D&D Classe Marionetiste

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\ 4) C- P) “ OMA 5 ie aidan war fi SrA a Lacey aac AVILA Cele an mS aL] lla PUPPETEER A young woman hums a song while making a beautiful dress. Around her, litle puppets made of colorful fabric dance to the rhythm, moving boxes, embroidering ornaments in the dress, and cleaning the workshop before opening time. A Kalashtar sits idle in a tavern with her eyes closed while she plays with a coin, ignoring the other patrons. Outside, her puppet patrols the roofs and streets while she sees through its senses, seeking for their prey. ‘The curtain moves to reveal an old man sitting with a traditional outfit. He starts to play his instrument and tells a traditional story. A delicate puppet enters the stage and tacts the character from the tale, to the applause of the Ranging from artisans to bounty hunters, puppeteers create their allies instead of secking them, and train to work in perfect synchrony with them and the runic magic used in their fabrication. ARTIFICIAL COUPLE More often than not, puppets are seen as simple toys or tools, but for a puppeteer they are much more. Their puppets are conduits of the magic flowing through the world, living ‘masterpieces that will accompany them for the rest of their lives. Although members ofa guild, many puppeteers have another profession, and their puppets help them as tireless assistants. Be it sewing, dancing, bounty hunting or whatever else their creator proposes to do, they will never doit alone. BONDED IN SOUL AND MAGIC re 9 Unlike those who manipulate magic through rituals, knowledge, or even nature, puppeteers are more subile, fusing simple materials with carefully-crafted runes to create masterpieces that amaze allies and enemies alike, Once created, the runes of a puppet bond with the soul of its creator for the rest oftheir lives, creating a connection that lets them work in perfect synchrony and share the magic that gives life to its body, letting them fool enemies, control the battlefields and unleash destructive attacks CREATING A PUPPETEER ‘When you create your puppeteer character, think of how you started to learn to make puppets and to infuse them. Did you join a guild as a family tradition, following in the steps of your clders? Was your teacher a retired master of a guild and took: ‘you as his apprentice? You might be selftaught, looking through the window of the guilds and repeating what they id, hearing and seeking books to learn whatever you could, Maybe you found your puppet lying around, or someone gifted itto you, setting you on this path. Did you decide to start your adventuring career as a way of perfecting your (echniques and runes? What made you join up with a band of adventurers? Do you want to help others through what you have Tearned, or do you want to learn from. them all you can in the ways of combat and magic? 2 Pris besos ras Cision poral soe Fe Ce aa are property of Wizards af the Coast © Quick BuILp ‘You can make a puppeteer quickly by following these suggestions. Firs, put your highest ability score in Intelligence, followed by Constitution or Dexterity, Second, choose the guild artisan background. CLass FEATURES ‘Asa puppeteer, you gain the following class features. HrrPots Hit Dice: 148 per puppeteer level at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier at Higher Levels: 18 (or 5) +your Constitution ‘modifier per Puppeteer level after Ist PROFICIENCIES Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields. ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, shortswords and rapiers ‘Tools: Smiths tools, woodcarver's tools, and weaver's tools ‘Saving Throws: Dexterity Intelligence ‘Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Investigation, Insight, Sleight of Hand, and Performance EQurement You start with he following equipment, in aition tothe caipment granted by your background: + Leather armor and smith's tools, woodearver's tools, oF ‘weavers tools ‘+ @)an Explorer's pack or (b)an Entertainer's pack ‘+ (@)two simple weapons or (b)a Light crossbow and 20 bolts Ifyou forgo this starting equipment, as well as the items, offered by your background, you start with 4d4x 10 gp to buy your equipment. —— OPTIONAL RULE: MULTICLASSING Ifyour group uses the optional rule on rmulticlassing in the Player's Handbook, you must have an Intelligence score ofa least 13 to take a level in this class. You gain proficiency with smith's tools, woodcarver's tools, and weaver's tools, and simple weapons. PUPPETEER Level Proficiency Bonus Features Modifications Known Modifications installed ist 2 Puppet Craft 2nd 42 Modifications 3rd 2 Puppetry Guild, Soul String 4th 42 Ability Score Improvement sth 8 