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Volume 5 / Issue No.

02 A CHURCH IN REVIVAL // 10,000 MEMBERS BY 2025 // GLOBAL SOUL COUNT: 47,688,084 MARCH 2024

Chronicles of Revival
Continue on Page 12


We traveled to 54 cities around the world! Continue on Page 07

300 City Tour Running Totals:

Total Attendance: 361,936
Total Altar Call: 95,568
Total Mobilized: 196,413
Continue on Page 13

As we embark upon the new and exciting year, there are

five essential truths from God’s Word that we want you to
get into your spirit. God didn’t bring you this far to leave NEW BOOK RELEASE
you. He is with you strong, and 2024 shall be the best year
of your life thus far, in Jesus’ Name! Continue on Page 04

Greetings Valuable, Important, and Precious Covenant Woman! I

am honored to welcome you to this year’s VIP Covenant Women’s
Conference! You are in the right place at the right time, and the next
four days are going to be life-changing! God has something special for
you, and together, we are going to another level—from faith to faith and
glory to glory! Continue on Page 02

2 VIP 2024: Women's Conference
White House, to the Executive Branch, Congress, and the

Senate, in the Name of Jesus. He commanded the Church in

About: America to wake up, and for the people of God to come out
of their slumber. He declared that it is time to take the land.
Drs. Rodney & Adonica During the Covid era, Drs. Rodney and Adonica took a stand
Howard-Browne for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our God-given liberties.
As a result, Dr. Rodney was wrongfully arrested at his home
Drs. Rodney and Adonica on March 30, 2020, for holding a church service at The River
Howard-Browne are at Tampa Bay Church on Sunday, March 29.
the founders of Revival
Ministries International, As a result of his arrest, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
The River at Tampa declared attendance at churches, synagogues, and houses of
Bay Church, and River worship to be an essential activity. Dr. Rodney’s arrest freed
University in Tampa, up every church in Florida to meet without restrictions. All
Florida. In December of the charges were dropped by the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
1987, Rodney, along with State Attorney on May 15, 2020, and the date of his arrest
Greetings Valuable, Important, and Precious Covenant
his wife, Adonica, and their and criminal record were expunged by Circuit Court Judge
Woman! I am honored to welcome you to this year’s
three children, Kirsten, John N. Conrad on February 22, 2021.
VIP Covenant Women’s Conference! You are in the
Kelly, and Kenneth, moved from their native land, South Africa, right place at the right time, and the next four days are
to the United States called by God as missionaries from Africa Drs. Rodney and Adonica continue to take a stand for
going to be life-changing! God has something special
to America. The Lord had spoken through Rodney in a word the Word of God and for billions around the world whose
for you, and together, we are going to another level—
of prophecy and declared, “As America has sown missionaries right to worship freely was removed and has not been, or
from faith to faith and glory to glory!
over the last two hundred years, I am going to raise up people perhaps will never be, restored. The Stand nightly services
from other nations to come to the United States of America. I have continued for over 1376 nights, as they stand for their
As you’ve come hungry and thirsty to receive a fresh
am sending a mighty revival to America.” brothers and sisters around the world who cannot stand
Word from Heaven and encounter God in a special
and worship freely.
way, He will meet you at your place of expectancy. As
In April of 1989, the Lord sent a revival of signs and wonders God’s Word goes forth, I pray it comes alive in your
and miracles that began in a church in Clifton Park, New York, With a passion for souls and a passion to revive and
spirit like never before, opening your eyes to see God’s
that has continued until today, resulting in thousands of people mobilize the Body of Christ, Drs. Rodney and Adonica have
supernatural power at work in and through you. My
being touched, and changed, as they encounter the presence conducted revivals and soul-winning efforts throughout
dear sister, God is with you strong, He is on your
of the living God. God is still moving today—saving, healing, 92 nations with the 300 City World Tour, Good News
side, and you’re going to make it! You will leave this
delivering, restoring, and setting people free! campaigns, R.M.I. Revivals, the Great Awakening Tours,
conference refreshed, revived, and full of faith and
and The Stand. As a result, over 47,688,084 precious people
Drs. Rodney and Adonica’s second daughter, Kelly, was have come to Christ at the time of this publication, and tens
born with an incurable lung disease called cystic fibrosis. of thousands of believers have been revived and mobilized
Also, I encourage you to visit all of the exciting booths
This demonic disease slowly destroyed her lungs. Early on to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For more information,
under our Pavilion of Dreams! You’ve traveled from
Christmas morning 2002, at the age of eighteen, she ran out visit
near and far, so fellowship, and take time to get to
of lung capacity and breathed out her last breath. They placed know the amazing ladies around you. Open your
her into the arms of her Lord and Savior and vowed that the INSIDE THIS ISSUE heart to receive all that Heaven has for you, and by the
devil would pay for what he had done to their family. Secondly, end of this conference, you will be unrecognizable!
they vowed to do everything in their power, with the help of the Welcome..........................................................2 Again, welcome to VIP!
Lord, to win one hundred million souls to Jesus and to put $1 Covenant Women's Conference Merch............3
billion into world missions and the harvest of souls. Covenant Woman Book...................................4 With love and blessings,
The Year of the Fulfillment of God’s Promises....7 Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne.
When Drs. Rodney and Adonica became naturalized citizens T&E Elegance Series Watches.........................8
of the United States of America, in 2004 and 2008 respectively, We Are Called And Chosen.............................9
they took the United States Oath of Allegiance, which declares, Summer School of Evangelism......................10
“I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the Heaps.............................................................11
United States of America against all enemies, foreign and 300 City World Tour........................................12
domestic.” They took this oath to heart. They love America, are

