Assignment 1

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MATH-361 Probability & Statistics Instructor: Dr.

Muhammad Zeeshan
DE-38 (Electrical)

Assignment # 1
Due Date: 09-Mar-2018
Problem A-1:
An urn initially contains 5 white and 7 black balls. Each time a ball is selected, its color is noted and
it is replaced in the urn along with 2 other balls of the same color. Compute the probability that
a) the first 2 balls selected are black and the next 2 are white;
b) of the first 4 balls selected, exactly 2 are black.

Problem A-2:
A student needs 10 chips of a certain type to build a circuit. It is known that 5% of these chips are
defective. How many chips should he buy for there to be a greater than 90% probability of having
enough chips for the circuit?

Problem A-3:
A ternary communication channel is shown in Figure.
Suppose that the input symbols 0, 1, and 2 occur with
probability ½, ¼, and ¼, respectively.
a. Find the probabilities of the output symbols.
b. Suppose that a 1 is observed as an output.
What is the probability that the input was 0? 1?

Problem A-4:
Think of a random experiment (except coin toss) and three associated events, so that three
events are independent of each other. Prove the independence mathematically.

1. Do your own work/simulations (It is not possible that two or more persons in the class
think and write exactly the same). In case of copying, assignment will not be graded.
2. A short viva may be scheduled for accessing the quality of individual’s assignment
3. Assignment will be done separately by each student
4. Assignment should be submitted on time in the form of a report containing required

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