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These are the basics of Microsoft Excel, its history, features, versions and how to

open and save files in the application. Excel is a powerful tool for managing analysing
data and it has a wide range of applications in various fields.
1. Excel 1.0 (1985): The first version for Macintosh.
2. Excel 2.0 (1987): The first Windows version.
3. Excel 5.0(1993): Introduced features like VBA and support for 3D charts.
4. Excel 97 (Office 97, 1997): introduced the Office Assistant and improved
pivot tables.
5. Excel 2000 (Office 2000, 1999): Enhanced web integration and
6. Excel 2003 (Office 2003, 2003): Introduced XML support and enhanced
security features.
7. Excel 2007 (Office 2007, 2007): Introduced the Ribbon interface and
expanded data analysis tools.
8. Excel 2010 (Office 2010, 2010): Introduced the PowerPivot add-in for
advanced data analysis.
9. Excel 2013 (Office 2013, 2013): Improved data modeling and Power View for
data visualization.
10. Excel 2016 (Office 2016, 2015): Enhanced data analysis and forecasting tools.
11. Excel 2019 (Office 2019, 2018): Improved features for data visualization and
12. Excel for Microsoft 365: The latest version, offered through a subscription
model, continuously receives updates and new features.

D) How to Open and Save MS Excel:

To open and save Excel files, follow these steps:

Opening an Excel file:

1. Launch Microsoft Excel.

2. Click on "File" or the Office button (depending on your version).
3. Select "Open" and navigate to the location of the Excel file you want to
4. Double-click the file, and it will open in Excel.

Saving an Excel file:

1. After making changes to your Excel file, click on "File."

2. Select "Save" to save changes to the existing file, or "Save As" to create a
new file or specify a different location.
3. Choose the file format (e.g., .xlsx, .xls) and provide a name for the file.
4. Click "Save".
1. History of MS Excel:

Microsoft Excel is a widely used spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft.

Its history dates back to the early 1980s when it was first conceived as a successor
to Microsoft’s Multiplan spreadsheet software. The first version of Excel, known
as Excel 2.0, was released for the Macintosh in 1985. It wasn’t until 1987 that
Excel became available for Windows. Over the years, Excel has undergone
numerous updates and enhancements, becoming an integral part of Microsoft
Office and a staple in business, finance, and data analysis.

2. Features of MS Excel:

Microsoft Excel is known for its extensive set of features, including:

1. Spreadsheets: Excel allows you to create, organize, and analyze data in a

grid format, with rows and columns.
2. Formulas and Functions: Excel supports a wide range of mathematical,
statistical and logical functions to perform calculations and data analysis.
3. Charts and Graphs: You can create various types of charts and graphs to
visually represent data.
4. Data Analysis Tools: Features like PivotTables, data sorting, filtering, and
conditional formatting make it easier to analyze and visualize data.
5. Data Validation: You can set rules to validate data entry, ensuring
accuracy and consistency.
6. Macros and VBA: Excel supports Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for
automating tasks and creating custom functions.
7. Collaboration: Excel offers features for real-time collaboration, allowing
multiple users to work on a spreadsheet simultaneously.
8. Data Import and Export: It can import data from various sources and
export data in different formats.
9. Conditional Formatting: Highlight data based on specific conditions to
make trends and patterns more visible.
10. What-If Analysis: Excel's scenarios and goal seek tools help in making
informed decisions based on different scenarios.
3. Versions of MS Excel:

Microsoft has released various versions of Excel over the years. Some notable
versions include:
It is a midsize multiprocessing computer. It consists of two
or more processors and can support 4 to 200 users at one
time. Miniframe computers are used in institutes and
departments for tasks such as billing, accounting and
inventory management. A minicomputer lies between the
mainframe and microcomputer as it is smaller than
mainframe but larger than a microcomputer.
Characteristics of miniframe or minicomputer:
• It is light weight that makes it easy to carry and fit
• It is less expensive than mainframe computers. It is
very fast compared to its size.
• It remains charged for a long time.
Microcomputer is also known as a personal computer.
It is a general-purpose computer that is designed for
individual use. It has a microprocessor as a central
processing unit, memory, storage area, input unit and
output unit. Laptops and desktop computers are
examples of microcomputers. They are suitable for
personal work that may be making an assignment,
watching a movie, or at office for office work.
Characteristics of a microcomputer:
• It is the smallest in size among all types of
• It is designed for personal work and applications.
Only one user can work at a time.
• It is less expansive and easy to use.
• It does not require the user to have special skills or
training to use it.
• It is capable of multitasking such as printing,
scanning, browsing, watching videos, etc.
• In the field of defence, it allows the defence
departments to share a large amount of sensitive
information with other branches of defence.

