statutes.

4 Cf. CIC 968 §2, 969 §2. 4 Cf. CIC 968 §2, 969 §2.

28 29


(Rnb 22,33) (Rnb 22,33)

Art. 19 Art. 19
In fraternitatibus Ministri et Guardiani diligenter inquirant The Ministers and the Guardians are diligently to ascertain
et curent ut singulis fratribus res necessariae provideantur, pro and take care that what is necessary is provided to the Friars
locorum, temporum et personarum condicionibus, ita ut neque according to the conditions of places, times and people so that
superflua permittantur neque necessaria denegentur. superfluous things are not permitted or necessary things de-

Art. 20 Art. 20
§1 Fratres maiores aetate et fratres infirmi gaudeant de §1 The old and infirm Friars are to enjoy all the benefits of
bono vitae communis in fraternitate et de consortio ecclesiali common life in fraternity and of ecclesial and social compan-
et sociali, ita ut de sua experientia et fidelitate vitae consecra- ionship so that, from their experience and fidelity, they may
tae testimonium praebeant et servitia quibus idonei sunt prae- offer witness to the consecrated life and give the services of
stent. which they are capable.
§2 Omnes et singuli fratres specialem reverentiam et grati §2 Each and every Friar is to show particular reverence and
animi sensum fratribus senioribus exhibeant. sense of gratitude to the older Friars.
§3 Ministri et Guardiani fraternam assistentiam et subsidia §3 The Ministers and Guardians are to assure fraternal as-
adaequata cuiusvis generis fratribus infirmis procurent. sistance and suitable help of every kind to the sick Friars.

Art. 21 Art. 21
§1 Intra fines Provinciae relationes mutuae inter fratres §1 Within the Province mutual relationships are to be en-
ipsos et Domus foveantur. Relationes interprovinciales insu- couraged between the Friars themselves and the Houses. In
per promovendae sunt iuxta opportunas normas in Statutis addition, interprovincial relationships are also to be promoted
particularibus definitas. in accordance with appropriate norms established in the Par-
§2 Debita fraternitatis et caritatis officia ab omnibus fratri- ticular Statutes.
bus, praesertim a Ministris et Guardianis, exhibenda sunt fra- §2 Due services of fraternity and charity are to be shown by
tribus et Provinciis quae ob adversa rerum adiuncta in gravi all Friars, especially by the Ministers and Guardians, to the
discrimine versantur. Friars and Provinces that, through adverse circumstances, are
§3 Ministri, servatis servandis, necessitatibus personalibus in grave difficulty.
et materialibus aliarum Provinciarum pauperiorum subvenire §3 The Ministers, observing the requirements of law, are to
satagant. provide for the personal and material needs of other poorer

30 31
Art. 22 Art. 22
Ministri provinciales cum Definitorio, conscii Ordinem The Ministers Provincial with their Definitories, aware that
esse veram fraternitatem, libenter et pro viribus cooperentur the Order is a true Fraternity, are to willingly cooperate to the
ad subveniendum Ordinis inceptis et operibus necnon Domi- best of their ability in supporting the initiatives and works of
bus Ministro generali immediate subiectis, suppeditando fra- the Order, as well as the Houses immediately subject to the
tres et media materialia. Minister General, by supplying Friars and material means.

Art. 23 Art. 23
§1 Guardiani est cum Capitulo locali vel Discretorio, ap- §1 It is the duty of the Guardian, with the local Chapter or
probante Ministro provinciali, clausurae limites definire ad Discretorium, and with the approval of the Minister Provin-
normam Statutorum particularium. cial, to fix the limits of the enclosure in accordance with the
§2 Guardianus potest limites clausurae mutare vel etiam Particular Statutes.
tollere per modum actus tantum et iusta de causa. §2 The Guardian may alter the limits of the enclosure or
even remove them as an exception only and for a just reason.

Art. 24 Art. 24
In adiunctis peculiaribus fratribus uti licet aliis vestibus The Friars are permitted, in special circumstances, to wear
quam ut in art. 48 §1 Constitutionum generalium, in Statutis clothes different from what is determined in article 48 §1 of
particularibus vel a Definitorio provinciali determinatis. the General Constitutions, in the Particular Statutes or by the
Provincial Definitory.

Art. 25 Art. 25
§1 Si urgens necessitas, christiana caritas vel evidens utilitas §1 If urgent necessity, Christian charity or evident useful-
postulent ut Guardianus vel Minister provincialis quandoque ness require the Guardian or Minister Provincial to be absent
diutius absit, hae causae a respectivo Ministro superiore pro- for a prolonged period, these reasons must be approved by the
bandae sunt. Discessuri vero meminerint ita providendum respective superior Minister. Those that will be absent are to
esse, ut fratres ex tali absentia nullum damnum vel incommo- remember to make provision so that the Friars do not suffer
dum patiantur.5 any harm or inconvenience by such absence.5
§2 Guardianus vel Minister provincialis discessurus e fini- §2 A Guardian or Minister Provincial who is about to leave
bus sui territorii, quamvis ad breve tempus, eum qui eius the confines of his territory, even for a short time, is to inform
vicem de iure agere debet, moneat. the person who, by law, must take his place.

Art. 26 Art. 26
§1 Iuxta normas Statutorum particularium in unaquaque §1 Friars are to be appointed in each House and Province,
Domo et Provincia designentur fratres, qui chronicam redi- according to the norms of the Particular Statutes, to compile

5 Cf. CIC 629. 5 Cf. CIC 629.

32 33
gant et archivi curam habeant necnon alia munera necessaria the chronicle, take care of the archives and exercise other of-
pro vita fraternitatis expleant. fices necessary for the life of the fraternity.
§2 Magna cura serventur, tueantur et iuxta temporis nostri §2 Libraries, especially the more noteworthy and valuable
necessitates provideantur bibliothecae, praesertim insigniores ones, are to be preserved with great care, protected and cared
ac praestantiores. Eadem quoque valent de archivis, museis et for according to the needs of our times. The same is valid for
artis operibus. the archives, museums and works of art.

Art. 27 Art. 27
Assistentes spirituales Ordinis Franciscani Saecularis nomi- Spiritual Assistants to the Secular Franciscan Order are to
nentur, pro toto Ordine a Ministro generali; pro nationibus, si be appointed for the whole Order by the Minister General; for
casus ferat, a respectivis Ministris provincialibus; pro Provin- the individual countries, if the case requires it, by the respec-
cia a Ministro provinciali – consulto gubernio respectivae Fra- tive Ministers Provincial and for the Province by the Minister
ternitatis Ordinis Franciscani Saecularis. Provincial, having consulted the government of the respective
Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order.

Art. 28 Art. 28
§1 Assistens generalis, animat et coordinat assistentes Ordi- §1 The Assistant General animates and coordinates the As-
nis Fratrum Minorum, et assistentiam pastoralem praebet Or- sistants of the Order of Friars Minor and offers pastoral assis-
dini Franciscano Saeculari nostro Ordini colligato. tance to the Secular Franciscan Order linked to our Order.
§2 Assistens generalis auxilium praestat assistentibus gene- §2 The Assistant General is to give help to the General As-
ralibus aliarum oboedientiarum cooperantibus iuxta Statuta sistants of the other obediences, who cooperate in accordance
peculiaria. with the Special Statutes.

34 35


(Cf. 1Pt 2,11; Rb 6,2) (1Pt 2,11; Rb 6,2)

Titulus I Title I
De modo laborandi et itinerandi On the manner of working and travelling

Art. 29 Art. 29
Fratres semper in humilitate et hilaritate cordis viventes, ab The Friars, always living in humility and cheerfulness of
omni superbia et avaritia caveant, labori cotidiano strenue in- heart, are to refrain from all pride and avarice, to diligently at-
cumbant et servitia sua omnibus hominibus praestare parati tend to their daily work and to be ready to give their service to
sint. all people.

Art. 30 Art. 30
§1 Guardiani est promovere et moderari omnes labores pro §1 It pertains to the Guardian to promote and regulate all
respectiva Domo. Meminerit tamen suum esse praecipuum of- work in his respective House. He is to remember, however,
ficium fratres ad varios labores destinatos in fraternitate unire that his principal responsibility is to unite and protect the Fri-
atque custodire. ars assigned to the various tasks in the fraternity.
§2 Capitulo locali competit non tantum quaestiones de pro- §2 It is the responsibility of the local Chapter not only to
fectu laboris, evangelizationis et curae pastoralis pertractare, deal with the problems regarding the progress of work, evan-
sed etiam relationes uniuscuiusque laboris sollicite exquirere, gelisation and pastoral care, but also to seek solicitously re-
ad fraternam communionem constituendam et fovendam. ports on the work of each Friar in order to establish and fos-
ter fraternal communion.

Art. 31 Art. 31
§1 Fratribus licet eosque decet legibus subsidiorum et pro- §1 It is lawful, and even appropriate, for the Friars to sub-
visionum socialium atque pensionum sese subicere ad normas mit themselves to the laws on assistance, social security and
Statutorum particularium, salvo art. 79 §2 Constitutionum ge- pensions in accordance with the norms of the Particular
neralium. Statutes, without prejudice to art. 79 §2 of the General Con-
§2 Fratres libenter acceptent servitium assistentiae sanita- stitutions.
riae a societatibus ad hoc institutis. §2 The Friars are to willingly accept the service of the
health services from those societies instituted for this purpose.

36 37
Art. 32 Art. 32
§1 Quando pro sustentatione fraternitatis, fructus laboris et §1 When the fruits of work and other subsidies are not suf-
alia subsidia non sufficiunt, fratres secundum locorum adiuncta ficient for the support of the Fraternity, the Friars, according
et sub dependentia Ministri provincialis et Guardianorum ad to the circumstances of places and in dependence on the Min-
benefactores recurrere possunt prout res melius suaserit. ister Provincial and the Guardians, may have recourse to
§2 Ubi Ministro provinciali adhuc necessarium et opportu- benefactors, as the situation will suggest best.
num atque ad praebendum testimonium aptum visum fuerit, §2 Where it should seem necessary and appropriate to the
fratres eleemosynas ostiatim petant,6 intra tamen fines pro- Minister Provincial, as well as suitable for giving witness, the
priae Provinciae. Friars may seek alms from door to door,6 but within the con-
§3 Licentia itinerandi ad colligendas eleemosynas in terri- fines of their own Province.
torio alienae Provinciae nonnisi de consensu Ministri istius §3 Permission to travel into the territory of another Province
Provinciae concedatur. to gather alms is not to be granted except with the consent of
the Minister of that Province.

Art. 33 Art. 33
Fratribus non licet recipere legata perpetua neque perpe- It is not licit for the Friars to accept perpetual legacies, per-
tuas oblationes neque tales reditus stabiles qui eos a necessitate petual offerings or stable forms of income that would exempt
laborandi eximerent. Legata autem quae unica praestatione them from the need to work. Legacies that are satisfied
solvuntur, quaeque reditus perpetui rationem non habent, through a single act and do not have a character of perpetual
licet recipere, iuxta normas Statutorum particularium. income may be accepted, in accordance with the norms of the
Particular Statutes.

Art. 34 Art. 34
Fratres abstineant a petendis licentiis itinerandi quas Mini- The Friars are to refrain from seeking travel permissions
stri et Guardiani convenienter concedere non possunt. Licen- that the Ministers and Guardians cannot reasonably grant.
tiae itinerandi ne concedantur nisi iter peragatur rationibus Permission to travel is not to be granted unless the journey is
quae cum paupertate componuntur. undertaken for reasons compatible with poverty.

Art. 35 Art. 35
Fratres itinerantes ad nostras Domos accedere debent et Friars on a journey must go to our Houses and are to be al-
semper benigne hospitio recipiantur. ways received with courteous hospitality.

Art. 36 Art. 36
§1 Pro toto Ordine, Minister generalis omnibus fratribus §1 The Minister General can grant permission to travel to
itinerandi licentiam concedere valet. all Friars of the entire Order.

6 Cf. Test 22. 6 Cf. Test 22.

38 39
§2 Ministri provinciales facultatem habent concedendi fra- §2 Ministers Provincial have the faculty to grant permission
tribus suis licentiam itinerandi iuxta Statuta particularia. Ut to travel to their own Friars in accordance with the Particular
autem licentiam itinerandi extra hos limites concedant, con- Statutes. In order to grant permission to travel beyond these
sensu sui Definitorii indigent. limits, however, they need the consent of their Definitory.
§3 Si commoratio alicuius fratris in aliena Provincia ultra §3 If a Friar’s sojourn in another Province goes beyond
tres menses protrahatur, Minister provincialis Ministrum illius three months, his Minister Provincial is to inform the Minis-
Provinciae certiorem reddat. Et si frater in aliqua Domo illius ter Provincial of that Province. And if a Friar is to remain in
Provinciae commoretur, ipse Minister praevium beneplacitum any House of that Province, his own Minister is to obtain
a Ministro competenti obtineat. prior approval of the competent Minister.
§4 Competentia Guardiani quoad itinera in Statutis parti- §4 The competence of the Guardian with regard to travel
cularibus definiatur. are to be determined by the Particular Statutes.

Art. 37 Art. 37
Ministri et Guardiani, quoties licentiam itinerandi in scri- The Ministers and Guardians, each time they grant travel
ptis dant, in ipsis litteris oboedientialibus tempus et loca itine- permission in writing, are to specify the time and places of the
ris praefiniant. journey in the letters of obedience.

Art. 38 Art. 38
Feriae, fratribus opportuno tempore iuxta Statuta particularia Vacations, which are to be granted to the Friars at an ap-
concedendae, ita ordinentur ut provideatur officiis fraternitatis, propriate time in accordance with the Particular Statutes, are
et simul respondeant finibus et spiritui nostrae paupertatis. to be arranged in such a way that the duties of the fraternity
are provided for and, at the same time, that they respond to
the purposes and spirit of our poverty.

Titulus II Title II
De munere Officii generalis Iustitiae, On the tasks of the Office of Justice,
Pacis et Integritatis Creati ordinando Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)

Art. 39 Art. 39
Munus praecipuum Officii generalis IPIC, sub dependentia The main task of the General Office for Justice, Peace and In-
Ministri generalis, est: tegrity of Creation, in dependence on the Minister General, is:
§1 adlaborando una cum Secretariatu pro Formatione et §1 To ensure that JPIC becomes part of the life and service
Studiis, necnon cum Secretariatu pro Evangelizatione, coope- of the Order by collaborating with the Secretariat for Forma-
rantibus animatoribus et commissionibus IPIC cuiusvis gra- tion and Studies as well as with the Secretariat for Evangelisa-
dus, curam habere ut IPIC pars vitae et servitii Ordinis evadat. tion, in cooperation with the JPIC Animators and Commis-
§2 Fratres circa quaestiones IPIC attinentes educare. sions of all levels.
§2 To educate the Friars on matters regarding JPIC.

40 41
Art. 40 Art. 40
§1 Officium generale Iustitiae, Pacis et Integritatis Creati §1 The General Office of JPIC is to be helped by the In-
adiuvetur a Consilio Internationali Iustitiae, Pacis et Integri- ternational Council for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Cre-
tatis Creati constituto iuxta normas Statutorum peculiarium, a ation, constituted in accordance with the norms of the Special
Definitorio Generali approbatorum. Statutes approved by the Definitory General.
§2 Quaeque Conferentia et Provincia conficiat Statuta, qui- §2 Each Conference and Province is to draw up Statutes in
bus provideatur integrationi IPIC in vita et servitio Ordinis, which the integration of JPIC into the life and service of the
tum formatione initiali cum permanenti perdurantibus, et etiam Order is provided for during both initial and ongoing forma-
pro iis qui peculiari modo IPIC addicti sunt. tion as well as for those that are, in a specific way, engaged in

Art. 41 Art. 41
§1 In unaquaque Conferentia instituatur Commissio pro §1 A Commission for JPIC, composed of members from
IPIC, constituta ex membris uniuscuiusque entitatis Confe- each Entity of the Conference, is to be instituted in each Con-
rentiae. Munus et officium Commissionis, atque normae ele- ference. The task and function of the Commission, as well as
ctionis sui Praesidis determinantur aptis cum Statutis, quae the norms for the election of its President, are to be estab-
approbatione Conferentiae indigent. lished by appropriate Statutes, which require the approval of
§2 Dictae commissiones, in omnibus quae IPIC respiciunt, the Conference.
aequam cooperationem praestare tenentur cum Familia fran- §2 The said Commissions, in all that regards JPIC, must
ciscana “Franciscans International”, Commissionibus dioece- cooperate in a suitable way with the Franciscan Family, with
sanis et Institutorum religiosorum, necnon organizationibus “Franciscans International”, with the Commissions of the
Societatis civilis quae bona existimatione gaudent. Dioceses and Religious Institutes as well as with the organisa-
tions of civil Society that enjoy a good reputation.

Art. 42 Art. 42
§1 Unaquaeque Provincia et aliae Entitates Ordinis anima- §1 Each Province and the other Entities of the Order are to
torem IPIC habeant. have an Animator of JPIC.
§2 Ubi possibile est nominetur consilium seu commissio §2 Wherever it is possible, a Council or Commission is to
quae Ministro Provinciali et animatori IPIC auxilium praestet be appointed, which is to help the Minister Provincial and the
ad promovendam formationem et laborem IPIC intra fines JPIC Animator in promoting the formation and work of JPIC
Provinciae. within the confines of the Province.
§3 Munera animatoris IPIC, qui semper agit sub depen- §3 The tasks of the Animator of JPIC, who always operates
dentia Ministri provincialis vel Custodis definiantur in Statu- in dependence on the Minister Provincial or Custos, are to be
tis peculiaribus. Ipse favebit integrationi IPIC, eamque ordi- defined in Special Statutes. He will promote and coordinate
nabit intra vitam et officia Provinciae vel Custodiae; in primis the integration of JPIC into the life and services of the
autem incepta IPIC cuiuscumque gradus substinebit. Province or Custody; and, above all, he will support JPIC un-
dertakings on all levels.

42 43

(Cf. EpO 9) (Cf. LtO 9)

Titulus I Title 1
Normae generales de evangelizatione The General Norms of Evangelisation

Art. 43 Art. 43
§1 Congruenter cum art. 84 Constitutionum generalium §1 The Friars, in accordance with art. 84 of the Constitu-
fratres sese dedicent muneri evangelizationis, ubicumque in- tions, are to dedicate themselves to the task of evangelisation
veniantur et quodcumque opus exerceant, ita ut adventum wherever they may be and whatever work they may be doing
Regni Dei simplici franciscana praesentia, testimonio vitae, so that they may announce the coming of the Kingdom of
verbis et operibus annuntient. God through simple Franciscan presence, witness of life,
§2 Capitulis tum generalibus tum provincialibus competit words and deeds.
ministerium evangelizationis fratrum examinare et perpen- §2 It is the duty of the Chapters, both General and Provin-
dere, instructiones, idoneas vias et media ad evangelizationem cial, to examine and evaluate the ministry of evangelisation of
franciscanam fovendam proponere.7 the Friars and to propose instructions and suitable ways and
means for promoting Franciscan evangelisation.7
Art. 44
§1 Ministro generali cum suo Definitorio competit Ordinis Art. 44
evangelizationem animare, de ea curam gerere et discernere, §1 It is the duty of the Minister General with his Definitory
evangelizationem missionariam regere et pro ea invigilare.8 to animate, take care of and discern the evangelisation of the
§2 In hoc munere exercendo Minister generalis utitur Se- Order, to direct missionary evangelisation and to supervise it.8
cretariatu generali pro Evangelizatione. §2 In exercising this duty, the Minister General uses the
§3 Ad officium Secretarii generalis pro Evangelizatione General Secretariat for Evangelisation.
pertinet Ministrum generalem, consilio et opere, adiuvare in §3 It pertains to the office of the Secretary General for
omnibus quae evangelizationem respiciunt. Evangelisation to help the Minister General, through advice
and action, in all that regards evangelisation.
Art. 45 Art. 45
Officium est Secretariatus generalis pro Evangelizatione, It is the duty of the General Secretariat for Evangelisation,
sub dependentia Ministri generalis: in dependence on the Minister General:

7 Cf. CCGG 112 §1. 7 Cf. GGCC 112 §1.

8 Cf. CCGG 119 §1. 8 Cf. GGCC 119 §1.

44 45
1. testimonium praesentiae franciscanae sustinere et opera 1. to support the testimony of Franciscan presence and to
evangelizationis animare; animate activities of evangelisation;
2. curam habere et aptis mediis et inceptis evangelizationem 2. to care for and promote, through suitable means and ini-
in Ordine promovere; tiatives, evangelisation in the Order;
3. opera missionalia Ordinis et Provinciarum coordinare et 3. to coordinate and accompany the missionary activities of
sequi; the Order and Provinces;
4. omnia incepta evangelizationis, sub luce charismatis fran- 4. to discern, in the light of the Franciscan charism and of
ciscanae et exigentiarum huius temporis, discernere; the demands of our times, all initiatives of evangelisation;
5. cooperationem inter Provincias et inter Conferentias Mi- 5. to promote an ever-greater collaboration between the
nistrorum provincialium magis magisque promovere. Provinces and between the Conferences of Ministers Provincial.

Art. 46 Art. 46
§1 Secretariatus generalis pro Evangelizatione ex duabus §1 The General Secretariat for Evangelisation is composed
sectionibus constituitur: altera pro evangelizatione et altera of two sections: one for evangelisation and the other for mis-
pro Evangelizatione missionali. sionary evangelisation.
§2 Secretariatus generalis pro Evangelizatione regitur Sta- §2 The General Secretariat for Evangelisation is regulated
tutis peculiaribus a Ministro generali de consensu Definitorii by Special Statutes approved by the Minister General with the
approbatis. consent of his Definitory.

Art. 47 Art. 47
§1 Secretariatui generali pro Evangelizatione auxilium §1 The International Council for Evangelisation, com-
praestat Consilium Internationale pro Evangelizatione, ex posed of delegates from all the Conferences of Ministers
Delegatis omnium Conferentiarum Ministrorum provincia- Provincial and of other Friars, in accordance with the Special
lium et ex aliis fratribus, ad normam Statutorum peculiarium, Statutes, helps the General Secretariat for Evangelisation.
compositum. §2 Each Conference of Ministers Provincial elects a Dele-
§2 Quaeque Conferentia Ministrorum provincialium Dele- gate in accordance with the norms of the Conference itself
gatum eligat iuxta normas propriae Conferentiae et Statuto- and of the Special Statutes of the International Council for
rum peculiarium Consilii Internationalis pro Evangelizatione. Evangelisation.

Art. 48 Art. 48
§1 Ad Ministrum provincialem cum suo Definitorio perti- §1 It pertains to the Minister Provincial with his Definitory
net actuositatem evangelizationis, ad normam iuris Ordinis, in to direct the activity of evangelisation within the Province, in
Provincia moderari, ratione habita decisionum et instructio- accordance with the legislation of the Order, bearing in mind
num Capituli generalis et Capituli provincialis. the decisions and instructions of the General and Provincial
§2 Quaeque Provincia suum Secretariatum pro Evangeliza- Chapters.
tione habeat cui respectivus Secretarius praesidet. Secretaria- §2 Each Province is to have its own Secretariat for Evangeli-
tus componitur Moderatore pro Evangelizatione missionali, sation, over which the respective Secretary presides. The Secre-

46 47
Coordinatore pro evangelizatione et aliis fratribus, ad nor- tariat is composed of the Secretary, the Moderator of Mission-
mam Statutorum particularium et peculiarium. ary Evangelisation, the Coordinator of Evangelisation and other
Friars, in accordance with the Particular and Special Statutes.

Art. 49 Art. 49
§1 Officium Secretarii provincialis pro Evangelizatione est §1 It is the duty of the Provincial Secretary for Evangelisation
promovere et coordinare, sub dependentia Ministri provincia- to promote and coordinate, in dependence on the Minister
lis, universam evangelizationem in Provincia. Munus eius Provincial, all evangelisation in the Province. His task is to be
pressius determinetur in Statutis particularibus et peculiari- more precisely determined in the Particular and Special Statutes.
bus. §2 The duty of the Moderator of Missionary Evangelisa-
§2 Officium Moderatoris pro Evangelizatione missionali, tion, in addition to what is established in the Particular and
praeter ea quae in Statutis particularibus vel peculiaribus prae- Special Statutes, is to animate and promote the spirit and the
scribuntur, est: spiritum et incepta actionis missionalis intra initiatives of missionary activity within the confines of the
Provinciae fines excitare et promovere, communicationem Province, to support communications of the Province with the
Provinciae cum fratribus in missionibus sustinere et eleemosy- Friars in the missions and to collect alms that, in dependence
nas colligere, quae, sub dependentia Ministri provincialis, in on the Minister Provincial, are to be spent for the benefit of
bonum operum missionalium expendantur. missionary works.
§3 Coordinatoris pro Evangelizatione est, ad normam Sta- §3 It pertains to the Coordinator of Evangelisation to coor-
tutorum particularium et peculiarium, universam activitatem dinate, in accordance with the Particular and Special Statutes,
quae varios modos evangelizationis respicit, coordinare. all activity that belongs to the different forms of evangelisation.
§4 Secretarius provincialis pro Evangelizatione eligitur in §4 The Provincial Secretary for Evangelisation is elected
Congressu capitulari; extra Capitulum vero a Definitorio pro- during the Capitular Congressus or, outside Chapter, by the
vinciali. Si necessarium sit, Secretarius provincialis pro Evange- Provincial Definitory. If it is necessary, the Provincial Secre-
lizatione eodem tempore assumere potest etiam officium Mo- tary for Evangelisation can assume the office of Moderator of
deratoris pro evangelizatione missionali, aut officium Coor- Missionary Evangelisation or the office of Coordinator of
dinatoris pro Evangelizatione. Evangelisation at the same time.
§5 Moderator pro Evangelizatione missionali et Coordina- §5 The Moderator of Missionary Evangelisation and the
tor pro Evangelizatione eliguntur in Congressu capitulari, Coordinator of Evangelisation are elected during the Capitu-
extra Capitulum vero a Definitorio provinciali. lar Congressus or, outside Chapter, by the Provincial Defini-

Art. 50 Art. 50
§1 Pro singulis Conferentiae Ministrorum provincialium §1 An Interprovincial Secretariat for Evangelisation is to be
instituatur, si fieri potest, Secretariatus interprovincialis pro instituted, if possible, for each Conference of Ministers
evangelizatione. Huius Secretariatus munus praecipuum est Provincial. The main task of this Secretariat is to animate and
cooperationem, formationem et mutuas experientias in area promote cooperation, formation and exchange of experiences
evangelizationis excitare et fovere, et relationes inter diversos in the area of evangelisation and to set up relationships be-

48 49
Secretariatus provinciales, et inter illos ac Secretariatum gene- tween the different Provincial Secretariats and between these
ralem pro evangelizatione constituere. and the General Secretariat for Evangelisation.
§2 In singulis Conferentiis Ministrorum provincialium in- §2 In each Conference of Ministers Provincial there is to be
stituatur, si opportunum videtur, etiam Consilium interpro- instituted, if it seems appropriate, an Interprovincial Council
vinciale pro evangelizatione missionali, compositum ex De- for Missionary Evangelisation, composed of the Delegate for
legato pro evangelizatione et ex moderatoribus pro evangeli- Evangelisation and by the Moderators of Missionary Evange-
zatione missionali, ad promovendum spiritum et actuosita- lisation, to promote the missionary spirit and activity within
tem missionalem intra Conferentiae Ministrorum provincia- the Conference of Ministers Provincial and participation in
lium fines, participationem in inceptis missionalibus Ordinis; the missionary initiatives of the Order; to animate inter-
ad excitandam cooperationem interprovincialem in area provincial cooperation in the area of Missionary Evangelisa-
evangelizationis missionalis et, iuxta normas Statutorum pe- tion and, in accordance with the Special Statutes of the Gen-
culiarium Secretariatus generalis pro evangelizatione, ad eral Secretariat for Evangelisation, to set up relationships with
constituendas relationes cum Secretariatu generali pro Evan- the General Secretariat for Evangelisation.
gelizatione. §3 The Interprovincial Secretariat for Evangelisation and
§3 Secretariatus interprovincialis pro evangelizatione et the Interprovincial Council for Missionary Evangelisation are
Consilium interprovinciale pro evangelizatione missionali re- regulated by their own Statutes, in accordance with the norms
guntur propriis Statutis, iuxta normas Statutorum respectivae of the Statutes of the respective Conference of Ministers
Conferentiae Ministrorum provincialium et Statutorum pecu- Provincial and of the Special Statutes of the General Secre-
liarium Secretariatus generalis pro evangelizatione. tariat for Evangelisation.

