Hkcee 2002 Religious Studies Section B Personal and Social Problems

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6. (a) With reference to the following four aspects, what messages are
communicated to young people by the mass media of Hong Kong? Give
ONE example for each aspect and comment on each using a different
Biblical teaching.
(i) standard of beauty
(ii) marital relationship
(iii) conduct in words and deeds
(iv) standard of success (12 marks)

(b) Chi Ming wishes to work as a reporter for a newspaper. A friend told him that
the chief editor of that newspaper likes reports that are based on few facts but
a lot of imagination in order to please readers.
Chi Ming does not agree with this kind of reporting policy. Give THREE
Biblical principles to support him. Explain your answer. (6 marks)

(c) State TWO ways in which you should judge the information obtained from
the mass media. (2 marks)


6. (a)
Message Example Biblical teaching
(i) standard of beauty The mass media The value of being
promote body human is not base on
slimming; the thinner our outlook but the
one gets the more fact that we possess
beautiful she/he is. the image of God
The entertaining (Gen 1:26-28) and
news promote brand We are the children
names used by of God
celebrities and regard Our body is the
wearing these things temple of God (ICor
as beautiful. 3:16) we should not
keep ourselves on
diet only but to take
good care of our
God does not wish us
chasing vanity [Phil
(ii) marital relationship some celebrities In God's plan a
regard pregnancy family has a father

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before marriage as a and a mother. (Gen
casual thing 2:24)
some TV programs God wishes people
view cohabitation or loyal to their
one night stand a marriage (ICor 7:2)
(iii) conduct in words and few media workers God want us to be
deeds like to criticize and responsible for what
give unfair comments we say and it shall
even it will hurt some not be a stumble
innocent people stone for the others.
few celebrities use (ICor 8:9)
foul language in their God will us to be
songs and perform concern for the
rude gesture in the other's benefit. (ICor
public 10:23-24) Foul
Through the mass language and rude
media, some public gesture do no good to
figures ask Hong people (esp. young
Kong people to be people)
polite to others The Bible teaches us
(tourists). that we should pay
attention to all good
things (Phil 4:8-9)
(iv)Standard of success media are keen on Jesus teaches us that
reporting rich people we should seek the
as a standard of Kingdom of God but
success not earthly vanity
media reported some (Mark10: 17-27) a
cases in which successful life is not
successful people necessarily rich
involve in other's Jesus himself took a
suffering and serve servant role and
those people. serve others (Phil
(N.B. Candidates could comment on positive or negative examples)
(l mark for each example, 2 marks for each comment supported by Biblical

(b) Biblical principles that are against such reporting policy:

the press should report only the fact (Matt 5:37) but not mislead the
public or spreading rumors
the press should not lie (Lev 19:11) Reports based on imagination
could easily become deceptive.
the press should beware of their professional conduct, freedom and
responsibility should maintain a balance (ICor 8:9) Freedom of press is
important but it should also be checked by other moral responsibilities:

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the press should not try to please their readers only. This is because it
may increase the number of exaggerated reports on violence and sex
crimes, and hence hurt those victims once more. The Bible teaches us
to love the others as we love ourselves, we should not impose on others
the things that we are not willing to experience
(any 3 points x 2 marks)

(c) ways to judge the information from the mass media:

critically evaluate whether the reports are base on true facts
base on one's conscience to judge whether the information is valuable
compare different reports on the same case in order to seek the fact
(any 2 points x 1 mark)

7. (a) (i) State FOUR negative influences which prostitution may have on
society. (4 marks)
(ii) Suggest TWO Biblical viewpoints to argue against prostitution.
Explain your answer. (4 marks)

(b) (i) People may face temptations related to sex. Give TWO examples.
(2 marks)
(ii) Suggest TWO Biblical teachings that may help people overcome these
Explain your answer.
[DO NOT repeat your answer in a(ii).] (4 marks)

(c) Suggest THREE Biblical viewpoints to show how God blesses couples
through marriage. (6 marks)


7. (a) (i) Four negative influences that prostitution may have on society:
encourage promiscuity
suppress the dignity of human
suppress the value of sexuality
bombard the family system
may lead to spread of sexual disease
if manipulated by triad groups this will indirectly promote other
illegal activities
or any other reasonable answer (any 4 points x 1 mark)
(ii) Biblical views that are against prostitution:
human bodies are the temple of God and should be kept holy
(ICor 3:16) body is regarded as earning tool in prostitution.
Having sex with different people will make one's body become
The Bible teaches us to avoid lust/put to death the earthly desires