• In the field of education, it helps big universities to

store, manage and retrieve data related to their
courses, admissions, students, teachers,
employees and affiliated schools and colleges.

• In the retail sector, the retail companies that have

a huge customer base and branches use
mainframe computers to handle and execute
information related to their inventory
management, customer management, and huge
transactions in a short duration.
Mainframe computers are designed to support
hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously.
They can support multiple programs at the same
time. It means they can execute different
processes simultaneously. These features of
mainframe computers make them ideal for big
organizations like banking and telecom sectors,
which need to manage and process a high volume
of data that requires integer operations such as
indexing, comparisons, etc. Characteristics of
Mainframe Computers:
• It can process huge amount of data, e.g. millions of
transactions in a second in the banking sector.
• It has a very long life. It can run smoothly for up to
50 years after proper installation.
• It gives excellent performance with large scale
memory management. Applications of mainframe
• In health care, it enabled hospitals to maintain a
record of their millions of patients in order to
contact them for treatment or related to their
appointment, medicine updates or disease
Supercomputers are the biggest and fastest
computers. They are designed to process huge
amount of data. A supercomputer can process
trillions of instructions in a second. It has thousands
of interconnected processors. Supercomputers are
particularly used in scientific and engineering
applications such as weather forecasting, scientific
simulations and nuclear energy research. The first
supercomputer was developed by Roger Cray in
Characteristics or applications of supercomputers:
• It has played a vital role in managing the online
currency world such as stock market and bitcoin.
• It helps in the diagnosis of various critical diseases
and in producing accurate results in brain injuries,
strokes, etc.
• It helps in scientific research areas by accurately
analysing data obtained from exploring the solar
system, satellites, and movement of Earth.
• It also used in a smog control system where it
predicts the level of fog and other pollutants in the
• It can study and understand climate patterns and
forecast weather conditions.
Practical -8
• PowerPoint 2007 (Office 2007, 2007): Introduced the Ribbon interface and
improved grapics.
• PowerPoint 2010 (Office 2010, 2010): Enhanced video editing and
• PowerPoint 2013 (Office 2013, 2013): Better presenter tools and cloud
• PowerPoint 2016 (Office 2016, 2015): Improved real-time collaboration and
integration with OneDrive.
• PowerPoint 2019 (Office 2019, 2018): Focused on enhancing inking and 3D
object support.

Please note that the above versions are not exhaustive, and there have been newer
versions released after my last knowledge update in September 2021.

D) How to open and save MS PowerPoint:

To open and save a PowerPoint presentation, follow these steps:

Opening a Presentation:

1. Open PowerPoint: If you have Microsoft Office installed, you can open
PowerPoint from your Start menu (Windows) or Applications folder (Mac).
2. Open a Presentation: Click "File" in the top left corner, then select "Open."
Browse your computer for the presentation file and click "Open."

Saving a Presentation:

1. Save: Click "File" in the top left corner, then select "Save" or "Save As" if
you want to save the presentation with a different name or in a different
2. Choose Location: Navigate to the folder where you want to save the file.
You can also select the format you wish to save it in (eg., .pptx).
3. Enter File Name: Provide a name for your presentation file.
4. Click Save: Click the "Save" button to save your presentation.