The Holy Spirit Book......................................13
praying for this country, and are trusting God to see another River Church Buildout ...................................14
Great Awakening sweep across this land. River Car Show..............................................15
Latest Products..............................................16
Believing for this Great Spiritual Awakening, Drs. Rodney and Transfigured 2024 WCM Highlights...............17 4 Days // 6 Sessions
Adonica conducted Celebrate America D.C., a soul-winning Upcoming Events...........................................18

event. They preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ for fifty nights Holy Ghost & Fire Africa Tour.........................19
in Washington, D.C., and surrounding areas from 2014 to 2019. Stewardship Bibles.........................................21
Through the evangelism efforts on the streets, in the halls of Kids' And Youth Week 2024...........................22
Congress, and the nightly altar calls, 58,033 individuals made
decisions for Jesus Christ.
Revival TV......................................................23 Morning Sessions 9:30 AM
Property Map.................................................24 Evening Sessions 7:00 PM
During Celebrate America, in July of 2014, at the Daughters
of the American Revolution Constitution Hall, Dr. Rodney MANAGING EDITOR
Doors open 1 hour before services
Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne
executed a restraining order against the structure that is PUBLISHER
holding America in captivity, binding it and rendering it Revival Ministries International
Darrain & Christine Matthews
powerless and ineffective, from the Supreme Court, to the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne PHOTOGRAPHY
R.M.I. Media
Get the Merch!


Fanny Pack


Revival News
VIP 2024: Women's Conference 3
4 VIP 2024: Women's Conference


We couldn’t be more
excited to announce
the release of Covenant
Woman by Dr. Adonica
Howard-Browne. Purchase
your copy at the R.M.I.
bookstore TODAY!
Book Excerpt The Covenant Woman The Covenant Woman
By Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne
Knows Her God Stands for Righteousness
A Covenant Woman is birthed through God’s
Word and Fire. She stands boldly on the Word The Agape love of God depends solely on the These are our standards:
and walks in the perpetual blessings of her quality of the character of the person pouring
personal covenant with Almighty God. A out the love. This love is unconditional. God is 1. Love God and love your neighbor.
Covenant Woman is an Ambassador of Heaven, Love (Agape), so He sees value in us where we
wholly consecrated to God’s purpose and plan have none. He sees us as valuable and precious, Those who love God obey and do His Word.
for her life. A Covenant Woman is who you were even when we are not. Because none of us are Those who love God and their neighbor do not
created to be, and the godly standard the world “good enough” for what God offers us, which is harm their neighbor. If it violates either one of
must see. His salvation through Jesus Christ. Not one of those, we know it’s wrong.
us can afford to buy one drop of Jesus’ Blood,
Journey with Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne, as because it is priceless! We have nothing to offer 2. Pattern your life after the Word of God.
she teaches you how to understand and live in Him, and thank God, we don’t have to! But it is
the promises of your covenant. Through spiritual by faith in Jesus Christ, that we receive Him and We receive and follow only the counsel of God,
and practical application, you will learn how to all He has for us, because of His incredible love not the ungodly, the sinners, or the scornful.
trust and act on God’s Word, cultivate beauty for us! “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the
from within, build God’s Kingdom, and be an counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way
agent of change for your generation. The Bible says, “What is love but that He first of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
loved us” (1 John 4:19). So everything we do is But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in
in response back to Him. Some people are very his law doth he meditate day and night” (Psalm
proud of how much they love God. However, it 1:1-2).
We are beautiful is humbling to realize just how much He loves
you, and how precious you are to Him. When you We do NOT take our cues from the world, act or
experience the greatness and preciousness of dress like them, or follow their advice. They are
We are strong
His unconditional love, you are just in awe. blind and deceived. WE are the ones who are in
the light, of the light, and have the light and can
We are courageous The Covenant Woman see clearly! We know who we are and Who we
Controls Her Thought Life belong to. When it comes to our roles in life—
We are gentle woman, wife, and mother—we follow the Bible
We must continuously remind ourselves how pattern. We are not lesser in any way to men. In
valuable and precious we are, because we God’s Eyes we are equal companions, but we
We are strong in the are! No matter what we think of ourselves, we are specifically and specially designed to fulfill a
Lord and the power are precious in God’s Eyes. He created us and specific role and place in this world. Ultimately,
of HIS might knows us better than anyone. If He sees us as we are co-laborers in the Kingdom of God,
valuable and precious, then we have a right to working to reach our generation for Christ. You
We trust His Word see ourselves as valuable and precious. are first a Christian, and then you are everything
and His plans
If we know how much God loves us and can
accept and love ourselves, it will be easy The world says that freedom is sleeping around
We are unshakeable to accept and love others. People who are and doing whatever you want. No! That is
judgmental, feel judged. You can be a Christian more and more bondage. The more you do
We are unstoppable and and walk around in bondage. There are that, the more bound you become. Freedom is
our faith is absolute ministers walking around in bondage, judgment, completely submitting to the highest authority
and condemnation, from their own lives. They (God and His Word), allowing Him to burn all
feel guilty for things they have done or said, or that junk out of us, bringing our bodies under
We are mothers, not done or said, and beat everyone else up subjection, bringing our minds under, and
daughters, sisters, every time they get up to preach. casting down vain imaginations (2 Corinthians
wives 10:5). You know what a “vain imagination” is? A
We shouldn’t be beating anybody up. Yes, “vain imagination” is something that exalts itself
we have to rebuke and bring correction, but against the knowledge of God.
We are women, standing
we must also lift up and edify, as previously
on the Word, and walking discussed. Mere knowledge puffs up, but love The culture is pushing us toward total moral
in the blessings of our edifies and builds up (1 Corinthians 8:1). God’s collapse. The deception that you can “choose”
personal covenant with love enables us to grow in stature, grow in God, your gender, the androgynous clothing and
Almighty God and become more like Jesus. Everything we do hairstyles, aggressively promoting sexually
must be seasoned with the love of God. So you permissive lifestyles (from homosexuality
must learn to love yourself before you can love all the way through pedophilia and beyond),
We are other people. encouraging youngsters to mutilate their bodies
Covenant Women! to change genders (resulting in irreversible

