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1. Steel rod of length 1 m and radius 10 mm has been stretched along its length by a force of
100 kN. Calculate (a) stress, (b) elongation and (c) strain on the rod. The Young’s
modulus of steel is 2.0 × 1011 N m-2.
2. The length of a copper wire is 10 m and its mass per unit metre is 50 g. Determine the
increase in its length when a weight of 2 kg is suspended from it. Young's modulus of
copper = 1.2 × 1011 Nm-2, density of copper = 8.9 × 103 kgm-3 and g = 9.8 ms-2.
3. A composite wire of uniform diameter 3.0 mm made of a copper wire of length 2.2 m and
a steel wire of length 1.6 m stretches under a load by 0.7 mm. Calculate the load,
Young’s modulus of copper is 1.1 × 1011 Pa, and that for steel is 2.0 × 1011 Pa.
4. A material breaks up under a stress of 20 x 10 5 N m-2. If the density of the material is 2.5
x 103 kg m-3, calculate the length of a wire made of this material, which on hanging may
break under its own weight. (g = 9.8 m s-2)
5. By how much a rubber string of length 10 m increases in length under its own weight
when suspended vertically? (Density of rubber = 1.5 x 10 3 kg m-3, Y = 5 x 108 N m-2 and
g = 10 N/kg).
6. Calculate the pressure required to stop the increase in volume of a copper block when it is
heated from 50°C to 70°C . Coefficient of linear expansion of copper = 8.0 x 10 -6 per °C
and bulk modulus of elasticity = 1.3 x 1011 N m-2.
7. The average depth of an ocean is 3000 m. Compute the fractional compression of water at
the bottom of the ocean. Bulk modulus of water, B = 2.2 x 10 9 N m-2, density of water, ρ
= 105 kg m-3 and g = 10 m s-2.
8. A square lead slab of side 50 cm and thickness 5.0 cm is subjected to a shearing force (on
its narrow face) of magnitude 9.0 x 104 N. The lower edge is riveted to the
floor.Howmuch istheupper edge displaced, if the shearing modulus of lead is 5.6 × 10 9
9. One end of a long metallic wire of length L, area of cross-section A and Young’s
modulus Y is tied to the ceiling. The other end is tied to a massless spring of spring-
constant k. A mass m hangs freely from the free end of the spring. When m is slightly
pulled down and released, it oscillates up and down. Find the time-period T.
10. A copper wire of negligible mass, 1 m length and cross-sectional area 10 -6 m2 is kept
on ,smooth horizontal table with one end fixed. A ball of mass 1 kg is attached to the
other end. The wire and the ball are revolving with an angular velocity of 20 rad/s. If the
elongation in the length of the wire is 10-3 m, obtain the Young’s modulus. If on
increasing the angular velocity to 100 rad/s, the wire breaks down,obtain the breaking
11. Calculate the increase in energy of a brass bar of length 0.2 m and cross-sectional area 1
cm- when compressed with a load of 5 kg-weight along its length. (Young's modulus of
brass = 1.0 x 1011 N m-2 and g = 9.8 ms-2.)
12. The area of cross-section of a wire is 1 mm 2 and its length is 2 m. How much work will
be done to increase its length by 0.1 mm? The Young's modulus of elasticity for the
material of the wire is 2 × 1011 N m-2.
13. A steel wire of uniform cross-section of 1.0 mm 2 is heated to 70°C and stretched by tying
its two ends rigidly. Calculate the change in the tension of the wire when the temperature
falls from 70°C to 35°C. Coefficient of linear expansion of steel is 1.1 x 10 -5 per °C and
the Young’s modulus is 2.0 x 1011 Nm-2
14. A uniform cylindrical wire of length 4 m and diameter 0.6 mm is stretched by a certain
force such that its length is increased by 4 mm. If the Poisson’s ratio of material is 0.3.
Calculate the change in diameter of the wire.


1. The value of Young’s modulus of elasticity for a perfectly rigid body is :

(a) Zero
(b) Infinite
(c) 1
(d) 100
2. When a weight is suspended from a wire, the length of the wire increases by 1 mm. On
suspending the same weight from another wire of same material, but having length and
radius twice that of the first wire, the extension in length will be :
(a) 2 mm
(b) 0.5 mm
(c) 4 mm
(d) 0.25 mm
3. Two wires of same material and same area of crosssection are of lengths L and 2 L. They
are stretched by the same force F along the length. The ratio of the strains produced in
them will be:
(a) 1:1
(b) 1:2
(c) 2:1
(d) 4:1
4. The unit of modulus of elasticity is :
(a) kg/(metre2-second)
(b) kg/(metre-second2)
(c) kg/(metre2-second2)
(d) kg/(metre3-second2)
5. The dimensions of modulus of rigidity η are:
(a) [M L-1 T-2]
(b) [M L T-1]
(c) [ M L T-2]
(d) [M L-1 T-1]
6. On suspending a weight mg from a wire, the length of the wire increases by l. The work
done in this process is:
(a) mgl
(b) mgl
(c) 2 mgl
(d) Zero


1. Give one example each of nearly perfectly elastic and perfectly plastic material.
2. Two identical solid balls, one of ivory and the other of wet-clay, are dropped from the
same height on the floor. Which will rise to a greater height after striking the floor and
3. Write copper, steel, glass and rubber in the order of increasing coefficient of elasticity.
4. Why is steel preferred in structural design?
5. Why are springs made of steel and not of copper?
6. Identical springs of steel and copper are equally stretched. On which more work will have
to be done?
7. If these springs are pulled by applying equal forces, then?
8. What is called reciprocal of bulk modulus of elasticity?
9. The length of a wire is cut to half. (i) What will be the effect on the increase in its length
under a given load? (ii) What will be the effect on the maximum load which it can bear?
10. The breaking force for a wire is F. What will be the breaking forces for (i) two parallel
wires of this size, (ii) for a single wire of double thickness?
11. Two wires are made of the same metal. The length of the first wire is half that of the
second wire and its diameter is double that of the second wire. If equal loads are applied
on the wires, find the ratio of increase in their lengths.
12. The forces required to produce same longitudinal strain in aluminium, brass, copper and
steel wires having same cross-sectional area are 690 N, 900 N, 1100 N and 2000 N
respectively. Write these materials in the order of increasing elasticity.
13. Young’s modulus of steel and copper are 2.0 x 1011 and 1.2 x 1011 N/m-2 respectively. (i)
Steel and copper wires of the same length and the same cross-section are pulled by the
same weight. Compare the increase in lengths in them. (ii) If the wires are of different
lengths but increase in their lengths is same, then compare their initial lengths.
14. In solid, liquid and gas which one is most compressible?
15. When we stretch a wire, we have to perform work, why? What happens to the energy
given to the wire in this process?
16. Young’smodulusof the material of a wire is Y. On pulling the wire by a force F, the
increase in its length is x. What will be the potential energy in the stretched wire?
17. State the formula for the work done in stretching a wire, in terms of force-constant k and
increase in length x.
18. What will happen to the potential energy of the atoms of a solid when compressed? On
stretching a wire?