Guild Technique eth 3 Sentient Shell 7th 3 Expert Puppet Craft 8th 8 Ability Score Improvement 9th +4 CCrafter's Pride loth +4 Guild Technique 1th 4 Magic Redirection 12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 13th 8 Soul Bond Vath +5 Guild Technique 15th 8 Runie Synchrony Véth +5 Ability Score Improvement Vth +6 Quick Reconstruction 18th +6 Guild Technique 19th Ability Score Improvement 20th Ethereal Creation This is unos Fan Content permed under the Fan Content Pog Not approvedendorsed ly Wizards, Portions of the materia sed aa are property of Wizards ofthe Const, Wizards of the Coast LLC. PuppET CRAFT MODIFICATIONS Starting at IstJevel, you have learned the art of creating puppets through tools and runes to accompany you in your travels as a faithful companion. Choose one of the materials ‘below to he the base of your puppet: + Cloth: These puppets are the most simple and basic puppets someone can make, and are common among kids. Using weaver's tools, you can make one puppet as part of a short of long rest. + Wood: This isthe bread and butter ofall professional puppeteers, Being malleable and fairy resistant, most puppets are made with wood Using woodearver's tools, you can make one puppet as part of a long rest. + Metal: Only the most versed, or patient craftsmen use ‘metal for the construction of puppets, creating ‘masterworks that move with gears and runes that surprise any onlookers. Using smiths tools, you can make ‘one puppet as part ofa long rest, The created puppet isa tiny magical object that can be held in one hand. You can have only one puppet at create one while your puppet is present. You can create anew puppet of another material for 25 gp ifyou have the correct tools, as part of a short or long rest (depending on the ‘material of the new puppet) This destroys the previous puppet in the process. When you create the puppet, you determine its appearance. You can use an action activate the runes init. Its size changes to medium or small (your choice) and, on each. of your turns, you can use a bonus action to cause the puppet to move up toits movement speed to an unoccupied space, ‘but it cannot move more than 60 feet away from you. As part of the same bonus action the puppet can take an action in its stat block, or the Dodge, Disengage, Help, or Use an Object action. You need to have one or both hands free to control the uppet, as magical strings connect your fingers with it Te reverts to its previous size and is destroyed if tis reduced to 0 hit points, or you can dismiss it early as a bonus ‘You can fully heal your puppet after 1 hour of uninterrupted ‘work, that can be part ofa short or long rest ‘PUPPETEER SAVE DC ‘Some puppeteer features require your target to make a ‘saving throw to resist the features effects, The saving throw DCis calculated as follows: me and can't Puppeteer Save DC= 8 ~ your proficiency bonus = your lateligence modifier ‘At 2nd level you learn how to customize your puppet to better sult your needs with the use of specific runes and parts, Mop1rrcaTions KNowN When you gain this feature, pick four puppet modifications to learn, choosing from the "Puppet Modifications" section at the end of the class description. You learn additional ‘modifications of your choice when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Modifications Known column of the Puppeteer table. Whenever you gain level inthis class, you can replace one of the puppet modifications you learned with a new one. ‘Some modifications specify a minimum puppeteer level You can't learn such a modification until you are at least that level Unless a modifications description says otherwise, you carit learn a modification more than once. INSTALLING A MODIFICATION During a short or long rest you ean use smiths tools, woodcarver's tools, or weaver's tools to modify one of your puppets with one modification you know. A modification ‘works only on your puppets. ‘The modification remains in the puppet until replaced You can install more than one modification on your puppet during a short or long rest, The maximum number of ‘modifications appears in the Modifications Installed column of the Puppeteer class table. Ifyou try to exceed your maximum number of modifications, the oldest modification immediately stops working, and then the new modification applies. ‘This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. N are property of Wizards ofthe Coast PUPPETEER GUILD SENTIENT SHELL At Sr level you choose the guild you will join: Mimicry, Persecution, or Replica, each of which is detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at Sth level and again at 10th, 14th and 18th level Sout Strrncs Starting at 3rd level every piece of work carries alittle