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SEd Eng 213a – Children and Adolescent Literature

Evaluation Sheet for Historical Fiction

Title of Book: _________________________

Author/s/Reteller/s/Editor/s/Translator/s: _________________________
Illustrator/s: _________________________
Name of Student Evaluator:_________________________

1. When/where is the setting for the story? Does the writer bring the setting to life
through the inclusion of authentic details that do not overwhelm the story?

2. Who are the characters? Do the characters behave in ways that are believable, given the
time period in which they live?

3. What is the conflict in the story? Is the conflict in the story plausible in light of the time
period in which the story is set?

Overall Evaluation
Rate the book using the following scale:
Strongly recommended_____ Recommended_____ Not recommended _____ Strongly not
recommended _____
Other comments:

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