1. Two wires P and Q are equally thick and made of same material but the length of P is
twice that of Q.
(a) Which wire will have a greater extension for a given load?
(b) Which one will undergo a greater strain?
2. Take an example of a cylinder, show that for a perfectly incompressible body σ = 0.5.
3. Consider the stress-strain graph for a metal wire shown in the figure. Up to the point B,
the wire returns to its original state O along the curve BAO when it is gradually
unloaded. Point E corresponds to the fracture of the wire.

Up to what point on the curve is Hooke's law obeyed?
Which point on the curve corresponds to the elastic limit of the wire?
Which portions of the curve represent elastic and plastic regions?
Describe what happens when the wire is loaded up to a stress corresponding to the
point C on the graph and then unloaded gradually. Explain the dotted curve CO'
(e) What is peculiar about the graph from D to E?
(f) Up to what stress can the wire be subjected without fracturing?
4. Two different types of rubber are found to have the stress-strain curves, as shown.

(a) What respects do these curves differ from the corresponding curve of a metal?
(b) Which of the two rubbers A and B would you prefer to use as shock-absorber
sheets to be placed between a heavy machine and the floor?
(c) Which of the two rubbers A and B would you choose for a car tyre?
5. True or false? Give brief reason:
(a) Steel is more elastic than rubber.
(b) The Young’s modulus of rubber is greater than that of steel.
(c) The stretching of a coil spring is determined by its shear modulus.
(d) When a material is under tensile stress, the restoring forces are caused by
interatomic attraction, while under compressional stress the restoring forces are
due to interatomic repulsion.
(e) An ordinarily-loaded piece of rubber undergoes a larger extension, yet it returns
to its original length when unloaded. Hence, the elastic restoring force in rubber is
(f) In the figure of Ques. 3, the work done over the path OABCO’ disappears
completely as heat.


1. Explain fully the terms stress, strain and define Young’s modulus of elasticity.
2. What do you understand by the limit of elasticity? State Hooke’s law.
3. Define longitudinal strain, stress and Young’s modulus. Write their units.
4. Define and explain bulk modulus of a material. Write its formula, explaining the
significance of minus sign.
5. What are shearing stress and shearing strain? Define modulus of rigidity of a material and
write its SI unit.
6. Draw a graph between the load suspended from a wire and the extension produced in the
length of the wire. Mark the elastic limit on the graph. Which part off the grass is related
to the Young’s modulus of the material of the wire?
7. If a wire is stretched by applying an external force, then prove that the elastic potential
energy per unit volume of the wire is equal to (1/2) x stress x strain.
8. A wire of a metal is stretched with a load. Prove that in a unit volume of the wire, the
1 2
stored potential energy is Y ( ∆ x ) , where Y is the Young’s modulus of the material of
the wire and ∆x is the longitudinal strain.
9. Derive the formula for the force developed on the clamps when the temperature of a wire
stretched between two clamps is changed.


1. Define stress, strain write their units and compare elasticity with inertia.
2. State Hooke’s law, define limit of elasticity and plot a graph between stress and strain.
3. Explain the behavior of a stretched wire and show graph between stress and strain also
explain what name of a quantity can be given to area enclosed by the stress and strain
4. Define longitudinal stress, lateral stain and modulus of rigidity and show that work done
per unit volume of a stretched wire is (1/2) ×stress × strain.
5. What do you understand by thermal stress and volume or normal stress? Explain the
meaning of elastic-aftereffect, elastic fatique and elastic hysteresis.