of your own soul and pride, letting you use the inner magic in every puppet to control it without the need of physical strings ‘You can mentally command your puppet (no action required) and it can go as far as 120 feet away from you. Additionally, you can manifest ethereal strings and use them to help your allies in combat. As an action you can, ‘manifest your strings and connect them with an ally you can see within 30 feet of you. Until you break this connection (no action required) or you and the connected target are in Aifferent planes of existence, you can use an action to give your ally the benefits of the Dodge action until the start of your next turn, Finally, you can connect your string to an object that weight ‘no more than 100 pounds, and is not being worn or secured. ‘You can use an action on subsequent turns, to move it 10 feet, ina direction you choose. Ithe abject is being carried, the creature carrying. it must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your puppeteer save DC or drop the object. ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT ‘When you reach 4th level and again a Sth, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2 or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.As normal, you cant increase an ability scare abave 20 using this feature. Ifyour DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat ‘Starting at 6th level you have learned how to create an artificial core for your puppet, giving ita false soul and some kind of awareness to your puppet. You create an artificial core after 1 hour of work. Choose one from Intelligence, Charisma, or Wisdom. The selected score increases to 14. ‘The other two increase to 10. Your puppet gains proficiency in saving throws using the chosen ability Additionally, the puppet can understand all the languages you speak, but can't speak itself. I gains normal vision and hearing in a range of 120 feet. You may choose not to equip a puppet with an artificial core, or to remove an artificial care as an action, storing the personality and all the memories of the puppet init. Ifthe puppet is destroyed ts core falls to the ground intact. Finally if you are unconscious or dida' give an ordex, your puppet acts on its own, focusing on protecting you and itself. ‘The following tables offer personality suggestions 4 Personality Trait 1, Mycteator is the most talented person alive, and ‘everyone should pay respect to them 2 I'm the only suitable companion for my creator {ove being the center of attention, and | feel bit 3 envious of my creator for creating something as perfect as me All organic creatures are inferior to me, except maybe a my creator 5 like shiny and colorful objects, and insist my creator installs them on me «6 My creators the most wonderful person in the world, and | shall protect them 47 Every creature that dares to harm my creator in some way will suffer my wrath 4g Want to create another puppet like myself, so my creator will be proud of me 45 Alignment ds Alignment 12 Lawful 12 Good 34 Neutral 34 Neutral 5-6 Chaotic Evil Expert Pupper CRAFT ‘Starting at 7th level your erafting technique and the ‘understanding of the runes used in your puppets has reached ‘anew level of improvement. The movement speed of your puppet increases to 30 feet, and its attacks are now magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances, Also, you have learned to give form to your soul strings to help in moments of need If your puppet is destroyed you can perform a 1-minute ritual to teleport the artifical core of your puppet to your side ifit's stil intact, and exeate a copy of the ‘puppet. This puppet has half the hit points of the original and you must use a bonus action to command it Additionally, your puppet can telepathically communicate ‘with you simple ideas, emotions, and images at a range of 30 fect Policy. Not approvedendorsed by Wizard, Portions ofthe materials wsed the Coast, Wizards ofthe Coast LLC. CRAFTER'S PRIDE At th Level you are filled with pride every time your puppet excels inside of outside of combat. Every time your puppet rolls a 20 on a d20, you can roll an additional 2d4 for your next attack roll saving throw or ability check within the next minute Macic REDIRECTION Starting at L1th level you and your puppet have a magical connection that allows you two to take the damage that the other would suffer. When your puppet is hit by an attack, you ‘ean use your reaction to take half the damage for your puppet. The damage dealt to you is force damage. ‘Additionally, when you are hit by an enemy attack, your puppet can use its reaction to take half the damage for you, ‘The damage dealt to the puppet is force damage. Sout Bonp ‘Starting at 13th level