Titulus II Title II
De munere evangelizationis ordinando On the task of organising evangelisation

Art. 51 Art. 51
§1 Ad normam art. 112 §1 Constitutionum generalium, et §1 It is the responsibility of the Provincial Chapter, in ac-
habita ratione decisionum Capituli generalis, vel Ministri ge- cordance with the norm of art. 112 §1 of the General Consti-
neralis cum suo Definitorio, propensionis uniuscuiusque fra- tutions and taking into account the decisions of the General
tris, Capitulo provinciali competit decernere de operibus Chapter or of the Minister General with his Definitory and
evangelizationis; in paroeciali ministerio pastorali, in praedi- the inclination of each Friar, to decide about works of evange-
catione exsequenda, in scholis, in assistentia sociali, in profes- lisation: in the pastoral ministry of parishes, in carrying out
sionali labore, et in aliis actuositatibus sive traditione probatis preaching, in schools, in social assistance, in professional work
sive etiam novis exigentiis respondentibus. and in other activities either approved by tradition or re-
§2 In deliberationibus de quibus in §1, ratio habenda est sponding to new demands.
operum quae Provincia in cooperatione cum Ecclesia particu- §2 In making decisions, mentioned in §1, account must be
lari et aliis Provinciis melius perficere potest, et quae totius taken of the works that the Province can carry out better in
Ordinis utilitati magis inserviunt. cooperation with the particular Church and other Provinces
and which serve the greater usefulness of the whole Order.

50 51
Art. 52 Art. 52
§1 Provinciae itemque Conferentiae Ministrorum provin- §1 The Provinces, as well as the Conferences of Ministers
cialium opportunas normas pro actuositate evangelizationis Provincial, are to have appropriate norms for regulating activ-
regenda habeant. Quae autem normae lineamentis Ordinis et ities of evangelisation. These norms, however, must be ac-
decretis a Conferentiis Episcopalibus latis accommodentur commodated to the orientations of the Order and to the de-
oportet. crees issued by the Episcopal Conferences.
§2 Ministri provinciales, prae oculis habentes etiam exigen- §2 The Ministers Provincial, keeping in mind also the re-
tias suarum Conferentiarum et totius Ordinis, agnoscant atque quirements of their own Conferences and of the entire Order,
definiant munera et servitia pro quibus peritorum formatio re- are also to identify and define the tasks and services for which
quiritur, et maximam habeant curam ut eorundem formationi the training of specialists is required and to have the greatest
provideatur. care in making provision for their training.

Art. 53 Art. 53
Acceptatio paroeciarum vel aliorum operum, quae ab Epi- The acceptance of parishes, or of other works that are en-
scopo dioecesano Provinciae committuntur,9 competit Mini- trusted to the Province by the Diocesan Bishop9, pertains to
stro provinciali de consensu sui Definitorii. Minister provin- the Minister Provincial with the consent of his Definitory. The
cialis cum Episcopo hac de re conventionem scriptam inire Minister Provincial must draw up a written agreement about
debet ad normam can. 681 §2. the matter with the Bishop, in accordance with can. 681 §2.

Art. 54 Art. 54
§1 In acceptandis paroeciis, de quibus Minister generalis §1 In accepting parishes, of which the Minister General
certior reddatur, Minister provincialis praeferat eas in quibus must be informed, the Minister Provincial is to have prefer-
testimonium minoritatis et fraternitatis melius eluceat. ence for those in which witness to minority and fraternity can
§2 Si paroecia erigitur in ecclesia Ordinis, in conventione better shine forth.
accurate definiantur relationes inter fraternitatem et paroe- §2 If a parish is erected in a church of the Order, the rela-
ciam, praesertim quoad usum ecclesiae.10 tionships between the fraternity and the parish, especially re-
garding the use of the church,10 are to be carefully defined in
the agreement.

Art. 55 Art. 55
§1 Ministri provincialis est fratres, de quorum idoneitate §1 It pertains to the Minister Provincial to admit or present
sufficienter constet, admittere vel praesentare Episcopo, ad to the Bishop for the exercise of pastoral offices those Friars
munera pastoralia exercenda.11 whose suitability has been sufficiently established.11

19 Cf. CIC 520 §1. 19 Cf. CIC 520 §1.

10 Cf. CIC 520 §2. 10 Cf. CIC 520 §2.
11 Cf. CIC 682 §1. 11 Cf. CIC 682 §1.

52 53
§2 Fratres, qui ratione conventionis quibusdam muneribus §2 The Friars who, by reason of an agreement, are engaged
adstringuntur, qua religiosi subiciuntur visitationi et corre- in any office, in so far as they are religious, are subject to the
ctioni Ministri provincialis necnon vigilantiae Guardiani; in visitation and correction of the Minister Provincial and to the
his autem quae ad ipsum servitium pertinent, auctoritati subi- supervision of the Guardian. In all things relating to their
ciuntur eorum quibus inserviunt.12 service, however, they are subject to the authority of those for
§3 Qui in dioecesibus quodcumque ministerium pastorale whom they give the service.12
exercent, iurisdictioni Ordinariorum locorum subiciuntur, §3 Those exercising any pastoral ministry in Dioceses are
ad normam iuris, in iis quae ad munus pastorale fideliter subject to the jurisdiction of the local Ordinaries, in accor-
exercendum et ad curam animarum rite ordinandam respi- dance with the norm of law, in all that concerns the faithful ex-
ciunt.13 ercise of the pastoral office and the proper ordering of the care
of souls.13

Art. 56 Art. 56
§1 Nitantur Ministri, Guardiani et fratres ministerio pasto- §1 The Ministers, Guardians and Friars engaged in pastoral
rali addicti, ut opportune cooperentur cum Institutis dioecesa- ministry are to commit themselves so that they may appropri-
nis et regionalibus in iis quae ad rationem et methodum evan- ately cooperate with diocesan and regional Institutions in all
gelizationis attinent. that pertains to the organisation and methods of evangelisa-
§2 Fraternitates eiusdem dioecesis vel regionis mutuas rela- tion.
tiones et arctiorem cooperationem foveant inter se necnon §2 Fraternities of the same diocese or region are to encour-
cum sodalibus Institutorum vitae consecratae, qui in eodem age mutual relationships and closer cooperation between them
territorio commorantur et laborant. as well as with members of Institutes of Consecrated Life who
reside and work in the same territory.

Art. 57 Art. 57
Apostolatus educationis iuventutis, etiam in scholis, oppor- The apostolate of youth education, even in schools, is to be
tune promoveatur, ita ut laici rite efformentur ad servitium suitably promoted so that the laity may be properly formed for
Ecclesiae et societatis humanae, necnon vocationes ecclesiasti- the service of the Church and human society and so that ec-
cae et religiosae foveantur. clesiastical and religious vocations may be encouraged.

Art. 58 Art. 58
Congruenter cum art. 97 Constitutionum generalium in The Minister and Friars in each Province, in accordance
unaquaque Provincia Minister et fratres sollicitam curam ha- with article 97 of the General Constitutions, are to have spe-
beant erga nostri temporis a vita sociali exclusos. cial concern for those excluded from social life in our time.

12 Cf. CIC 678 §2. 12 Cf. CIC 678 §2.

13 Cf. CIC 678 §1. 13 Cf. CIC 678 §1.

54 55
Titulus III Title III
De evangelizatione missionali ordinanda On organising Missionary Evangelisation

Art. 59 Art. 59
§1 Minister generalis, de consensu sui Definitorii, incepta §1 The Minister General, with the consent of his Definitory,
missionalia singulis Provinciis vel coetibus Provinciarum assi- can assign missionary undertakings to individual Provinces or
gnare potest, consultis Ministris et Definitoriis provincialibus groups of Provinces, having consulted the Ministers and
quorum interest. Idem Minister eadem incepta nomine totius Provincial Definitories concerned. The same Minister can ac-
Ordinis acceptare potest, ea distribuendo coetibus fratrum ex cept such missionary undertakings in the name of the entire
variis Provinciis provenientibus, auditis respectivis Ministris Order and assign them to groups of Friars coming from vari-
provincialibus. ous Provinces, having consulted the respective Ministers.
§2 Evangelizatio missionalis totius Ordinis ordinanda est §2 The Missionary Evangelisation of the whole Order is
per Statuta peculiaria, quae a Ministro generali, cum Defini- regulated by Special Statutes that are approved by the Minis-
torii consensu, approbantur. ter General with the consent of his Definitory.

Art. 60 Art. 60
§1 Ad Capitulum provinciale et, si casus urget, extra Capi- §1 It pertains to the Provincial Chapter and, if the matter is
tulum, ad Definitorium Provinciae spectat inceptum missio- urgent, to the Provincial Definitory outside Chapter, to re-
nale in regionibus ubi Provincia Ordinis adhuc non sit consti- quest and accept from the Minister General a missionary un-
tuta a Ministro generali petere et acceptare aut, expositis gra- dertaking in a territory where a Province of the Order has not
vibus rationibus, dimittere; quae tamen resignatio Ministri ge- yet been established or, having shown grave reasons, to with-
neralis approbatione indiget. draw from one; this renunciation, however, requires the ap-
§2 Ministro provinciali competit, praehabito consensu sui proval of the Minister General.
Definitorii, aliquam actuositatem specialem suscipere in re- §2 It is the duty of the Minister Provincial, with the prior
gione, ubi Provincia opus missionale habet. consent of his Definitory, to accept any special activity in a re-
§3 Provinciae est incepta missionalia sibi concredita suffi- gion where the Province has missionary work.
cientibus et idoneis fratribus necnon subsidiis instruere. §3 The Province has the duty to provide sufficient and suit-
able Friars and aid to the missionary undertakings assigned to it.

Art. 61 Art. 61
§1 Provinciae, quae fratres evangelizationis missionalis causa §1 The Provinces that have their own Friars incorporated
incorporatos in aliena Provincia habent, curent ut bonum illius into another Province because of missionary evangelisation are
Provinciae continuo foveatur. to ensure that the good of that Province is continually promoted.
§2 Entitates evangelizationis missionalis, quae sese susten- §2 Entities of Missionary Evangelisation that still cannot
tare adaequate adhuc non possunt, omnimode adiuvandae sunt suitably maintain themselves are to be helped in every way by
a Secretariatu generali pro Evangelizatione missionali, de the General Secretariat for Missionary Evangelisation, under
mandato Ministri generalis cum suo Definitorio, ad normam the mandate of the Minister General with his Definitory, in
Statutorum peculiarium. accordance with the Special Statutes.

56 57
Art. 62 Art. 62
Spiritus missionarius excitetur in tota Provincia omnibu- The missionary spirit is to be animated in the whole
sque fraternitatibus, praesertim in Domibus formationis, et Province and in every Fraternity, especially in the Houses of
etiam inter sodales totius Familiae franciscanae, necnon inter formation and even among the members of the whole Fran-
alios christifideles. ciscan Family as well as among other Christian faithful.

Art. 63 Art. 63
§1 Spiritus missionalis cooperationis, participationis et com- §1 The spirit of missionary cooperation, participation and
munionis per Unionem Missionalem Franciscanam in unaqua- communion is to be promoted in each Province through the
que Provincia foveatur. Franciscan Missionary Union.
§2 Moderator provincialis pro evangelizatione missionali §2 The Provincial Moderator for Missionary Evangelisa-
est etiam promotor Unionis Missionalis Franciscanae, nisi in tion is also the Promoter of the Franciscan Missionary Union,
Statutis particularibus aliter provisum fuerit. unless it is otherwise provided for in the Particular Statutes.

Art. 64 Art. 64
§1 Ministri, de consensu Definitorii, ad normam iuris acci- §1 The Ministers, with the consent of their Definitories,
pere et mittere possunt christifideles laicos, qui libere se prae- can, in accordance with the law, accept and send those lay
stent operi evangelizationis missionalis.14 faithful who freely offer themselves for the work of missionary
§2 Iura et obligationes christifidelium laicorum in opere evangelisation.14
evangelizationis missionalis admissorum statuendae sunt con- §2 The rights and obligations of the lay faithful in the work
tractu etiam in foro civili valido, si possibile est. of missionary evangelisation work must be defined in a con-
tract that is also valid, if possible, in the civil forum.

Art. 65 Art. 65
Minister provincialis, audito consilio sui Definitorii, beni- The Minister Provincial, having heard the advice of his
gne accedat postulationi fratris idonei15 qui exprimit deside- Definitory, is to kindly accept the proposal of a suitable Friar15
rium laborandi in aliquo Ordinis opere evangelizationis mis- who manifests the desire to work in any work of missionary
sionalis. evangelisation of the Order.

Art. 66 Art. 66
§1 Si Provincia inceptum missionale proprium non habet, §1 If the Province does not have its own missionary under-
Minister provincialis, ope Secretariatus generalis pro evange- taking, the Minister Provincial, through the General Secre-

14 Cf. CIC 784, 785. 14 Cf. CIC 784, 785.

15 Cf. Rb 12, 2. 15 Cf. Rb 12, 2.

58 59
lizatione, procuret fratribus possibilitatem sese includendi in tariat for Evangelisation, is to procure for the Friars the pos-
inceptis missionalibus Ordinis vel alienae Provinciae. sibility of joining the missionary undertakings of the Order or
§2 In hoc casu Ministro provinciali competit conventionem of another Province.
inire, in qua tempus operis praestandi, iura et obligationes fra- §2 In this case, it is the responsibility of the Minister Provin-
tris, de quo agitur, designentur. cial to draw up an agreement in which the length of time for
giving the service and rights and obligations of the Friar con-
cerned are to be outlined.

Art. 67 Art. 67
Ministri provinciales oboedientiam Ministri generalis pe- The Ministers Provincial are to ask the Minister General,
tant per Secretariatum generalem pro evangelizatione pro fra- through the General Secretariat for Evangelisation, for an
tribus suis qui ad missiones extra suam Provinciam ire velint, obedience for the Friars who wish to go on the missions out-
eundemque Secretariatum certiorem faciant de eorum defini- side their own Province and they are to inform the same Sec-
tivo reditu in Provinciam. retariat of their definitive re-entry into the Province.

Art. 68 Art. 68
§1 Eleemosynae intra fines Provinciae vel Conferentiae §1 The alms collected within a Province or Conference of
Ministrorum provincialium in bonum operum missionalium Ministers Provincial for the benefit of missionary work are to
collectae, pro inceptis missionalibus expendantur sub depen- be spent, in dependence on the respective Ministers Provin-
dentia respectivorum Ministrorum provincialium, iuxta nor- cial, on missionary undertakings, in accordance with the Par-
mas Statutorum particularium et peculiarium, salva obliga- ticular and Special Statutes, except for the obligation to for-
tione transmittendi Secretariatui generali pro Evangelizatione ward the amount established by the General Chapter to the
summam a Capitulo generali determinatam. General Secretariat for Evangelisation.
§2 Eleemosynae collectae in Provincia, quae non habet in- §2 Alms collected within a Province that does not have its
cepta missionalia propria, in subsidium actionis missionalis ad own missionary undertaking are to be sent to the General Sec-
Secretariatum generalem pro evangelizatione missionali tran- retariat for Missionary Evangelisation for the assistance of its
smittantur. missionary activity.

Titulus IV Title IV
De Custodia et Commissariatibus The Custody and the Commissariats
Terrae Sanctae of the Holy Land

Art. 69 Art. 69
Unaquaeque Provincia aliquem idoneum fratrem in Terrae Each Province is to try to have a suitable Friar always in the
Sanctae Custodia semper habere studeat, ad servitium per Custody of the Holy Land to give his services for at least four
quattuor saltem annos praestandum, salvo iure Ministri gene- years, without prejudice to the right of the Minister General

60 61
ralis eo mittendi fratres cuiuslibet Provinciae, auditis tamen to send Friars from any Province, having consulted, however,
Ministro provinciali et Custode Terrae Sanctae. the Minister Provincial and the Custos of the Holy Land.

Art. 70 Art. 70
§1 In unaquaque Provincia vel saltem in unaquaque regione §1 The Minister General, with the advice of his Definitory
aut natione, attentis particularibus rerum adiunctis, Minister and having consulted the Custos of the Holy Land and the
generalis, de consilio sui Definitorii, auditis Terrae Sanctae Ministers Provincial concerned, is to ensure the establishment
Custode et Ministris provincialibus quorum interest, Com- of a Commissariat of the Holy Land, presided over by a Com-
missariatum Terrae Sanctae erigendum curet, cui Commissa- missary, in each Province or at least in each region or nation,
rius praeficiatur. having taken the particular circumstances into consideration.
§2 Commissariorum Terrae Sanctae est in sua dicione loco- §2 It pertains to the Commissaries of the Holy Land to pro-
rum sanctorum cognitionem, studium et devotionem pro- mote, within their territory, the knowledge of, interest in and
vehere, necnon peregrinationes ad ea instituere. Ipsorum quo- devotion to the Holy Places and also to organise pilgrimages
que est subsidia in sua dicione ad normam iuris particularis to them. It also pertains to them to solicit financial assistance
sollicitare ad fovendam actuositatem apostolicam pro operibus in their own territory, in accordance with particular law, to en-
Terrae Sanctae promovendis. courage apostolic activity for the promotion of the works of
§3 Munus Commissariorum Terrae Sanctae, necnon regi- the Holy Land.
men Commissariatuum, ad normam Constitutionum genera- §3 The office of Commissaries of the Holy Land and the
lium et Statutorum ordinantur. management of the Commissariats are regulated in accor-
dance with the General Constitutions and Statutes.

Art. 71 Art. 71
Commissariatus Terrae Sanctae sunt duplicis speciei, prout The Commissariats of the Holy Land are of two kinds, in
erecti sunt: accordance with how they were erected:
1. In Domo directe a Custodia Terrae Sanctae dependente 1. In a House directly dependent on the Custody of the
vel ab eadem in territorio alicuius Provinciae erecta. Holy Land or erected by it in the territory of another Prov-
2. In parte Domus alicuius Provinciae: in hoc casu Com- ince.
missariatus subiciuntur visitationi Ministri provincialis Domus 2. In a part of a House belonging to another Province: In
in qua sedem habent, et Capitulo provinciali relationem trien- this case the Commissariats are subject to the visitation of the
nalem praesentare debent. Minister Provincial of the House in which they have their
headquarters and they must present a three-year report to the
Provincial Chapter.

Art. 72 Art. 72
Terrae Sanctae Commissarii, et, si utilitas suggerat, etiam The Commissaries of the Holy Land and, if it seems useful,
Vice-Commissarii, ad triennium eliguntur in Congressu capi- also the Vice-Commissaries, are elected for three years during
tulari Custodiae si agitur de Commissariatibus primae speciei, the Capitular Congressus of the Custody if it is a question of

62 63
in Congressu capitulari vero Provinciae si agitur de Commis- Commissaries of the first kind and in the Capitular Congres-
sariatibus alterius speciei. sus of the Province if it is a question of Commissaries of the
second kind.

Art. 73 Art. 73
Commissarii et fratres Commissariatui addicti actuositatem The Commissaries and the Friars assigned to a Commis-
ne exerceant extra fines regionis sibi adsignatae, nonnisi de li- sariat are not to function outside the confines of the region as-
centia competentium Ministrorum ad normam Statutorum. signed to them, except with the permission of the competent
Ministers in accordance with the Statutes.

64 65


(Rb 10,8) (Rb 10, 8)

Titulus I Title I
Normae generales de institutione General Norms on Education

Art. 74 Art. 74
§1 Ad normam art. 134 Constitutionum generalium, com- §1 It is the responsibility of the Minister General with his
petit Ministro generali cum suo Definitorio institutionem in Definitory to regulate and supervise education throughout the
toto Ordine moderari eique invigilare. entire Order, in accordance with art. 134 of the General Con-
§2 In hoc munere exercendo Minister generalis utitur Se- stitutions.
cretariatu generali pro Formatione et Studiis. Huiusmodi of- §2 In exercising this office, the Minister General uses the
ficii Secretarii erit consilio et opere Ministrum generalem General Secretariat for Formation and Studies. The duty of
adiuvare in negotiis quae ad institutionem spectant. the Secretary of this Office is to help the Minister General,
§3 Formatio franciscana totius Ordinis ordinanda est se- through advice and activity, in matters that regard formation.
cundum Rationem formationis et Rationem studiorum quae a §3 The Franciscan formation of the entire Order is to be
Ministro generali, cum Definitorii consensu, approbantur. regulated in accordance with the Ratio Formationis and Ratio
Studiorum that are approved by the Minister General with the
consent of his Definitory.

Art. 75 Art. 75
§1 Secretariatus generalis pro Formatione et Studiis, sub §1 It is the duty of the General Secretariat for Formation
dependentia Ministri generalis officium est: and Studies, in dependence on the Minister General:
1. universum institutionis negotium in Ordine moderari; 1. to moderate all formative activity in the Order;
2. formationem et studia, aptis mediis opportunisque ince- 2. to promote and coordinate formation and studies with
ptis, promovere et coordinare;16 suitable means and appropriate initiatives;16
3. curam habere de omnibus implendis quae ab Ordinis auc- 3. to ensure the implementation of all that has been expressed
toritatibus quoad formationem et studia expressa ac statuta and decided by the authorities of the Order with regard to for-
sunt eorumque observantiae invigilare;17 mation and studies and to oversee their observance;17

16 Cf. CPO 81, 74. 16 Cf. PCO 81, 74.

17 Cf. CPO 81, 89. 17 Cf. PCO 81, 89.

66 67
4. cooperationem et dialogum formatorum inter se magis 4. to develop an ever-greater cooperation and dialogue be-
magisque augere.18 tween formators.18
§2 Secretariatus generalis pro Formatione et Studiis regitur §2 The General Secretariat for Formation and Studies is
Statutis peculiaribus a Ministro generali de consensu Defini- regulated by Special Statutes approved by the Minister Gen-
torii approbatis. eral with the consent of the General Definitory.

Art. 76 Art. 76
§1 Secretariatui generali pro Formatione et Studiis auxi- §1 The International Council for Formation and Studies,
lium praestat Consilium Internationale pro Formatione et composed of Delegates from all the Conferences of Ministers
Studiis ex Delegatis omnium Conferentiarum Ministrorum Provincial and other Friars, helps the General Secretariat for
provincialium aliisque fratribus, ad normam Statutorum pecu- Formation and Studies in accordance with the Special
liarium, compositum. Statutes.
§2 Omnis Conferentia Ministrorum Provincialium Dele- §2 Every Conference of Ministers Provincial is to elect a
gatum eligat iuxta normas propriae Conferentiae et Statuto- Delegate in accordance with the norms of the respective Con-
rum peculiarium Consilii Internationalis pro Formatione et ference and of the Special Statutes of the International Coun-
Studiis. cil for Formation and Studies.

Art. 77 Art. 77
§1 Iuxta art. 138 Constitutionum generalium, Ministro pro- §1 It is the duty of the Minister Provincial with his Defini-
vinciali cum Definitorio institutionem in sua Provincia mode- tory, in accordance with article 138 of the General Constitu-
rari eique invigilare competit, ad normam iuris communis et tions, to moderate and oversee education in his Province in
proprii. accordance with common and proper law.
§2 Ad Provincias aliasque entitates competentes spectat §2 It pertains to the Provinces and other competent Enti-
normas Constitutionum generalium et Statutorum genera- ties to apply the norms of the General Constitutions and Gen-
lium necnon alia Ordinis documenta ad peculiaria personarum eral Statutes as well as the other documents of the Order to
et locorum adiuncta applicare. the specific circumstances of persons and places.
§3 Singulae Conferentiae Ministrorum provincialium, Pro- §3 Each Conference of Ministers Provincial, each Province
vinciae aliaeque entitates competentes proprias Rationes for- and each other competent Entity is to draw up its own Ratio
mationis et studiorum pro omnibus fratribus redigant, servatis Formationis and Ratio Studiorum, observing the require-
de iure servandis atque in tuto posita unitate inter formatio- ments of law and safeguarding the unity between initial and
nem initialem et continuam. Hae Rationes formationis et stu- ongoing formation. These Rationes Formationis et Studio-
diorum, ad normam Statutorum particularium approbata, a rum, approved in accordance with the Particular Statutes, are
Ministro generali recognoscantur. to be ratified by the Minister General.

18 Cf. CPO 81, 89. 18 Cf. PCO 81, 89.

68 69
Art. 78 Art. 78
§1 Unaquaeque Provincia Secretariatum pro Formatione et §1 Each Province is to have a Secretariat for Formation and
Studiis habeat cui respectivus Secretarius praesidet, et hic Se- Studies over which the respective Secretary presides. This
cretariatus componitur: Moderatore pro formatione continua, Secretariat is composed of the Moderator of Ongoing Forma-
singulis Magistris seu Rectoribus Domorum formationis, Ani- tion, the individual Masters or Rectors of the Houses of For-
matore curae pastoralis vocationum necnon, quatenus opus mation, the Animator of the Pastoral Care of Vocations, as
erit, aliis fratribus ad normam Statutorum particularium vel well as other Friars as is found necessary, in accordance with
peculiarium. the Particular or Special Statutes.
§2 Officium Secretarii est promovere ac coordinare, sub de- §2 It is the duty of the Secretary to promote and coordi-
pendentia Ministri provincialis, universum institutionis nego- nate, in dependence on the Minister Provincial, all the educa-
tium in Provincia. Munus eius pressius determinetur in Statu- tional activity of the Province. His function is to be deter-
tis particularibus et peculiaribus. mined more precisely in the Particular and Special Statutes.
§3 Secretarius provincialis pro Formatione et Studiis eligi- §3 The Provincial Secretary for Formation and Studies is
tur in Congressu capitulari, extra Congressum vero a Ministro elected in the Capitular Congressus, outside the Congressus,
provinciali cum Definitorio vel a Custode cum Consilio Cu- however, by the Minister Provincial with his Definitory or by
stodiae autonomae. the Custos with the Council of an autonomous Custody.

Art. 79 Art. 79
§1 Pro singulis Conferentiis Ministrorum provincialium in- §1 For the individual Conferences of Ministers Provincial
stituatur, si fieri potest, Secretariatus Conferentiae pro For- there is to be established, if it is possible, a Conference Secre-
matione et Studiis cuius munus erit: dialogum et cooperatio- tariat for Formation and Studies, whose duty will be to pro-
nem circa formationem et studia promovere ac frequenter sive mote dialogue and collaboration on formation and studies and
cum Secretariatu generali sive cum Secretariis provincialibus to meet frequently with both the General Secretariat and the
pro Formatione et Studiis convenire. Provincial Secretaries for Formation and Studies.
§2 Secretariatus Conferentiae pro Formatione et Studiis re- §2 The Conference Secretariat for Formation and Studies
gitur Statutis respectivae Conferentiae Ministrorum provin- is regulated by the Statutes of the respective Conference of
cialium. Ministers Provincial.
§3 Secretarius Conferentiae pro Formatione et Studiis eli- §3 The Conference Secretary for Formation and Studies is
gitur ad normam Statutorum Conferentiae Ministrorum pro- elected in accordance with the Statutes of the Conference of
vincialium. Ministers Provincial.

Art. 80 Art. 80
Praeter Secretariatum pro Formatione et Studiis cuiuscum- In addition to the Secretariat for Formation and Studies of
que Conferentiae, plures simul Provinciae habere possunt Se- each Conference, a number of Provinces together may have an
cretariatum interprovincialem pro Formatione et Studiis, qui Interprovincial Secretariat for Formation and Studies, which
Statutis peculiaribus regitur. is regulated by Special Statutes.

70 71
Titulus II Title II
De continua formatione Ongoing Formation

Art. 81 Art. 81
§1 Ministri curent ut in Capitulis programmata formationis §1 The Ministers are to ensure that programmes of Ongo-
continuae conficiantur. ing Formation are drawn up during the Chapters.
§2 Iuxta art. 139 §2 Constitutionum generalium, in singu- §2 According to art. 139, 2 of the General Constitutions,
lis Provinciis Moderator pro formatione continua habeatur ad there is to be a Moderator of Ongoing Formation, in accor-
normam Statutorum particularium. dance with the norm of the Particular Statutes.

Art. 82 Art. 82
§1 In Statutis particularibus provideantur omnia quae ad §1 All that regards the implementation of Ongoing Forma-
formationem continuam perficiendam pertinent19 peculiari tion19 is to be provided for in Particular Statutes, with special
cum diligentia saltem pro primis quinque annis post profes- attention to at least the first five years after solemn profession.
sionem sollemnem. §2 With regard to Franciscan Ongoing Formation, where
§2 Ad franciscanam formationem continuam quod attinet, circumstances advise it, Interprovincial or Inter-obedience
ubi rerum adiuncta id suadent, Domus inter-provinciales vel Houses are to be established.
interoboedientiales constituantur.