1. A weight of 1.0 kg is suspended from the lower end of a wire of cross-section 10 mm 2.

Find the magnitude and direction of the stress produced in it. (g =9.8 m s-2).
2. In order to produce a longitudinal strain of 2 x 10 -4 a stress of 2.4 x 107 N m-2 is produced
in a wire. Calculate the Young’s modulus of the material of the wire.
3. A copper wire has a length of 2.2 m. Its diameter is 7 x 10 -4 m. What will be the
elongation in its length when a 5 kg-weight is suspended? (Young’s modulus of copper,
Y = 1.25 x 1011 N m-2 and g = 10 m s-2).
4. If Young’s modulus for steel is 2.0 x 10 11 Nm-2, then how much weight be suspended
from a steel wire of length 2.0 m and diameter 1.0 mm so that the length of the wire be
increased by 1.0 mm? (g = 9.8 ms-2)
5. If the length of a wire increases by 1 mm under 1 kg weight, what will be the increase
under 2 kg? Under 100 kg?
6. The length of a wire increases by 1% on loading a 2 kg weight on it. Calculate the linear
strain in the wire.
7. The length of a wire increases by 8 mm when a weight of 5 kg is suspended from it. If
other things remain the same but the radius of the wire is doubled, what will be the
increase in its length?
8. If Young’s modulus of steel is 2.0 x 10 11 Nm-2, then how much weight be suspended from
a steel wire of length 2.0 m and diameter 1.0 mm so that the length of the wire be
increased by 1.0 mm ? (g = 9.8 m s-2)
9. A composite wire consists of a steel wire of length 1.5 m and a copper wire of length 2.0
m, with a uniform cross-sectional area of 2.5 x 10 -5 m2. It is loaded with a mass of 200 kg.
Find the extension produced. Young’s modulus of copper is 1.0 x 10 11 Nm-2 and that of
steel is 2.0 x 1011 Nm-2. Take g = 9.8 m s-2.
10. A rod AD consisting of three segments AB, BC and CD joined together, is hanging
vertically from a fixed support A. The lengths of the segments are respectively 0.1 m, 0.2
m and 0.15 m. The cross-section of the rod is uniformly 10 -4 m2. A weight of 10 kg is
hung from D. Calculate the displacements of points B, C and D. Neglect the weight of the
rod. Given, YAB = 2.5 x 1010 Nm-2 , YBC = 4.0 x 1010 N m-2 and YCD = 1.0 x 1010 Nm-2.
11. A piece of metal of 2 kg weight is suspended from one end of a vertical wire whose other
end is fixed and the piece is fully immersed in an oil of density 0.7 x 10 3 kg m-3. The
length of the wire increases by 1 mm. If the diameter of the wire is 0.6 mm, Young’s
modulus is 2.0 x 1011 N m-2 and the volume of the metal-piece is 800 cm3, then calculate
the initial length of the wire.
12. A weight of 20 kg is suspended from a wire. The area of cross-section of the wire is 1
mm2 and when stretched, the length is exactly 6 m. When the weight is removed, the
length reduces to 5.995 m. Calculate the Young’s modulus (Y) of the material of the
13. The length of a rubber cord increases to 60 cm under a weight of 100 g suspended from it
and to 70 cm under a weight of 120 g. Find the initial length of the cord. Also calculate
the weight under which the length of the cord will become 74 cm.
14. A substance breaks down by a stress of 10 9 N m-2 . If the density of the substance be 3 x
103 kg m-3, find that length of the wire made of the same substance, by which it will break
under its own weight when suspended.
15. For steel the breaking stress is 8.0 x 10 6 N m-2 and the density is 8.0 x 103 kg m-3. Find the
maximum length of a steel wire which can be suspended without breaking under its own
weight. (g = 10 m s-2)
16. A body of 10 kg tied at one end of a 0.3 m wire is rotated in a horizontal circle. The area
of cross-section of the wire is 10-6 m2 and the breaking-stress is 4.8 x 107 N m-2. By how
much maximum angular speed can the body be rotated?
17. A metallic wire has a radius of 0.2 mm. How much force is required to have an increase
of 0.2% in its length ? (Y = 9.0 x 1010 Nm-2.)
18. If a stress of 1 kg-wt/mm 2 is applied on a wire, then what will be the percentage increase
in the length of the wire? (Y = 1.0 x 1011 N m-2 and 1 kg-wt = 9.8 N).
19. A brass rod of length 0.2 m and area of crosssection 2 cm 2 is compressed by a force of 5
kg-wt along its length. Determine the increase in the energy of the rod. Young’s modulus
of brass is 1.4 x 1011 Nm-2.
20. A fluid of volume 1.5 × 10 -3 m3 when subjected to a pressure-change of 5.0 × 10 6 N m-2
has its volume reduced by 3.0 x 10-7 m3. Find the coefficient of bulk modulus of the fluid.
21. 1 m3 of water is taken from the surface of a lake to a depth of 200 m inside the lake. What
will be the change in its volume, if the bulk modulus of elasticity of water is 22000
atmospheres? (Density of water = 1 x 103 kg m-3, atmospheric pressure = 105 N m-2 and g
= 10 ms-2).
22. A wire of length 1.0 m has area of cross-section 0.1 cm 2. The Young’s modulus of
material of the wire is 2.5 x 1011 Nm-2 and coefficient of linear thermal expansion is 2 x
10-5 °C-1. The wire is clamped between two rigid supports and its temperature is
decreased by 10°C. Calculate the tension developed in it.
23. The area of cross-section of a metal-rod is 1 cm 2. It is clamped tightly at its two ends at
0°C. The rod is heated to 100°C. Calculate the tension produced at its two ends.
Coefficient of linear expansion of metal is 1.2 x 10 -5 °C-1 and Young’s modulus is 2.0 x
1011 N m-2.



1. Find the pressure of a swimmer 10 m below the surface of a lake. Take density of lake
water = 103 kgm-3, g = 10 ms-2 and atmospheric pressure = 1.01 × 105 Pa
2. Find at a depth of 1000 m in an ocean (a) absolute pressure, (b) gauge pressure, (c) force
acting on a window of area 400 cm2 of a submarine whose interior is maintained at sea
level atmospheric pressure. Given: atmospheric pressure = 1.01 × 10 5 Pa, density of
seawater = 1.03 × 103 kgm-3 ang g = 10 ms-2.
3. Calculate h in the U-tube as shown in the figure. (Density of oil = 0.9 g cm -3, density of
carbon tetrachloride = 1.6 gcm-3 and density of Mercury = 13.6 gcm-3.
4. To what height should a cylindrical vessel be filled with the homogeneous liquid to make
the force with which the liquid pressures on the walls of the vessel to be equal to the
force exerted by the liquid on the bottom of the vessel?


1. Hydrostatic pressure is a scalar quantity even though pressure is force divided by area,
and force is a vector.
2. What is meant by 1 torr of pressure.
3. 1 atmospheric pressure is equal to:
4. What is one bar of pressure?
5. Suitcases are provided with broad handles. Why?
6. Pins and nails are made with pointed ends. Why?
7. Storage tanks are made thicker near the bottom. Why?
8. A cork is floating in water. What is its apparent weight?
9. What is the fractional volume submerged of an ice cube in a pail of water placed in an
enclosure falling freely under gravity?


1. What is pressure? Give its unit and dimensions. Is it a scalar quantity or a vector?
2. To empty an oil tin, two holes are made. Why?
3. Why is mercury preferred over all other liquids for a barometer?
4. The atmospheric pressure at a height of about 6 km decreases to nearly half its value at
the sea-level, though the ‘height’ of the atmosphere is more than 100 km. Why?
5. A balloon filled with helium does not rise in air indefinitely, but halts after a certain
height. Why?
6. The force required by a person to move his limbs in water is smaller than the force for the
same movement in air. Why?


1. What is a fluid? Show that fluid exerts pressure. Prove that if a liquid is in equilibrium
then the force acting on it is perpendicular to its surface.
2. State and prove Pascal's law of fluid pressure. Illustrate it by two examples.
3. Obtain an expression for the pressure exerted by a liquid column.