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(Rom 13:13, Co13:5-10). Prostitution, on the other hand, provoke
a lax attitude towards desires.
The Bible teaches us not to commit adultery (Mat 5:27-30). For
those who are married, taking part in prostitution is committing
Sexual activities in marriage is blessed by God (Gen 1:28)
whereas all other sexual activities outside of marriage is a sin.
The Bible teaches us that we should not live an easy life at the
expense of the others. (Amos 6:4-7) Therefore triad groups earn
their money through manipulation of prostitution is wrong.
(any 2 points x 2 marks)

(b) (i)
People get pornographic materials through the Internet and they
sometimes do not handle the information correctly. Then they
may be tempted.
People have intimate contacts with their boyfriends/girlfriends , if
they are in lack of self-control they will face temptation
When traveling alone or working out of town people may become
weak and could not resist sexual temptation.
or any other reasonable answer (any 2 points x 1 mark)
The Bible teaches us to avoid lust (Rom 13:13) For predictable
situations, we should avoid sexual temptation as early as possible.
Sexual desire is a gift of God, it should only be conducted in
marriage. (Gen 1:28) Extra-marital sexual activities would only
bring harm to others and family.
The Bible teaches that we should pay attention to the good things
(Phil 4:8), we should invest our mind and energy on good things,
like doing volunteer work, then the chance of being tempted will
The will of God is that we stay away from lust and become holy.
(IThess 4:3). We should set the aims of our life as to become holy.
Temptations like pornographic information would only obstruct
us in becoming holy.
[Note: answer in a(ii) should not be repeated]

(c) Marriage is a blessing of God:

God make a companion for man (Gen 2:18) in order to help him and
bring him comfort
Marriage is the most intimate relationship, through it people
experience the union of mind and body. People can become
independent so that they can form new families (Gen: 2:24)
God blesses humans so that they could bring up their offspring in
family (Gen 1:28)
The Bible teaches that marital relationship between husband and wife
is like the relationship between the Church and Christ. There are
altruistic love and obedience. (Eph 5:21-33) Thus, husband and wife

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can both enjoy an intimate loving relationship.
(any 3 points x 2 marks)
or any reasonable answer

8. (a) State FOUR different habits of spending money wastefully among Hong
Kong people. (4 marks)

(b) (i) Sam is a Christian. He is a customs officer. He earns enough to

support his wife and children. Recently he has been keen on
collecting high-class audio-visual equipment, causing him to go
into serious debt. Suggest TWO Biblical principles to convince
Sam to change such behaviour. (4 marks)
(ii) Someone offered Sam one million dollars to let a load of drugs go
through customs inspection. Sam refused firmly. Suggest THREE
Biblical viewpoints in support of his decision. (6 marks)
(iii) Now Sam focuses on his work and no longer wastes money on
audio-visual equipment. He has been praised by his boss several
times and is invited to talk to his colleagues about his attitude
towards work. He wishes to make use of this opportunity to share
some Biblical principles with them. Suggest THREE principles
for him. (6 marks)


8 (a)
Wasting money on bad habits like: gambling, smoking
Chasing new products such as changing mobile phones frequently
Chasing for convenience blindly, taking taxi even there is no real need
Obsessed with expensive entertainment, eg: dining m expensive
restaurant frequently.
or any other reasonable answer (any 4 points x 1 mark)

(b) (i) The Bible teaches us that

we should use our money wisely. (Mark 12:41-44) raising debt
because of a hobby is clearly not wise.
we should be satisfied with what we have. (ITim 6:6-8) high class
audio-visual equipment is not a basic necessity we would not be
in real trouble if we do not have them
materials are for our own use but not our aims/goals (Luke 12:16-
21). Seeking God is the prime objective in life.
we should love our family members (Eph 5:21-6:4) and Sam
should not neglect them because of his own desires
we should have discipline in all things (ICor 9:24-27 ). Clearly
Sam is obsessed with this hobby.
(any 2 points x 2 marks)