Titulus III Title III

De formatoribus On Formators

Art. 83 Art. 83
In Domo formationis formatores candidatos et fratres The formators in a House of Formation are to accompany
adhuc in formatione initiali constitutos comitantur et cum illis the candidates and Friars still placed in initial formation and
laborant ut Dei voluntatem in horum vita patefaciant, rationes to work with them to discern the will of God in their lives, to
propositi vitam franciscanam amplectendi profundius scruten- examine more deeply the reasons for their decision to embrace
tur, proprias experientias vitae fraternae ac minoriticae aesti- the Franciscan life, to evaluate their experience of Fraternal
ment, et rationem vitae franciscanae indoli uniuscuiusque life and minority and to seek out the programme of Francis-
aptam quaerant.20 can life that is most suitable for each one.20

19 Cf. CPO 81, 59b. 19 Cf. PCO 81, 59b.

20 Cf. CPO 81, 59b. 20 Cf. PCO 81, 59b.

72 73
Art. 84 Art. 84
§1 Iuxta art. 139 §2 Constitutionum generalium, in una- §1 According to article 139 §2 of the General Constitu-
quaque Domo formationis Magister seu Rector eligitur in tions, in each House of Formation a Master or Rector is
Congressu capitulari, extra Congressum a Ministro provinciali elected during the Capitular Congressus and, outside the
cum Definitorio vel a Custode Custodiae autonomae cum Congressus, by the Minister Provincial with his Definitory or
Consilio ad normam Statutorum particularium et peculia- by the Custos of an autonomous Custody with his Council, in
rium. accordance with the Particular and Special Statutes.
§2 In unaquaque Domo formationis, Coetus formatorum §2 In each House of Formation the Formation Team is con-
iis constituitur fratribus, qui a Ministro provinciali, audito De- stituted by those Friars who are expressly assigned there by
finitorio, expresse designantur. Hic Coetus tali unitate et va- the Minister Provincial, having consulted his Definitory. This
rietate componatur ut pro alumnorum aetate, maturitate, stu- Team is to be composed with such unity and variety that it can
diorum gradu ceterisque adiunctis, melius necessitatibus sin- best respond to the needs of the individuals according to their
gulorum obvenire possit. age, maturity, level of studies and other conditions.
§3 Formatores pro fratribus extra Domum formationis, di- §3 Formators for the Friars who, for various reasons, reside
versas ob rationes versantibus, in Statutis particularibus deter- outside the House of Formation are to be determined in the
minentur. Particular Statutes.

Titulus IV Title IV
De cura pastorali vocationum The Pastoral Care of Vocations

Art. 85 Art. 85
§1 In quacumque Provincia nominetur a Ministro provin- §1 A Friar animator and co-ordinator of the pastoral care of
ciali, ad normam Statutorum particularium et peculiarium, vocations is to be appointed in each Province by the Minister
frater animator et coordinator curae pastoralis vocationum. Provincial in accordance with the Particular and Special Statutes.
§2 Huius fratris est actionem ad vocationes franciscanas §2 It is the responsibility of this Friar to promote and direct
promovere et moderari, sive in Provincia et cum aliis Provin- activities for Franciscan vocations either in his Province and
ciis, sive cum Familia franciscana universa, iuxta normas Con- with other Provinces, or with the entire Franciscan Family, in
stitutionum generalium et Statutorum particularium. accordance with the norms of the General Constitutions and
Particular Statutes.

Titulus V Title V
De formatione initiali Initial Formation

Art. 86 Art. 86
§1 Ministro provinciali vel Custodi Custodiae autonomae §1 It belongs to the Minister Provincial or Custos of an au-
competit candidatum in Postulatum admittere, servatis Statu- tonomous Custody to admit a candidate to the Postulancy, ob-
tis particularibus. serving the Particular Statutes.

74 75
§2 Postulatus peragendus est sub moderamine Magistri, §2 The Postulancy must be made under the guidance of the
iuxta praescripta Statutorum particularium vel peculiarium. Master, in accordance with the prescriptions of the Particular
§3 Temporis spatium postulatus, in Statutis particularibus or Special Statutes.
determinetur, ita ut ne brevius unius anni, neque longius duo- §3 The duration of the Postulancy is to be determined in
rum annorum sit. the Particular Statutes so that it is not shorter than one year
or longer than two years.

Art. 87 Art. 87
Requisita admittendorum ad novitiatum, praeter ea quae in The requirements for candidates to the Novitiate, besides
Statutis particularibus determinari possunt, et servatis aliis de those that may be established in the Particular Statutes and
iure universali servandis, haec sunt: observing the requirements of universal law, are as follows:
1. recta intentio, libera voluntas, idoneitas spiritualis, intel- 1. the right intention, free will and spiritual, intellectual and
lectualis et socialis; social suitability;
2. congrua valetudo physica et psychica, consideratis quo- 2. suitable physical and mental health, with due considera-
que dispositionibus a familia forsan transmissis; tion given to possible dispositions inherited from the family;
3. debita maturitas personalis; 3. due personal maturity;
4. debita formatio intellectualis vel professionalis.21 4. due intellectual or professional training.21

Art. 88
Art. 88 §1 He who is to be admitted to the Novitiate is to declare
§1 Quilibet ad novitiatum admittendus in scriptis declaret: in writing:
1. se nulla gravi et habituali infirmitate laborare, seque scire, 1. that he does not suffer from any grave and chronic sick-
si hoc dolose celaverit, receptionem proindeque professionem ness and that he knows that if he has maliciously concealed it,
suam nullam haberi; his admission and, thereby, his profession also will be null;
2. se libera voluntate Ordinem ingredi; 2. that he is entering the Order of his own free will;
3. se ad omnia servitia, iuxta dispositiones Ministrorum et 3. that he is prepared to render all his services free of charge
Guardianorum gratuito praestanda paratum esse, ita ut nullam in accordance with the disposition of the Ministers and
retributionem pecuniariam ab Ordine exigere valeat, si quan- Guardians, in such a way that he cannot claim any recompense
documque Ordinem deserat vel a Ministro dimittatur. in money from the Order if, at any time, he should abandon
§2 Declarationes de quibus in §1, a Guardiano et duobus the Order or be dismissed by the Minister.
testibus necnon ab ipso candidato subscriptae, in archivo Pro- §2 The declarations mentioned in §1 above, signed by the
vinciae asservandae sunt. Quodsi agatur de alumno minoris Guardian, two witnesses and by the candidate himself, must be
aetatis, declarationes huiusmodi a parentibus vel a tutore sub- preserved in the archives of the Province. In the case of a
scribendae sunt. minor, these declarations must be signed by his parents or
legal guardian.

21 Cf. CIC 642. 21 Cf. CIC 642.

76 77
Art. 89 Art. 89
Ut valide admittatur in novitiatum candidatus liber esse A candidate must be free of impediments established in uni-
debet ab impedimentis iure universali statutis, et qui decimum versal law in order to be validly admitted to the Novitiate and
saltem septimum aetatis annum compleverit. Documenta bap- he must have completed at least his seventeenth year of age.
tismatis, confirmationis et status liberi exhibere debet una cum He must show certificates of baptism and confirmation and
aliis documentis a Statutis particularibus requisitis.22 letters of freedom together with the other documents required
by the Particular Statutes.22

Art. 90 Art. 90
§1 Minister generalis potestate ordinaria in toto Ordine §1 The Minister General, observing the requirements of
candidatos ad postulatum, ad novitiatum et ad professionem, law,23 can receive, with ordinary power, candidates to the Pos-
servatis de iure servandis, recipere potest, et in Custodiis ab tulancy, Novitiate and profession throughout the whole Order
ipso dependentibus eos etiam admittere potest.23 and he can also admit them in the Custodies dependent on him.
§2 Ministro provinciali et Custodi Custodiae autonomae §2 It belongs to the Minister Provincial and the Custos of
competit candidatos pro sua Provincia vel Custodia in novitia- an autonomous Custody to admit to the Novitiate candidates
tum admittere, servatis normis Statutorum particularium; Cu- for their own Province or Custody, observing the norms of the
stos vero Custodiae dependentis delegatione sui Ministri indi- Particular Statutes.24 The Custos of a dependent Custody,
get.24 however, needs the delegation of his Minister.

Art. 91 Art. 91
§1 Quoad actum seu ritum initii novitiatus observentur de- §1 The prescriptions of the Particular Statutes and Ritual of
terminationes Statutorum particularium et Ritualis Ordinis. the Order are to be observed with regard to the act or rite of
§2 Minister qui candidatum in novitiatum recipit vel frater beginning the Novitiate.
ab ipso delegatus ritui praesidet. In extraordinariis autem §2 The Minister who receives a candidate into the novi-
adiunctis, ut in casu impeditae communicationis cum respe- tiate, or the Friar delegated by him, presides at the rite. In ex-
ctivo Ministro vel eius vices gerente, hac facultate pollet is qui traordinary circumstances, however, as in the case of impeded
regimen Domus novitiatus gerit, dummodo constet de iam pe- communication with the respective Minister or with the one
racta admissione ad normam §2 praecedentis articuli. who is to take his place, the Friar who governs the Novitiate
§3 De initio novitiatus documentum exarandum est, a Prae- House enjoys this power, provided it is certain that the admis-
side ritus, a duobus testibus et ab ipso candidato subsignatum. sion has already been made in accordance with the norm of §2
of the preceding article.
§3 A document on the beginning of the Novitiate, signed
by the President of the rite, two witnesses and by the candi-
date himself, must be drawn up.

22 Cf. CIC 643, 645. 22 Cf. CIC 643, 645.

23 Cf. CIC 641. 23 Cf. CIC 641.
24 Cf. CIC 641. 24 Cf. CIC 641.

78 79
Art. 92 Art. 92
§1 Novitiatus ut validus sit, peragi debet in Domo Ordinis §1 In order to be valid, the Novitiate must be made in a
ad hoc rite designata et duodecim menses complecti debet.25 House of the Order properly designated for this purpose and
§2 Domus novitiatus erectio, translatio et suppressio fiant it must last twelve months.25
per decretum scripto datum a Ministro generali de consensu §2 The erection, transfer and suppression of a Novitiate
sui Definitorii.26 House are to carried out by written decree given by the Min-
§3 In casu exceptionali Minister generalis, de consensu sui ister General, with the consent of his Definitory.26
Definitorii, potest permittere singulo candidato ut novitiatum §3 In an exceptional case, the Minister General, with the
valide peragat extra Domum novitiatus in alia Ordinis Domo, consent of his Definitory, can permit an individual candidate
sub moderamine alicuius probati fratris, qui munere magistri to make the Novitiate validly outside the Novitiate House in
fungi valeat.27 another House of the Order, under the direction of a suitable
§4 Minister provincialis permittere potest ut novitiorum Friar who is capable of carrying out the function of Master.27
coetus, per certa temporis spatia, in alia Ordinis Domo, a se §4 The Minister Provincial can permit the group of
designata, commoretur.28 Novices to reside for determined periods of time in another
House of the Order designated by him.28

Art. 93 Art. 93
§1 Sine licentia Ministri generalis non incipiatur Novitia- §1 A Novitiate is not to be begun without the permission of
tus, nisi adsint saltem tres candidati. the Minister General, unless there are at least three candidates.
§2 In Provinciis vel Custodiis, domum novitiatus canonice §2 If there has not been a Novice for five continuous years,
erectam etiam habentibus, cum per quinque annos continuos a new Novitiate year cannot be made without the consent of
nullus exstiterit novitius, novus annus novitiatus absque con- the Minister General, even in Provinces or Custodies that
sensu Ministri generalis fieri nequit. have a canonically erected Novitiate House.

Art. 94 Art. 94
§1 Magister novitiorum sub cuius moderamine novitiatus §1 The Novice Master, under whose direction the Novi-
peragitur, sit frater sollemniter professus. Eligitur in Con- tiate is made, is to be a solemnly professed Friar. He is elected
gressu capitulari vel extra Congressum ad normam articuli 84 in the Capitular Congressus or, outside the Congressus, in ac-
§1 horum Statutorum.29 cordance with the norm of art. 84 §1 these Statutes.29

25 Cf. CIC 647 §2, 648 §1. 25 Cf. CIC 647 §2, 648 §1.
26 Cf. CIC 647 §1. 26 Cf. CIC 647 §1.
27 Cf. CIC 647 §2. 27 Cf. CIC 647 §2.
28 Cf. CIC 647 §3. 28 Cf. CIC 647 §3.
29 Cf. CIC 651 §1. 29 Cf. CIC 651 §1.

80 81
§2 Regimen novitiorum, sub auctoritate Ministri provincia- §2 The direction of the Novices, under the authority of the
lis, uni Magistro reservatur, qui cooperante Coetu formato- Minister Provincial, is reserved to the Master alone, who, with
rum, vitam fraternam et activitatem formatricem novitiorum the collaboration of the Formation Team, organises the fra-
ordinat, observatis Statutis particularibus et peculiaribus, et ternal life and the formative activity of the Novices, observing
salvo art. 140 §3 Constitutionum generalium.30 the Particular and Special Statutes and without prejudice to
§3 Iudicium de singulorum novitiorum idoneitate, servatis art. 140 §3 of the General Constitutions.30
praescriptis Statutorum particularium et peculiarium, bis in §3 A judgement on the suitability of the individual Novices,
anno a Magistro, cooperante Coetu formatorum, in scriptis observing the provisions of the Particular and Special Statutes,
conficiatur; ab ipso Magistro subsignatum ad Ministrum pro- is to be drawn up in writing twice a year by the Master with
vincialem transmittatur. the collaboration of the Formation Team. Signed by the Mas-
ter himself, it is to be sent to the Minister Provincial.

Art. 95
Art. 95
During the Novitiate the ordinary course of studies is to be
Tempore novitiatus studiorum curriculum ordinarium su-
suspended. Other studies that are useful for the better formation
spendatur. Permitti vel etiam praecipi possunt quaedam studia
of the novices, can be permitted or even prescribed, in accor-
exercenda, quae meliori novitiorum institutioni utilia sunt ad
dance with the norm of articles 152-153 of the General Consti-
normam art. 152-153 Constitutionum generalium. Studia
tutions. Studies, however, which are consonant with the Novi-
vero, novitiatui consona, ad Dei cognitionem cum amore co- tiate, must be guided towards the knowledge and love of God
niunctam dirigi debent et ad vitam e fide haustam provehen- and towards developing a life nourished by faith31. Therefore:
dam.31 Ideoque: 1. The novices are to be introduced to the theology of the
1. In theologiam vitae religiosae, praesertim theologiam Re- religious life, especially the theology of the Rule, to the his-
gulae, historiam et spiritualitatem Ordinis, specialiter scriptis tory and spirituality of the Order, based especially on the writ-
S. Francisci innixam, novitii introducantur, simul vitam evan- ings of St. Francis, and, at the same time, to learning the
gelicam practice addiscentes, in fraterna communione ac parti- gospel life in practice through fraternal communion and par-
cipatione actuositatis fratrum. ticipation in the activities of the Friars.
2. Per cotidianam lectionem et meditationem S. Scripturae 2. The novices are to conform themselves to the life of Jesus
et maxime S. Evangelii, in quo radicatur Regula nostra, Chri- Christ through daily reading of and meditation on the Sacred
sti Iesu vitae novitii sese conforment. Scriptures and, especially, on the Holy Gospel, in which our
3. Novitii methodo orationis personalis cum Deo colloqui, Rule is rooted.
per Liturgiae actuosam celebrationem Mysterium Paschale 3. Under the guidance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother
profundius vivere, et cum Ecclesiae mysteriis impensius com- of the Church, the novices are to be taught to speak with God
municare doceantur, ducente B. V. Maria, Ecclesiae Matre. through a method of personal prayer; to live the Paschal Mys-
tery more deeply and to share more intensely in the mysteries
of the Church through an active celebration of the Liturgy.

30 Cf. CIC 650 §2, 651 §2. 30 Cf. CIC 650 §2, 651 §2.
31 Cf. CIC 652 §5. 31 Cf. CIC 652 §5.

82 83
4. Exercitia pietatis sana traditione Ordinis commendata et 4. The novices are to practise the exercises of piety recom-
sacrae Liturgiae normis conformia, novitii ita percolant, ut per mended by the sound tradition of the Order and in conform-
ea in spiritu orationis roborentur. ity with the norms of the Sacred Liturgy so that they may be
strengthened in the spirit of prayer.

Art. 96 Art. 96
§1 Iuxta art. 154 §2 Constitutionum generalium, Statuta §1 According to art. 154 §2 of the General Constitutions,
particularia determinare possunt unum vel plura temporis spa- the Particular Statutes can establish one or more periods of
tia exercitationis apostolicae extra Domum novitiatus, salva apostolic exercise outside the Novitiate House, without preju-
tamen specifica formatione novitiatus. dice, however, to the specific formation of the Novitiate.
§2 Huiusmodi exercitatio apostolica vera actuositas forma- §2 This apostolic experience must be a genuinely formative
tiva32 esse debet et ita disponi, ut non incipiatur nisi post pri- activity,32 organised in such a way that it does not begin until
mos tres menses novitiatus, ut novitius sex menses continuos after the first three months of the Novitiate and so that the
in novitiatu maneat, et ad eum revertatur saltem uno mense Novice can remain there for six continuous months and return
antequam professionem temporariam emittat. there at least one month before making temporary profession.

Art. 97 Art. 97
§1 Novitiatus interrumpitur ita ut denuo incipiendus ac §1 The Novitiate is interrupted, so that it must be begun
perficiendus sit, si novitius plus quam tres menses, sive conti- again and completed, if the novice remains absent from the
nuos sive intermissos, absit a Domo novitiatus, excepto casu Novitiate House for more than three months, whether con-
absentiae quae evenit experientiae apostolicae gratia; itemque tinuous or interrupted, except in the case of an absence that
si a Ministro dimissus e Domo exierit, aut Domum sine illius occurs for the purpose of apostolic experience, or if he has
licentia non reversurus deseruerit.33 been dismissed by the Minister and has left the House, or if he
§2 Si expleto tempore novitiatus dubium supersit de ido- has abandoned the House without permission and with the in-
neitate novitii, Minister provincialis audito suo Definitorio, tention of not returning.33
potest novitiatus tempus prorogare, non tamen ultra sex men- §2 If any doubt remains about the suitability of a Novice
ses.34 when the time of the Novitiate has ended, the Minister
§3 Novitius Ordinem libere deserere potest et Minister Provincial, having consulted his Definitory, can prolong the
provincialis, audito Magistro, eum dimittere potest.35 time of the Novitiate, but not beyond six months.34
§3 A novice can freely leave the Order and the Minister
Provincial, having consulted the Master, can dismiss him.35

32 Cf. CPO 81, 29. 32 Cf. PCO 81, 29.

33 Cf. CIC 649 §1. 33 Cf. CIC 649 §1.
34 Cf. CIC 653 §2. 34 Cf. CIC 653 §2.
35 Cf. CIC 653 §1. 35 Cf. CIC 653 §1.

84 85
Art. 98 Art. 98
Exacto novitiatu, si idoneus iudicetur, novitius ad primam Having completed the Novitiate and if he is judged suitable,
professionem temporariam, annuatim renovandam, nisi in Sta- the Novice is to be admitted to first temporary profession, to
tutis particularibus aliter praescribatur, admittatur. be renewed annually, unless it is established otherwise in the
Particular Statutes.

Art. 99 Art. 99
§1 Ministro provinciali vel Custodi Custodiae autonomae, §1 It belongs to the Minister Provincial or the Custos of an
servato art. 156 §2 Constitutionum generalium, auditis Magi- autonomous Custody, observing art. 156 §2 of the General
stro et Coetu formatorum Domus novitiatus, competit novi- Constitutions and having consulted the Master and Formation
tium ad primam professionem admittere, et ipsam recipere. Team of the Novitiate House, to admit the Novice to first pro-
§2 Eidem Ministro et Custodi renovationem professionis fession and to receive it.
temporariae admittere et recipere competit, ad normam Sta- §2 It belongs to the same Minister or Custos, in accordance
tutorum particularium.36 with the Particular Statutes, to admit and receive the renewal
§3 Custos Custodiae dependentis delegatione sui Ministri of temporary profession.36
indiget. §3 The Custos of a dependent Custody needs the delega-
tion of his Minister.

Art. 100 Art. 100

§1 Tempus professionis temporariae a Statutis particulari- §1 The duration of temporary profession is to be estab-
bus definiatur, quod vero neque triennio brevius neque sexen- lished by the Particular Statutes, but it should not be shorter
nio longius sit, salvo praescripto paragraphi tertii huius arti- than three years, nor longer than six years, without prejudice
culi.37 to §3 of this article.37
§2 Minister provincialis vel Custos Custodiae autonomae, §2 The Minister Provincial or Custos of an autonomous
cui competit fratrem ad professionem admittere, potest ob iu- Custody, to whom it belongs to admit a Friar to profession,
stam causam permittere ut professio sollemnis anticipetur, sed can, for a just cause, permit solemn profession to be antici-
non ultra tres menses.38 pated, but not by more than three months.38
§3 Idem Minister vel Custos Custodiae autonomae, audito §3 The same Minister or Custos of an autonomous Cus-
Definitorio vel Consilio, in casibus particularibus et iuxta Sta- tody, having consulted the Definitory or Council, can, in par-
tuta particularia tempus professionis temporariae prorogare ticular cases and in accordance with the norms of the Particu-
potest, ita tamen ut totum hoc tempus non superet noven- lar Statutes, prolong the time of temporary profession, but in
nium.39 such a way that the total time does not exceed nine years.39

36 Cf. CIC 656. 36 Cf. CIC 656.

37 Cf. CIC 655. 37 Cf. CIC 655.
38 Cf. CIC 657 §3. 38 Cf. CIC 657 §3.
39 Cf. CIC 657 §2. 39 Cf. CIC 657 §2.

86 87
Art. 101 Art. 101
§1 Tempus professionis temporariae peragi debet in Domo §1 The period of temporary profession must be spent in a
formationis vel, iuxta Statuta particularia, in alia Domo Ordi- House of formation or, in accordance with the Particular
nis, sed semper sub moderamine idonei fratris, qui munere Statutes, in another House of the Order, but always under the
Magistri fungitur. direction of a suitable Friar, who carries out the function of
§2 Magistro fratrum professionis temporariae competit, Master.
Coetu formatorum cooperante, totam formationis actionem §2 It belongs to the Master of the Friars in temporary pro-
moderari ad normam Constitutionum generalium, horum fession, with the collaboration of the Formation Team, to di-
Statutorum et Statutorum particularium et peculiarium. rect all formation activity in accordance with the norm of the
General Constitutions, these Statutes and the Particular and
Special statutes.
Art. 102
§1 Omnes fratres, professione temporaria perdurante, inte- Art. 102
gralem formationem proprie franciscanam prosequi debent, §1 During the time of temporary profession, all the Friars
eo ut plenius vitam nostri Ordinis compleant atque modis must follow an integrated formation that is properly Francis-
magis congruis eiusdem missionem perficiant. can so that they may live out more fully the life of our Order
§2 Ut talis formatio franciscana verum etiam illa theologica and carry out its mission in a more suitable way.
et humanistica efficiatur, singulae Provinciae vel plures insi- §2 In order for such Franciscan formation to be carried out,
mul Provinciae habeant programma proprium et pro omnibus as well as the theological and humanistic formation, individual
fratribus commune, ratione habita directionum Rationis For- Provinces or even various Provinces together are to have their
mationis Franciscanae et Rationis Studiorum. own programme common to all the Friars, taking into account
the directives of the Ratio Formationis and the Ratio Studiorum.

Art. 103 Art. 103

§1 Relatio de idoneitate fratrum professionis temporariae §1 A report on the suitability of Friars in temporary profes-
semel saltem in anno, a Magistro et Coetu formatorum sub- sion, signed by the Master and the Formation Team, is to be
signata, ad Ministrum provincialem vel ad Custodem Custo- sent to the Minister Provincial or Custos of an autonomous
diae autonomae transmittatur. Custody at least once a year.
§2 Professioni sollemni praeponatur per unum saltem §2 Solemn profession is to be preceded by a spiritual and
mensem continuum spiritualis et franciscana praeparatio, Franciscan preparation of at least one month’s duration, which
quam candidati in sacro recessu et oratione peragere debent, the candidates must carry out in holy recollection and prayer,
in memoriam revocantes et meditantes momentum huius reflecting and meditating on the importance of this unique
actus unici et praecipui quo religiosus Deo in perpetuum con- and special act through which a religious is consecrated to
secratur. God for ever.
§3 Ministro provinciali vel Custodi Custodiae autonomae, §3 It belongs to the Minister Provincial or Custos of an au-
servato art. 159 §2 Constitutionum generalium, auditis Magi- tonomous Custody, observing art. 159 §2 of the General Con-
stro, Coetu formatorum, fratribus sollemniter professis Domus stitutions, to admit Friars to solemn profession and to receive

88 89
in qua professurus ultimo perdurante anno mansit et aliis fra- it, having consulted the Master, the Formation Team, the
tribus, ad normam Statutorum particularium, fratres ad profes- solemnly professed Friars of the House in which the candidate
sionem sollemnem admittere eamque recipere, competit; Cu- spent the previous year and other Friars, in accordance with
stos vero Custodiae dependentis delegatione Ministri generalis the Particular Statutes. The Custos of a dependent Custody
vel provincialis indiget. needs the delegation of the Minister General or Provincial.

Art. 104 Art. 104

In iudicanda idoneitate candidatorum ad Ordinem, praeter In judging the suitability of the candidates to the Order, in
ea quae in iure universali ad validitatem praescribuntur, respi- addition to all that is prescribed by universal law for validity,
ciendum est etiam ad eorum debitam maturitatem humanam attention must also be paid to their necessary human maturity
et gratiam laborandi, quae adaequatam in selectione severita- and disposition to work: this requires suitable severity of
tem iudicii exigunt.40 judgement during selection.40

Titulus VI Title VI
De formatione ad ministeria et sacros ordines Formation for Ministries and Holy Orders

Art. 105 Art. 105

§1 Unaquaeque Provincia vel simul plures Provinciae, si op- §1 Each Province or several Provinces together, if it seems
portunum videatur, proprium studiorum Centrum pro forma- appropriate, are to have their own Study Centre for the for-
tione fratrum ad ministeria et sacros ordines adspirantium ha- mation of Friars who aspire to ministries and Holy Orders,
beant, quod propriis Statutis regitur, servatis de iure servandis. governed by its own Statutes, the requirements of law being
§2 Erectio ac suppressio Centri studiorum, consulto Mini- observed.
stro generali, ad Ministrum provincialem, vel ad Ministros §2 The erection and the suppression of Study Centres per-
provinciales, de consensu proprii Definitorii, spectant. tain to the Minister Provincial or Ministers Provincial with
the consent of their respective Definitories, having consulted
the Minister General.

Art. 106 Art. 106

§1 Studia in toto Ordine reguntur propria Ratione studio- §1 Studies in the entire Order are regulated by a proper
rum, a Ministro generali, cum Definitorii consensu, appro- Ratio Studiorum, approved by the Minister General with the
bata. consent of his Definitory.
§2 Uniuscuiusque Provinciae vel plurium Provinciarum §2 The Ratio Studiorum of each Province or of several Pro-
Ratio studiorum, qua regitur institutio fratrum qui ad mini- vinces, through which the education of the Friars who aspire to

40 Cf. CIC 658. 40 Cf. CIC 658.

90 91
steria et sacros ordines contendunt, conficiatur, attentis prae- ministries and Holy Orders is regulated, is to be drawn up with
scriptis iuris communis, Conferentiae episcopalis et legibus ac attention paid to the provisions of universal law, of the Episco-
instructionibus Ordinis.41 pal Conference and of the laws and directives of the Order.41
§3 Haec Ratio studiorum a Ministro provinciali vel, si aga- §3 This Ratio Studiorum is to be approved by the Minister
tur de pluribus Provinciis, ab ipsarum Ministris, cum consensu Provincial or, if it is a matter of several Provinces, by the re-
Definitorii, approbetur et Ministro generali communicetur. spective Ministers, with the consent of the Definitory and is to
be communicated to the Minister General.

Art. 107 Art. 107

Cum fratres ad ministeria et sacros ordines praeparantur in When the Friars are prepared for ministries and Holy Or-
Institutis ad Ordinem non pertinentibus vel in Institutionibus ders in Institutes that do not belong to the Order or in Fede-
foederatis quae sub Provinciae moderamine immediato non rated Institutes, which do not come under the immediate
inveniuntur, Minister provincialis curam gerere debet ut fra- guidance of the Province, the Minister Provincial must make
trum institutio compleatur, habitis prae oculis etiam Ordinis sure that the education of the Friars is completed with the
et Provinciae Rationibus studiorum. Ratio Studiorum of the Order and of the Province in mind.

Art. 108 Art. 108

§1 Ministro provinciali pro sua Provincia competit, audito §1 It belongs to the Minister Provincial, for his own Prov-
Magistro et, si adest, Coetu formatorum, fratres ad instituta ince, to admit Friars to the instituted ministries and confer
ministeria admittere ac ea illis conferre. them, having consulted the Master and, if there is one, the
§2 Minister provincialis fratrem ad sacros ordines admittere Formation Team.
potest auditis fratribus sollemniter professis Domus et aliis qui §2 The Minister Provincial can admit a Friar to Holy Or-
suae formationis curam et responsabilitatem habent et praeha- ders,42 having consulted the solemnly professed Friars of the
bito voto consultivo Definitorii.42 House and others who have the care of and the responsibility for
their formation, with prior consultative vote of his Definitory.

Titulus VII Title VII

De formatione ad alia servitia et munera Formation for Other Services and Offices

Art. 109 Art. 109

§1 Fratres, qui designantur et contendunt ad aliquod servi- §1 The Friars who are assigned to or strive for some serv-
tium vel munus, formationem professionalem, technicam et ice or office, must acquire professional, technical and scientific
scientificam, iuxta eorum capacitatem, acquirere debent. training according to their capacity.

41 Cf. CIC 659. 41 Cf. CIC 659.

42 Cf. CIC 1025, 1029, 1051. 42 Cf. CIC 1025, 1029, 1051.

92 93
§2 Haec formatio talis esse debet ut vitae fraternitatis, §2 This formation must be such that it can usefully serve
missioni Ecclesiae et hominum necessitatibus utiliter servire the life of fraternity, the mission of the Church and the needs
possit. of humanity.