1. What is meant by thrust and fluid pressure? Write unit of pressure. Obtain the relation p =
hρg, where symbols have their usual meanings.
2. State and prove law of Pascal. Explain working of hydraulic brakes as an application of
Pascal’s law.


1. The air pressure is equal to 75 cm column of Mercury. Express it in Nm -2. Given g = 10

ms-2, density of Mercury = 13.6 × 103 kgm-3.
2. Calculate the pressure of water at a depth of 200 m when the average density of seawater
is 1.032 × 103 kgm-3. (g = 9.8 ms-2).



1. Water emerges from a horizontal pipe of a varying cross section at a rate of 30 litres per
minute. Find the velocity of water at a point in the point where the radius of the pipe is 2
2. The velocity head of a stream of water is equal to 20 cm of mercury column. What is the
velocity of flow in the stream ? The relative density of mercury is 13.6. Take g = 9.8 m s -
3. Calculate the total energy per unit mass of water (density 10 3 kg m-3) at a point where the
pressure is 10 gf (mm)-2, velocity is 0.1 m/s and height from the ground is 0.2 m. Take g
= 9.8 m s-2 (or N/kg).
4. Water flows steadily through a horizontal pipe of varying diameter. The pressure of water
is 1.0 cm of mercury column at a point where the velocity of flow is 0.35 m/s. Find the
pressure at another point where the velocity of flow is 0.65 m/s. The densities of mercury
and water are 13.6 x 103 kgm-3 and 10 kg m respectively. Take g = 9.8 N/kg
5. A liquid is kept in a cylindrical vessel which is being rotated about its axis. The liquid
rises at the sides. If the radius of the vessel is 0.05 m and the speed of rotation is 2
rotations per second, find the difference in the height of the liquid at the centre of the
vessel and at its side. Take g = 9.8 ms-2.
6. Water is flowing through two horizontal pipes at different diameters which are connected
together. In the first pipe the velocity of water is 4 m/s and the pressure is 2.0 × 10 4 Nm-2.
Calculate the velocity and pressure of the water in the second pipe. The diameters of the
pipes are 3 cm and 6 cm respectively. The density of water is 103 kg m-3.
7. Water flows into a horizontal pipe whose one end is closed with the valve and the reading
of a pressure gauge attached to the pipe is 3 × 10 5 Nm-2. This reading of the pressure
gauge false to 1 × 105 Nm-2 when the valve is opened. Calculate the speed of water
flowing into the pipe. The density of water is 103 kg m-3.
8. A horizontal tube has different cross-sectional areas at points A and B. The diameter of A
is 4 cm and that of B is 2 cm. Two manometer limbs are attached at A and B. When a
liquid of density 0.8 cm-3 flows through the tube, the pressure-difference between the
limbs of the manometer is 8 cm. Calculate the rate of flow of the liquid in the tube. (g =
980 cm s-2).
9. Find the velocity of efflux of water from a hole near the bottom of a tank in which the
pressure is 1000 gf cm-2 above the atmospheric pressure. The density of water is 10 3 kg
m-3. Take g = 9.8 N/kg.
10. Water is flowing continuously from a tap having a bore of internal diameter 8 × 10 -3 m.
Calculate the diameter of the water stream at a distance 0.2 m below the tap. Assume that
the water velocity as it leaves the tap is 0.4 m/s. Take g = 10 ms-2.
11. The piston and nozzle of a strange have diameters 8 mm and 2 mm respectively. The
syringe filled with water is held horizontally at a height of 1.25 m above the ground. The
piston is pushed with a constant speed of 0.25 m/s. Find the horizontal range of the water
jet (coming out of the nozzle) on the ground. Take g = 10 ms-2.
12. The relative velocity between two layers of water is 8 cm/s. If the perpendicular distance
between the layers is 0.1 cm, find the velocity gradient.
13. A flat plate of 100 cm2 area rest on a 2 mm thick layer of glycerine whose coefficient of
viscosity is 1.5 decapoise. How much horizontal force is required to move the plate with
a velocity of 3 cm/s?
14. What should be the average velocity of water in a tube of diameter 2 cm so that the flow
is streamlined? The viscosity η of water is 0.001 kg/ms and the Reynolds number is 1000.
Take density ρ of water to be 1000 kgm-3.
15. A metallic sphere of radius 0.001 m and the density is 0.0001 kgm -3 enters the tank of
water, after a free fall through a distance of h in the earth’s gravitational field. If its
velocity remains unchanged after entering water, determine the value of h. Given:
coefficient of viscosity of water = 0.001 Ns/m 2 g = 10ms-2 and density of water = 0.001
16. An oil drop falls through air with a terminal velocity of 5 × 10 -4 m/s. (a) Calculate the
radius of the drop. (b) What will be the terminal velocity of a drop of half this radius?
Given: viscosity of air = 1.8 × 10 -5 Ns/m2, density of oil = 900 kg m -3. Neglect density of
air compared to that of oil. Take g = 9.8 N/kg
17. 8 equal drops of water are falling through air with a terminal velocity of 10 cm/s. If these
drops coalesce, what will be the velocity of the big drop formed?
18. Another bubble of radius 1 cm rises up in a liquid column with terminal velocity of 0.21
cm/s. If the density of liquid be 1.47 × 103 kgm-3, then calculate the coefficient of
viscosity of the liquid. Density of air is negligible. (g = 9.8 ms-2)
19. A small sphere falls from rest under gravity in a viscous medium, producing heat due to
friction. Find how rate of production of heat does depend upon the radius of the sphere at
terminal velocity?