Remember to save your work periodically to avoid losing any changes or data.
A) History of MS PowerPoint:
Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation software developed by Microsoft. It has a rich history that
spans several decades:

• Microsoft PowerPoint was first released for the Apple Macintosh in 1987 as "Presenter."
• The first version for Windows was released in 1990, and it was called "PowerPoint 2.0."
• Over the years, it became an integral part of Microsoft Office suite, allowing users to create,
edit, and deliver presentations.
B) Features of MS PowerPoint:
Microsoft PowerPoint is known for its wide range of features, including:

• Slide Creation: Users can create individual slides with text, images, and multimedia
• Themes and Templates: PowerPoint offers a variety of built-in themes and templates to
enhance the design of your presentations.
• Animation and Transitions: You can add animations and slide transitions to make your
presentations visually appealing.
• Multimedia Support: PowerPoint supports images, videos, audio, and other multimedia
• Collaboration: It allows multiple users to collaborate on a presentation in real-time using
online tools.
• Presenter View: A feature that helps presenters see their notes and upcoming slides while
the audience sees the current slide.
• Slide Master: Customize the overall look and layout of your presentation using the Slide
• Integration: Easily integrate with other Microsoft Office applications like Word and Excel.
C) Versions of MS PowerPoint:
Microsoft PowerPoint has seen various versions over the years. Some notable versions include:

• PowerPoint 1.0 (1987): The first version, initially released for Macintosh.
• PowerPoint 2.0 (1990): The first Windows version.
• PowerPoint 97 (Office 97, 1996): Introduced more advanced features and the Office
Assistant (Clippy).
• PowerPoint 2000 (Office 2000, 1999): Enhanced multimedia features.
• PowerPoint 2003 (Office 2003, 2003): Improved SmartArt graphics and slide transitions.

How to Use Mail Merge in

Microsoft Word
Mail Merge is most often used to print or email form letters to multiple recipients.
Using Mail Merge, you can easily customize form letters for individual recipients.
Mail merge is also used to create envelopes or labels in bulk.

This feature works the same in all modern versions of Microsoft Word: 2010, 2013,
and 2016.

1. In a blank Microsoft Word document, click on the Mailings tab, and in

the Start Mail Merge group, click Start Mail Merge.

2. Click Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard.

1. Select your document type. In this demo we will select Letters. Click Next:
Starting document.

2. Select the starting document. In this demo we will use the current (blank)
document. Select Use the current document and then click Next: Select
• Note that selecting Start from existing document (which we are not
doing in this demo) changes the view and gives you the option to choose
your document. After you choose it, the Mail Merge Wizard reverts
to Use the current document.
3. Select recipients. In this demo we will create a new list, so select Type a new
list and then click Create.

• Create a list by adding data in the New Address List dialog box and
clicking OK.

• Save the list.

• Note that now that a list has been created, the Mail Merge Wizard
reverts to Use an existing list and you have the option to edit the
recipient list.

• Selecting Edit recipient list opens up the Mail Merge

Recipients dialog box, where you can edit the list and select or
unselect records. Click OK to accept the list as is.
• Click Next: Write your letter.

3. Write the letter and add custom fields.

• Click Address block to add the recipients' addresses at the top of the
o In the Insert Address Block dialog box, check or uncheck boxes and
select options on the left until the address appears the way you want it

o Note that you can use Match Fields to correct any problems.
Clicking Match Fields opens up the Match Fields dialog box, in
which you can associate the fields from your list with the fields required

by the wizard.
4. Press Enter on your keyboard and click Greeting line... to enter a greeting.

5. In the Insert Greeting Line dialog box, choose the greeting line format by
clicking the drop-down arrows and selecting the options of your choice, and
then click OK.
6. Note that the address block and greeting line are surrounded by chevrons («
»). Write a short letter and click Next: Preview your letters.

7. Preview your letter and click Next: Complete the merge.

8. Click Print to print your letters or Edit individual letters to further
personalize some or all of the letters.
Trinity Institute of Professional Studies
Anugoonj 24 promises to be an unforgettable experience, filled
with an array of exciting activities,
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➢ Food Stalls
➢ Fun Games
➢ Talent Show
➢ and much more!

This is your opportunity to showcase your talents, have a great

time, and make lasting memories. We encourage all students to
participate actively and contribute to the success of the fest.

If you wish to participate or volunteer for any of the events, please

contact Dr Deepali at 9873906653. We are also open to your ideas
and suggestions to make this event even more spectacular. Let's
come together, celebrate our college spirit, and make anugoonj
grand success. Stay tuned for further updates and details on our
official college website and social media platforms. Don't miss out
on the excitement! Save the date, and let's make this fest a
memorable one. For any inquiries or further information, feel free
to reach out to the student fest coordinator Tanisha Agarwal at

We look forward to your active participation and enthusiasm in

making [College Fest Name] a roaring success.