Titulus VIII Title VIII

De studiis promovendis in Ordine The Promotion of Studies in the Order

Art. 110 Art. 110

§1 Ministri studia academica diligenter promoveant et §1 The Ministers are diligently to promote academic stud-
aptam praeparationem peritorum et docentium cordi habeant ies and have at heart the suitable preparation of experts and
in Institutis Ordinis vel in aliis secundum necessitates Provin- teachers in the Institutes of the Order or in others in accor-
ciarum atque totius Ordinis. dance with the needs of the Provinces and the entire Order.
§2 Ministri actuositatem intellectualem promoveant per stu- §2 The Ministers are to promote intellectual activity
diorum Instituta et congressus sive in Provinciis sive in Confe- through Institutes of Studies and meetings in both the Prov-
rentiis. inces and the Conferences.

Art. 111 Art. 111

Curent Ministri ut Sedes studiorum, investigationis editio- The Ministers are to ensure that Centres for Studies and re-
numque eruditarum ordinatae sint prout postulant nostra tem- search and the publication of scholarly works are organised as
pora et attentis necessitatibus Ordinis et Provinciarum. our times require, taking into account the needs of the Order
and Provinces.

Art. 112 Art. 112

§1 Inter Sedes studiorum Ordinis, praecipuum locum tenet §1 The Pontifical Athenaeum Antonianum, of which the
Pontificium Athenaeum Antonianum, cuius Magnus Cancel- Minister General is the Grand Chancellor and Moderator, oc-
larius et Moderator Minister generalis est. cupies first place among the Study Centres of the Order.
§2 Pontificium Athenaeum Antonianum, qua sedes altae §2 The Pontifical Athenaeum Antonianum, as a centre of
qualitatis scientificae, prioritaria franciscana specificatione, high scientific quality, with Franciscan specialisation as a pri-
nota internationali necnon interfranciscana cooperatione in- ority, supported by the mark of internationality and inter-
nixa, hos fines sibi proprios proponit, nempe: Franciscan cooperation, proposes these objectives as being
1. ut sit sedes investigationis et studii franciscalis; proper to itself, namely:
2. ut sit sedes pro instituendis professoribus et formatoribus 1. to be a centre of Franciscan research and study;
totius Ordinis; 2. to be a centre for training professors and formation per-
3. ut proprias investigationes scientificas ad utilitatem et sonnel for the entire Order;
servitium diversorum institutorum Ordinis ponat; 3. to foster its own scientific research for the benefit and
service of the various institutes of the Order;

94 95
4. ut Ordini auxilio sit in fratrum mentis et spiritus unitate 4. to be of assistance to the Order in creating a unity of
perficienda.43 thought and spirit in the Friars.43

Art. 113 Art. 113

Ministri provinciales propriam cooperationem Ministro ge- The Ministers Provincial must give their cooperation to the
nerali praestare debent ad fines Pontificii Athenaei Antoniani Minister General for the attainment of the ends of the Ponti-
assequendos, professores, studentes et media providendo. fical Athenaeum Antonianum by providing professors, stu-
dents and resources.

Art. 114 Art. 114

Fratres Ordinis nostri servitio Pontificii Athenaei Antoniani The Friars of our Order must give their work in the service
operam suam praestare debent in spiritu cooperationis et of the Pontifical Athenaeum Antonianum in a spirit of coop-
oboedientiae Ministro generali ad normam Statutorum pecu- eration and obedience to the Minister General, in accordance
liarium et decisionum Ordinis. with the Special Statutes and the decisions of the Order.

43 Cf. CPO 81, 80-86. 43 Cf. PCO, 81 80-86.

96 97


(Rb 1,3) (Rb 1,3)

De Ordinis constitutione et regimine The structures and government of the order

et de administratione bonorum and the administration of goods


Titulus I Title I
De Ordinis constitutione The Structure of the Order

Art. 115 Art. 115

§1 Nova Ordinis Provincia ne erigatur nisi, consultis con- §1 A new Province of the Order is not to be established un-
sulendis, ad eam constituendam adsint saltem 40 fratres sol- less, having consulted those interested, there are at least forty
lemniter professi et 6 guardianatus cum fundata spe incre- solemnly professed Friars and six Guardianates with a well-
menti et implantationis Ordinis. founded hope for the growth and establishment of the Order.
§2 Antequam nova Provincia erigatur Definitorio generali §2 Before a new Province is erected, it must be clear to the
constare debet ut adsit possibilitas conducendi vitam et mis- General Definitory that there is a possibility of living the life
sionem Ordinis cum requisitis necessariis pro formatione, re- and mission of the Order with the necessary requisites for for-
gimine, cooperatione et oeconomica sustentatione, servatis de mation, government, collaboration and financial support, with
iure servandis. due regard for the requirements of law.

Art. 116 Art. 116

§1 Si fratres unius vel plurium Provinciarum in regione de- §1 If Friars of one or more Provinces are living in a region
gunt, ubi, de iudicio Definitorii generalis, numerus congruus where, in the judgement of the General Definitory, there is a
fratrum adest, cum fundata spe pro futuro Ordinis incre- sufficient number of Friars with a well-founded hope for the
mento, habito consilio Ministrorum Conferentiae illius regio- future growth of the Order, with the advice of the Ministers of
nis, et consultis fratribus, Ministri provinciales quorum inte- the Conference of that region and having consulted the Friars,
rest, sua sponte vel Ministro generali instante, conventionem the Ministers Provincial concerned, on their own initiative or
ineant; qua inita, ad erectionem novae Provinciae, aut, si casus at the request of the Minister General, are to draw up an

98 99
ferat, Custodiae autonomae vel non, procedi potest servatis de agreement. Once this is done the erection of a new Province
iure servandis. or, if the case requires it, of an autonomous or dependent Cus-
§2 Ad erigendam Custodiam autonomam, nisi particularia tody can proceed, with due regard for the requirements of law.
adiuncta aliter suadeant, et consultis consulendis, requiruntur §2 To erect an autonomous Custody, unless the particular
saltem 25 fratres sollemniter professi et 4 Guardianatus nec- circumstances advise otherwise, and having consulted those
non fundata spes incrementi Ordinis. interested, at least 25 solemnly professed Friars and four
§3 Ob rationes et circumstantias peculiares, Minister gene- Guardianates are required, as well as a well-founded hope for
ralis, de consensu sui Definitorii, erigere potest Custodiam a the growth of the Order.
seipso vel ab aliqua Provincia dependentem, dummodo ad eam §3 For special reasons and circumstances, the Minister
constituendam adsint saltem 15 fratres sollemniter professi et General, with the consent of his Definitory, can erect a Cus-
3 Guardianatus. tody dependent on himself or on a Province provided that
there are at least fifteen solemnly professed Friars and three

Art. 117 Art. 117

Custodia autonoma, nisi aliud expresse indicetur, Provin- An autonomous Custody, unless it is expressly indicated
ciae aequiparatur et quae in Constitutionibus generalibus et in otherwise, is equivalent to a Province and all that is established
his Statutis de Provinciis et de earum regimine statuuntur, Cu- in the General Constitutions and in these Statutes concerning
stodiae autonomae eiusque regimini applicantur. the Provinces and their government is to be applied to an au-
tonomous Custody and its government.

Art. 118 Art. 118

Cum fratres ex diversis Provinciis provenientes operam in When Friars from different Provinces are working in a re-
aliqua regione praestant ubi Provincia vel Custodia erigi non- gion where it is not yet possible to establish a new Province or
dum potest, respectivi Ministri, sua sponte vel Ministro gene- Custody, the respective Ministers, on their own initiative or at
rali instante, consultis fratribus quorum interest, ineant consi- the request of the Minister General, having consulted the Fri-
lia inter se, ut a Ministro generali petatur erectio Foederatio- ars concerned, are to enter into discussion among themselves
nis, quae suapte natura est ens transitorium ad futuram ere- so that the Minister General may be requested to establish a
ctionem Provinciae vel Custodiae ordinatum. Structura et ad- Federation, which, by its nature, is a temporary Entity ordered
ministratio Foederationis propriis Statutis, ab illis quorum in- towards the future erection of a Province or Custody. The
terest confectis et a Ministro generali de consensu sui Defini- Structure and administration of a Federation are regulated by
torii approbatis, reguntur. proper Statutes, formulated by those concerned and approved
by the Minister General with the consent of his Definitory.

Art. 119 Art. 119

§1 Minister provincialis, Vicarius provincialis et Definitores §1 The Minister Provincial, the Vicar Provincial and the
Provinciae, Custos, Vicarius et Consiliarii Custodiae autono- Definitors of a Province and the Custos, Vicar and Council-

100 101
mae noviter erectae, prima vice a Definitorio generali ad lors of an autonomous Custody, newly erected, are elected for
triennium eliguntur, praehabito voto consultivo fratrum Pro- the first time for a three-year period by the General Defini-
vinciae vel Custodiae, qui sollemniter professi sunt. tory, with the prior consultative vote of the solemnly professed
§2 Si tamen nova Provincia ex Custodia erigitur, Minister, Friars of the Province or Custody.
Vicarius et Definitores regulariter in Capitulo eliguntur. §2 If, however, the new Province is erected from a Custody, the
§3 Cum erigitur nova Provincia vel Custodia autonoma, si Minister, Vicar and Definitors are elected as usual in Chapter.
necessarium videtur ut normae transitoriae ad earundem vitam §3 If, when a new Province or autonomous Custody is
ordinandam et fovendam emanentur ad normam art. 3 §2 erected, it seems necessary that temporary norms for organis-
horum Statutorum, eaedem a Ministro generali de consensu sui ing and supporting their life should be issued in accordance
Definitorii approbentur. with art. 3 §2 of these Statutes, they are to be approved by the
Minister General with the consent of his Definitory.

Art. 120 Art. 120

§1 Cum aliqua Provincia vel Custodia autonoma, de iudicio §1 When, in the judgement of the General Definitory after
Definitorii generalis, visitatione generali peracta, amplius non a general visitation has been carried out, a Province or au-
habet requisita necessaria ad vitam et missionem Ordinis de tonomous Custody no longer has the necessary requisites to
quibus in art. 115 horum Statutorum satis explenda, Definito- carry out efficiently the life and mission of the Order, which
rii Provinciae vel Consilii Custodiae est, consultis fratribus et are mentioned in art. 115 of these Statutes, it is the duty of the
Conferentiis Ministrorum provincialium, cum alia Provincia Provincial Definitory or Council of the Custody, after con-
tractare ut, conventione circa unionem inita et a Definitorio sulting with the Friars and the Conferences of Ministers
generali approbata, eidem Provinciae uniatur vel in Custo- Provincial, to negotiate with another Province so that, after
diam dependentem mutetur. entering into an agreement about unification approved by the
§2 Si vero hoc intra triennium non attigerit, Ministri gene- General Definitory, it may be united to that same Province or
ralis erit, consultis similiter fratribus respectivae Provinciae et changed into a dependent Custody.
audito Definitorio generali, providere. §2 If this does not occur within three years, however, it is
up to the Minister General, having consulted both the Friars
of the respective Province and the General Definitory, to
make provision.

Art. 121 Art. 121

Ob rationes et circumstantias peculiares, Minister generalis, For special reasons and circumstances, the Minister Gen-
de consensu sui Definitorii, erigere potest Domum vel aliam eral, with the consent of his Definitory, can erect a House or
entitatem, etiam in territorio uniuscuiusque Provinciae vel other Entity dependent on the Minister General himself or on
Custodiae, respectivis fratribus auditis, ab ipso Ministro gene- a Province or autonomous Custody, even within the territory
rali aut ab aliqua Provincia vel Custodia autonoma dependen- of another Province or Custody, having consulted the Friars
tem; utraque normis propriis a competenti auctoritate latis re- concerned. Both are regulated by proper norms, issued by the
guntur. competent authority.

102 103
Art. 122 Art. 122
§1 Si plures Domus vel coetus fratrum versentur in circum- §1 If various Houses or a group of Friars should find them-
stantiis pro quibus Provincia non potest illis satis providere, selves in circumstances in which the Province is not able to
neque adsint condiciones ut in Custodiam erigantur, Minister provide for them sufficiently, and where the conditions are not
generalis de consensu Definitorii, sua sponte vel petente Mi- present to constitute a Custody, the Minister General, with
nistro provinciali cum Definitorio respectivae Provinciae, the consent of his Definitory, on his own initiative or at the re-
Fundationem constituere potest, cui etiam praebere debet quest of the Minister Provincial with the Definitory of the re-
normas seu Statuta propria. spective Province, can erect a Foundation, to which he must
§2 Pro constituenda Fundatione, audiri debent illi quorum also give proper norms or Statutes.
interest. §2 To constitute a Foundation those concerned must be

Art. 123 Art. 123

§1 Pro erigenda Custodia vel Fundatione, dependenti ab §1 In order to erect a Custody or Foundation dependent on a
aliqua Provincia, in territorio alius entitatis Ordinis, etiam Province within the territory of another Entity of the Order, the
votum Consilii huius entitatis in qua erectio facienda est ex- vote of the Council of that Entity in which the erection is being
quiratur priusquam decretum erectionis feratur; si agatur de made is also to be sought before the decree of erection is made.
erectione in territorio plurium entitatum, idem exquiratur a If it is a matter of an erection in the territory of several Entities,
Consiliis omnium entitatum. the same is to be requested from the Councils of all the Entities.
§2 Ad erigendam Domum in territorio alius entitatis, audita §2 For the erection of a House within the territory of an-
respectiva Conferentia Ministrorum Provincialium, requiritur other Entity, after the respective Conference of Ministers
consensus sive Definitorii Generalis sive Definitorii Provin- Provincial has been consulted, the consent of both the Gen-
ciae vel Provinciarum quarum interest atque praevia conven- eral Definitory and of the Definitory of the Province or
tio de cooperatione inter partes. Provinces concerned is required, as well as a prior agreement
of cooperation between the parties.
Art. 124
Ad Domum vel aliam entitatem a pluribus Provinciis aut Art. 124
quibuslibet entitatibus Ordinis vel Familiae Franciscanae de- For a House or other Entity dependent on several Provinces
pendentem quod attinet, praeter normas art. 123, §2 obser- or on any Entity of the Order or the Franciscan Family, in ad-
vandas circa erectionem, conficienda sunt Statuta particularia dition to the norms of article 123 §2, which are to be observed
quoad regimen, visitationem tam generalem quam localem et in its erection, particular Statutes for the government, general
electiones, a respectivis auctoritatibus competentibus appro- and local visitation and elections are to be drawn up and ap-
banda. proved by the respective competent authorities.

Art. 125 Art. 125

Custodiae, Foederationis et Fundationis suppressio ad Mi- The suppression of a Custody, Federation and Foundation
nistrum generalem de consensu Definitorii spectat. pertains to the Minister General, with the consent of his

104 105
Titulus II Title II
De auctoritatibus in Domibus Ordinis Authorities of the Order in Houses

Art. 126 Art. 126

§1 In Domibus immediate subiectis Ministro generali, ipse, §1 In Houses immediately subject to him, the Minister
praeter auctoritatem supremam, eam quoque exercet, solus vel General, besides his supreme authority, exercises also that au-
cum Definitorio, quae Constitutionibus et Statutis tribuitur thority, alone or with the Definitory, which the General Con-
Ministro provinciali, soli vel cum Definitorio, in Domibus stitutions and Statutes attribute to a Minister Provincial, ei-
propriae Provinciae.44 ther alone or with the Definitory, in the Houses of his own
§2 Guardianus harum Domorum, electus a Definitorio ge- Province.44
nerali et a Ministro generali confirmatus, habet eandem pote- §2 The Guardians of these Houses, elected by the Definitory
statem, nisi aliud caveatur, quam alii Guardiani. General and confirmed by the Minster General, have the same
authority as other Guardians, unless otherwise stipulated.

Titulus III Title III

De collatione, exercitio et amissione officiorum Conferral, Exercise and Loss of Offices

Art. 127 Art. 127

§1 Per schedulas et vota secreta eligi debent: Minister et Vi- §1 The Minister and Vicar General, the Minister and Vicar
carius generalis, Minister et Vicarius provincialis, Definitores Provincial, the General and Provincial Definitors, the Custodes
generales et provinciales, Custodes et Consiliarii Custodia- and Custodial Councillors and the Custos and Discretes of the
rum, Custos et Discreti Terrae Sanctae. Holy Land must be elected by written ballots in a secret vote.
§2 In electionibus per schedulas, nisi in his Statutis vel in §2 In elections by written ballots, unless determined other-
Statutis particularibus aliud caveatur, rite electi habeantur qui, wise by these Statutes or by Particular Statutes, provided a
praesente maiore parte eorum qui convocari debent, partem majority of those who must be summoned are present, those
absolute maiorem votorum praesentium in primo vel secundo who have obtained an absolute majority of the votes of those
scrutinio retulerint. present in the first or second vote, are considered elected.
§3 Post duo inefficacia scrutinia, suffragatio fiat super duo- §3 Following two indecisive scrutinies, a vote is to be taken
bus candidatis qui maiorem suffragiorum numerum in se- between the two candidates who obtain the greatest number of
cundo scrutinio obtinuerunt, vel si sunt plures, super duobus a votes in the second scrutiny, or, if there are more than two, be-
prima professione senioribus, et in paritate professionis, super tween the two seniors by first profession and, in the case of par-
aetate senioribus; in hoc tertio scrutinio ille electus habeatur ity of profession, between the two seniors by age. In this third
qui maiorem numerum votorum obtinuerit; si post tertium scrutiny, the one who obtains the greater number of votes is

44 Cf. CIC 596 §1. 44 Cf. CIC 596 §1.

106 107
scrutinium paritas votorum maneat ille electus habeatur qui deemed elected. If, after the third scrutiny, there is still parity of
senior sit prima professione, et in paritate professionis, senior votes, the senior by first profession is deemed to be elected and,
aetate.45 in the case of parity of profession, the senior by age45.

Art. 128 Art. 128

§1 Per ballotationem et vota secreta eligi debent: Secreta- §1 The following must be elected by secret vote using to-
rius generalis, Procurator generalis, Secretarius generalis pro kens: The Secretary General, Procurator General, Secretary
Evangelizatione, Secretarius generalis pro Formatione et Stu- General for Evangelisation, the Secretary General for For-
diis, Oeconomus generalis, Visitatores et Delegati generales, mation and Studies, the Bursar General, Visitators and Del-
Guardiani et Praesides Fundationum, atque, nisi aliter statua- egates General, Guardians and Presidents of Foundations
tur, Praesides Foederationum. and, unless determined otherwise, the Presidents of Federa-
§2 Officia Secretarii provincialis, Secretarii provincialis pro tions.
Evangelizatione missionali, Secretarii provincialis pro Forma- §2 The offices of Provincial Secretary, Provincial Secretary
for Missionary Evangelisation, the Provincial Secretary for
tione et Studiis, Oeconomi provincialis, Magistri, Vicarii, Oe-
Formation and Studies, the Provincial Bursar, Masters, Vicars,
conomi et Discreti Domus omniaque alia munera conferuntur
Bursars and Discretes of the House and all the other offices
per beneplacitum orale vel, de iudicio Praesidis, per ballota-
are conferred through oral approval or, in the judgement of
tionem, nisi aliter in Statutis particularibus provisum fuerit.
the President, by tokens, unless provided for otherwise in the
§3 Nominatione a Ministro generali, respective a Ministro
Particular Statutes.
provinciali, conferuntur munera pro quorum collatione Statu- §3 Those Offices are conferred by appointment of the Mi-
tis particularibus et peculiaribus haec forma praescribitur, nister General and, respectively, of the Minister Provincial, for
praehabita opportuna consultatione.46 which this form is prescribed in Particular and Special Statutes,
with appropriate prior consultation.46

Art. 129 Art. 129

Incompatibilitas officiorum, si a iure universali vel a iure Incompatibility of offices, if it has not been established by
proprio Ordinis statuta non fuerit, ab auctoritate competenti either universal law or proper law of the Order, can be de-
declarari potest. clared by the competent authority.

Art. 130 Art. 130

Omnia officia et munera, ea etiam extra Capitulum collata, All offices and positions, even those conferred outside of
semper vacant tempore Capituli, nisi aliud expresse statuatur, Chapter, always fall vacant at the time of Chapter, unless it has
vel Minister provincialis, de consensu sui Definitorii per se- been expressly established otherwise, or unless the Minister
creta suffragia manifestato, in casu particulari et gravi de Provincial, with the consent of his Definitory expressed

45 Cf. CIC 119 §1. 45 Cf. CIC 119 §1.

46 Cf. CIC 625 §3. 46 Cf. CIC 625 §3.

108 109
causa, prorogationem a Ministro generali de consilio sui Defi- through a secret vote, has requested and obtained a proroga-
nitorii probandam petierit et obtinuerit. tion in a particular case and for a grave reason from the Min-
ister General, with the advice of his Definitory.
Art. 131
§1 Normae de vacatione officiorum non urgent nisi spa- Art. 131
tium temporis praescriptum integre sit completum seu de Ca- §1 Norms regarding vacancy of offices do not oblige unless
pitulo ad Capitulum. the prescribed period of time has been fully completed or is
§2 In collatione officiorum, si temporis vacatio praescribi- from Chapter to Chapter.
tur, requiritur ut spatium temporis pro vacatione praescriptum §2 If an interval of vacancy is prescribed in the conferral of
completum sit, scilicet de Capitulo ad Capitulum. offices, it is required that the period of time prescribed must
§3 Nisi aliud in Statutis particularibus statuatur, in accessu be fully completed; that is, from Chapter to Chapter.
ab inferiore officio ad superius, itemque in recessu a superiore §3 Unless particular Statutes determine otherwise, in moving
ad inferius, nulla vacatio temporis praescribitur. from a lower office to a higher one and likewise from a higher
§4 Collatio officii non servata requisita vacatione invalida office to a lower one, no interval of vacancy is prescribed.
est, nisi a vacatione dispensatio legitima concedatur. §4 If the required vacancy is not observed, the conferral of
§5 Minister generalis, de consensu Definitorii, ex iusta an office is invalid, unless a legitimate dispensation from the
causa a vacationis integritate dispensare potest nisi agatur de vacancy has been granted.
officiis de quibus in art. 127 §1 horum Statutorum. §5 The Minister General, with the consent of his Defini-
tory, can dispense from the completion of the vacancy for a
just cause unless it concerns the offices dealt with in article
127 §1 of these Statutes.
Art. 132
§1 Renuntiationem officii collati in Capitulo eodemque du- Art. 132
rante factam acceptare potest Capituli Praeses, auditis vocali- §1 The President of the Chapter, after consulting the
bus. Chapter Members, can accept the resignation from an office
§2 Renuntiatio, extra Capitulum, Ministri generalis effe- conferred during the Chapter, if the resignation is submitted
ctum non habet, nisi Sanctae Sedi fiat et ab eadem acceptetur. during the same chapter.
§3 Renuntiationem extra Capitulum Vicarii generalis, ali- §2 The resignation of the Minister General made outside of
cuius Definitoris generalis et Ministri provincialis acceptare Chapter has no effect unless it is submitted to and accepted by
potest Minister generalis de consensu sui Definitorii. Idem the Holy See.
valet etiam de renuntiatione officiorum quorum collatio, iuxta §3 The Minister General, with the consent of his Definitory,
art. 182 horum Statutorum regitur. Si autem Minister provin- can accept the resignation of the Vicar General, of a General
cialis officio suo renuntiet in Capitulo cui ipse praesidet, re- Definitor and of a Minster Provincial outside of Chapter. This
nuntiatio acceptari potest a Capitulo, praesidente Vicario. holds good for the resignation from offices whose conferral is
regulated in accordance with art. 182 of these Statutes. If, how-
ever, a Minister Provincial resigns his office during a Chapter
presided over by himself, the resignation can be accepted by the
Chapter under the presidency of the Vicar.

110 111
§4 Renuntiatio aliorum officiorum, quae collata fuerint §4 Resignation from other offices that have been conferred
electione per schedulas aut per ballotationem, acceptationi su- in election by written ballot or by voting with tokens is subject
biacet respectivi Ministri de consensu sui Definitorii. to the acceptance of the respective Minister, with the consent
§5 Renuntiationem officiorum quae collata sunt per bene- of his Definitory.
placitum vel per nominationem, acceptare potest Minister ge- §5 The Minister General or the respective Minister Provin-
neralis, vel respectivus Minister provincialis. cial can accept a resignation from those offices conferred by
verbal approval or by appointment.

Art. 133 Art. 133

§1 Amotionem ab officio sive Ministri provincialis sive to- §1 The Minister General, with the consent of his Defini-
tius gubernii Provinciae gravissima de causa decernere potest tory expressed through a secret vote, observing the require-
Minister generalis de consensu sui Definitorii per secreta suf- ments of law, can decree the removal from office, for a very
fragia manifestato, servatis de iure servandis. grave reason, of either a Minister Provincial or the entire gov-
§2 Amotionem ab aliis officiis collatis per electionem, sive ernment of the Province.
per schedulas sive per ballotationem, respectivi Ministri, de §2 The respective Ministers, with the consent of their
consensu Definitorii per secreta suffragia manifestato, gravem Definitories expressed through a secret vote, observing the re-
ob causam decernere possunt, servatis de iure servandis. quirements of law, may decree, for a grave reason, the removal
§3 Contra amotionis decretum, latum in casibus de quibus from other offices conferred by election, whether by written
in §1 et §2 huius articuli, datur recursus in suspensivo ad Mi- ballot or by voting with tokens.
nistrum generalem, respective ad Sanctam Sedem. Recursus §3 Recourse, with suspensive effect, is directed to the Min-
hierarchicus, si interponatur, fieri debet coram Ministro a quo ister General and respectively to the Holy See against a decree
decretum amotionis latum est, intra quindecim dies utiles ab of removal, issued in the cases mentioned in §§1-2 of this ar-
intimatione decreti computandos. Quo termino inutiliter ela- ticle. Hierarchical recourse, if undertaken, must be proposed
pso, officium de iure vacat.47 before the Minster by whom the decree of removal was issued
§4 Amotionem ab officio collato per beneplacitum, respe- within fifteen canonical days to be computed from the notifi-
ctivus Minister, de consensu Definitorii, decernere valet. cation of the decree. Once this time limit has elapsed without
Amotionem a munere collato per nominationem decernere recourse being proposed, the office is legally vacant47.
potest respectivus Minister. §4 The respective Minister, with the consent of his Defini-
tory, can decree the removal from an office conferred by oral
approval. The respective Minister may decree the removal
from a position conferred by appointment.

47 Cf. CIC 1737 §2. 47 Cf. CIC 1737 §2.

112 113

Titulus IV Title IV
De Capitulo generali The General Chapter

Art. 134 Art. 134

§1 Indictio Capituli generalis a Ministro generali saltem sex §1 The convocation of the General Chapter is to be made
mensibus ante eius celebrationem fiat per litteras ad Ordinem, by the Minister General at least six months before its celebra-
in quibus vocales convocantur atque dies initii et argumenta tion through a letter to the Order, in which the Chapter
praecipua exprimuntur. Members are convoked and the day of its commencement and
§2 Ratio agendi Capituli generalis in proprio Ordine sta- the principal topics are indicated.
tuitur. §2 The method of procedure of the Chapter is established
in its own Rules of Procedure.

Art. 135 Art. 135

§1 Rerum maioris momenti in Capitulo generali tractanda- §1 The text, or at least a summary, of all matters of major
rum textus, vel saltem summarium, tempestive omnibus fratri- importance to be dealt with in the General Chapter are to be
bus per Ministros provinciales et Custodes communicandi communicated in good time to all the Friars through the Min-
sunt. isters Provincial and Custodes.
§2 Fratres omnes, per Ministrum provincialem aut Custo- §2 All Friars can send their opinions and proposals concern-
dem, vel directe ad Capitulum generale suas opiniones et pro- ing the good of the Order directly to the General Chapter or
posita ad bonum Ordinis pertinentia mittere possunt. Hae through their Minister Provincial or Custos. In order for these
quaestiones ut in Capitulo excutiantur, indigent approbatione questions to be discussed in Chapter they need the approval of
Capituli, ad normam proprii Ordinis. the Chapter, in accordance with its Rules of Procedure.