1. A small rain droplet is falling with the terminal speed v. Terminal speed of another
droplet of radius twice the radius of first droplet will be:
(a) v
(b) 2v
(c) 8v
(d) 4v
2. After terminal velocity is reached, the acceleration of a body falling through a viscous
fluid is:
(a) Zero
(b) Equal to g
(c) Less than g
(d) More than g
3. The terminal speed v of a rainwater drop in air is:
(a) v = k r η
(b) v = k r2 η
(c) v = k r η2
(d) v = k r2/η
4. Bernoulli’s theorem is based upon conservation of:
(a) Linear momentum
(b) Energy
(c) Mass
(d) Angular momentum
5. There is a hole at the depth of 3.2 m from the the surface of water filled in a vessel. If the
acceleration due to gravity is 10 ms-2, then the velocity of efflux of water will be:
(a) 5.7 m/s
(b) 5.7 cm/s
(c) 8.0 m/s
(d) 32 m/s


1. What are the properties of an ideal liquid?

2. Can two streamlines in a flowing fluid cross each other?
3. What is meant by the critical velocity of a liquid?
4. What does happen to the external energy used to maintain the flow?
5. Under what conditions does the Bernoulli’s equation hold strictly? What happens if the
liquid has viscosity?
6. Can Bernoulli’s equation be used to describe the flow of water through a rapid in a river?
7. Why does the velocity increase and the pressure decrease when water flowing in a
broader pipe enters a narrow pipe?
8. According to Bernoulli’s theorem, the pressure of water should remain uniform in a pipe
of uniform radius. But actually it goes on decreasing, why is it so?
9. People living in houses far away from the municipal tank often find it difficult to get
water on the top floor even if it is situated at lower level than the level of water in the
tank. Explain.
10. When air is blown in between two light balls suspended close to each other, they are
attracted towards each other, why?
11. What is the effect on the equilibrium of a physical balance when air is blown below one
12. If two row boats happen to sail parallel and close to each other in the same direction, they
experience a force which pulls them towards each other. Give reason for it.
13. Give reason why deep water remains calm.
14. Water is coming out of a hole made in the wall of a tank filled with fresh water. If the
size of the hole is increased, will the velocity of efflux of water change? Will the volume
of the water coming per second change?
15. If, instead of fresh water, sea-water is filled in the tank, will the velocity of efflux
16. Two cylindrical vessels placed on a horizontal table contain water and mercury up to the
same height. There is a small hole in the wall of each of the vessels at half the height of
liquid in them. Find out the ratio of the velocities of efflux of water and mercury from the
holes. Which of two jets of liquid will fall at a greater distance on the table? (Relative
density of mercury with respect to water = 13.6.)
17. What is meant by viscous forces?
18. Why is a constant driving force needed to maintain the flow of oil through pipes in oil
19. Which one is most viscous among water, air, blood and honey? Which one is least
20. When milk contained in a cylinder is stirred and left for some time, it comes to rest.
21. A flask contains glycerine and the other contains water. Both are stirred vigorously and
placed on the table. In which flask will the liquid come to rest earlier and why?
22. If honey and water are dropped out of narrow tubes, honey takes much more time than
water. Why?
23. When oil flows in a pipe, which layer moves fastest?
24. The velocity of water in a river is less on the bank and large in the middle. Why?
25. What is velocity gradient? Write its unit and dimensions.
26. What is SI unit of coefficient of viscosity?
27. Hot liquids flow more rapidly than cold one. Why?
28. Why are machine parts usually jammed in winter?
29. Why should be the lubricant oils be of high viscosity?
30. Why oils of different viscosities are used in automobiles in different seasons?
31. Write Stokes’ formula for the viscous fluids and explain the symbols.
32. Velocity of a small metallic ball in viscous fluid becomes constant after some time.
Which property of the liquid is responsible for this?
33. What is meant by terminal velocity?
34. In which liquid, water or honey, the terminal velocity attained by an object will be
35. What is the effective weight of an object when falling with terminal velocity in a viscous
36. Explain, why raindrops falling under gravity do not acquire high velocity.
37. A larger dust particle falls faster than a smaller one in air. Why?
38. The diameter of ball A is half of that of ball B. What will be the ratio of their terminal
velocities in water?


1. Distinguish between streamline and turbulent flow of a liquid.

2. Water is flowing in a pipe of non-uniform cross-section, the velocity of water from a
point A is 4 times the velocity at another point B. What is the diameter of the pipe at the
point A as compared to the point B?
3. What is Reynolds number?
4. Write Bernoulli's equation, pointing out pressure head and velocity head.
5. The wings of an airplane are rounded at the front and flattened at the back; why?
6. In wind-storm generally tin-shades are blown off, give reason.
7. Why does a light ball remain suspended on a vertical jet of water?
8. It is dangerous to stand on the edge of the platform near the railway track when the train
is passing by. Why?
9. Explain why you cannot remove the filter paper from the funnel shown in the figure by
blowing into the narrow end.
10. If height of water in a tank is H, then at what distance is will the water coming out from
the holes made in the wall of the tank at distances H/4, H/2 and 3 H/4 from the upper
level of water fall?
11. A steel ball, a tennis ball, a plastic ball (all of the same size) and a very small oil drop are
dropped from the peak of a high tower. Keeping in mind viscosity and buoyancy of air,
state in which order they will reach the ground?


1. What is meant by streamline and turbulent flow of a liquid? What is the difference
between them?
2. Write Bernoulli’s theorem and explain pressure head, velocity head and gravitational
head. Mention an application of the theorem.
3. State and prove Bernoulli’s theorem.
4. What are the various forms of energy possessed by a flowing liquid? Show that in a
frictionless streamline flow, the total mechanical energy of a liquid remains constant at
every point.
5. Explain with the help of Bernoulli’s equation that for water flowing in a tube of non-
uniform cross-section the pressure in the wider part of the tube is larger than in the
narrower part.
6. Using Bernoulli’s theorem, prove the following formula for an ideal fluid:
P1 – P2 = (v22-v12)
Where P1 and P2 are the pressures and v1 and v2 are the velocities of flow of a liquid of
density d at the ends of a horizontal tube. There is no friction in the tube.
7. Write Bernoulli’s theorem for the flow of an ideal liquid. Use it to prove that the velocity
of efflux of a liquid emerging from a hole in the wall of a vessel is √ 2 gh , where h is the
height of the liquid level above the hole.
8. Water stands at a height H in a tank whose side walls are vertical. A hole is made in one
of the walls at a depth h below the water surface. Find at what distance from the foot of
the wall does the emerging stream of water strike the floor and for what value of h this
range is maximum.
9. What is Bernoulli’s principle? Explain any one application of it.
10. Write Bernoulli’s equation and explain the working of filter pump on the basis of this
11. What is viscous force? On what factors does it depend? Define the coefficient of
12. Define coefficient of viscosity of a liquid. Write down its dimensional formula and MKS


1. What do you understand by ideal and real liquids? Define stream line and turbulent flow.
What is the difference between these two flows?
2. What is meant by the principle of continuity? Show that velocity of a liquid is inversely
proportional to the area of cross-section of a pipe or tube.
3. State and prove Bernoulli’s theorem and explain the terms incompressible and non-
viscous in connection with an ideal liquid.
4. What is Stokes’ law? Define terminal velocity and calculate it for a spherical body
moving vertically in a liquid and show that it is proportional to square of the radius of the
spherical body.
5. Explain the Poiseuille’s concept for the volume of the liquid flowing per second through
a pipe of length l, radius r and pressure difference P is developed across the ends of a
V πρ r
tube in which liquid of coefficient of viscosity η flows. Derive the relation =
t 8 ηl
where symbols have their usual meanings.