the connection between you and your puppet makes you inseparable. You can use your action to teleport your puppet to an unoccupied space of your choice “within 5 feet ofyou. The puppet must be within 1 mile of you, and can be activated or deactivated You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once), and regain all expended uses after a short or long rest. Runic SyNCHRONY ‘AU 1Sth level the runic magie on your puppet grows in power, aiving you and your puppet an advantage against the magic of your enemies. While you and your puppet are no more than 15 feet ofeach other, both of you have advantage against spells and other magical effects. Quick RECONSTRUCTION ‘At 17th level you learn a special rune used to preserve puppets when facing dangerous situations. When your puppet is destroyed, it reforms in your free hand, as a new, ntact, and inactive copy ofthe puppet. Ifyou don't have a free hand, it appears at your feet. Additionally, fit had an artificial core installed, the puppet appears with it Once you use this feature, you cant use it again until you finish along rest ETHEREAL CREATION ‘At 20th level your understanding of your puppet and its ‘magic equals the forgotten masters letting you manifest the ‘soul ofa puppet. As an action, you can choose to manifest the ‘magical essence of your puppet, creating an exact copy of i for 1 minute. The new puppet has resistance to all damage and is immune to all conditions. You can command both puppets atthe same time, Your allies have advantage on attack rolls fat least one of your puppets is within 5 feet of the target. Additionally, your allies have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects if they are in a 10 feet radius of one of your puppets. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you Finish a long rest —— PUPPET ‘Medium or Small construct, unaligned ‘Armor Cass 15 (natural armor) Hit Points equal to the puppet’s Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus + five times your level inthis class Speed 20f STR DEX CON. INT. WIS. CHA 12 (41) 14 (42) 14 (2) 165) 165) 165) Saving Throws Dex +4 Con +4 Skils Acrobatics +4 Damage Immunities poison, psychic Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, ‘exhaustion, frightened, poisoned Senses - Languages Constructed Nature: The puppet doesn't require ai, food, drink, or sleep. Ability of the crafter: The following numbers increase by 1 when your proficiency bonus increases by 1 the puppet skill and saving throws bonuses, and the bonuses to hit and damage of it attacks. Flexible Body. (Cloth) The puppet can move through a space one size smaller without squeezing. Floating Body: (Wood) The puppet has a swimming speed equal to its movernent speed Powerful Body: (Metal) The puppet is considered cone size larger for the purpose of determining its. carrying capacity. Actions Punch: Melee Unarmed Attack +4, reach 5 ft, one target you can see. Hit: 1d6 + 2 bludgeoning darnage ‘This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Poli. No are property of Wizards ofthe Coast. PupreTry GUILD tits core, all puppeteers are artisans. Most of them seek ‘ways of perfecting their talents and learn creative ways to ‘modify the puppets. Puppeteers unite under the banner of a ld to learn secretive techniques and runes to achieve 2 ‘new level in their eraf. Gui oF Miicry Specialized in the creation of puppets that look like creatures of flesh and blood, members ofthis guild improve their skills and craft to work in perfect synchrony with their partners on the stage, amazing all ts onlookers. Still there are some members who use their talent and knowledge to serve as bodyguards of kings, merchants and nobles, using the puppets as substitutes to fool assassins and kidnappers Made To AcT ‘At 3rd level you learn how to modify your puppet to captivate your audience. You gain proficiency in Performance. Ifyou already have proficiency inthis skill your Proficiency Bonus is doubled with it, and your puppet gains proficiency in one instrument of your choice, thanks tothe use of specific runes, Additionally, your puppet ean mimic any sound including voices, it has heard inthe last 24 hours. A creature that hears the sound ean tell they are imitations with a successful ‘Wisdom (Insight) check against your puppeteer save DC. When you install an artificial core in your puppet at 6th, leve it can speak using any sound or voice it heard in the last, 26 hours, DEADLY WALTZ Starting at 5th level you and your puppet synchronize perfectly in the stage and in battle. When you take the Attack action and hit a creature with an attack made as part of that action, your puppet can use its reaction to move 5 feet towards the eresture and make an attack, or