Art. 136 Art. 136

§1 Ultimus ex-Minister generalis vocandus est ad Capitu- §1 The most recent former Minister General must be in-
lum qua legitimus vocalis, etsi interesse non tenetur. vited to the Chapter as a legitimate Chapter Member, but he
§2 Praeter vocales de quibus in art. 192 Constitutionum ge- is not obliged to attend.
neralium, ad Capitulum generale qua legitimi vocales vocandi §2 In addition to those mentioned in art. 192 of the Ge-
sunt: neral Constitutions, the following must be summoned to the
1. Secretarius generalis pro Evangelizatione; Secretarius ge- General Chapter as legitimate Chapter Members:
neralis pro Formatione et Studiis, necnon Procurator generalis; 1. the Secretary General for Evangelisation, the Secretary
General for Formation and Studies as well as the Procurator

114 115
2. Custodes Custodiarum autonomarum et earum quae a 2. the Custodes of autonomous Custodies and of those de-
Ministro generali dependent; pendent on the Minister General;
3. Praesides Foederationum. 3. the Presidents of Federations.
§3 Provinciae quae Custodias habent dependentes, ex una- §3 Provinces with dependent Custodies must elect a dele-
quaque istarum delegatum eligere debent, ad normam Statu- gate from each one of them, in accordance with the norms of
torum particularium, ut legitimum vocalem in Capitulo gene- the Particular Statutes, as a legitimate Member of the General
rali. Chapter.
§4 Quaelibet Conferentia Ministrorum provincialium eli- §4 Each Conference of Ministers Provincial must elect, in
gere debet, ad normam Statutorum ipsius Conferentiae, unum accordance with the norms of the Statutes of the Conference,
fratrem laicum sollemniter professum ex fratribus in territorio a solemnly professed lay Friar as a legitimate Member of the
degentibus ut legitimum vocalem in Capitulo generali. General Chapter from among the Friars living in its territory.
§5 Capitulum uti potest opera peritorum, quorum partici- §5 The Chapter may utilise the services of experts, whose
patio Ordine Capituli accurate determinetur. participation is to be carefully determined in the Rules of Pro-
cedure of the Chapter.

Art. 137 Art. 137

Pro casu in quo vocales de quibus in §3 et §4 art. 136 adesse Substitutes are to be elected in case the Members men-
non possint, substituti eligantur. tioned in §3 and §4 of article 136 cannot be present.

Titulus V Title V
De Consilio plenario Ordinis The Plenary Council of the Order

Art. 138 Art. 138

Consilium plenarium Ordinis a Ministro generali convoce- The Plenary Council of the Order is to be convoked by the
tur ubi et quando a Capitulo generali statutum fuerit vel ipsi Minister General at the time and place established by the
Ministro de consensu sui Definitorii opportunum visum erit, General Chapter or when it seems opportune to the Minister
et insuper quoties maior pars Conferentiarum id petiverit. himself, with the consent of his Definitory, and, in addition,
any time the majority of the Conferences requests it.

Art. 139 Art. 139

§1 Consiliarii ad Consilium plenarium Ordinis eliguntur a §1 The Council Members of the Plenary Council of the Order
Conferentiis Ministrorum provincialium, ita ut ex unaquaque are to be elected by the Conferences of Ministers Provincial so
Conferentia duo Consiliarii adsint. that two Council Members are present from each Conference.
§2 Minister generalis, de consensu sui Definitorii, potest §2 The Minister General, with the consent of his Definitory,
designare alios Consiliarios pro Consilio plenario, dummodo can designate other Council Members for the Plenary Council,
Consiliarii designati medietatem numeri Conferentiarum Mi- provided that the designated Councillors do not exceed half the
nistrorum provincialium non excedant. number of the Conferences of Ministers Provincial.

116 117
§3 In Consiliarios eligi possunt fratres sive sint sive non sint §3 Friars, who may or may not be Ministers, can be elected
Ministri. Electio Consiliariorum fit a Conferentiis prout ipsis as Council Members. The election of Council Members is
opportunum videatur ita tamen ut Consiliarii electi fuerint made by the Conferences as they see fit, so that the Council
saltem tres menses ante celebrationem Consilii plenarii. No- Members will have been elected at least three months before
mina electorum Consiliariorum eorumque substitutorum ad the celebration of the Plenary Council. The names of the
Ministrum generalem tempestive transmittenda sunt. elected Council Members and of their substitutes are to be
sent to the Minister General in good time.

Art. 140 Art. 140

§1 Minister generalis cum Definitorio conficit elenchum §1 The Minister General, with his Definitory, compiles the
quaestionum pertractandarum in Consilio plenario, eumque list of questions to be dealt with during the Plenary Council
infra sex menses transmittendum curabit membris Conferen- and is to ensure that this is sent to the members of the Con-
tiarum Ministrorum provincialium, ita ut de quaestionibus ferences of Ministers Provincial six months beforehand so that
propositis inter se conferant. they may exchange ideas on the questions proposed.
§2 Ius est unicuique fratri quaestiones in Consilio plenario §2 It is the right of each Friar to propose to the Minister
tractandas opportuno tempore Ministro generali proponere; General, in good time, topics to be dealt with during the Ple-
itemque cuivis membro facultas est proponendi quaestiones nary Council; likewise, each Member is able to present ques-
quae in ipso coetu pertractandae sunt, si tertia pars Consilii tions to be discussed during the assembly itself, if one third of
easdem approbaverit. the Council has approved them.

Titulus VI Title VI
De Conventu Praesidum Conferentiarum The Meeting of Conference Presidents
cum Ministro et Definitorio generali with the Minister and Definitory General

Art. 141 Art. 141

§1 Ad agendum, cum voto consultivo, de negotiis, quaestio- §1 At least once every two years, the Minister General is to
nibus et rebus maioris momenti pro Ordine, saltem semel in convoke a meeting of the Presidents of the Conferences, ei-
unoquoque biennio convocandus est Conventum Praesidum ther all of them or just those of a certain territory. The pur-
Conferentiarum sive omnium sive alicuius territorii. pose of the meeting is to consider, with a consultative voice,
§2 Convocatio et praesidentia Conventus spectat ad Mini- the issues, questions and matters of major importance for the
strum generalem, qui cum Definitorio generali eiusdem prae- Order.
parationem curabit. §2 The convocation and the presidency of this meeting per-
tains to the Minister General, who, together with the General
Definitory, is to take care of its preparation.

118 119
Titulus VII Title VII
De Vicario generali The Vicar General

Art. 142 Art. 142

§1 Vicarius generalis, qui potestate ordinaria vicaria in Or- §1 The Vicar General, who enjoys ordinary vicarious power
dine gaudet, et nomine Ordinarii intelligitur,48 absente vel im- in the Order and who is understood to be an Ordinary,48 governs
pedito Ministro generali Ordinem regit. the Order when the Minister General is absent or impeded.
§2 Ministro generali praesente, Vicarius generalis suam §2 When the Minister General is present, the Vicar General
auctoritatem exercet ad normam Statutorum peculiarium De- exercises his authority in accordance with the norm of the Spe-
finitorii generalis 49 et actus administrativos singulares: de- cial Statutes of the General Definitory49 and can carry out sin-
creta, praecepta et rescripta efficere potest;50 Minister genera- gular administrative acts: to issue decrees, precepts and re-
lis etiam alias facultates ei conferre valet. scripts.50 The Minister General can also give him other faculties.
§3 Vicarius generalis de praecipuis negotiis gerendis et ge- §3 The Vicar General must refer to the Minister General
stis Ministro generali referre debet, nec umquam contra eius important matters that need to be dealt with and those that
voluntatem et mentem agat.51 have been dealt with; he is never to act contrary to the will and
mind of the Minister General.51

Titulus VIII Title VIII

De Definitoribus generalibus The General Definitors

Art. 143 Art. 143

§1 Numerus et modi electionis Definitorum generalium a §1 The number of General Definitors and the method of
Capitulo generali definiuntur. their election are determined by the General Chapter.
§2 Quisque Definitor generalis eligatur prae oculis ha- §2 Each General Definitor is to be elected, taking account
bendo: praeparationem suam et qualitates quoad animationem of the following: his training and qualities in relation to the
vitae et missionis Ordinis, atque habilitatem suam in “conver- animation of the life and mission of the Order, his ability at in-
satione” internationali et activitate communi, necnon circa ternational ‘relations’ and team work, as well as his knowledge
linguarum et culturarum cognitionem. of languages and cultures.
§3 In electionibus Definitorum generalium magni facere §3 In the elections of the General Definitors it is very ne-
oportet regiones et linguas, cum Definitorium generale Ordi- cessary to take regions and languages into account, since the
nis, quantum fieri potest, exprimere debeat eiusdem diversita- General Definitory of the Order, in so far as is possible, must
tem ethnicam, culturalem et geographicam. express its ethnic, cultural and geographic diversity.

48 Cf. CIC 134 §1, 620. 48 Cf. CIC 134 §1, 620.
49 Cf. CCGG 205. 49 Cf. GGCC 205.
50 Cf. CIC 35, 48-49, 59. 50 Cf. CIC 35, 48-49, 59.
51 Cf. CCGG 200 §1. 51 Cf. GGCC 200 §1.

120 121
Art. 144 Art. 144
Salvo praescripto Art. 202-205 Constitutionum generalium, It is the special duty of the General Definitors, elected for
munus est Definitorum generalium pro universo Ordine elec- the whole Order, without prejudice to articles 202-205 of the
torum imprimis Ministro generali consilium praebere in iis General Constitutions, to give advice to the Minister General
quae vitam et missionem Ordinis respiciunt, munera pecularia in all that concerns the life and mission of the Order, to fulfil
ab ipso Ministro generali eisdem concredita adimplere, vitam any special duties entrusted to them by the same Minister
evangelicam intra entitates et in regionibus Ordinis promovere. General and to promote the gospel life within the Entities and
regions of the Order.

Titulus IX Title IX
De Officiis Curiae generalis Offices of the General Curia

Art. 145 Art. 145

§1 In Curia generali, praeter Secretariatum generalem pro §1 In the General Curia, in addition to the General Secre-
negotiis generalibus Ordinis, habeantur: tariat for the general affairs of the Order there is to be:
– Procura generalis pro relationibus cum Sancta Sede; – The General Procuration for relationships with the Holy
– Secretariatus generalis pro Evangelizatione See;
– Secretariatus generalis pro Formatione et Studiis; – The General Secretariat for Evangelisation;
– Postulatio generalis pro Causis beatificationis et canoni- – The General Secretariat for Formation and Studies;
zationis; – The General Postulation for the causes of beatification
– Oeconomatus generalis; and canonisation;
– Officium pro Iustitia et Pace et Integritate Creati; – The Office of the Bursar General;
– Officium pro Monialibus et Institutis franciscalibus; – The Office for “Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation”;
– Officium pro Ordine Franciscano Saeculari; – The Office for Nuns and Franciscan Institutes;
– Protocollum et Archivum generale; – The Office for the Secular Franciscan Order;
– Officium pro communicationibus. – The Office of Protocol and General Archives;
§2 Praeter officia in praecedenti paragrapho enumerata, alia – The Office for Communications.
institui possunt a Definitorio generali. §2 In addition to the Offices enumerated in the preceding
paragraph, others can be instituted by the General Definitory.

Art. 146 Art. 146

Secretarius generalis, Procurator generalis, Secretarius ge- The Secretary General, the Procurator General, the Secre-
neralis pro Evangelizatione et Secretarius generalis pro For- tary General for Evangelisation and the Secretary General for
matione et Studiis ad sexennium a Ministro generali cum suo Formation and Studies are elected for a six-year period by the
Definitorio eliguntur. Alii omnes officiales, nisi aliter in his Minister General with his Definitory. All other officials, un-
Statutis praescribatur, a Ministro generali et ad eiusdem nutum less prescribed otherwise in these statutes, are appointed at the
nominantur. discretion of the Minister General.

122 123
Art. 147 Art. 147
§1 Secretario generali munus competit rite coordinare, aliis §1 The Secretary General of the Order has the duty of
etiam pro officiis, omnes labores qui in Curia generali pera- properly coordinating, even for the other offices, all the work
guntur. that is done in the General Curia.
§2 Secretarius generalis sessionibus Definitorii generalis §2 The Secretary General attends the sessions of the Ge-
adest, quin tamen vocem deliberativam habeat. Acta in scriptis neral Definitory, but without having a deliberative vote. He
refert, sigillum Ordinis custodit et sub Ministri generalis au- records in writing what has taken place, keeps the seal of the
ctoritate coordinat quae ad negotia administrativa tractanda Order and, under the authority of the Minister General, co-
attinent. Curet insuper ut acta Curiae generalis redigantur et ordinates everything concerning administrative matters that
in archivo custodiantur. have to be dealt with. In addition, he is to ensure that the acts
of the Curia are drawn up and kept in the archives.

Art. 148 Art. 148

§1 Secretarius pro Evangelizatione in coordinandis atque §1 The Secretary for Evangelisation helps in coordinating
fovendis inceptis evangelizationis missionalis atque curae pa- and animating the whole Order’s undertakings of missionary
storalis totius Ordinis assistit. evangelisation and pastoral care.
§2 Istius est etiam auxilium praebere Secretariis provincia- §2 It also pertains to him to offer assistance to the Provin-
libus et interprovincialibus pro Evangelizatione missionali in cial and Inter-provincial Secretaries for missionary evangelisa-
eorum activitate animationis fratrum et christifidelium. tion in their work as animators of the Friars and the Christian

Art. 149 Art. 149

§1 Secretarius pro Formatione et Studiis assistit in promo- §1 The Secretary for Formation and Studies helps in pro-
vendis investigationibus de principiis formationis tam initialis moting research on the principles of both initial and ongoing
quam continuae, atque in eis applicandis ad normam iuris uni- formation and in their application, in accordance with the
versalis et proprii. norm of universal and proper law.
§2 Secretarius pro Formatione et Studiis, de mandato Mi- §2 The Secretary for Formation and Studies, by mandate of
nistri generalis, Centra investigationis Ordinis et Domus for- the Minister General, is to visit the Research Centres of the
mationis visitet et relationes sive mutuas sive cum Curia gene- Order and the Houses of Formation and to promote relation-
rali foveat. ships between them and with the General Curia.

Art. 150 Art. 150

§1 Procurator generalis eligi potest aliquis e gremio Defi- §1 A member of the Definitory or another Friar can be
nitorii generalis, vel alius frater. elected Procurator General.
§2 Procuratoris generalis est tractare et sollicite expedire, §2 It is the duty of the Procurator General, in the name of
nomine Ministri generalis, omnia Ordinis negotia, quae cum the Minster General, to conduct and expedite all of the Order’s
S. Sede tractanda sunt, exceptis iis quae ad causas beatificatio- business with the Holy See, except what pertains to the causes
nis et canonizationis pertinent. of beatification and canonisation.

124 125
§3 Procuratore generali absente vel impedito, Secretarius §3 Whenever the Procurator General is absent or impeded,
Procurae negotia procurationis gerat sub Ministri generalis the Secretary of the Procuration manages the affairs of the
directione. procuration under the direction of the Minister General.
§4 Ceteri fratres minime audeant apud Apostolicam Sedem, §4 Other Friars must not dare to by-pass the Procurator
Procuratore generali praetermisso, negotia quae ei compe- General and conduct or expedite business at the Apostolic See
tunt, tractare vel expedire. that belongs to him.

Art. 151 Art. 151

§1 Oeconomatus generalis curam habet administrandi bona §1 The Bursar General takes care of administering goods
et contributa quae in utilitatem totius Ordinis destinantur pro and contributions that, for the good of the entire Order, are
expensis officiorum Curiae generalis et Domorum a Ministro designated for the expenses of the offices of the General Curia
generali dependentium, pro necessitatibus Provinciarum et and of the Houses dependent on the Minister General, for the
Custodiarum indigentium sublevandis, et pro inceptis a Defi- support of the needs of poor Provinces and Custodies and for
nitorio generali promovendis. undertakings promoted by the General Definitory.
§2 Oeconomo et Oeconomatui generali operam praestat §2 The Council for Financial Affairs, the members of which
Consilium de rebus oeconomicis, cuius membra a Ministro are appointed by the Minister General with the advice of his
generali, de consilio sui Definitorii, nominantur.52 Definitory,52 assists the Bursar General and Bursar General’s

Art. 152 Art. 152

Oeconomus generalis, qui Consilio de rebus oeconomicis The Bursar General, who presides over the Council for Fi-
praeest, curam gerat de recta bonorum temporalium Ordinis nancial Affairs, is to take care of the proper administration of
administratione ad normam iuris universalis et proprii; quo- the temporal goods of the Order, in accordance with universal
tannis insuper Definitorio generali rationem accipiendi et ex- and proper law. In addition, each year he presents the budget
pendendi pro anno sequenti proponit, ac post approbationem of income and expenditure for the following year to the Ge-
de eius exsecutione curat; et semper Definitorio rationem ac- neral Definitory and, following its approval, he takes care of
cepti et expensi anni praecedentis praesentat.53 its execution; he always presents the accounts of income and
expenditure of the preceding year to the Definitory.53

Art. 153 Art. 153

§1 A Definitorio generali Commissio internationalis de §1 An International Commission for Financial Affairs,
rebus oeconomicis ex peritis Conferentiis Ministrorum pro- composed of experts proposed by the Conferences of Minis-
vincialium propositis constituta, institui potest. ters Provincial, can be instituted by the General Definitory.

52 Cf. CIC 1280. 52 Cf. CIC 1280.

53 Cf. CIC 1287 §1. 53 Cf. CIC 1287 §1.

126 127
§2 Haec Commissio, rationibus oeconomicis examinatis, §2 This Commission, having examined the financial ac-
Definitorio generali relationem facit cum suo iudicio, necnon counts, presents a report with its own opinion to the General
consilia praebet de rebus oeconomicis. Definitory and gives advice on financial matters.

Art. 154 Art. 154

Officia Curiae generalis in art. 145 §1 horum Statutorum The offices of the General Curia, enumerated in art. 145 §1
enumerata et alia forsitan instituenda, Statutis peculiaribus a of these Statutes, and others that might be set up, are go-
Ministro generali de consensu sui Definitorii approbatis re- verned by Special Statutes approved by the Minister General
guntur. with the consent of his Definitory.

Titulus X Title X
De Visitatoribus et Delegatis generalibus Visitators and Delegates General

Art. 155 Art. 155

Visitator et Delegatus generalis ordinario regimini Provin- The Visitator and Delegate General are not to interfere in
ciarum ne se immisceant, nisi in casu particulari Minister ge- the ordinary government of the Provinces, unless in a parti-
neralis de consensu sui Definitorii, per secreta suffragia mani- cular case the Minister General, with the consent of his Defi-
festato, aliud decreverit. nitory expressed in a secret vote, has decreed otherwise.

Art. 156 Art. 156

Delegati est de rebus gravioribus singulis vicibus Ministrum It is the duty of the Delegate to inform the Minister Ge-
generalem certiorem facere, eidemque relationem de actis et neral about matters of greater importance whenever they arise
gestis in suo officio obeundo exhibere. and to give him a report on all that has been done and has hap-
pened during the exercise of his office.

Art. 157 Art. 157

Statutis peculiaribus, a Ministro generali de consensu sui All that concerns the Visitator and Delegate General is to
Definitorii approbatis, praescribantur omnia quae ad Visitato- be prescribed in Special Statutes, approved by the Minister
rem et Delegatum generalem spectant. General with the consent of his Definitory.

128 129

Titulus XI Title XI
De Capitulo provinciali The Provincial Chapter

Art. 158 Art. 158

Capitulum est institutum maximi momenti ad dirigendam The Chapter is the most important institution for regulat-
vitam et missionem fratrum in Provincia vel Custodia. Statuta ing the life and mission of the Friars in a Province or Custody.
particularia determinent modum seu formam participationis The Particular Statutes determine the manner or form of the
fratrum in Capitulo, ita tamen ut observentur normae iuris ca- participation of the Friars in the Chapter, in such a way, how-
nonici, Constitutionum et Statutorum generalium quoad re- ever, that the norms of Canon Law, the General Constitutions
quisita ad validitatem electionum et decisionum. and Statutes are observed concerning the requirements for the
validity of elections and decisions.

Art. 159 Art. 159

§1 Capitulum provinciale ordinarium tertio quoque anno §1 The ordinary Provincial Chapter is to be celebrated
celebretur. Praeses Capituli tamen, iusta de causa et audito every three years. The President of the Chapter, however, for
Definitorio, Capitulum provinciale ad tres menses ultra trien- a just cause and having consulted the Definitory, can postpone
nium differre vel infra triennium anticipare potest. Ut Capitu- it for three months beyond the three years or anticipate it by
lum provinciale ultra tres menses differri vel anticipari possit, three months. To postpone or anticipate the Provincial Chap-
etiam licentia Ministri generalis requiritur. ter by more than three months the permission of the Minister
§2 Praeses Capituli in quo Minister provincialis eligitur est General is also required.
Minister generalis vel eius Delegatus. In aliis Capitulis Prae- §2 The Minister General or his Delegate is the President of
ses est Minister provincialis, nisi adsit Minister generalis eiu- the Chapter in which a Minister Provincial is elected. In other
sve Delegatus. Definitorium provinciale per vota secreta a Mi- Chapters, the President is the Minister Provincial, unless the
nistro generali petere potest ut Delegatus nominetur. Minister General or his Delegate is present. The Provincial
§3 Si contingat Ministrum provincialem deficere in Capi- Definitory, through a secret vote, can ask the Minister Ge-
tulo in quo ipse Praeses est, sive ob acceptatam renuntiatio- neral to appoint a Delegate.
nem, sive ob aliam causam, eius locum assumit Vicarius pro- §3 If it should happen that the Minister Provincial is miss-
vincialis vel, eo deficiente, Definitor a prima professione se- ing from a Chapter of which he is President, either because his
nior, et in paritate professionis aetate senior, usque ad electio- resignation has been accepted or for some other reason, his
nem novi Ministri provincialis, qui ab omnibus vocalibus Ca- place is taken by the Vicar Provincial or, if he too is missing,
pituli eligitur. Ipse in officio permanet usque ad proximum by the Definitor who is senior by first profession and, in case
Capitulum Provinciae. of parity of profession, by the one who is senior by age until
the election of the new Minister Provincial, who is elected by
all the Members of the Chapter. He remains in office until the
next Chapter of the Province.

130 131
Art. 160 Art. 160
§1 Negotia maioris momenti in Capitulo provinciali trac- §1 Matters of greater importance to be dealt with in a
tanda a Ministro provinciali fratribus communicentur. Si quod Provincial Chapter are to be communicated to the Friars by
negotium aestimetur studio dignum, a Capitulo locali oppor- the Minister Provincial. If any matter is judged worthy of
tuno tempore Definitorio Provinciae proponi potest. study, it can be proposed in good time to the Definitory of the
§2 Fratres etiam singuli ad Capitulum provinciale suas opi- Province by a local Chapter.
niones et proposita mittere possunt; quae res accipiendae et §2 Individual Friars too can send their opinions and pro-
tractandae sunt ad normas Statutorum particularium et ordi- posals to the Provincial Chapter. Such matters are to be ac-
nis Capituli. cepted and dealt with in accordance with the norms of the
Particular Statutes and of the Rules of Procedure of the

Art. 161 Art. 161

§1 Si in Statutis particularibus non sit provisum ut Capitulo §1 If there is no provision in the Particular Statutes for all
provinciali vel custodiali intersint omnes fratres Provinciae aut the Friars of the Province or Custody to participate in the
Custodiae, vocem activam in electionibus necnon vocem deli- Provincial or Custodial Chapter, the following have active
berativam et consultivam in sessionibus capitularibus usque ad voice in the elections as well as a deliberative and consultative
absolutum Capitulum habent: Praeses Capituli, Minister pro- voice in Chapter sessions until the conclusion of the Chapter:
vincialis, Vicarius provincialis, Definitores provinciales, ex- the President of the Chapter, the Minister Provincial, the
Minister provincialis qui in Capitulo immediate praecedenti, Vicar Provincial, the Provincial Definitors, the former Minis-
non vero qui post Capitulum, officium resignaverit, Secreta- ter Provincial who went out of office at the immediately pre-
rius Provinciae, Custodes in Provinciis quae habent Custo- ceding Chapter, but not if he resigned from office after the
dias, Guardiani, Deputati provinciales de quibus in articulo se- Chapter, the Secretary of the Province, the Custodes in
quenti, aliique in Statutis particularibus determinati. Provinces that have Custodies, the Guardians, the Provincial
§2 Statuta particularia numerum Guardianorum in Capi- Delegates, mentioned in the following article, and others who
tulo vocalium reducere possunt. are specified in the Particular Statutes.
§3 Ex-Minister generalis ad Capitula propriae Provin- §2 The Particular Statutes can reduce the number of
ciae vocandus est qua legitimus vocalis, non tamen interesse Guardian who are Members of the Chapter.
tenetur. §3 The former Minister General must be invited to the
§4 Vocales Capituli a Praeside convocari debent et, salvo Chapter of his own Province as a legitimate Chapter Member;
praescripto §3 huius articuli, interesse tenentur, nisi sint legi- however, he is not obliged to attend.
time impediti: de eorum absentia Praesidem tempestive cer- §4 The Members of the Chapter must be convoked by the
tiorem faciant, ut substituti, si in iure praevideatur, vocari pos- President and, without prejudice to §3 of this article, they are
sint. obliged to attend unless they are legitimately impeded. They
are to inform the President of their absence in good time so
that substitutes, if such are foreseen by law, can be convoked.

132 133
Art. 162 Art. 162
§1 In electione Deputatorum voce activa et passiva gaudent, §1 All the solemnly professed Friars of the Province enjoy
nisi ea privati fuerint, omnes Provinciae fratres sollemniter active and passive voice in the election of delegates, unless
professi. Qui ex iure voce in Capitulo gaudent, non habent they have been deprived of it. Those who have an ex-officio
vocem in hac electione. voice in Chapter do not have a vote in this election.
§2 Numerus Deputatorum Statutis particularibus determi- §2 The number of Delegates is to be established by the Par-
natur, ita tamen ut non sit minor numero aliorum vocalium ticular Statutes but in such a way, however, that it is not less
qui Capitulo provinciali interesse debent. than the number of the other Chapter Members who must at-
§3 Fratres qui a Ministro generali officium vel oboedien- tend the Chapter.
tiam receperunt, in Capitulo propriae provinciae gaudent voce §3 Friars who received an office or obedience from the
activa et, tantum cum licentia eiusdem Ministri, voce etiam Minister General enjoy active voice in the Chapter of their
passiva. own Province; and they enjoy passive voice only with the per-
mission of the same Minister.

Art. 163 Art. 163

§1 Electio Ministri provincialis et Vicarii provincialis, si §1 The election of the Minister Provincial and Vicar
tempus eorum officii elapsum fuerit, et electio Definitorum Provincial, if the term of their office has elapsed, and the elec-
Provinciae, fiant in Capitulo provinciali ordinario, exceptis ca- tion of the Provincial Definitors is to be carried out in the or-
sibus de quibus in art. 119 §1 horum Statutorum et in para- dinary Provincial Chapter, except in the case mentioned in art.
grapho sequenti. 119 §1 of these Statutes and in the following paragraph.
§2 Minister generalis, de consensu Definitorii per secreta §2 If special circumstances and very serious reasons seem to
suffragia manifestato, si peculiaria adiuncta et gravissimae cau- demand it, the Minister General, with the consent of his
sae id exigere videantur, potest sibi et Definitorio generali Definitory expressed by secret vote, can reserve to himself and
electionem Ministri provincialis, vel etiam Definitorii Provin- the General Definitory the election of a Minister Provincial or
ciae reservare, et etiam eligere in Ministrum fratrem alius Pro- even of a Provincial Definitory; they can even elect a Friar
vinciae. Si reservata fuerit electio solius Ministri provincialis, from another Province as Minister. If the election of the Mi-
Vicarius provincialis et Definitores a Capitulo eliguntur. nister Provincial alone has been reserved, the Vicar Provincial
and the Definitors are elected by the Chapter.

Art. 164 Art. 164

Capitulum provinciale ordinarium ob validas rationes sta- The ordinary Provincial Chapter, for valid reasons, can de-
tuere potest celebrationem Capituli provincialis extraordina- cide on the celebration of an extraordinary Provincial Chap-
rii, in quo tractari possunt negotia maioris momenti pro vita ter, in which matters of greater importance for the life of the
Provinciae, decisiones sumi, minime autem electiones, de qui- Province can be dealt with and decisions taken; however, the
bus agitur in art. 127 §1, fieri possunt. Huiusmodi Capituli ce- elections dealt with in art. 127 §1 cannot be held. The cele-
lebratio fiat ad modum Capituli provincialis ordinarii et con- bration of such a Chapter is carried out after the manner of
vocabitur a Ministro provinciali qui huic Capitulo etiam prae- the ordinary Provincial Chapter and is to be convoked by the
sidebit. Minister Provincial, who will also preside over it.

134 135
Art. 165 Art. 165
§1 Acta electionum Capituli provincialis aut Capituli Cu- §1 The acts of the elections of the Provincial Chapter or of
stodiae autonomae redacta in forma authentica, pro ratihabi- the Chapter of an autonomous Custody, drawn up in an au-
tione, itemque Statuta particularia vel eorum mutationes si thentic manner, are to be sent as soon as possible to the General
quae factae fuerint, pro approbatione ad Definitorium gene- Definitory for ratification. Similarly, Particular Statutes or any
rale quam primum mittantur. changes made to them are to be sent for approval as soon as pos-
§2 Res in Capitulo provinciali vel custodiali tractatae et de- sible.
cisiones factae sine mora fratribus Provinciae aut Custodiae §2 The matters dealt with during the Provincial or Custo-
communicentur. dial Chapter and the decisions taken are to be communicated
without delay to the Friars of the Province or Custody.