1. Velocity of flow of water in a horizontal pipe is 10.0 m/s. Find the velocity-head of
water. (g = 10.00 m s-2)
2. Water is flowing through a cylindrical pipe of cross-sectional area 0.09 π m 2 at a speed of
1.0 m/s. If the diameter of the pipe is halved, then find the speed of flow of water through
3. Water is flowing through a horizontal tube of non-uniform cross-section. At a place the
radius of the tube is 0.5 cm and the velocity of water there is 20 cm/s. What will be the
velocity at another place where the radius of the tube is 1.0 cm?
4. Water is flowing through a horizontal pipe of non-uniform cross-section. The speed of
water is 30 cm/s at a place where pressure is 10 cm (of water). Calculate the speed of
water at the other place where the pressure is half of that at the first place.
5. Water enters a horizontal pipe of non-uniform cross-section with a velocity of 0.5 m/s
and leaves the other end with a velocity of 0.7 m/s. The pressure of water at the first end
is 103 N mn-2. Calculate pressure at the other end. (Density of water = 1.0 x 105 kg m-3).
6. Water flows through a horizontal pipe of varying cross-section. The pressure of water
equals to 0.1 m of Mercury at a place where the velocity of flow is 0.4 m/s. What will be
the pressure at another place where the velocity of flow is 0.5 m/s?
7. Water is flowing through a horizontal pipe of wearing cross-section. At any two places,
the diameters of the tube are 4 cm and 2 cm. If the pressure difference between these two
places be equal to 4.5 cm, then determine the rate of flow of water in the tube.
8. Water is flowing steadily through a horizontal pipe of non-uniform cross-section. At a
point, where the cross sectional area of the pipe is 0.02 m 2, the pressure of water is 4.0 ×
104 Nm-2 or Pa and its velocity of flow is 2.0 m/s. What is the pressure at a point where
the cross-sectional area is 0.01 m2? The density of water is 103 kg m-3.
9. Air is streaming past a horizontal aeroplane wing such that its speed is 120 m/s at the
upper surface and 90 m/s at the lower surface. If the density of air is 1.3 kg m -3 , find the
difference in pressures between the two surfaces of the wing. If the wing is 10 m long and
has an average width of 2 m, then calculate the gross lift on it.
10. A water tank has a hole in its wall at a distance of 40 m below the free surface of water.
Compute the velocity of efflux of water from the hole. If the radius of the hole be 1 mm,
find the rate of flow of water.
11. There is a 1 mm thick layer of oil between a flat plate of area 0.01 m 2 and a big plate.
How much force is required to move the plate with a velocity of 1.5 cm/s. The coefficient
of viscosity of oil is 1 poise.
12. A square plate of 10 cm side moves parallel to another plate with a relative velocity of 10
cm/s, both plates immersed in water. If the viscous force is 2 × 10 -3 N, calculate the
perpendicular distance between the plates.
13. Water is flowing through a horizontal tube 4 km in length and 4 cm in radius at a rate of
20 litre/s. Calculate the pressure required to maintain the flow in terms of the height of
mercury column.
14. The level of blood in a bottle used to give blood to a patient is 1.3 m high above the
needle which is 3 cm in length and has an internal diameter of 0.36 mm. If 4.5 cm 3 of
blood is passing through the needle per minute, calculate the viscosity of blood. The
density of blood is 1020 kg m-3 . Ignore fall in the level of blood in the bottle.
15. What will be the terminal velocity of a steel ball of radius 2 mm in glycerine ?
16. An iron ball of radius 0.3 cm falling through a column of oil of density 0.94 g cm -3 attains
a terminal velocity of 0.5 cm/s. What is the coefficient of viscosity of the oil? The density
of iron is 7.8 g cm-3.
17. A steel shot of diameter 2 mm is dropped in a viscous liquid filled in a drum. Find the
terminal speed of the shot. Density of the material of the shot = 8.0 x 10 3 kg m-3, density
of liquid = 1.0 x 103 kgm-3. Coefficient of viscosity of liquid = 1.0 kg m-1 s-1, g = 10 ms-2
18. If an oil drop of density 0.95 x 10 3 kg m-3 and radius 10-4 cm is falling in air whose
density is 1.3 kg m-3 and coefficient of viscosity is 18 x 10-6 kg m-1 s-1. Calculate the
terminal speed of the drop.
19. The terminal velocity of a copper ball of radius 2.0 mm in falling through a tank of oil is
6.5 cm/s. Find the viscosity of the oil. The densities of copper and oil are 8.9 x 10 3 kg m-3
and 1.5 x 103 kg m-3 respectively.
20. Two drops of equal radii are falling through air with a terminal velocity of 5 cm/s. If they
coalesce into one drop, what will be the terminal velocity of the new drop?
21. An air bubble (radius 0.4 mm) rises up in water. Determine the terminal speed of the
bubble. Density of air is negligible.
22. With what terminal velocity will an air bubble of diameter 0.8 mm rise ina liquid of
density 900 kg m-3 and viscosity 0.15 N s m -2? What will be the terminal velocity of the
same bubble in water? Ignore density of air.