itean make an attack and move 5 feet in any horizontal direction, Attacks of opportunity made against your puppet have disadvantage ‘when it uses this reaction. In preparation for future battles and performances, you modify the structure and runes of your puppet to give ita semblance of martial prowess. Your puppet gains proficiency swith the dagger, spear, rapier, or glaive (your choice) CAPTIVATING PERFORMANCE ‘Ac 10th level, you ean make the magic ofthe runes ereate a ‘beautiful and delicate spectacle. Your puppet can use an action to start singing or dancing until the start ofits next turn, Enemy creatures that can see or heat the puppet in a 15-foot radius centered on it, must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be captivated by the performance. Until the start of your puppet’s next turn, affected creatures make attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws with dissdvantage. If {you use your action to sing or dance with your puppet the area increases to 30 feet and the creatures have disadvantage fon the saving throw. You must be within 5 feet of your puppet to.use this special action, ‘After using ‘short or long rest, is ability you and your puppet must finish 2 ba ‘This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Pol are property of Wizards oft ONE HUNDRED VOICES ‘Starting at 14th level the runes on your puppet now sound in. ‘harmonious tone without the help of anyone. You can choose a base voiee for your puppet, and it can mimie any voice perfectly if heard the creature speaking for at least 1 ‘minute, footing even the most expert ears. ‘Additionally, it can cast shatter at its lowest level only requiring a verbal component, a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier before the puppet must finish a Tong rest, PERFECT COFY {At 18th level you have achieved a perfect balance between your puppet and the runes of your guild. Your puppet is indistinguishable from a living creature if it doesn’t have a part of its body completely exposed (lke an arm or a leg) and the material ofits face, hands, and feet can move and look as ifitwere skin, even ifi's made of metal or gemstones. Aaditionally, your puppet can add double your Proficiency Bonus when making a Charisma (Deception) check A creature can discern that i's a puppet with a successful ‘Charisma (Insight) check against your puppeteer save DC. GUILD OF PERSECUTION More often than not, the members of this guild are seen as law enforcers, ranging from peacekeepers to bounty hunters, this individuals patrol the streets and hunt criminals with their trusted puppets silent instruments that can easily neutralize any objective. SILENT CHASER ‘At 3rd level you learn how (o modify your puppet to chase and capture your objectives more easily: You gain proficiency in Perception Ifyou already have proficiency inthis skill your Proficiency Bonus is doubled with it. Your puppet gxine proficiency in Stealth, and doesn't make sounds when moving. ‘Additionally, you gain proficiency in martial weapons and your puppet can grapple as a bonus action and doesn't have movement speed reduced when moving a grappled. cresture ‘When you install an artificial core at 6th level in your puppet, you can use an action to see and hear through the senses of your puppet. While you are using its senses, you are blinded and deafened in regards of you own surroundings. CHASE AND HUNT Starting at Sth level you and your puppet work together to slow and catch up your enemies. When your puppet takes the ‘Actack action and hits with an attack, you can use your reaction to make a weapon attack to the same creature, if ‘your attacks hits, you reduce the creatures speed in 10 fect until the start of your next turn. OVERWHELMING PRESENCE ‘At 10th level, the magic of your puppet can make its preys feel the pressure of their imminent end.As an action, your puppet can create a magical connection with a creature it can see ‘within 30 feet for 1 minute. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw, On a failure, the target learns the approximate location of the puppet and becomes blind beyond a 60-foot radius around them. Ifyou use your action to strengthen the connection, the affected creature can only see and hear themselves, you and your puppet forthe duration, and they know the exact location of you and your puppet for the duration. You must be at 5 feet of your puppet to use this special action yourself (On subsequent turns, the affected creature ean repeat the ‘saving throw at the end of each ofits turns. On a success the effect ends for it. ‘After using this ability you and your puppet must finish a ‘short or long rest ‘WALKING PRISON Starting at L4th level the runes and modifications in