Titulus XII Title XII

De Congressu capitulari The Capitular Congressus

Art. 166 Art. 166

§1 In Congressu capitulari ius suffragii praeter Ministrum §1 In addition to the Minister General or his Delegate, if he
generalem eiusve Delegatum, si adsit, habent: Minister pro- is present, the following have the right to vote in the Capitu-
vincialis, ex-Minister qui in hoc eodem Capitulo officium re- lar Congressus: the Minister Provincial, the former Minister
signaverit, Vicarius provincialis et Definitores provinciales. who left office in the same Chapter, the Vicar Provincial and
§2 Si contingat Praesidem Congressus capitularis, nomina- the Provincial Definitors.
tum ad normam art. 159, §2 horum Statutorum, impediri a §2 If it should happen that the President of the Capitular
munere suo exercendo, res deferatur ad Definitorium gene- Congressus, appointed in accordance with art. 159 §2 of these
rale. Si, de iudicio Congressus capitularis, casus urgeat, prae- Statutes, is impeded from exercising his office, the matter is to
sideat Minister provincialis. be referred to the General Definitory. If, in the judgement of
the Capitular Congressus, the matter is urgent, the Minister
Provincial is to preside.
Art. 167
Acta Congressus capitularis Definitorio generali transmit- Art. 167
tantur pro ratihabitione, et quidem in forma authentica, scili- The acts of the Capitular Congressus are to be sent to the
cet rite subscripta et sigillo Provinciae munita. In his exprimi General Definitory for ratification in an authentic form, that
debent tempus et locus electionum, qui electores et quot fue- is, duly signed and stamped with the Provincial seal. In these
rint, et qualis sit scrutiniorum exitus. there must be expressed: the time and place of elections, the
identity and number of electors; and the result of each ballot.

Art. 168 Art. 168

Omnia quae in articulis praecedentibus de Congressu capi- All that has been prescribed in the preceding articles in re-
tulari praescribuntur, servatis servandis, vim habent etiam pro gard to the Chapter Congressus, observing the requirements of
Congressu Consilii custodialis. law, is also valid for the Congressus of the Custodial Council.

136 137
Titulus XIII Title XIII
De Consilio plenario Provinciae The Plenary Council of the Province

Art. 169 Art. 169

Si Capitulo provinciali placuerit ut Consilium plenarium If the Provincial Chapter wishes to have a Plenary Council
Provinciae pro immediato triennio instituatur, statim post of the Province instituted for the immediate three-year pe-
unumquodque Capitulum illud instituendum erit ad normam riod, it must be established at once after each Chapter, in ac-
articuli sequentis et Statutorum particularium. cordance with the following article and the Particular Statutes.

Art. 170 Art. 170

§1 Consilium plenarium constituunt Minister et Vicarius §1 The Plenary Council consists of: the Minister and Vicar
provincialis, Definitores et Secretarius Provinciae, necnon fra- Provincial, the Definitory and the Secretary of the Province,
tres, secundum varia munera, Statutis particularibus determi- as well as the Friars determined by the Particular Statutes ac-
nati, et alii quidam ad normam eorundem Statutorum electi. cording to the various offices and certain others elected in ac-
§2 Statutis particularibus praescribantur omnia quae spec- cordance with the norms of the same Statutes.
tant ad compositionem, convocationem et celebrationem Con- §2 All that concerns the composition, convocation and ce-
silii plenarii. lebration of the Plenary Council is to be prescribed in the Par-
ticular Statutes.

Art. 171 Art. 171

Consilium plenarium Provinciae, a Ministro provinciali con- The Plenary Council of the Province, convoked by the
vocatum, votum consultivum tantum habet nisi pro determina- Minister Provincial, only has a consultative vote, unless the
tis casibus in Statutis particularibus aliter expresse caveatur. Particular Statures have expressly provided otherwise for spe-
cific cases.

Art. 172 Art. 172

Ii qui pro Consilio plenario electi sunt in officio proprio Those who have been elected to the Plenary Council re-
manent usque ad proximum Capitulum, nisi tempus proprii main in office until the next Chapter unless the time of their
mandati in Statutis particularibus reducatur. mandate is reduced in the Particular Statutes.

Titolo XIV Title XIV

De Ministro provinciali The Provincial Minister and Custos
et Custode Custodiae autonomae of an autonomous Custody

Art. 173 Art. 173

§1 Candidati ad officium Ministri provincialis proponuntur §1 Candidates for the office of Minister Provincial are pro-
ab omnibus Provinciae fratribus sollemniter professis; et ex iis posed by all the solemnly professed Friars of the Province and,

138 139
qui maiorem suffragiorum partem, etiam relativam, necnon except in the case of postulation, the Minister Provincial must
praevium beneplacitum Definitorii generalis obtinuerint, Mi- be elected from among those who have obtained a majority of
nister provincialis eligi debet, salvo casu postulationis. the votes, even a relative majority, as well as the prior approval
§2 Numerus candidatorum ad officium Ministri provincia- of the General Definitory.
lis Statutis particularibus determinetur. Ad Definitorium §2 The number of candidates for the office of Minister
autem generale exitus completus scrutinii pro candidatis tran- Provincial is to be determined by the Particular Statutes. The
smittendus est. complete results of the votes for the candidates, however, must
§3 In candidatorum ad officium Ministri provincialis aut be sent to the General Definitory.
Custodis designatione exitus priorum suffragationum statim §3 In the designation of candidates for the Office of Minis-
fratribus Provinciae aut Custodiae communicandi sunt. Exitus ter Provincial or of Custos, the results of the first ballot must
autem ultimi vel unici scrutinii, si una tantum suffragatio facta be communicated immediately to the Friars of the Province or
sit, non publicetur. Custody. The result, however, of the last or only scrutiny, if
only one vote was taken, is not to be published.

Art. 174 Art. 174

§1 Minister provincialis et Custos Custodiae autonomae §1 The Minister Provincial and the Custos of an au-
eliguntur a Capitulo provinciali aut custodiali ordinario legi- tonomous Custody are elected by the ordinary Provincial or
time congregato. Custody Chapter legitimately assembled.
§2 Firmo praescripto art. 173 horum Statutorum, Statuta §2 Without prejudice to the prescriptions of art. 173 of
particularia providere possunt ut Minister provincialis vel Cu- these Statutes, the Particular Statutes can provide for the Mi-
stos Custodiae autonomae ab omnibus fratribus sollemniter nister Provincial and the Custos of an autonomous Custody to
professis Provinciae vel Custodiae eligi possint. be elected by all the solemnly professed Friars of the Province
§3 Modus electionis in eisdem Statutis determinetur, ita or Custody.
tamen ut omnes fratres quibus ius eligendi est vel ad Capitu- §3 The method of election is to be determined in the same
lum convocentur et in eo, die et loco in eadem convocatione Statutes in such a manner, however, that all the Friars with the
determinatis, electionem perficiant, vel suffragia per epistolam right to elect either are summoned to Chapter to carry out the
ad Capitulum mittant: in hoc altero casu solummodo in ipso election during it, on the day and in the place laid down in the
Capitulo provinciali vel custodiali scrutentur suffragia. De ce- same convocation, or can send their votes to the Chapter by
tero procedatur ad normam Statutorum particularium. letter. In this second case the votes are only to be scrutinised
§4 In casu peculiari, gravi et iusta de causa, et de Ministri in the Provincial or Custodial Chapter itself. All the rest is
generalis praevia licentia, per Praesidem petenda, Capitulum proceeded with in accordance with the Particular Statutes.
provinciale vel custodiale potest in Ministrum provincialem §4 In a special case, for a just and serious reason and with the
vel Custodem eligere fratrem alienae Provinciae vel Custo- prior permission of the Minister General requested through
diae, qui requisitis et qualitatibus necessariis praeditus sit nul- the President, the Provincial or Custodial Chapter can elect a
loque impedimento laboret. Friar of another Province or Custody as the Minister Provin-
cial or Custos. He should be endowed with the necessary re-
quisites and qualities and not be under any impediment.

140 141
Art. 175 Art. 175
Salvo praescripto art. 119 §1 horum Statutorum Minister Without prejudice to the prescriptions of art. 119 §1 of these
provincialis ad sexennium eligitur; quo expleto iterum imme- Statutes, the Minister Provincial is elected for a six-year period.
diate eligi potest ad triennium tantum. Postea autem eligi ne- When that period is ended, he can be re-elected immediately
quit nisi ab officio saltem per tres annos vacaverit. again for another three years only. He cannot be re-elected
again unless he has been out of office for at least three years.

Art. 176 Art. 176

§1 Custos Custodiae autonomae, salvo praescripto art. 119 §1 The Custos of an autonomous Custody, without preju-
§1 horum Statutorum, ad triennium eligitur. Eligi potest ad dice to the prescriptions of art. 119 §1 of these Statutes, is
secundum et tertium triennium, sed non ultra, nisi vacatio elected for a three-year period. He may be re-elected for a
trium annorum intercesserit. second and third three-year period, but not for more unless an
§2 Quod in his Statutis de Ministro provinciali et de eius interval of three years has intervened.
auctoritate statuitur, nisi aliud expresse caveatur, etiam ad Cu- §2 All that is established in these Statutes with regard to a
stodem Custodiae autonomae applicatur. Minister Provincial and to his authority, unless it is otherwise
provided for expressly, is also applied to a Custos of an au-
tonomous Custody.

Art. 177 Art. 177

§1 Minister provincialis in una Provinciae Domo sedem ha- §1 The Minister Provincial is to have his headquarters in a
beat, quae sine Capituli provincialis consensu mutari nequit; House of the Province, which cannot be changed without the
mutatio vero quamprimum communicetur Ministro generali. consent of the Provincial Chapter. Its transfer, however, is to
§2 Minister provincialis frequenter visitare debet Domos et be communicated as soon as possible to the Minister General.
fratres. Saltem semel in triennio Provinciam et Custodiam a §2 The Minister Provincial must visit the Houses and the
Provincia dependentem canonice visitet iuxta normas Statuto- Friars frequently. He is to carry out a canonical visitation of
rum peculiarium. Visitatione canonica peracta summariam re- the Province and of the Custody dependent on the Province
lationem de statu Provinciae deque Custodiae dependentis ad at least once every three years in accordance with the norms of
Ministrum generalem transmittat. Special Statutes. When the canonical visitation is completed,
he is to send a summary report on the state of the Province
and dependent Custody to the Minister General.

Art. 178 Art. 178

Minister provincialis, audito Definitorio, fratres libenter in The Minister Provincial, having consulted the Definitory, is
Congressum convocet quoties eorum coadunatio opportuna willingly to convoke the Friars to a meeting every time their
vel utilis videatur, ad fovendam religiosam vitam et actuosita- coming together seems to be opportune or useful for promot-
tem, et ad tractanda vel examinanda communi consilio nego- ing religious life and activity, and for dealing with or examin-
tia maioris momenti. ing matters of greater importance with the advice of all.

142 143
Art. 179 Art. 179
§1 Quotiescumque Minister provincialis in exercendo offi- §1 Whenever the Minister Provincial is impeded from ex-
cio suo impeditur, vel e Provinciae finibus ultra loca proxi- ercising his office or leaves the immediate vicinity of the
miora exit, Vicarius provincialis eius vicem cum potestate or- Province, the Vicar Provincial takes his place by law with or-
dinaria de iure gerit. dinary power.
§2 Vicario provinciali etiam impedito, Definitor prima pro- §2 Where the Vicar also is impeded, the Definitor who is
fessione senior officio et nomine Pro-Vicarii provincialis fun- senior by first profession assumes the office and title of
gitur. Provincial Pro-Vicar.
§3 Vicarius provincialis innovationes in Provincia ne faciat §3 The Vicar Provincial is not to introduce any innovations
et caveat ne suis facultatibus utatur contra mentem et volunta- in the Province and is to refrain from using his authority con-
tem Ministri provincialis. trary to the mind and will of the Minister Provincial.

Art. 180 Art. 180

Admissio ad novitiatum, ad professionem et sacros ordines, Admission to the Novitiate, to profession, to Holy Orders
itemque processus dimissionis ab Ordine et erectio Domus, and, in like manner, the process of dismissal from the Order and
Ministro provinciali, respective Custodi Custodiae autono- the erection of a House are reserved to the Minister Provincial
mae, reservantur. and, respectively, to the Custos of an autonomous Custody.

Art. 181 Art. 181

§1 Vacante extra capitulum officio Ministri provincialis aut §1 If the office of Minister Provincial or of Custos of an au-
Custodis Custodiae autonomae, regimen Provinciae vel Cu- tonomous Custody falls vacant outside of Chapter, the Vicar
stodiae interim assumit Vicarius provincialis aut Vicarius cu- Provincial or Vicar of the Custody provisionally assumes the
stodialis, qui statim certiorem facere debet Ministrum genera- government of the Province or Custody. He must immedi-
lem de officii vacatione. ately inform the Minister General of the vacancy of office.
§2 Nisi aliter in Statutis particularibus provisum fuerit, et §2 Unless otherwise provided for in the Particular Statutes
firmis praescriptis art. 163 et 182 horum Statutorum, Vicarius and without prejudice to the prescriptions of articles 163 and
provincialis et Vicarius custodialis obligatione tenentur, in 182 of these Statutes, the Vicar Provincial and the Vicar of the
casu vacationis officii Ministri provincialis aut Custodis, intra Custody are obliged, in the case of the vacancy of the office of
triginta dies a vacatione officii computandos, Definitorium Minister Provincial or Custos, to convoke the Provincial
provinciale, respective Consilium custodiale convocare ad Mi- Definitory or Custodial Council within 30 days of the vacancy
nistrum provincialem vel Custodem Custodiae autonomae eli- of office in order to elect the Minister Provincial or Custos of
gendum. an autonomous Custody.
§3 A Definitorio provinciali vel a Consilio custodiali novus §3 The new Minister Provincial or new Custos must be
Minister provincialis vel novus Custos eligendi sunt per sche- elected by the Provincial Definitory or Custodial Council
dulas, peracta consultatione cum fratribus Provinciae vel Cu- using written ballots, having consulted the Friars of the Pro-
stodiae si in Statutis particularibus praescripta fuerit, et ipsi in vince or Custody if it is so prescribed in the Particular Statutes;
officio permanent usque ad proximum Capitulum provinciale and they remain in office until the next Provincial or Custodial

144 145
vel custodiale. Electio novi Ministri provincialis vel Custodis, Chapter. The election of the new Minister Provincial or Cus-
confirmata a Praeside electionis, ratihabitione indiget Ministri tos, confirmed by the President of the election, needs the rati-
generalis, audito Definitorio.54 fication of the Minister General, having consulted his Defini-

Art. 182 Art. 182

Si casus ferat quod extra Capitulum provinciale vel custo- If it should happen that, outside the Provincial or Custodial
diale simul vacent officia Ministri et Vicarii provincialis, Cu- Chapter, the offices of Minister Provincial and Vicar Provin-
stodis et Vicarii custodialis, Definitorum Provinciae et mem- cial, or of Custos and Vicar of the Custody, or of the Provin-
brorum Consilii Custodiae, aut etiam haec insimul officia, cial Definitors and Members of the Custodial Council, or
collatio subsequens usque ad proximum Capitulum provin- even of all these offices together fall vacant simultaneously, the
ciale vel custodiale ad Ministrum generalem cum suo Defini- subsequent conferral of these offices until the next Provincial
torio pertinet. Item si vacatio ultra dimidiam partem officio- or Custody Chapter, pertains to the Minister General with his
rum de quibus supra intra triennium successive contigerit, Definitory. Similarly, if it should happen that in the course of
collationes subsequentes Ministro generali cum suo Definito- the three-year period more than half of the above mentioned
rio reservantur. offices should fall vacant, the subsequent conferrals are re-
served to the Minister General with his Definitory.

Art. 183 Art. 183

Cum necessarium videatur ut Minister provincialis vel Cu- Whenever it is deemed necessary that the Minister Provin-
stos sit eodem tempore et Guardianus, licentia a Ministro ge- cial or Custos should also be a Guardian at the same time, per-
nerali petenda est. mission must be sought from the Minister General.

Titulus XV Title XV
De Definitorio provinciali et Consilio Custodiae The Provincial Definitory and Custodial Council

Art. 184 Art. 184

§1 Congressus Definitorii provincialis saltem bis in anno §1 A meeting of the Provincial Definitory is to be held at
habeatur, et insuper quoties Ministro provinciali vel maiori least twice a year and, in addition, whenever it seems useful to
parti Definitorum utile visum fuerit. the Minister Provincial or to the majority of the Definitors.
§2 Ad Congressum vocari atque, nisi legitime impediti sint, §2 The following must be summoned to the meeting and,
convenire tenentur: Vicarius provincialis et Definitores pro- unless they are legitimately impeded, they must attend: The
vinciales; Secretarius Provinciae sessionibus Definitorii adest, Vicar Provincial and the Provincial Definitors. The Secretary
quin tamen vocem deliberativam habeat. of the Province attends the sessions of the Definitory, without,
however, having deliberative voice.

54 Cf. CIC 625 §3. 54 Cf. CIC 625 §3.

146 147
§3 Ad Congressum definitorialem vocari possunt periti, §3 Experts may be called to the Definitory Meeting any
quoties id Definitorio ob negotia tractanda utile videatur. time it seems to the Definitory that it would be useful with re-
gard to the matters being dealt with.

Art. 185 Art. 185

§1 In Congressibus Definitorii de omnibus, quae ad bonum §1 During the Definitory Meeting all that concerns both
tam spirituale quam temporale Provinciae vel singulorum Do- the spiritual and temporal good of the Province or of the in-
morum, praesertim vero institutionem eorum qui in forma- dividual Houses, especially the education of those in initial
tione initiali sunt, necnon vitam religiosam et actuositatem formation, as well as the religious life and the activity of evan-
evangelizationis spectant, tractetur et, prout visum fuerit iu- gelisation, is to be discussed; and, according to what seems
stum, decisio feratur. just, a decision is to be made.
§2 Negotia in Congressu tractanda, quantum fieri potest, §2 The matters to be dealt with during the Definitory
cum Definitoribus praevie communicentur. Meeting are, as far as possible, to be communicated before-
§3 Definitores ea quae bono Provinciae expedire viderint, hand to the Definitors.
praemonito Ministro provinciali, proponere valent. §3 The Definitors, having given advance notice to the Min-
§4 Quae in Congressu definitoriali pro bono Provinciae de- ister Provincial, can propose what they see contributing to the
finita sunt cum fratribus prudenter communicentur. good of the Province.
§4 The matters decided during the Definitory Meeting for
the good of the Province are to be prudently communicated to
the Friars.

Art. 186 Art. 186

§1 Ad validitatem tam electionum quam decretorum nec- §1 For the validity of both elections and decisions and of
non actuum pro quibus consensus Definitorii requiritur, prae- those acts for which the consent of the Definitory is required,
ter Praesidem, quattuor saltem Definitorii membra adesse de- there must be at least four members of the Definitory present
bent. in addition to the President.
§2 Absentibus autem aliquibus Definitorii membris, ad §2 However, in the absence of some members of the Defi-
complendum numerum quinarium assumi debent Secretarius nitory, in order to complete the quorum of five, the Secretary
Provinciae et alii idonei fratres, prout necessitas postulaverit, of the Province and other suitable Friars, as required, must be
de consensu membrorum Definitorii praesentium. taken on with the consent of the members of the Definitory

Art. 187 Art. 187

§1 Semel in anno Minister provincialis in Congressu defi- §1 The Minister Provincial is to faithfully set out the state of
nitoriali statum Provinciae fideliter exponat. the Province once a year during a Meeting of the Definitory.
§2 Pariter in eodem Congressu relationes annuales Oeco- §2 Similarly, at the same meeting, the annual reports of the
nomi Provinciae et singulorum Guardianorum, ad normam Provincial Bursar and of the individual Guardians, drawn up

148 149
Statutorum particularium confectae, a Definitorio examinari in accordance with the Particular Statutes, must be examined
et recognosci debent. and reviewed.

Art. 188 Art. 188

§1 Omnes in Congressu suam sententiam aperiant, etiam §1 During the Definitory Meetings all are to manifest their
cum de arduis et difficilibus rebus agatur, et si votum requiri- opinion, even when dealing with arduous and difficult mat-
tur, jus huiusmodi habentes, id exprimere debent. ters, and, if a vote is required, those who have the right must
§2 Negotia graviora in eadem Congressus definitorialis ses- exercise it.
sione ne proponantur simul et decernantur, sed, peracta op- §2 Weightier matters are not to be proposed and decided
portuna disceptatione, decisio ad aliam sessionem differatur during the same session of the Definitory Meeting, but, hav-
nisi iudicio ipsius Definitorii aliter visum fuerit. ing carried out a suitable discussion, the decision is to be post-
poned to another session unless, in the judgement of the same
Definitory, it should appear otherwise.

Art. 189 Art. 189

Acta cuiuslibet Congressus definitorialis fideliter et ordina- The acts of each Definitory Meeting are to be faithfully and
tim a Secretario describantur, et a cunctis Definitorii membris properly taken down in writing by the Secretary and, after
subscripta in archivo Provinciae asserventur. Et, si in Con- having been signed by all the members of the Definitory, pre-
gressu factae fuerint electiones per schedulas vel per ballota- served in the archives of the Province. And if, during the
tionem, cum Definitorio generali pro ratihabitione communi- Definitory Meeting, elections were carried out by written bal-
centur, acta modo ab art. 167 horum Statutorum determinato. lot or by tokens, the acts are to be sent to the General Defi-
In electionibus extracapitularibus, ratio vacationis officii ex- nitory for ratification in the manner established by art. 167 of
primi debet. these Statutes. In elections held outside of Chapter, the reason
for the vacancy of office must be explained.

Art. 190 Art. 190

Omnia quae in articulis praecedentibus de Congressu defi- All that is prescribed in the preceding articles about Defi-
nitoriali praescribuntur, servatis servandis, etiam pro Con- nitory Meetings, observing the requirements of law, also has
gressu Consilii custodialis vim habent. force with regard to the Custodial Council Meeting.

Titulus XVI Title XVI

De Conferentiis Ministrorum provincialium et Custodum The Conferences of Provincial Ministers and Custodes

Art. 191 Art. 191

§1 Conferentia Ministrorum provincialium, Custodum et §1 The Conference of Ministers Provincial, Custodes and
Praesidum aliarum entitatum est magni momenti ad promo- Presidents of other Entities is of great importance for the pro-

150 151
vendam unitatem, coordinationem et cooperationem in vita et motion of unity, coordination and collaboration in the life and
missione Ordinis. mission of the Order.
§2 Consultis Ministris, Custodibus et Praesidibus quorum §2 A Conference is erected by a decree of the Minister
interest, et exsistentibus condicionibus ad suam efficacitatem, General, with the consent of his Definitory, after the Minis-
Conferentia erigitur decreto Ministri generalis de consensu ters, Custodes and Presidents concerned have been consulted
sui Definitorii. and when the conditions exist for its usefulness.
§3 Conferentiam obligatorie constituunt omnes Ministri §3 It is obligatory for all Ministers Provincial, Custodes and
provinciales, Custodes et Praesides aliarum entitatum alicuius Presidents of Entities within a territory or region to constitute
territorii aut regionis. a Conference.
§4 In erigenda vel restructuranda Conferentia Ministrorum §4 In the erection or re-structuring of a Conference of
provincialium et Custodum necesse est prae oculis habere Ministers Provincial and Custodes, it is necessary to keep in
geographicam propinquitatem, numerum Provinciarum et mind geographic proximity, the number of Provinces and
aliarum entitatum earumque linguam et culturam, ita tamen other Entities, as well as their language and culture, but in
ut eam saltem quinque membra constituant. such a way that at least five members constitute it.

Art. 192 Art. 192

Conferentiarum munera et facultates praecipuae sunt: The principal duties and faculties of the Conferences are:
a. Entitates quae Conferentiam constituunt inter se coniun- a. To bring together the Entities that constitute the Con-
gere ut insimul in bono communi fratrum et respective par- ference in order to devote themselves jointly to the common
tium Ordinis se incumbant. good of the Friars and of the respective parts of the Order.
b. Ministro generali et suo Definitorio in regimine et in ani- b. To offer assistance to the Minister General and his Defi-
matione totius Ordinis auxilium praebere. nitory in the government and animation of the entire Order.
c. Una cum Ministro generali et suo Definitorio discernere c. Along with the Minister General and his Definitory, to
circa erectionem, unionem et suppressionem Provinciarum, discern about the erection, unification and suppression of
Custodiarum aliarumque entitatum in proprio territorio, et in Provinces, Custodies and other Entities within its territory
exsecutione decisionum cooperari. and to collaborate in the execution of decisions.
d. Formationem initialem et continuam atque vitam et mis- d. To help initial and ongoing formation as well as the life
sionem fratrum in proprio territorio adiuvare; cum Ministro and mission of the Friars within its territory; to promote, with
et suo Definitorio generali operam apostolatus et evangeliza- the Minister General and his Definitory, the work of the apos-
tionis missionariae promovere, simulque Ordinis diffusionem tolate and missionary evangelisation and to support jointly the
et implantationem sustinere. spread and establishment of the Order.
e. De progressu deque maioribus difficultatibus et quaestio- e. To discuss progress, major difficulties and problems ex-
nibus exsistentibus in ambitu Conferentiae disceptare et de re- isting in the territory of the Conference and to inform the
mediis susceptis Ministrum generalem certiorem facere. Minister General about the remedies taken.
f. Singulis Provinciis, Custodiis, Foederationibus et Funda- f. To help, either through personnel or material resources,
tionibus Conferentiae, quae in difficultate versantur ob defe- individual Provinces, Custodies, Federations and Foundations
ctum vel provectam aetatem fratrum, aut ob inhabilitatem ad of the Conference that are in difficulty because of a lack of

152 153
agendum in determinato ministerio, vel causa egestatis, subsi- Friars or their advanced age or because of an inability to act in
dium tum in personis cum in rebus materialibus praebere. a determined ministry, or because of poverty.
g. De quaestionibus tractandis in Capitulo generali vel g. To discuss the questions to be dealt with in the General
Consilio plenario Ordinis disceptare et proprias conclusiones Chapter or Plenary Council of the Order and to send their
vel propositiones ad Ministrum generalem tempestive trans- conclusions and proposals to the Minister General in good
mittere. time.
h. Statuta peculiaria Conferentiae et, si opportunum videa- h. To draw up Special Statutes of the Conference and, if it
tur, Statuta communia pro Provinciis, Custodiis, Foederatio- is seen to be appropriate, common Statutes for the Provinces,
nibus et Fundationibus sui territorii condere. Custodies, Federations and Foundations of its territory.
i. Relationes et cooperationem cum Hierarchia ecclesiastica i. To encourage and cultivate relationships and collabora-
locali et cum aliis institutis religiosis fovere et colere. tion with the local Church Hierarchy and with other religious

Art. 193 Art. 193

Ut promotio condivisionis in regimine Ordinis et consulta- To promote sharing in the government of the Order and
tio efficaciores evadant, Minister generalis et Definitores in consultation more effectively, the Minister General and the
consilium saltem semel in sexennio conveniant cum singulis Definitors are to meet in council with the individual Confer-
Conferentiis ad: ences at least once during the six-year period in order to:
a. communicandas quaestiones maioris momenti de regi- a. communicate questions of greater importance concern-
mine et directione totius Ordinis et ad dialogum de iis insti- ing the government and direction of the entire Order and to
tuendum; establish dialogue about them;
b. tractandas res quae respiciunt vitam fratrum, relationes b. deal with matters that concern the life of the Friars, rela-
inter entitates, solidam inter fratres coniunctionem et pro- tionships between various Entities, firm unity among the Fri-
movendam elargitionem bonorum in ambitu universae frater- ars and the promotion of an exchange of goods throughout the
nitatis; worldwide Fraternity;
c. consulendum modo convenienti de erectione, circum- c. consult in an appropriate way concerning the erection,
scriptione, unione vel suppressione entitatum Conferentiae; circumscription, unification or suppression of the Entities of a
d. proponendas consultationes et ad instituendam earum- Conference;
dem moderationem circa electiones in Capitulo generali per- d. propose consultations about elections to be held at the
ficiendas. General Chapter and to establish how they are to be regu-

Art. 194 Art. 194

Definitorium generale conveniat cum Praesidibus omnium The General Definitory is to meet with the Presidents of all
Conferentiarum saltem secundo quoque anno, ad earundem the Conferences at least every two years in order to examine
statum examinandum. their state, i.e. the state of the Conferences.

154 155
Art. 195 Art. 195
§1 Conferentiae suum munus et auctoritatem exercent in §1 The Conferences exercise their duty and authority in
congressu vel sessione plenaria, sub directione vel modera- meetings or plenary sessions under the direction or guidance
mine Praesidis. of the President.
§2 Praeses Conferentiae eligitur ab omnibus Conferentiae §2 The President of the Conference is elected by all the
membris votum deliberativum habentibus. Ad hoc officium members of the Conference who have deliberative voice. A
eligi possunt tum Minister provincialis tum Custos Custodiae Minister Provincial or a Custos of an autonomous Custody
autonomae. Officii tempus ac munera Praesidis in Statutis pe- can be elected to this office. The duration of the office and the
culiaribus Conferentiae determinantur. duties of the President are to be defined in the Special Statutes
of the Conference.