1. A soap film is on a rectangular wire ring of size 3 cm x 3 cm. If the size of the film is
changed to 3 cm x 4 cm, then calculate the work done in this process. The surface tension
of soap solution is 3.0 x 10-2 N m-1.
2. The surface tension of a soap solution is 0.030 N m -1. How much work is required to
form a bubble of 1.0 cm radius from this solution?
3. A mercury drop of radius 1.0 mm breaks up into 27 droplets of equal volumes. Calculate
the work done in this process. Surface tension of mercury is 0.465 N/m.
4. A big drop is formed by coalescing 1000 small droplets of water. What will be the
change in surface energy? What will be the ratio between the total surface energy of the
droplets and the surface energy of the big drop?
5. A small hollow sphere which has a small hole in it is immersed in water to a depth of 40
cm before any water penetrates into it. If the surface tension of water is 0.073 N/m, find
the radius of the hole. The density of water is 0.001 kg m-3 and g = 9.8 m s-2.
6. The lower end of a capillary tube of radius 1.00 mm is dipped 8.00 cm below the surface
of water in a beaker. What is the pressure necessary in the tube to below a hemispherical
bubble at its lower end? The surface tension of water is 0.073 N/m and its density is
0.001 kg m-3. Given: 1 atmospheric pressure 1.01 x 10 5 N m-2 and g = 9.80 ms-2. Also
calculate the excess pressure.
7. Two capillary tubes of diameters 5.0 mm and 4.0 mm are held vertically inside water one
by one. How much high will the water rise in each tube? g = 10 N/kg, surface tension of
water = 7.0 x 10-2 N/m.
8. Water rises in a capillary tube to a height 2.0 cm. In another capillary whose radius is
one-third of it, how much will the water rise? If the first capillary is inclined at an angle
of 60° with the vertical then what will be the position of water in the tube ?
9. The internal diameter of the glass tube of a mercury barometer is 6.0 mm. The barometer
reads 74.45 cm of Hg. Find the correct reading after allowing for the error due to surface
tension. The surface tension of mercury is 0.465 N/m, its density is 13.6 x 10 3 kg m-3 and
its angle of contact with glassis135°.Takeg=9.8 N/kg and cos 135° = - 0.71.


1. The surface tension of a liquid:

(a) Increases with surface area
(b) Decreases with surface area
(c) Increases with temperature
(d) Decreases with temperature
2. The surface area of a spherical drop is 2 × 10-6 m2, surface tension of its liquid is 7.5 × 10-
Nm-2. It splits into 8 spherical drops of equal radius. The work done in this process will
(a) 0.75 × 10-7 J
(b) 1.5 × 10-7 J
(c) 4.5 × 10-7 J
(d) 3.0 × 10-7 J
3. An air bubble of radius R is formed in soap solution, excess of pressure inside the air
bubble is:
4. The formula for excess pressure in a soap bubble is:
5. Two soap bubbles have radii in the ratio 2:1. What is the ratio of excess pressure inside
(a) 1:2
(b) 2:1
(c) 1:4
(d) 4:1
6. Water in a capillary tube rises to a height of 4cm. If the area of cross section of the tube is
made one fourth, to which height will water rise?
(a) 2 cm
(b) 4 cm
(c) 8 cm
(d) 12 cm
7. Water rises in a vertical capillary tube upto a length of 10 cm. If the tube is inclined at
45°, then the length of water rising in the capillary tube will be:
(a) 10 cm
(b) 10 √ 2 cm
(c) cm
(d) 5 cm


1. Write the unit of surface tension.

2. What are the factors which affect surface tension?
3. How does surface tension change with temperature?
4. How can the surface tension of water be reduced?
5. Write down the following liquids in order of increasing order of surface tension at a
given temperature: water, Mercury, soap solution.
6. Oil is sprinkled on sea waves to calm them. Why?
7. Some straw are sprayed on the surface of pure water filled in a vessel. On dropping a
piece of sugar in water, the straw come near to the piece, but on dropping a piece of soap
they go away from it. Explain it with reason.
8. A drop of oil poured on water surface spreads out, but a water drop poured on oil is
compressed in a globule. Why?
9. We cannot separate two pieces of paper-cards joined by gum. Why?
10. Why are the droplets of mercury when brought in contact pulled together to form a bigger
drop? Also state with reasons whether the temperature of this bigger drop will be the
same, or more, or less than the temperature of the smaller drops.
11. Why is it easier to spray water when some soap is dissolved in it?
12. A drop of liquid under no external forces is always spherical in shape. Explain.
13. A small drop of mercury is spherical but a big drop is oval-shaped. Why?
14. An oil drop is perfectly spherical in water-alcohol mixture (whose density is exactly
equal to the density of oil); why?
15. The hot soup is tastier than the cold one. Why?
16. Why do we prefer to wash clothes in hot soap solution than in cold solution?
17. Antiseptic solutions used to wash cuts and wounds in the body have surface tension lower
than water. What is its advantage?
18. The paints and lubricating oils have low surface tension. Why?
19. A thin needle floats on water, but on mixing some detergent (or soap) in water, the needle
sinks. Why?
20. Small insects swimming on water die when kerosene oil is added into the water. Why?
21. Define angle of contact between a solid surface and a liquid.
22. On what factors does angle of contact depend?
23. The angle of contact for a solid and a liquid is less than 90°. Will the liquid wet the solid?
Will it rise in the capillary made of that solid?
24. If, in the above case, the angle of contact is more than 90°, then?
25. A large force is required to draw apart normally two glass plates having a thin water film
between them. Why?
26. It is difficult to fill mercury in a fine thermometer tube. Explain, why?
27. A big soap bubble is formed at one end of a bent narrow tube and a smaller one at the
other end. Which one will grow at the expense of the other?
28. Water rises higher in a capillary tube of smaller diameter than that in a tube of larger
diameter. Why?
29. A piece of chalk immersed in water emits bubbles in all directions. Explain this
30. Why is the tip of the nib of a pen split?
31. Why does the cotton wick in oil-filled lamp keep on burning?
32. Why is cotton dress comfortable in summer?
33. A new earthen (clay) pot keeps the water contained in it cool, but on becoming old it fails
to do so. Why?
34. The moisture in a field is retained on ploughing the field. Explain how?
35. A mercury barometer reads slightly less than the actual pressure. Why?


1. Define surface tension of a liquid.

2. Ends of a glass tube become round on being heated. Why?
3. Explain why do small bits of camphor dropped on water surface dance about.
4. If a drop of radius R breaks up into 27 small drops then how much will be the change in
the energy? The surface tension of the liquid is T.
5. For pure water and clean silver the angle of contact is 90°. (i) For silver and water draw
diagram as Fig. 8 of text matter, showing forces P, Q, R. What will be the direction of the
resultant force R? (ii) What will be the ratio of the cohesive force Q and adhesive force P
for water-silver interface? (iii) A capillary tube of silver is held vertically in water. Will
the water rise up or fall down?

