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1. Complete these sentences with AM/IS/ARE.

For example: He ____is____ Australian.

a. You ________ eleven years old.

b. Your friend __________ a football player.
c. They __________ from Spain.
d. She __________ my friend Sam.
e. I _________ a student.
f. You ________ dancers.
g. It _________ a dog.

2. Write the sentences in exercise 1 in the negative form.

3. Circle the correct option.

Hi! She is/I am Tómas. I am/is from Colombia. I/He am twelve years old.
Juan is my brother. He is/am fourteen. Maggie is/am my sister. He/She is

4. Complete the sentences with IS/AM/ARE.

a. Tomás _______ from Colombia.

b. Marcos _______ thirteen years old.
c. You _______ from Rosoria.
d. I _______ from Argentina.
5. Match the questions to the answer. There is one extra answer.

1- What’s your name? a- I’m twelve.

2- How old are you? b- Melanie.
3- Where’s Alice from? c- I’m from Australia.
4- What’s your surname? d- She's fourteen.
5- How old is Robert? e- She’s from New York.
6- Where are you from? f- My surname is Lawson.
g- He’ ten.

6. Look at the information in the chart and write sentences about Juan.

Name Juan

Age Fourteen

Nationality Venezuelan

Favourite food Pizza

Favourite sport Basketball

7. Using exercise 5 as an example, write sentences about you.

8. Complete the questions and answer.

9. Match the questions with the answers.

10. Complete the following sentences.

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