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Estabrag Noureldaim

Dr. Sumiah Alluhidan



Pastta Candy

Always I keep remembering myself by my favorite dish. My favorite dish is traditional,

Sudanese candy called Pastta. To describe it more deeply Pastta has a sweet flavor, crispy texture

and it is rich in flavor. If you think to do it do not be hesitant for a moment, because it is easy to

make. It is made up of puff pastry, butter, nuts, water, sugar and vanilla. Now you are going to

identify the method to prepare it. At the first bring the puff pastry layers and arrange them,

secondly moisturize it by the butter, then add the nuts, after this scrolling the puff pastry and add

again the butter above it, next put your candy in the oven until it become golden brown color.

Lastly add the syrup above it. This candy popular in Sudan, so people eat it daily and also they

eat it in the occasions. Sudanese shops sell Pastta worldwide and provide it with artistic look.

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