your puppet makes it the perfect creation to neutralize your targets. When your puppet hits a grappled creature with an attack, it may try to restrain it, even ifthe target is grappled by an effect or other creature different from the puppet. Ifthe puppet succeeds in the restrain, the grapple ends forthe creature and the puppet gains resistance to all damage dealt by creatures grappled oF restrained by it ‘This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approvedjendorsed by Wigards, Portions ofthe materials used rd are property of Wizard Additionally it can cast web at its Towest level without providing component materials, a number of times equal to yout Intelligence modifier before the puppet must finish a Tong rest. Apex HUNTER [At 18th level the raw magic power of your puppet runes let it surpass its physical limits easily. The movement speed of your puppet cannot be reduced except by the paralyzed Condition, and it ignores difficult terrain. It knows the exact location of creatures with half its ht points or less, within a dius of 1 mile, Additionally, your puppet can add double your Proficiency Bonus when making ability checks to track a creature that you or the puppet damaged in the last 24 hours. wal GUILD OF REPLICA Mostly artisans ofall kinds, the members ofthis guild work alongside a tireless swarm of puppets to craft true masterpieces, But the fluctuating energy of their runes gives the ability to unleash powerful elemental energy to destroy ‘their enemies, or attune to the very essence of those close to them. For these puppeteers, their swarms are the perfect combination between a helper and a weapon. ARCANE ARMY ‘At 3rd level you learn how to link the magie of your runes to control more than one puppet as one and organized group. You gain proficiency in Arcana. If you already have proficiency in this skil, your Proficiency Bonus is doubled ‘with it. Your puppet is considered a medium swarm of small, or tiny constructs (your choice) and gains resistance to ‘nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. Additionally, you gain proficiency in tinker’s tools and your puppet can use its action to make an explosion attack. It takes 5 points of damage and force all enemies within 5 feet of ft to make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail the ‘creature takes 2d4 thunder damage. ‘When you install an artifical core at 6th level in your puppet, after your puppet use its explosion attack it can regain 1d4 bit points, ELEMENTAL REFLUX Starting at 5th level you can redirect the magic created from the explosion of your puppet to harm your enemies. When ‘your puppet takes the use its action to make an explosion attack, you can use your reaction to make a melee spell attack tooone of the damaged creatures in § feet of you, ifthe attack hits the creature takes 1d8 col fire, lightning, or thunder damage (your choice). EQUALIZATION At LOth level the runes of your puppets can momentacily copy your enemies defenses, As an action, your puppets can gain ‘one of the resistances of one ereature in its space, for 1 ‘minute. If you use your action to further enhance the defense ‘of your puppets, it gains one of the invulnerabilties ofa creature in its space. After using this ability you and your puppet must finish a long rest Compact HELPER ‘Starting at 14th level, you improve the magic connecting your puppets, creating a nearly perfect union between them. You ccan use a bonus action to fuse all the puppets of your swarm {nto one, functional tiny body, for an easy transport or ‘concealment. And you can use a bonus action to revert itto ite swarm form ifs in its fused body. Aaditionally, you can use your swarm of puppets to help you build different objects faster. The crafting time of ‘nonmagical and magical objects is halved ifyou have your swarm with you. ETERNAL BOMBS At 18th level the magic of your swarm let it be more durable ‘and dangerous. When your puppets start its turn with less than half ts hit points but more than 0, i¢ regains an amount cof hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier at the start of its turn, and they have resistance to all kinds of bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage. Finally, the damage dealt by the explosion is now 2410+ ‘your Intelligence modifier. MODIFICATIONS AreBoRN RUNES Prerequisites: Level 10 ‘Your puppet can hover and has a flying speed of 15 fect. ASPECT OF THE ELEMENTS Prerequisites: Level 15 ‘Your puppet can use its action to create a 10-fet radius centered on i for I minute. The area moves with the puppet and deals 2d6 acid cold fre, lightning, or thunder damage (your choice) to ereatures in the area. Additionally, the puppet gains resistance to the chosen