Tanisha Agarwal

(Student President)
4. The selected document will appear.

Save your document

1. Click FILE then Save, pick or browse to a folder, type a name for your
document in the File name box, and click Save.

2. Save your work as you go and press Ctrl+S often.

3. To print, click the FILE tab, and then click Print.

➢ Cloud Integration: Save and access your documents on cloud platforms like
OneDrive or SharePoint for easy sharing and synchronization across devices.

➢ Research Tools: Access research information, including definitions,

synonyms, and references, directly from within Word using the Researcher

➢ PDF Support: You can save your Word documents as PDF files and also open
and edit PDFS in Word.


1.Navigate to Backstage view, then click Open.

➢ References: Create and manage citations, footnotes, endnotes, and
bibliographies in various citation styles.

➢ Mail Merge: Use the mail merge feature to create personalized letters,
envelopes, labels, or other documents for mass mailing.

➢ Cross-References: Easily refer to other parts of the document, such as

figures, tables, or sections, and update them automatically.

➢ Document Protection: Password protect your documents, restrict editing

and set permissions to control who can make changes.

➢ Macros and Automation: You can automate repetitive tasks and create
custom macros using the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
programming language.

➢ Version History: Access and restore previous versions of your documents,

allowing you to review and revert to older iterations.

➢ Accesibility Features: Word includes tools for improving document

accessibility for users with disabilities, such as screen reader support and
alternative text for images.
➢ Templates: You can start your documents from scratch or use pre-designed
templates or various purposes, such as resumes, flyers, newsletters, and

➢ Collaboration: Microsoft Word supports real-time collaboration, allowing

multiple users to work on a document simultaneously and track changes.

➢ Tables and Charts: You can easily create tables and insert charts for
organizing and presenting data in your documents.

➢ Images and Multimedia: Insert images, videos, and other multimedia

elements into your documents for visual appeal and engagement.

➢ Page Layout: Customize page size, orientation, margins, and page breaks
to control the layout of your documents.

➢ Headers and Footers: Add headers and footers to your documents for page
numbers, titles, dates, and other information that should appear on every

➢ Track Changes: Track changes made to a document by different authors,

review and accept or reject these changes.
2. Word 2002 represented a big change. Word 2003 fixed many of those problems
and again became a much-used, reliable version.

3. Word 2007 gave us the biggest change in the user interface since the invention
of the toolbar and the mouse.

4. It's a big jump from Word 2003.

5. Word 2010 builds on Word 2007, fixes a lot of bugs, and introduces a few new

Features Of MS Word

➢ Word Processing: Microsoft Word is primarily designed for creating and

editing text-based documents, such as letters, reports, essays, and more.

➢ Formatting Tools: It provides a wide range of formatting options, including

fonts, font sizes, styles, colors, and paragraph formatting (alignment, line
spacing, indentation, etc.).

➢ Spell Check and Grammar Check: Word includes a built-in spelling and
grammar checker to help you avoid typographical and grammatical errors.
Windows during the 80s and early 90s. Unlike other versions of Word, the Atari
version was a onetime release with no future updates or revisions. The release of
Microsoft Write was one of two major PC applications that were released for the Atari
ST (the other application being WordPerfect Microsoft Write was released for the
application being WordPerfect). Microsoft Write was released for the Atari ST in
1988. In 2014 the source code for Word for Windows in the version 1.1a was made
available to the computer history museum and the public for educational purposes.

Versions of MS Word

Microsoft Word is 27 years old Microsoft Word was released upon an unsuspecting
public on 25 October 1983.

It's now up to version 14. Not that there have been 14 versions. There were early
numbering inconsistencies (versions 1, 2 and then 6 in the 1980s and 1990s). More
recently, it seems that Microsoft is a superstitious place: it skipped from 12 (Word
2007) to 14 (Word 2010).

Word versions come in pairs.

1. Word 97 represented a big change. Word 2000 consolidated on that change

and Word 2000 was reliable, solid and widely used.

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