6. Water rises in a glass capillary tube, but descends if the bore of the capillary tube is
coated with paraffin wax. Why?
7. When wax is rubbed on cloth, the cloth becomes water-proof. Explain why.
8. Water can be poured into a glass bottle of narrow neck with the help of a glass rod. Why?
9. If a capillary tube is dipped in water in a state of weightlessness, how will the rise of
water in it be different to that observed in normal conditions?


1. What are cohesive and adhesive forces? Explain the difference between them.
2. Establish relation between the surface tension of a liquid and the work done in increasing
its surface area. Write the unit of surface tension on this basis.
3. Explain surface energy of a liquid. What is the relation between surface tension and
surface energy?
4. Define the term ‘angle of contact’. Draw labelled diagrams to show angles of contact
between (i) water and glass, (ii) mercury and glass. What is the value of the angle of
contact between water and clean glass?
5. Explain that there is an excess pressure on the concave side relative to the convex side of
a curved liquid surface.
6. Deduce expressions for the excess pressure inside a (i) liquid drop, (ii) air bubble in a
liquid and (iii) soap bubble.
7. What is capillarity? Establish a relation among the height h of water column in a glass
capillary tube, the internal radius r of the tube and the surface tension T of water.


1. Define cohesive, adhesive forces and explain surface tension on the basis of above forces.
Explain surface energy of a liquid. What is relation between surface tension and surface
2. What do you mean by capillarity? Derive relation for the rise of liquid in a capillary tube
on the basis of balancing force and explain the rise of liquid in a tube of insufficient
3. Explain capillary action in the planets and derive expression for the rise of liquid in a
tube of very fine bore on the basis of pressure difference.


1. How much work will be done in enlarging the surface area of a soap bubble by 1.0 cm2?
2. How much work will be done in making a soap bubble of diameter 2.0 cm?
3. In increasing the area of a film of soap solution from 50 cm 2 to 100 cm2, 3.0 x 10-4 J of
work is done. Calculate the value of surface tension of the soap solution.
4. The surface area of a soap-bubble is 2.0 x 10 -3 m2. How much work will be done in
blowing the bubble to twice its surface area?
5. How much work will be done in increasing the diameter of a soap bubble from 2 cm to 5
6. A liquid drop of radius 1 mm is broken into 1000 equal small drops. How much work
will be done? Surface tension of water = 0.07 N/m and π = 22/7.
7. A drop of water of diameter 0.2 cm is broken up into 27000 droplets of equal volume.
How much work will be done against surface tension in the process? (Surface tension of
water = 7 x 10-2 N/m)
8. A mercury drop of radius 1.0 cm is sprayed into 10 6 droplets of equal size. Calculate the
energy expanded.
9. Calculate the energy released when 1000 small water drops each of same radius 10 m
coalesce to form one large drop. The surface tension of water is 7.0 x 10-4 N/m.
10. A big drop is formed by combining 27 small droplets of water. What will be the change
in the surface energy? What will be the ratio of the surface energy of big drop to the
surface energy of 27 small droplets?
11. A thin wire is bent in the form of a ring of diameter 3.0 cm. The ring is placed
horizontally on the surface of soap solution and then raised up slowly. How much upward
force is necessary to break the vertical film formed between the ring and the solution?
12. The length of a needle floating on water is 2.5 cm. How much minimum force, in
addition to the weight of the needle, will be needed to lift the needle above the surface of
water? Surface tension of water = 7.2 × 10-4 N/cm.
13. The air pressure inside a soap bubble of diameter 3.5 mm is 8 mm of water column above
the atmospheric pressure. Calculate the surface tension of soap solution.
14. What would be the excess pressure above atmosphere inside an air bubble of 0.2 mm
radius situated just below the surface of water? The surface tension of water is 0.07 N/m.
Express this excess pressure in terms of the height of mercury column.
15. The diameter of a capillary tube is 0.4 x 10 -3 m. It is held vertically in a liquid whose
density is 0.8 x 103 kg m-3 and the surface tension is 9.8 x 10 -2 N/m. Determine the
height to which the liquid will rise in the tube. (Angle of contact is zero)
16. (a) The radius of a capillary tube is 0.025 mm. It is held vertically in a liquid whose
density is 10.8 x 103 kg m-3, surface tension is 3.0 x 10-2 N/m and for which the cosine of
the angle of contact is 0.3. Determine the height up to which the liquid will rise in the
tube. Take g = 10 m s-2.
(b) If the capillary is taken down in water slowly until its upper end comes in level of
water, will the water come out from this end?
17. Water rises in a capillary tube to a height of 5.0 cm. If surface tension of water is 9.8 ×
10-2 N/m, then find out the diameter of the capillary tube.
18. The radius of a capillary tube is 0.8 mm and the water rises in it up to a height of 2 cm.
Calculate the surface tension of water. Take g = 10 m s-2.
19. A liquid rises to a height of 7.0 cm in a capillary tube of radius 0.1 mm. The density of
the liquid is 0.8 x 103 kg m-3. If the angle of contact between the liquid and the surface of
the tube be zero, calculate the surface tension of the liquid. Take g = 10 m s-2
20. Water rises up in a glass capillary up to a height of 9.0 cm, while mercury falls down by
3.4 cm in the same capillary. Assume angles of contact for water glass and mercury-glass
0° and 135° respectively. Determine the ratio of surface tension of Mercury and water
(cos 135° = -0.71).
21. Water rises of 2.0 cm in a capillary tube of length 20 cm held vertically. If the capillary is
meant by 30° from this vertical position, find the length of liquid risen in it.
22. A capillary tube of radius 0.4 mm is dipped vertically in water. Find up to what height the
water will rise in the capillary. If the capillary is inclined at an angle of 60° with the
vertical, how much length of the capillary is occupied by water? Surface tension of water
is 7.0 x 10-2 Nm-1.
23. Water rises in a capillary up to a height of 8.0 cm. If the capillary is inclined at an angle
of 45° with the vertical, then determine the vertical height of water. How much length of
the capillary will be occupied by water? If the length of the capillary is reduced to 4.0 cm
and it is held vertically in water, then what will be the position of water?

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