Art. 196 Art. 196

Voto deliberativo in Conferentia gaudent Ministri provin- The Ministers Provincial and the Custodes enjoy delibera-
ciales et Custodes, dum Praesidibus Foederationum et Funda- tive voice in the Conference, while the Presidents of Federa-
tionum suffragium competit deliberativum aut consultivum, tions and Foundations have a deliberative or consultative voice
iuxta Statutorum Conferentiae praescriptum. in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes of the Con-

Art. 197 Art. 197

§1 In omnibus electionibus quae in Conferentia Ministro- §1 For someone to be elected in all elections held in a Con-
rum habentur, ut quis eligatur necessarium est ut partem ab- ference of Ministers, it is necessary to obtain an absolute ma-
solute maiorem suffragiorum omnium qui voto deliberativo jority of the votes of those who enjoy deliberative voice.
gaudent obtineat. §2 The Conference enjoys the power of governance over
§2 Erga singulas Provincias, Custodias, Foederationes et individual Provinces, Custodies, Federations and Foundations
Fundationes Conferentia gaudet potestate regiminis tantum only in those matters expressly provided for in the General
in casibus expresse in Statutis generalibus Ordinis vel in Sta- Statutes of the Order or in the Special Statutes of the Confe-
tutis peculiaribus Conferentiae praevisis. rence.

Art. 198 Art. 198

Ad reddendam Conferentiae actuositatem magis effica- In order to make the activity of the Conference more effi-
cem, institui potest Secretariatus permanens, cuius munus cient, a permanent Secretariat may be instituted. Its principal
praecipuum erit praeparatio congressus vel sessionum plena- duty will be the preparation of the meetings or plenary ses-
riarum Conferentiae et exsecutio decisionum a Conferentia sions of the Conference and the execution of decisions made
prolatarum. Secretariatus officiales eorumque electio vel no- by the Conference. The Secretariat officials, their election or
minatio et munera in Statutis peculiaribus Conferentiae de- appointment and duties are to be defined in the Special
terminentur. Statutes of the Conference.

156 157
Art. 199 Art. 199
Ad maius bonum commune promovendum ac tuendum, In order to promote and safeguard the greater common good,
inter Conferentias, praesertim viciniores, foveantur mutuae mutual relations between the Conferences, especially those
relationes, communicationes notitiarum et communes exquisi- nearest to one another, are to be encouraged, as well as com-
tiones et incepta. munication of news, common experiences and undertakings.

Art. 200 Art. 200

§1 In unaquaque Provincia et Custodia vel in pluribus insi- §1 Commissions of experts are appropriately recommended
mul entitatibus opportune commissiones peritorum commen- in each Province and Custody or in several Entities together.
dantur et etiam congressus coadunentur, ad examinanda et stu- Meetings are also to be called for the examination and inves-
dio subicienda problemata vitae et missionis fratrum, quae in tigation of problems of the life and mission of the Friars that
sessionibus plenariis vel congressu Conferentiae tractari debent. must be dealt with during plenary sessions or meetings of the
§2 Commendatur constitutio apparatus permanentis inter Conference.
Conferentias eiusdem Continentis (e.g. Praesidentia, Secreta- §2 The institution of some permanent organisation be-
riatus, una cum Definitoribus generalibus uniuscuiusque Con- tween the Conferences of the same Continent (e.g., Presi-
tinentis) pro animatione operationum communium, i.e. pro dency, Secretariat, along with the General Definitors of each
formatione, studiis, evangelizatione, iustitia, pace et integri- Continent) is recommended for the animation of common ac-
tate Creati. Tales entitates certis temporum intervallis conve- tivities, i.e., formation, studies, evangelisation, justice, peace
nire deberent. and the integrity of creation. These entities are to meet at de-
termined intervals of time.

Art. 201 Art. 201

§1 Conferentiae cum maiori numero entitatum, praesertim §1 The Conferences with a greater number of Entities, es-
si multiculturales sint, instituere possunt Subconferentias pro pecially if they are multi-cultural, may establish Sub-Confe-
determinata regione ad tractandas res peculiares easdem in rences for a determined region in order to deal with the spe-
particulari respicientes. cial matters that concern them in particular.
§2 Conferentiae, una cum Ministro generali et suo Defini- §2 The Conferences, along with the Minister General and
torio, promoveant intra Ordinem novas formas conventuum his Definitory, are to promote new kinds of international and
internationalium vel intercontinentalium,55 pro meliore com- inter-continental meetings within the Order for a better ex-
municatione et communione bonorum cuiuscumque generis. change and sharing of goods of all kinds.55

Art. 202 Art. 202

Unaquaeque Conferentia Ministrorum sua Statuta habeat, Each Conference of Ministers is to have its own Statutes,
ab ipsa Conferentia confecta et a Ministro generali de consensu drawn up by the Conference itself and approved by the Min-

55 Cf. CPO 01 39. 55 Cf. PCO 01 39.

158 159
Definitorii approbata, in quibus praescribantur omnia quae ister General with the consent of his Definitory; everything
spectant ad compositionem et auctoritatem vel competentiam concerning the composition and authority or competence of
Conferentiae ad convocationem et celebrationem congressus the Conference in the convocation and celebration of its
vel sessionem plenariam eiusdem Conferentiae. meeting or of its plenary session is to be prescribed in these.

Titulus XVII Title XVII

De Vicario provinciali et custodiali The Vicar Provincial and the Vicar of a Custody

Art. 203 Art. 203

§1 Firmo praescripto art. 229 Constitutionum genera- §1 Without prejudice to art. 229 of the General Constitu-
lium, Vicarius provincialis iterum immediate eligi potest tions, the Vicar Provincial can be immediately re-elected only
semel tantum, non tamen ultra, nisi vacatio trium annorum once and not again unless there has been an interval of three
intercesserit. years.
§2 Vicarius custodialis ad triennium eligitur, quo expleto, §2 The Vicar of a Custody is elected for a three-year period
ad secundum et tertium triennium eligi potest, non tamen at the end of which he can be re-elected for a second and third
ultra, nisi vacatio saltem trium annorum intercesserit. three-year period, but not again unless there has been an in-
terval of at least three years.

Art. 204 Art. 204

Vicarius provincialis vel Vicarius custodialis, praesente Mi- When the Minister Provincial or the respective Custos is
nistro provinciali respective Custode, suam auctoritatem exer- present, the Vicar Provincial or the Vicar of a Custody exer-
cet ad normam Constitutionum generalium et Statutorum, cises his authority in accordance with the General Constitu-
atque iuxta facultates eidem a Ministro provinciali vel Custode tions and Statutes as well as in accordance with the faculties
collatas. conferred on him by the Minister Provincial or Custos.

Art. 205 Art. 205

Vacante officio Vicarii provincialis vel custodialis extra Ca- When the office of Vicar Provincial or Custodial Vicar falls
pitulum, salvo praescripto art. 182 horum Statutorum, novus vacant outside Chapter a new Vicar Provincial is elected, with-
Vicarius provincialis a Definitorio Provinciae et novus Vica- out prejudice to the norm of art. 152 of these Statutes, by the
rius custodialis a Consilio Custodiae eligitur: uterque in offi- Provincial Definitory; a new Custodial Vicar is elected by the
cio permanent usque ad proximum Capitulum. Custodial Council. Both remain in their office until the next

160 161
Titulus XVIII Title XVIII
De Definitoribus provincialibus et Consiliariis Provincial Definitors and Councillors
Custodiae autonomae of an autonomous Custody

Art. 206 Art. 206

§1 Numerus Definitorum provincialium et Consiliariorum §1 The number of Provincial Definitors and Custodial
Custodiae in Statutis particularibus determinatur, cauto tamen Councillors is determined in the Particular Statutes, keeping
ne eorum numerus inferior quattuor sit. in mind, however, that their number is not to be less than four.
§2 Definitores Provinciae et Consiliarii Custodiae ad trien- §2 The Provincial Definitors and the Custodial Councillors
nium in Capitulo eliguntur; quo expleto, ad secundum et ter- are elected in Chapter for a three-year period; at the end of
tium triennium eligi possunt. Post novem annos continuos this they can be re-elected for a second and third three-year
denuo eligi nequeunt nisi ab officio saltem per tres annos va- period. After nine continuous years they cannot be elected
caverint. again unless they have been out of office for at least three
§3 Nisi Statuta particularia vel peculiaria aliter statuant, years.
electiones pro unoquoque Definitore Provinciae vel Consilia- §3 Unless Particular or Special Statutes determine otherwise,
rio Custodiae eligendo fiant singillatim in scrutiniis distinctis. elections for each Provincial Definitor or Custodial Councillor
to be elected take place one by one in separate scrutinies.

Art. 207 Art. 207

Si quis Definitor provincialis, vel Consiliarius Custodiae, If a Definitor is lacking, for whatever reason, another must be
quavis de causa deficiat, eius loco, salvo praescripto art. 182 elected in his place by the Provincial Definitory, or, respectively,
horum Statutorum, alius a Definitorio provinciali, respective a by the Custodial Council, without prejudice to art. 182 of these
Consilio custodiali, eligi debet, qui in officio manebit usque ad Statutes. He will remain in office until the next Chapter.
proximum Capitulum.

Titulus XIX Title XIX

De Secretario et Oeconomo Provinciae et Custodiae The Secretary and Bursar of the Province
autonomae necnon de aliis Officiis and autonomous Custody and Other Offices

Art. 208 Art. 208

§1 Secretarius et Oeconomus provincialis aut custodialis in §1 The Secretary and Bursar of the Province or Custody are
Congressu capitulari, et extra Congressum, si necessarium vi- elected during the Capitular Congressus and outside the Con-
deatur, a Ministro provinciali cum Definitorio, vel a Custode gressus, if it seems necessary, by the Minister Provincial with
et Consilio custodiali, eliguntur. the Definitory or by the Custos and the Custodial Council.
§2 Munus Secretarii et Oeconomi triennium durat; quo ela- §2 The office of Secretary and Bursar lasts for a three-year
pso, denuo possunt sine ulla temporis vacatione, etiam ad period; when this ends they may be elected again even for sev-
plura triennia eligi. eral three-year periods without any interval of time.

162 163
Art. 209 Art. 209
Secretarii est, praeter alia quae ipsi committuntur, de omni- In addition to whatever else is entrusted to him, the duty of
bus negotiis a Definitorio vel a solo Ministro provinciali re- the Secretary to make records of all that is done by the Defi-
spective a Consilio Custodiae vel a solo Custode tractatis re- nitory or by the Minister Provincial alone, or, respectively, by
gesta conficere, omniaque documenta et acta ad totam Pro- the Custodial Council, or by the Custos alone, to review all doc-
vinciam vel Custodiam aut singulas Domos vel fratres spec- uments and acts pertaining to the whole Province or Custody,
tantia recensere, et in archivo reponere. the individual Houses, or Friars, and to file them in the Archives.

Art. 210 Art. 210

In unaquaque Provincia et Custodia habeantur, praeter of- In each Province and Custody, in addition to the offices and
ficia et munera iure Ordinis statuta, prout necessitas exigat, posts established by the law of the Order, there are to be other
alia munera, consilia vel commissiones. posts, councils or commissions according as need requires.

Art. 211 Art. 211

Officia, munera, consilia vel commissiones in Provinciis et Offices, posts, councils or commissions existing in the
Custodiis exsistentia, Statutis vel normis propriis reguntur. Provinces and Custodies are regulated by Statutes or proper

Titulus XX Title XX
De Custodiis a Ministro generali Custodies dependent on the Minister General
et a Provincia dependentibus or on a Province

Art. 212 Art. 212

Custodia dependens de qua in art. 121 horum Statutorum, A dependent Custody, mentioned in art. 121 of these
a Custode cum suo Consilio gubernatur ad normam Statuto- Statutes, is governed by the Custos and his Council in accor-
rum generalium et particularium. dance with the General and Particular Statutes.

Art. 213 Art. 213

Capitulum Custodiae dependentis tum a Ministro generali The Chapter of a Custody dependent on the Minister Ge-
cum ab aliqua Provincia quolibet triennio celebretur: praeest neral or on a Province is to be celebrated every three years.
Minister generalis vel eius Delegatus si agatur de Custodia de- The Minister General or his Delegate presides if it is a matter
pendenti a Ministro generali; Minister provincialis vel eius of a Custody dependent on the Minister General, the Minis-
Delegatus si agatur de Custodia a Provincia dependenti. ter Provincial or his Delegate presides if it is a matter of a
Custody dependent on a Province.

Art. 214 Art. 214

Capituli custodialis est conficere propria Statuta, quae ap- It pertains to the Custodial Chapter to draw up its own Sta-
probatione Ministri generalis vel provincialis, de consensu sui tutes, which need the approval of the Minister General or

164 165
Definitorii, indigent. His in Statutis provideantur ea omnia Provincial, with the consent of his Definitory. All that appears
quae ad bonum regiminis Custodiae, vitae et actuositatis fra- suitable for the good of the government of the Custody, of the life
trum apta videantur. and activity of the Friars is to be provided for in these Statures.

Art. 215 Art. 215

§1 Custos Custodiae dependentis in suo munere obeundo §1 The Custos of a dependent Custody is assisted in the ex-
adiuvatur a quattuor saltem Consiliariis, qui intra limites Cu- ercise of his office by at least four Councillors, who are equi-
stodiae Definitoribus provincialibus aequiparantur. valent to Provincial Definitors, within the confines of the
§2 Custos et Consiliarii, iuxta normas in Statutis particula- Custody.
ribus determinatas, ad triennium eliguntur sive a Definitorio §2 The Custos and his Council, in accordance with the
respectivae Provinciae sive a Capitulo custodiali; et iterum im- norms established in the Particular Statutes, are elected for a
mediate ad secundum et tertium triennium eligi possunt, non three-year period either by the Definitory of the respective
tamen ultra, nisi vacatio trium annorum intercesserit. Si Province or by the Custodial Chapter. They can be immedi-
tamen electio in Capitulo facta est, confirmatione Ministri ge- ately re-elected to a second and third three-year term but not
neralis de consensu Definitorii generalis indiget si de Custo- beyond that, unless there has been an interval of three years. If
dia a Ministro Generali dependenti agitur, vel Ministri pro- the election, however, takes place in Chapter, the confirmation
vincialis de consensu Definitorii provincialis si Custodia de- of the Minister General with the consent of his Definitory is
pendet ab aliqua Provincia. required in the case of a Custody dependent on the Minister
§3 Statuta particularia aut peculiaria in Capitulis Custodia- General, or that of the Minister Provincial with the consent of
rum dependentium elaborata et praecepta eorumque mutatio- his Definitory if the Custody depends on a Province.
nes indigent approbatione: Ministri generalis vel Ministri pro- §3 The Particular or Special Statutes drawn up and adopted
vincialis, de consensu proprii de quo agitur Definitorii. Acta in Chapters of dependent Custodies, as well as their modifica-
Capituli Custodiae dependentis pro ratihabitione ad respecti- tions, need the approval of the Minister General or of the Min-
vum Definitorium quamprimum mittantur. ister Provincial with the consent of the respective Definitory.
The Acts of the dependent Custody Chapter are to be sent as
soon as possible to the respective Definitory for ratification.

Art. 216 Art. 216

§1 Custos opportuno tempore Domos et fratres Custodiae §1 The Custos is to visit the Houses and Friars of the Cus-
visitet: in singulos fratres et Domos eam habet auctoritatem tody at an appropriate time. He has that authority over the in-
quae ei a Ministro generali, vel a Ministro provinciali delegata dividual Friars and Houses which has been delegated to him
est vel quae in Statutis propriis determinata fuerit. by the Minister General or Minister Provincial, or which has
§2 Ad Custodem cum suo Consilio pertinet electio Guar- been defined in the Statutes.
dianorum aliorumque officialium Custodiae; electiones tamen §2 The election of the Guardians and of the other officials
indigent approbatione Ministri generalis vel Ministri provin- of the Custody pertains to the Custos with his Council. How-
cialis, cum consensu respectivi Definitorii. ever, the elections need the approval of the Minister General
or Provincial, with the consent of the respective Definitory.

166 167
§3 Singulis annis Custos summariam relationem scriptam §3 The Custos must send a summary written report on the
de statu Custodiae ad Ministrum generalem vel ad Ministrum state of the Custody to the Minister General or Minister
provincialem mittere, et insuper singulis vicibus eum de rebus Provincial each year and, in addition, he must inform him
maioris momenti certiorem facere debet. each time about matters of greater importance.


Titulus XXI Title XXI

De Domibus Houses
Art. 217 Art. 217
§1 Pro unaquaque Domo fines territoriales accurate ser- §1 Territorial boundaries are to be carefully observed for each
ventur. Ubi vero determinati non sunt, et necessarium appa- House. Where they are not determined and it seems necessary
ret, a respectivis Ministris definiantur. to do so, they are to be defined by the respective Ministers.
§2 Nisi aliter statutum fuerit inter partes quarum interest, §2 The territory of a large city is common to all the Houses
magnae civitatis territorium est commune omnibus Domibus that happen to be there, unless it has been decided otherwise
inibi fortasse exsistentibus. between the interested parties.
§3 Domus a variis Provinciis vel Conferentiis dependentes, §3 Houses that are dependent on different Provinces or
propriis Statutis, a competenti auctoritate approbatis, regun- Conferences are governed by proper Statutes approved by the
tur. competent authority.

Art. 218 Art. 218

Cum ad normam Constitutionum generalium art. 234 sup- When a House is suppressed in accordance with art. 234 of
primitur aliqua Domus, de eiusdem bonis, nisi a Ministro ge- the GGCC, it pertains to the Minister Provincial with his
nerali iam provisum fuerit, ad Ministrum provincialem cum suo Definitory to make provision concerning its goods, unless the
Definitorio providere pertinet, servatis quidem in primis tum Minister General has already made provision, with due regard
fundatorum ac oblatorum voluntate tum iuribus quaesitis.56 for the wishes of founders and donors and for lawfully ac-
quired rights.56

Art. 219 Art. 219

§1 Fratres, in oboedientia semper manentes et vitam frater- §1 The Friars, always remaining in obedience and observ-
nam servantes, a Domo ne discedant nisi de licentia proprii ing fraternal life, are not to leave the House without the per-
Guardiani. mission of their Guardian.

56 Cf. CIC 616 §1. 56 Cf. CIC, 616 §1.

168 169
§2 Si agatur de diuturna a Domo absentia, Minister provin- §2 If it is a matter of a lengthy absence from a House, the
cialis vel Custos, de consensu sui Definitorii vel Consilii, iusta Minister Provincial or the Custos, with the consent of his
de causa, fratribus concedere potest ut extra Domum Ordinis Definitory or Council, can, for a just cause, authorise Friars to
degere possint, non tamen ultra annum, nisi causa infirmitatis live outside a House of the Order, but not, however, for more
curandae, ratione studiorum aut apostolatus exercendi nomine than one year, unless it is for reasons of health, study or an
Ordinis.57 apostolate to be exercised in the name of the Order.57
§3 Fratres qui extra Domum versantur ad probandam suam §3 Friars who live outside a House in order to assess their
vocationem, hoc perdurante tempore iure vocis activae et pas- vocation do not enjoy active and passive voice during this
sivae non gaudent. time.
§4 Nemini fratrum concedatur extra religiosam Domum §4 No Friar is to be granted permission to live a solitary life
vitam solitariam ducere, nisi gravi et peculiari de causa. outside a House except for a grave and special reason.

Art. 220 Art. 220

Domus sufficientem numerum fratrum habeat ad suam pro- A House is to have a sufficient number of Friars for its ex-
priam exsistentiam et vitam vere communem ducendam, nec- istence and for the conduct of a truly common life, as well as
non capacitatem exsequendi propria proposita ad missionem for the capacity to fulfil its commitments towards the mission
Ordinis spectantia. of the Order.

Art. 221 Art. 221

§1 Guardianatus saltem tres fratres sollemniter professos §1 A Guardianate must have at least three solemnly pro-
sibi legitime adscriptos et habitualiter conviventes habere fessed Friars legitimately assigned to it and living there habi-
debet. tually.
§2 Si propter particularia adiuncta Guardianatus canonice §2 If, due to special circumstances, a Guardianate cannot be
erigi non potest: ob numerum exiguum fratrum vel ob natu- canonically erected, because of the small number of Friars, the
ram temporaneam servitii aut aliis de causis, erigatur Domus temporary nature of the service, or for any other reason, a fi-
filialis, quovis sub nomine (nempe loci, hospitii residentiae, lial House is to be erected under some name (place, hospice,
etc.) sed a Guardianatu dependens ad normam horum Statu- residence, etc.), but dependent on a Guardianate in accor-
torum generalium. dance with these General Statutes.
§3 Easdem ob rationes de quibus in paragrapho praecedenti §3 A Guardianate can be reduced to a filial House for the
aliquis Guardianatus reduci potest ad Domum filialem, perso- same reasons mentioned in the preceding paragraph, either
nalitate iuridica sive retenta sive non. retaining its juridical personality or not.
§4 Guardianatus esse debent saltem Curia provincialis vel §4 At least the Provincial or Custodial Curia and all Houses
custodialis et omnes formationis Domus (Postulatus, Novitia- of Formation (Postulancy, Novitiate and Post-Novitiate) must
tus et Postnovitiatus). be Guardianates.

57 Cf. CIC 665 §1. 57 Cf. CIC 665 §1.

170 171
Art. 222 Art. 222
§1 Domus filialis est pars Guardianatus, ab eodem separata §1 A filial House is part of a Guardianate, separated from it
vel non, quae propria personalitate iuridica gaudet vel non, in or not, enjoying its own juridical personality or not, in which
qua saltem duo fratres sollemniter professi Guardianatui legi- at least two solemnly professed Friars legitimately assigned to
time adscripti habitualiter convivere debent; ab ipsomet Guar- the Guardianate must habitually live. It is governed either by
diano, vel ab eo qui in domo filiali eius vice fungitur, regitur the Guardian himself or by the one who takes his place in the
iuxta Statuta particularia circa vitam et missionem Ordinis, in filial House, in accordance with the Particular Statutes con-
communione cum Provinciae Fraternitate. cerning the life and mission of the Order, in communion with
§2 Ad erectionem vel suppressionem Domus filialis perso- the Fraternity of the Province.
nalitate iuridica gaudentis, serventur normae art. 233-235 Con- §2 The norms of articles 233-235 of the General Constitu-
stitutionum generalium. tions are to be observed in the erection or suppression of a fi-
§3 Domus filialis quae personalitate iuridica non gaudet a lial House enjoying juridical personality.
Ministro provinciali, de consensu sui Definitorii, erigi et sup- §3 A filial House that does not enjoy juridical personality
primi potest. can be erected and suppressed by the Minister Provincial with
§4 Reductio Guardianatus ad statum Domus filialis perso- the consent of his Definitory.
nalitate iuridica gaudentis a Ministro provinciali, de consensu §4 The reduction of a Guardianate to the state of filial
Definitorii, fieri potest, certiore facto Ministro generali. House enjoying juridical personality can be done by the Min-
ister Provincial with his Definitory, the Minister General hav-
ing been informed.

Art. 223 Art. 223

§1 Fratres in Domibus filialibus degentes, iuxta possibilita- §1 The Friars living in filial Houses, in accordance with
tes et adiuncta, regulariter participent capitulum locale Guar- their possibilities and circumstances, are to participate regu-
dianatus et frequenter conveniant inter se et cum fratribus larly in the local Guardianate Chapter and they are to meet
Guardianatus ut simul orent, gaudeant de fraternitate et col- frequently among themselves and with the Friars of the
loquia instituant de propria vita ac labore ad normam Statuto- Guardianate in order to pray together, to enjoy fraternity and
rum particularium. to dialogue about their life and work, in accordance with the
§2 Guardianus Domos filiales frequenter visitet et fratres, in Particular Statutes.
quantum fieri potest, ad mutuam caritatem fovendam congreget. §2 The Guardian is to visit the filial Houses frequently and,
as far as possible, gather the Friars together to encourage mu-
tual charity.

Art. 224 Art. 224

Definitorium provinciale, ad subveniendum peculiaribus The Provincial Definitory, in order to meet the particular
exigentiis evangelizationis vel necessitatibus coetuum socia- requirements of evangelisation and the needs of migrant social
lium mobilium, fraternitates mobiles ad instar Domorum fi- groups, can establish itinerant Fraternities after the manner of
lialium constituere potest. filial Houses.

172 173
Titulus XXII Title XXII
De Guardianis et Vicariis Guardians and Vicars

Art. 225 Art. 225

In Guardianum eligitur frater saltem tribus annis sollemni- A Friar, solemnly professed for at least three years and in-
ter professus atque Provinciae incorporatus, salvo praescripto corporated into the Province, without prejudice to art. 237 of
art. 237 horum Statutorum. these Statutes, is elected Guardian.

Art. 226 Art. 226

§1 Guardianus ad triennium eligitur in Congressu capitu- §1 The Guardian is elected for a three-year period during
lari vel, intra triennium, si necessarium sit, a Definitorio Pro- the Capitular Congressus or, if necessary during the three-
vinciae respective a Consilio custodiali. Potest idem ad aliud year period, by the Definitory of the Province or respectively
triennium eligi sine vacatione. by the Custodial Council. The same Guardian can be re-
§2 Guardianus ne eligatur ad tertium triennium nisi neces- elected, without an interval, for a further three-year period.
sitas fraternitatis, laboris aut Provinciae id exigat. §2 A Guardian is not to be re-elected to a third three-year
§3 Post tertium triennium eligi nequit nisi vacatio trium an- period unless the needs of the Fraternity, of work or of the
norum intercesserit. Province require it.
§3 He is not to be elected after the third three-year period,
unless there has been an interval of three years.

Art. 227 Art. 227

Guardiani nec ipsi sibi assumant nec Ministri ipsis impo- Guardians are not to assume on their own, and the Minis-
nant munera quae eos impediunt officium sibi commissum rite ters are not to impose on them, any duties that might impede
adimplere. them in the proper fulfilment of the office entrusted to them.

Art. 228 Art. 228

§1 Ob exigentias boni communis Minister provincialis cum §1 If the common good demands it, the Minister Provincial
suo Definitorio, respective Custos cum suo Consilio, Guar- with his Definitory, and respectively the Custos with his
dianum, post eius praeviam consultationem, ab una in aliam Council, can transfer a Guardian, after prior consultation with
Domum per canonicam electionem transferre potest. him, from one House to another through canonical election.
§2 Iusta et gravi de causa Minister provincialis cum suo De- §2 The Minister Provincial with his Definitory can remove
finitorio potest Guardianum ab officio amovere. Idem potest a Guardian from office for a just and grave reason. The Cus-
Custos Custodiae cum suo Consilio, approbante tamen Mini- tos with his Council can do the same, but with the approval of
stro provinciali cum suo Definitorio. Contra amotionem sem- the Minister Provincial and his Definitory. There is always the
per ius est recurrendi ad normam art. 133 §3 horum Statuto- right to recourse against removal, in accordance with art. 133
rum. §3 of these Statutes.

174 175
Art. 229 Art. 229
Guardianus, etiamsi tempus officii elapsum fuerit et novus A Guardian, even if the period of his office has ended and a
Guardianus sit electus, usque ad successoris adventum munus new Guardian has been elected, still exercises his office until
suum adhuc exercet, nisi Minister provincialis aliud statuerit. the arrival of his successor, unless the Minister Provincial has
established otherwise.

Art. 230 Art. 230

Si vacatio officii Guardiani durante triennio contigerit Vi- If the office of Guardian falls vacant during the three-year
carius regimen Domus usque ad novi Guardiani electionem, period, by law the Vicar assumes the government of the House
intra trimestre faciendam, ipso iure assumit, nisi Minister pro- until the election of the new Guardian, which must be carried
vincialis pro casu aliter providerit. out within three months, unless in that particular case the
Minister Provincial has provided otherwise.

Art. 231 Art. 231

§1 Vicarius auxilium praebet Guardiano in eius officio ex- §1 The Vicar offers assistance to the Guardian in the exer-
plendo, ea tantum agens quae eidem commissa fuerint. cise of his office, doing only what is entrusted to him.
§2 Absente vel impedito Guardiano, Vicarius eius vicem §2 When the Guardian is absent or impeded the Vicar takes
gerit. Nullam autem innovationem faciat, quam sciat a volun- his place. However, he may not introduce any innovation that
tate Guardiani alienam esse. he knows is opposed to the Guardian’s will.
§3 Absente vel deficiente Vicario, alius frater ad normam §3 If the Vicar should be absent or lacking, another Friar
Statutorum particularium eius munus assumit. assumes the office in accordance with the Particular Statutes.

Art. 232 Art. 232

§1 Vicarius eligitur ad triennium et pro aliis trienniis suc- §1 The Vicar is elected for a three-year period and can be
cessivis reeligi potest. Si vacatio officii Vicarii durante triennio re-elected for other successive three-year periods. If the office
contigerit, novus Vicarius eligitur. of Vicar should fall vacant during the three-year period, a new
§2 Ob iustam causam Minister provincialis, de consensu sui Vicar is elected.
Definitorii, Vicarium ab officio amovere potest, firmo prae- §2 The Minister Provincial, with the consent of his Defi-
scripto art. 133 §3 horum Statutorum. nitory, can remove a Vicar from office for a just cause, without
prejudice to art. 133 §3 of these Statutes.