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taking bribe is a serious crime and it is not acceptable to God.
(Amos 5:11- 12)
God does not take bribe (Deut 10:17) so Sam should follow God's
example and not to take bribe.
God blames and punishes those officials who take bribes (Micah
If Sam takes this offer, God will not let him go unpunished.
Drugs are harmful to human bodies and our bodies are God's
temple (ICor 3:16) We should not let the drugs smuggling into the
society and let people get harm
Sam's authority is from the government whose authority is from
God (Rom 13:1) he should use it appropriately for the justice
the Bible forbids us leading people into sin (Mark 9:42-50) we
should not allow drugs flow into our society and lead those people
who sell and buy it into sin
or any other reasonable answer. (any 3 points x 2 marks)
(iii) The Bible teaches us that
we should work diligently (Prov 6:6-11) even when we are not
supervised by our superiors
we are all gifted differently (Mat 25:14-30) We should apply our
gifts at work
those who are the leaders should serve the others (Mat 20:27)
Therefore, the managers should not oppress their subordinates but
try to improve their working environment or assist them to solve
their problems at work.
or any other reasonable answer
(any 3 points x 2 marks)

9. (a) Last October, people from the restaurant industry organized a demonstration
against the government's suggestion on banning smoking in restaurants.
(i) Suggest TWO reasons why these people were against this suggestion.
(2 marks)
(ii) Suggest THREE Biblical reasons to support this suggestion. (6 marks)

(b) (i) Siu Ming tried to convince an elderly lady to give up smoking. This
lady had heart disease owing to smoking for many years,
Suggest TWO Biblical principles that Siu Ming can use to persuade
her to give up smoking.
[Do not repeat your answer in a (ii).] (4 marks)
(ii) One day, the old lady was in a bad mood and refused to let Siu Ming
visit her.
Suggest THREE Biblical principles to encourage Siu Ming to continue
to care for her. (6 marks)

(c) Suggest an effective way to educate young people to stay away from
smoking. Explain your answer. (2 marks)

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9. (a) (i)
they think most smokers will not go to the restaurants which ban
smoking and hence their income affected
workers in the industry do not want to take up the role to ask
smokers not to smoke in their restaurants
they think smokers should have the freedom to smoke in
they think the government policies are inconsistent while allowing
people to. buy cigarettes but forbidding them to smoke in
restaurants (any 2 points x 1 mark)
smoking is addictive whereas God will us to live a free life but
not to be a slave of destructive habits (IIPeter 2:19)
smoking would pollute the environment and the quality of the air
but God will us manage the Earth properly (Gen 1:26-27)
smoking in restaurants would make others inhale "secondary"
smoke and their health affected, but the Bible teaches us to love
our brothers (IJohn 4:21). We should not harm them.
freedom and responsibility should maintain a balance and should
not be used abusively (ICor 10:23-24) Though people have
freedom to smoke but if it is harmful others, we should restrain
the authority of a government come from God (Rom 13:1). It
should execute the policies which are beneficial the public
(any 3 points x 2 marks)

(b) (i)
human lives are most valuable, (Mark 5:1-20) so this elderly
should quit smoking as soon as possible
the Bible teaches us to do for other what we want them to do for
us (Mt 7:12). Surely, the elderly lady does not want to worry
about her family members' health so she should not let them
worry about hers.
God/Jesus healed many sick people. He has the power to heal but
we need to show positive gestures leg: like the woman suffered
from bleeding in Mark 5:25-34) to show we are willing to receive
his help. Therefore, she should quit smoking first and ask for
God's healing.
or any reasonable answer ( any 2 points x 2 marks)
the Bible asks us to respect elderly people (Lev 19:32). So Siu
Ming should try to respect and understand her feeling as a patient.
This is helpful for the next meeting with her.

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God take care of elderly people (Is 46:3-4) and we should follow
God's example
The Bible teaches us that we should take care those who are in
need (Mt 25:31-46). The rejection should not be perceived
negatively but as a voice crying for care and help. Siu Ming
should not be deterred by difficulties but to continue to care for
her. (any 3 points x 2 marks)

recruit young celebrities to participate in anti-smoking campaign.
Present them attractive images which do not smoke. So that
young people will be motivated to stay away from smoking.
establish a exhibition center showing the relationship between
smoking and health. Young people who visit it will understand the
negative effects of smoking on individuals and society. They will
then stay away from smoking.
(any 1 point x 2 marks)

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