damage type. Your puppet can't do this again until it finishes a long rest. ENCHANTED GEMSTONES Prerequisites: Level 10 (Once per turn, your puppet ean change the damage type of one attack to radiant, necrotic, or psychic damage (your choice) ETHEREAL ARMAMENT Prerequisites: Level 15 Once per turn, your puppet ean change all the damage eat by one of its attacks to force damage and ignore half cover and three-quarters cover. Fast MECHANISM Prerequisites: Level 5 ‘Your puppet can make one attack using its bonus action. HARDENED CONSTRUCTION ‘Your puppet has resistance to nonmagical bludgconing, slashing or piercing damage (vour choice) ‘You can change this damage type as part of along rest. LONG RANGE WEAPONRY ‘Your puppet gains a new attack with a range of 30/90 feet, +4 tohit, and deals 146 piercing damage Malpen's Boy Prerequisites: Level 15 Your puppet gains a +2 bonus to Armor Class, and can use its action to ty to trap a creature. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving thraw or be imprisoned, An imprisoned creature is blinded, restrained, and ithas total cover against attacks and effects outside of it A trapped ereature can use its action to make a Strength check against your puppeteer save DC, On a success, it frees itself (On subsequent turns, your puppet can use its action to deal 1410 piercing damage tothe trapped creature. PoutsHE Bopy ‘Your puppet has advantage on ability checks and saving throws to resist or scape grapples and restrains. PORCELAIN COVER ‘You have advantage in Charisma (Persuasion) checks and Charisma (Deception) checks while using your puppet. ‘This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Caiient Paid are property of Wizard ‘REINFORCED STRINGS Prerequisites: Level 9 Your puppet can restrain a creature up to 10 feet away, and ‘can use its action on subsequent turns to pull the creature 5 feet closer to it. The puppet and creature sill need to make the corresponding skill checks. RUNIC NIGHTMARE Prerequisite: Level 10 ‘Your puppet can use its action to transform its appearance {o look frightening for 1 minute. Creatures that end its turn at 5 feet of your puppet must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or immediately use their reaction to move up to half their movement speed away from the puppet. Additionally, the attacks of your puppet deal psychic damage for the duration, instead ofits normal damage typ. Your puppet can't do this again until it finishes « long rest SrrKep Bopy Prerequisites: Level 10 When a creature within 5 feet of your puppet hits it with a melee attack, the creature takes 1d6 piercing damage. STEEL CLAWS ‘The punch attack of your puppet is replaced by a claw attack ‘with the same range, that deal 1410 of slashing or piercing damage (your choice) ‘SURPRISE ATTACK ‘Your puppet can use its action to move 10 feet on a straight line to a creature and make one attack, i'it hits, the target ‘must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. ‘TRANSLUCENT BODY Prerequisites: Level 10 Your puppet can add 1410 to its Dexterity Stealth) checks, and can use its honus setion to hide while iis in dim light or darkness. Hotiow ARMORY Prerequisites: Level 5 Your puppet can use an action to shunt an object no heavier than 10 pounds into an extradimensional space. White inside this space, it can use an action to summon the object to its free hand, or back to the extradimensional space. LicHTwzIGHT COMPONENTS ‘Your puppets movement speed increases in § fect, and it takes fall damage only ifthe fal is from 60 feet or more. Moprrtep SENSES ‘Your puppet has darkvision out of a range of 60 feet, Str REPAIR Prerequisites: Level 5 Your puppet can use an action to regain 2d8 hit points. Once its uses this feature it must take a long rest before using it again. CHANGELOG V.1 ‘+ Removed the duration of 1 hour from Puppeteraft and Expert Puppeteraft + Now Expert Puppetcraft lets you create a temporal copy cof a puppet ifyou lose the original + Ethereal Creation extra puppets duration is reduced to 1 minute ‘+ Minor latfications for some abilities + Added medium armor and shields proficiency + Changed explosion attack of Areane Army from "all, creatures within 5 feet of it" to “all enemies within 5 feet of it” + Prooftead by Drew ArT CREDITS Cover: Raivis Draka, Page 2: Docatto Page 3 Page 5: Page 6: KOZOUSAN, Page 7: Chin likhui Feel Page 12: Guild of Miiery: Yu ‘Guild of Persecution: joscih Mechan Guild of Replica: Sara Winters STAIN CREDIT + Jared Ondricel ‘This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approvedendorsed by Wizards Portions ofthe materials used re property of Wizards ofthe Coast. ©Wizards ofthe Coast LLC.

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