Titulus XXIII Title XXIII

De Capitulo et Discretorio locali The Local Chapter and Discretorium

Art. 233 Art. 233

§1 Capitulum locale frequenter, saltem sexies in anno ce- §1 The local Chapter is to be held frequently, at least six
lebretur. times a year.

176 177
§2 In Statutis particularibus vel Ordinibus accurate deter- §2 All that regards the competence, the frequency of cele-
minentur omnia quae spectant ad competentiam, frequentiam bration, the method of dealing with matters, the making and
celebrationis, modum negotia tractandi, decisiones ferendi ac carrying out of decisions and other particulars of both the
exsequendi, aliaque adiuncta, tam Capituli quam Discretorii, Chapter and Discretorium, if there is one, is to be specified in
si adsit. the Particular Statutes or Rules of Procedure.

Art. 234 Art. 234

§1 Negotia in Capitulo vel Discretorio agenda a Guardiano §1 Matters to be dealt with in the Chapter or the Discreto-
vel a fratribus, respective a Discretis, praemonito Guardiano, rium are proposed by the Guardian or by Friars and, respec-
proponuntur. Quantum fieri potest, ab ipso Guardiano frater- tively, by the Discretes, the Guardian having been informed.
nitati prius communicentur. In negotiis collegialiter statuendis They are to be communicated, as far as possible, beforehand
sententia seu votum maioris partis praevalere et exsecutioni to the Fraternity by the Guardian himself. In matters to be de-
mandari debent. cided collegially, the decision or vote of the majority must pre-
§2 Acta cuiusque Capituli vel Discretorii a Secretario, in vail and its execution must be ordered.
prima sessione deputato, in speciali libro describantur et post- §2 The Minutes of each Chapter or Discretorium are to be
quam approbata fuerint ab eo subsignentur. Liber actorum Vi- recorded in a special book by the Secretary appointed during
sitatori tam provinciali quam generali occasione visitationis the first session; they are to be signed by him after they have
exhibeatur. been approved. The Minutes Book of the Chapter or Discre-
torium is to be shown to the Visitator, whether Provincial or
General, on the occasion of the visitation.

Art. 235 Art. 235

Discretorii, si adest, est Guardiano in exercitium sui officii A Discretorium, if there is one, has the duty of giving effec-
et animationis fraternitatis, praesertim in praeparatione et ce- tive assistance to the Guardian in the exercise of his office and
lebratione Capituli localis, validum praestare adiutorium; et in the animation of the Fraternity, especially in the prepara-
insuper in quibusdam negotiis, a Statutis particularibus vel ab tion and celebration of the local Chapter. In addition, it is to
ipso Capitulo locali determinatis, facilius celeriusque expe- give advice or consent, in accordance with universal and
diendis consilium vel consensum praebere, ad normam iuris proper law, on any subjects determined by the Particular
universalis et proprii. Statutes or by the same local Chapter, in order to expedite
them more easily and more quickly.

Art. 236 Art. 236

§1 Discreti, quorum numerus determinetur in Statutis par- §1 Discretes, whose number is to be determined in the Par-
ticularibus, a Definitorio provinciali respective a Consilio cu- ticular Statutes, are elected for a three-year period by the
stodiali, proponente Capitulo locali, eliguntur ad triennium, Provincial Definitory or, respectively, by the Custodial Coun-
et immediate pro aliis trienniis eligi possunt. cil, at the proposal of the local Chapter; they can be re-elected
immediately for further three-year periods.

178 179
§2 Ob exigentias boni communis Minister provincialis vel §2 If the common good demands it, the Minister Provincial
Custos, servato art. 133 §4 horum Statutorum, Discretos ab or the Custos, observing art 133 §4 of these Statutes, can re-
officio amovere, vel ob iustam causam eorum renuntiationem move Discretes from office or accept their resignation for a
accipere potest. just cause.
§3 Si vacatio officii Discreti durante triennio contigerit, §3 If the office of Discrete should fall vacant during the
novus Discretus a Capitulo locali proponatur eligendus a De- three-year period, a new Discrete is to be proposed by the
finitorio provinciali, respective a Consilio custodiali. local Chapter and elected by the Provincial Definitory or, re-
spectively, by the Custodial Council.

Titulus XXIV
De commoratione et transitu fratrum Title XXIV
in alienam Provinciam Residence in and transfer to another Province

Art. 237 Art. 237

Fratres in aliena Provincia ob legitimam causam degentes, Friars who live in another Province for a legitimate reason
post biennium commorationis participes habeantur iurium et are to share the rights and obligations pertaining to the Friars
obligationum quae fratribus eiusdem Provinciae competunt, of that Province after two years of residence; in the meantime,
nisi aliter, consultis fratribus quorum interest, inter respecti- the exercise of their rights in their own Province, is sus-
vos Ministros provinciales provisum fuerit, suspenso interea pended, unless, after the Friars concerned have been con-
exercitio iurium in propria Provincia. Quae participatio iu- sulted, it has been established otherwise between the respec-
rium ab ipso initio commorationis fit, si intentio saltem per tive Ministers Provincial. Sharing in the rights occurs from
biennium degendi adest. the beginning of the residence if there is the intention of re-
maining there for at least two years.

Art. 238 Art. 238

§1 Fratres in aliena Provincia degentes subiciuntur auctori- §1 Friars residing in another Province are subject to the au-
tati Guardiani Domus in quo degunt vel, si extra Domum Or- thority of the Guardian of the House in which they live or, if
dinis degunt, Guardiani proximioris Domus. Pro rebus maio- they live outside a House of the Order, of the Guardian of the
ris momenti, prout in Statutis Provinciae in qua ut hospites nearest House. In matters of greater importance, in accor-
degunt determinatum fuerit, licentiam obtinere debent a Mi- dance with what has been established in the Statutes of the
nistro illius Provinciae, nisi aliter inter duas Provincias pactum Province in which they reside as guests, they must obtain the
fuerit. permission of the Minister Provincial of that Province, unless
§2 Ut fratribus in aliena Provincia degentibus officia et mu- it has been agreed otherwise between the two Provinces.
nera in eadem conferri possint, necessarius est consensus pro- §2 The consent of their own Minister Provincial is neces-
prii Ministri provincialis et, si Guardiani electi fuerint, saltem sary for Friars residing in another Province to be conferred
per integrum triennium in eadem Provincia remanere debent. with offices and duties in that Province; if they have been
elected Guardians they must remain in that Province for at
least the entire three-year period.

180 181
Art. 239 Art. 239
Si per conventionem a respectivis Ministris cum consensu If a district or House of a Province is entrusted to another
Definitorii Provinciarum initam et a Ministro generali confir- by agreement signed by the respective Ministers with the con-
matam, aliquis districtus vel Domus cuiusdam Provinciae al- sent of the Definitories of the Provinces and confirmed by the
teri committatur, fratres ex aliena Provincia, qui in eo districtu Minister General, the Friars of the other Province who reside
vel Domo degunt, sub auctoritate proprii Ministri provincialis in that district or House remain under the authority of their
manent tempore quo conventio valet. own Minister Provincial for the period of time that the agree-
ment remains in force.

Art. 240 Art. 240

Ut frater in aliam Provinciam transire et adscribi possit, re- In order for a Friar to be able to transfer to and be inscribed
quiritur consensus Definitorii propriae et alterius Provinciae. in another Province the consent of the Definitory of his own
Transitus et adscriptio in aliam Provinciam fratris sollemniter and of the other Province is required. The transfer and in-
professi Ministro generali communicentur. scription of a solemnly professed Friar into another Province
are to be communicated to the Minister General.


Art. 241 Art. 241

Caveant Ministri et Guardiani ne Ordinem, Provinciam vel Ministers and Guardians are to avoid leading, or allowing to
Domum in debita onerosa vel in obligationes oeconomicas be led in any way, the Order, a Province or a House into sizeable
quocumque modo inducant aut induci sinant, nisi certe con- debts or financial obligations, unless he knows with certainty
stet debiti foenus solvi et ipsum debitum intra tempus non that the interest on the debt can be settled and the entire capital
nimis longum exstingui posse. can be paid back over a not excessively long period of time.

Art. 242 Art. 242

Capituli generalis est praefinire summam supra quam ad It pertains to the General Chapter to lay down the amount
debita contrahenda, bona alienanda aut expensas extraordina- above which, in contracting debts, alienating goods or incur-
rias faciendas Minister generalis indiget consensu sui Defini- ring extraordinary expenditure, the Minister General needs
torii vel Consilii plenarii, secretis suffragiis manifestato. the consent, expressed by secret vote, of the Definitory or of
the Plenary Council.
Art. 243 Art. 243
§1 Capitulum provinciale determinet summam extraordi- §1 The Provincial Chapter is to determine the extraordi-
nariam pro qua expendenda Minister provincialis consensum nary sum for the expenditure of which the Minister Provincial
sui Definitorii exquirere debet. must seek the consent of his Definitory.
§2 Definitorium provinciale determinet expensarum ex- §2 The Provincial Definitory is to determine the amount of
traordinariarum summam pro qua Guardianus consensu Di- extraordinary expenditure for which the Guardian has need of

182 183
scretorii Domus et aliam pro qua consensu Capituli localis in- the consent of the Discretorium of the House and another for
diget; itemque summam pro qua Guardianus, praehabito voto which he needs the consent of the local Chapter; similarly, it
Discretorii vel Capituli localis, etiam licentiam Ministri pro- must determine the amount for which the Guardian, having
vincialis habere debet. obtained the vote of the Discretorium or of the local Chapter,
§3 In Domibus et ecclesiis construendis itemque in aedifi- must also have the permission of the Minister Provincial.
ciorum delineationibus mutandis, Statuta particularia deter- §3 In the building of Houses and Churches, as well as in the
minent utrum consilium vel consensum, sive Capituli localis re-structuring of buildings, the Particular Statutes are to de-
aut Discretorii, sive Definitorii provincialis, praevie exquiren- termine whether the prior advice or consent of either the local
dum. Chapter or Discretorium or of the Provincial Definitory is to
be sought.

Art. 244 Art. 244

Ad alienanda bona vel debita contrahenda, quorum valor To alienate property or to contract debts, the value of which
excedit duas tertias partes summae ultra quam recurrendum exceeds two thirds of the amount beyond which recourse must
est ad S. Sedem, requiritur licentia scripta Ministri generalis, be made to the Holy See, the written permission of the Mi-
praehabito consensu Definitorii tum provincialis tum genera- nister General is required, with the prior consent of both the
lis, per secreta suffragia manifestato. General and Provincial Definitory, expressed by secret vote.

Art. 245 Art. 245

Capitulum provinciale praefiniat, secundum diversitatem The Provincial Chapter is to establish, in accordance with
regionum seu nationum, quae bona, quorum valor continetur the diversity of regions or nations, which goods of a value
infra summam ad normam articuli praecedentis aestimatam, below the amount calculated according to the preceding arti-
alienari possint de licentia Ministri provincialis praevio con- cle can be alienated with the permission of the Minister
sensu sui Definitorii per secreta suffragia manifestato; vel Provincial, with the prior consent of the Definitory expressed
praehabito semper voto deliberativo, item per secreta suffragia by secret vote, or, with the prior deliberative vote of only the
manifestato, solius Discretorii seu Capituli localis. Idem di- Discretorium or local Chapter similarly expressed by secret
cendum est de debitis contrahendis, salvo in utroque casu iure vote. The same holds good for contracting debts, without
universali. prejudice in both cases to universal law.

Art. 246 Art. 246

§1 Quivis Guardianus inventarium mobilium Domus et sa- §1 Each Guardian is obliged to present to the Provincial
crae supellectilis ecclesiae, necnon accepti et expensi rationem Chapter and to the new Guardian an inventory of the move-
suo tempore Capitulo provinciali et novo Guardiano exhibere able goods of the House and of the sacred furnishings of the
tenetur; huiusmodi inventarium et ratio a Capitulo locali vel a Church, as well as accounts of income and expenditure during
Discretorio subscribantur. his term of office. This inventory and account is to be signed
§2 In Capitulo locali et Discretorio rationes oeconomicae by the local Chapter or by the Discretorium.
ne subscribantur nisi examinatae sint. §2 Financial accounts are not to be signed in the local
Chapter and Discretorium unless they have been examined.

184 185


(Cf. Rb 10, 1)

Titulus I Title I
De correctione et punitione fratrum Correction and Punishment of Friars

Art. 247 Art. 247

§1 Frater qui etiam reticito vel ficto nomine scripserit vel §1 A Friar who has secretly or under a false name written,
scribere fecerit litteras quibus cuidam e fratribus factum ca- or has had written by another, letters in which a calumnious
lumniosum tribuitur, privatione officii vel muneris quod fact is attributed to one of the Friars, is to be punished in pro-
habet, necnon vocis activae et passivae ad tempus pro gravitate portion to the gravity of the fault by deprivation of office or
culpae puniatur. the position that he holds, as well as by deprivation of active
§2 Qui discordias seminaverit vel graves fratrum defectus, and passive voice for a certain time.
sive intra sive extra Ordinem divulgaverit, aut litteras iniurio- §2 Whoever has sown discord or has divulged grave defects
sas vel diffamatorias contra quemquam scripserit, et de hoc of the Friars, either inside or outside the Order, or has written
convictus fuerit, omnibus officiis et muneribus Ordinis prive- injurious or defamatory letters against anyone and has been
tur atque inhabilis ad eadem declaretur, tempore a Ministro convicted of this, is to be deprived of all offices and positions
provinciali cum Definitorio statuto. of the Order and is to be declared unfit for them for a time es-
tablished by the Minister Provincial with his Definitory.

Art. 248 Art. 248

§1 Frater qui Visitatori vel Delegato generali non oboedi- §1 A Friar who has not obeyed the Visitator or Delegate
verit aut graves falsas notitias ei praebuerit aut se rebellem General, or has given grave and false information to him, or
exhibuerit aut eius mandata contempserit, privatione vocis ac- has shown himself to be rebellious, or has shown contempt for
tivae et passivae ad sexennium vel aliis poenis puniri potest. his orders, can be punished by the deprivation of active and
§2 Qui proprio Ministro vel Guardiano graviter insultave- passive voice for a six-year period or with other penalties.
rit vel eius mandata publice contempserit vel adversus eiusdem §2 Whoever has gravely insulted his Minister or Guardian,
auctoritatem conspiraverit, congruis poenis pro gravitate cul- or has publicly despised his orders, or has conspired against
pae, non exclusa, si casus ferat, temporanea privatione om- his authority, is to be punished with a penalty proportionate to
nium officiorum et munerum in Ordine, puniatur et condi- the gravity of the fault, not excluding, if it should be the case,
gnam praestet satisfactionem. the temporary deprivation of all offices and positions in the
Order and he is to make suitable amends.

186 187
Art. 249 Art. 249
§1 Guardianus, notabiliter neglegens obligationem provi- §1 A Guardian who obviously neglects his obligation to
dendi necessaria tum fraternitati tum fratribus, post alteram provide what is necessary for both the Fraternity and the Fri-
monitionem a Ministro provinciali eiusque Definitorio ab of- ars is, after a second warning, to be removed from office by the
ficio amoveatur. Minister Provincial and his Definitory.
§2 Guardianus, qui neglexerit congressus Discretorii vel §2 A Guardian, who has neglected to convoke meetings of
Capituli localis convocare, vel in iis rationem administrationis the Discretorium or local Chapter, or to present and submit to
exhibere et examinare ad normas Constitutionum generalium examination the accounts of administration during them, in ac-
et Statutorum, post alteram inutilem monitionem a Ministro cordance with the General Constitutions and Statutes, can be
provinciali eiusque Definitorio puniri potest, non exclusa offi- punished by the Minister Provincial and his Definitory after a
cii privatione. second ineffective warning, even by removal from office.

Art. 250
Art. 250 §1 A Guardian or Friar who in any way has misused money
§1 Guardianus vel frater qui pecuniis et eleemosynis ad fra- and alms destined for the benefit of the Fraternity, even
ternitatis utilitatem destinatis etiam in eisdem illicite admini- through its illegal administration, or has appropriated it, is to
strandis, quovis modo abusus fuerit, vel sibi appropriaverit, be punished in proportion to the gravity of the fraud or fault.
pro fraudis et culpae gravitate puniatur. §2 A Friar who has habitually failed to hand over for the
§2 Frater qui habitualiter emolumenta pro labore vel quo- benefit of the Fraternity the recompense received for his work
cumque alio titulo accepta in fraternitatis utilitatem non contu- or under any other title and who has obstinately not given due
lerit; itemque qui pertinaciter de acceptis et expensis rationem account of all the receipts and expenditure, or who, although
praescriptam non reddiderit; vel is qui, cum sit laborandi capax, capable of working, has refused to do so and has caused grave
labores recusat et suo otio fraternitati grave damnum infert, pro damage to the Fraternity through his laziness, is to be pu-
delicti gravitate puniatur, non exclusa dimissione ab Ordine. nished according to the gravity of the crime, not excluding
dismissal from the Order.
Art. 251
§1 Minister vel Guardianus qui sine debita facultate de- Art. 251
§1 A Minister or Guardian, who, without the required fa-
struxerit aut mutaverit fabricam a praedecessore inchoatam
culty has destroyed or changed a construction begun or fi-
aut exstructam, vel culpabiliter conservationem aut necessarias
nished by his predecessor, or who has gravely neglected the
ecclesiae vel aliorum immobilium restaurationes graviter ne-
maintenance or necessary repairs of the Church or other
glexerit, officio privetur. properties, is to be deprived of office.
§2 Minister, Guardianus vel frater qui graviter negligentes §2 A Minister, Guardian or Friar who is found to be gravely
inveniuntur in custodiendis rebus pretiosis artis vel historiae negligent in protecting objects that are precious by reason of
causa et qui eas illegitime sibi appropriant, alienant vel de- their artistic or historical value, or who has illegally appropriated
struunt, pro gravitate culpae congruis poenis puniantur.58 them for himself, alienated or destroyed them, is to be punished
with a penalty in proportion to the gravity of the fault.58
58 Cf. CIC 638 §3. 58 Cf. CIC 638 §3.

188 189
§3 Frater qui documenta in archivis servata occultaverit, §3 A Friar who has hidden documents preserved in the
subtraxerit vel destruxerit, pro gravitate culpae puniatur. archives, has taken them out or destroyed them, is to be pun-
ished according to the gravity of the fault.

Art. 252 Art. 252

Ab inflictis poenis recursus in suspensivo conceditur, salvo Recourse, with a suspensive effect, against penalties im-
iure universali et firmo art. 133 §3 horum Statutorum. posed is granted, without prejudice to universal law and the
prescription of art. 133 §3 of these Statutes.

Titulus II Title II
De fratrum transitu et egressu ab Ordine The Transfer of Friars and Departure from the Order

Art. 253 Art. 253

§1 Frater sollemniter professus nequit ad aliud Institutum §1 A solemnly professed Friar cannot transfer to another
religiosum transire, nisi ex concessione Ministri generalis, de religious institute except by permission of the Minister Ge-
consensu sui Definitorii, et acceptatione ex parte novi Insti- neral, with the consent of his Definitory, and through accep-
tuti, ad normam iuris peracta.59 tance granted on the part of the new Institute, in accordance
§2 Ut sodalis a votis perpetuis alterius Instituti ad Ordinem with the law.59
nostrum transire possit, ad normam iuris procedatur, et saltem §2 In order for a professed religious in perpetual vows of
per tres annos in Domo Ordinis, sub moderamine idonei fra- another Institute to be able to transfer to our Order, the
tris, ante admissionem professionis sollemnis manere debet, norms of law are to be followed; he must remain in a House of
servatis de iure servandis. the Order for at least three years under the direction of a suit-
able Friar before being admitted to solemn profession, the re-
quirements of law being observed.

Art. 254 Art. 254

§1 Minister generalis de consensu sui Definitorii fratri sol- §1 The Minister General, with the consent of his Defini-
lemniter professo gravi de causa concedere potest indultum tory, can grant an indult of exclaustration to a solemnly pro-
exclaustrationis, non tamen ultra triennium, praevio consensu fessed Friar for a grave reason but not for more than three
Ordinarii loci in quo commorari debet, si agatur de clerico. years. In the case of a cleric the prior consent of the Ordinary
Indultum prorogare vel illud ultra triennium concedere S. of the place in which he is to reside is also required. To pro-
Sedi reservatur.60 long the indult or to grant it for more than three years is re-
served to the Holy See.60

59 Cf. CIC 684 §1. 59 Cf. CIC 684 §1.

60 Cf. CIC 686 §1. 60 Cf. CIC 686 §1.

190 191
§2 Petente Ministro generali, de consensu sui Definitorii, §2 Exclaustration can be imposed on a Friar for a grave rea-
exclaustratio ob graves causas, servata aequitate et caritate, a S. son by the Holy See61 at the request of the Minister General,
Sede fratri imponi potest.61 with the consent of his Definitory, with due regard for equity
and charity.

Art. 255 Art. 255

§1 Frater exclaustratus exoneratus habetur ab obligationi- §1 An exclaustrated Friar is held to be relieved from the ob-
bus quae cum nova suae vitae condicione componi nequeunt, ligations that are incompatible with his new conditions of life.
itemque sub dependentia et cura sui Ministri et etiam Ordina- He also remains dependent on and subject to the care of his
rii loci manet, praesertim si de clerico agatur. Habitum reli- Minister and even of the local Ordinary, especially if it a ques-
giosum deferre potest, nisi aliud in indulto statuatur; voce tion of a cleric. He can wear the religious habit, unless it is de-
tamen activa et passiva caret.62 termined otherwise in the indult, but he lacks active and pas-
§2 Si frater exclaustratus quaedam debita et obligationes sive voice.62
contraxerit sine Ministri provincialis licentia, ipse respondere §2 If an exclaustrated Friar contracts any debts and obliga-
debet, non autem Provincia aut Domus. Idem valet de fratre e tions without the permission of the Minister Provincial, he
Domo illegitime absente.63 himself must take responsibility for them and not the Province
or House. The same holds good for a Friar illegally absent
from a House.63

Art. 256 Art. 256

§1 Frater a votis temporariis, expleta professione, si iustae §1 A Friar in temporary vows, when his profession expires,
causae adfuerint, a Ministro provinciali, audito suo Definito- can be excluded from making subsequent profession by the
rio, a subsequenti professione emittenda excludi potest.64 Minister Provincial, having consulted his Definitory, if there
§2 Infirmitas physica vel psychica, etiam post professionem are just reasons.64
contracta, et quae de iudicio peritorum fratrem, de quo in pa- §2 A physical or psychic illness, even contracted after pro-
ragrapho praecedenti, reddit ineptum ad vitam in Ordine du- fession and which, in the judgement of experts, renders the
cendam, causam sufficientem constituit eum non admittendi Friar mentioned in the preceding paragraph unsuitable for the
ad professionem renovandam vel ad sollemnem emittendam, life to be led in the Order, constitutes sufficient reason for not
nisi ob neglegentiam Ordinis vel ob laborem in Ordine perac- admitting him to the renewal of temporary profession or to
tum infirmitas contracta fuerit.65 solemn profession, unless the illness has been contracted be-
cause of the negligence of the Order or because of work car-
ried out in the Order.65

61 Cf. CIC 686 §3. 61 Cf. CIC 686 §3.

62 Cf. CIC 687. 62 Cf. CIC 687.
63 Cf. CIC 639 §3. 63 Cf. CIC 639 §3.
64 Cf. CIC 689 §1. 64 Cf. CIC 689 §1.
65 Cf. CIC 689 §2. 65 Cf. CIC 689 §2.

192 193
§3 Si vero frater perdurantibus votis temporariis amens eva- §3 If, however, a Friar becomes mentally deranged during
serit, etsi novam professionem emittere non valeat, ab Ordine temporary vows, even though he is not able to make a new
tamen dimitti non potest.66 profession, he cannot be dismissed from the Order.66

Art. 257 Art. 257

Qui, expleto novitiatu vel post professionem, legitime ab A Friar, who, after finishing the Novitiate or after profes-
Ordine egressus fuerit, a Ministro generali, de consensu Defi- sion, has left the Order legitimately, can be re-admitted by the
nitorii, rursus admitti potest sine onere repetendi novitiatum; Minister General with the consent of his Definitory without
Ministri autem generalis erit determinare congruam probatio- the onus of repeating the Novitiate. It is up to the Minister
nem praeviam professioni temporariae et spatium temporis General, however, to establish a suitable probation before
votorum ante professionem sollemnem praemittendum, ad temporary profession and the duration of the vows before the
normam art. 100 horum Statutorum.67 Friar is admitted to solemn profession, in accordance with art
100 of these Statutes.67

Titulus III Title III

De fratrum dimissione ab Ordine Dismissal of Friars from the Order

Art. 258 Art. 258

Minister provincialis, si dimissio ab iure non imponatur, If dismissal is not imposed by law, the Minister Provincial is to
fratrem qui peccaverit sollicite primum quaerat et etiam plu- carefully seek out the Friar who has sinned, charitably and re-
ries caritative moneat, eumque adiuvare conetur et ad emen- peatedly admonish him and try to help him and lead him to an
dationem adducat ut in sua vocatione perseveret. amendment of his ways, so that he may persevere in his vocation.

Art. 259
Art. 259 §1 A Friar must be dismissed, in accordance with universal
§1 Frater dimitti debet, ad normam iuris universalis, si pa- law, if he has committed the crimes mentioned in CIC canons
traverit delicta de quibus in CIC cann. 1397, 1398 et 1395. 1397, 1398 and 1395.
§2 Frater exclaustratus, si intra sex menses post expletum §2 An exclaustrated Friar can be dismissed from the Order
tempus exclaustrationis non redierit, ab Ordine dimitti potest. if he has not returned within six months after the expiration of
Frater dimitti potest etiam ob alias causas dummodo sint gra- the period of exclaustration. A Friar can also be dismissed for
ves, externae, imputabiles et iuridice comprobatae, uti statu- other reasons, provided that they are grave, external, im-
tum est in can. 696, et iure universali servato. putable and juridically proven, as is established in canon 696,
and universal law being observed.

66 Cf. CIC 689 §3. 66 Cf. CIC 689 §3.

67 Cf. CIC 690 §1. 67 Cf. CIC 690 §1.

194 195
§3 Frater a votis temporaneis etiam ob causas minoris gra- §3 A professed Friar in temporary vows can be dismissed
vitatis quam in can. 696 §1 statutas dimitti potest. also for reasons of lesser gravity than those determined in
§4 Fratri firmum semper manet ius cum Ministro generali canon 696 §1.
communicandi et illi directe suas defensiones exhibendi.68 §4 The Friar always retains the right to communicate with
the Minister General and to present his defence to him di-

Art. 260 Art. 260

§1 Ad decretum dimissionis fratrum ferendum, Minister §1 To issue a decree of dismissal of Friars, the Minister
generalis cum suo Definitorio, quod ad validitatem saltem General and his Definitory, which for validity must comprise
quattuor membris constare debet, collegialiter procedat ad at least four members, are to proceed in collegial fashion in ac-
probationes, argumenta et defensiones accurate perpendenda, curately weighing the evidence, the arguments and the de-
et si per secretam suffragationem id decisum fuerit, decretum fence. If by a secret vote it is so decided, a decree of dismissal
dimissionis ferat, expressis ad validitatem saltem summarie ra- is to be drawn up, which for validity must express at least in
tionibus in iure et in facto.69 summary form the reasons in law and fact.69
§2 Decretum dimissionis vim non habet et exsecutioni §2 A decree of dismissal has no effect and cannot be exe-
mandari nequit, nisi a Sancta Sede confirmatum fuerit. Decre- cuted unless it has been confirmed by the Holy See. The de-
tum vero, ut valeat, indicare debet ius, quo frater dimissus cree, however, for validity must indicate the right of the dis-
gaudet, recurrendi intra decem dies a recepta notificatione ad missed Friar to have recourse to the competent authority
auctoritatem competentem. Recursus effectum habet suspen- within ten days of receiving notification of the decree. The re-
sivum.70 course has a suspensive effect.70

Art. 261 Art. 261

§1 Ministri et fratres curam habeant de bono spirituali, mo- §1 The Ministers and the Friars are to have concern for the
rali et sociali eorum qui Ordinem derelinquunt vel ab eo di- spiritual, moral and social well being of those who leave the
mittuntur, iisque subsidia suppeditent, ratione habita aequita- Order or who have been dismissed from it, and they are to offer
tis eorumque necessitatis, temporis in religione peracti et be- them help, taking into account equity, their needs, the time
neficiorum ab Ordine receptorum.71 passed in religion and the benefits received by the Order.71
§2 In Statutis particularibus determinentur normae concre- §2 Concrete norms on the help to be given are to be deter-
tae de subsidio praestando. mined in the Particular Statutes.

68 Cf. CIC 698. 68 Cf. CIC 698.

69 Cf. CIC 699. 69 Cf. CIC 699.
70 Cf. CIC 700. 70 Cf. CIC 700.
71 Cf. CIC 702 §2. 71 Cf. CIC 702 §2.

196 197
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Stampa: Tipografia Mancini s.a.s.

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