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Lesson 1.

Forget about it.

Scene 1

Ext. In front of Cole’s house

N standing in front of Cole’s house at night, Cole is

standing in front of her.

Cuts to intense arguing


(handheld) This wasn’t the first time Cole! I gave you so

many chances to prove yourself, I even TOLD you that this

was your chance and you couldn’t even care to try. And I’m

standing here in front of your house talking to a wall.

Can’t you say SOMEthing?


(Calms down, talks slower) You know… The reason why I’m

stalling this long is only because I don’t want to say what

I came here to say… You can’t even give me an excuse.


I guess this is it… Let’s break up.

N hesitates to leave, looking down at the ground. Slowly

walks away. Opens her car.


Drive safe please. Have a good night.

N slams her door, cuts to her in the car. Reminder on her

phone went off “LMU App due today”


Scene 2

Cuts to black.

Intro with upbeat music. Opening Credit.

Time skip.
Int. some sort of cafe (day time) N and her friend clinked

glasses in the shot.

Friend 1

Congrats on getting in!

Haha thank you, wasn’t really the college I thought I’d end

up at, but it’s whatever.

Friend 1

Well I’m sure you’ll end up in the right place either way.

Thanks. (smiles softly)

N checks her time 1pm

Oh Imma head out first if that’s ok I have to study for gov

Friend 1

Oh no problem I’ll see you when I see you.

N walks out the door and match cut to her walking into the

library. She walked to her regular seat and saw that it was
taken so she decided to sit in another section. J was

sitting at one of the tables and so she proceeded to sit a

table away from him. She started working on her stuff.

A moment later, J tapped on her shoulder multiple times, N

finally noticed and took off her headphones. (note: this

scene is intensely awkward, make it AWKWARD)

(awkwardly) Hi, uh are you from Santa Susana High school?

Oh, yea, I am.

Hi, I see you in my gov class.


Yea, uh wanna, study together?

Uhhhh, sure?

I’m J by the way

I’m Nailea


Cuts to a wide shot of them working.

Time skip.

Int. Library. J is studying at the same spot with headphones

on his desk. N walks in and proceeds to sit next to J.

J finished his studies and looked over at N to see that she

was also packing up.

(Hesitates for a bit) Nailea.

(Looks up from her backpack) Hm?

I’m reeealllly hungry

(confused) ookay?

I’m craving burgers.

Really? Burgers? Who craves burgers?

I do.

(Judges him) Sure mister.

(dramatically) ughhhhhhhh I wanna go out.

(smiles knowingly and checks the time) I have an hour.

Let’s go.

They both get up and walk towards the door.

(distance voice) I guess you can get burgers with me.


Aw how nice of you to invite me.


(Voice of them talking slowly fades out and fades to black)

End of First Exposition

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