Revival News
VIP 2024: Women's Conference 5
6 VIP 2024: Women's Conference

sterilization, major health problems, and more than likely, shortening their
lifespans) is all a part of the enemy’s plan. Also, the aggressive marketing of
abortion, murdering an unborn human being created in the image of God,
as a solution to an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. Claiming “women’s
rights,” while making obscene amounts of money in the business of killing
babies, endangering the lives of the women who abort, allowing the fathers
of the children to abdicate their responsibilities, and facilitating molesters
and sex traffickers. This agenda is a eugenics agenda and comes straight
from hell itself. The devil seeks to defile people so he can control and possess

We must choose not to participate in any of it. Boys are boys, and girls
are girls, whether you dress them in pink, blue, or neutral colors. They are
biologically, neurologically, hormonally, and inherently completely different.

3. God created man—male and female.

There are only TWO genders—male and female. Everything else is merely
a sexual preference and/or a sexual perversion. God designed sex to be
between a man and a woman—one man and one woman—committed
to one another in the covenant of marriage. Hebrews 13:4: Marriage is

honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers
God will judge.

Any sexual contact outside of a marriage between a man and a woman is not
acceptable or beneficial to anyone; it is only detrimental to all parties involved.
You violate God’s laws at your own peril because the fruit of your deeds is
heartbreak, broken or dysfunctional relationships and families, guilt and
torment of mind, and often horrible diseases and broken bodies. Even at the
current rate of inflation, the wages of sin is still death!

4. We are the Church.

We are the Church, and we must stand up for righteousness. Just as Noah
set the standard for his generation, we are to set the standard for ours.
Understand, the way that the family goes and the way that the Church goes,
is the way the nation goes.

The Bible says that judgment begins with the house of God (1 Peter 4:17-18),
which means that we are the ones who set the standard. Judgment begins in
your house and my house; judgment begins in our own heart. God deals with
us first. If the righteous are found sinning, God will judge them first. However,
if they are found righteous, He will deliver them from judgment. After that, He
will deal with the world. The Church cannot afford to lose its fear of God. He is
a loving Father and at the same time, a Righteous Judge Who will hold each
person accountable for their actions. If God will punish and hold the righteous
accountable for their sin, how much more will He surely punish the ungodly?

Today, many people are preaching a type of “grace message.” I thank God for 5. We are in a position of power.
grace, but grace is the ability God gives us to serve Him, not some covering
for all the sins we are committing. Jesus didn’t save you from that filthy We are in a position of power and influence in our marriage and our family. We
mess to let you go back into it. He saved you out of that so you can walk free, are not trying to get it; we have it now. It is up to us how we apply and use it. If it is
forgiven, righteously, grow in Him and His grace, and have abundant life and working, it’s because we made it work. If it is broken, it’s because we broke it. Both
blessings. the responsibility and authority are in our hands. We must use it to bless and be a
Again, “revival begins in me,” so I must say, “Lord, do the work in me.” When
the Lord does the work in each of us, He begins to change marriages,
families, communities, churches, cities, counties, states, and whole nations.
By Drs. Rodney & Adonica

As we embark upon the new and exciting Joshua 23:14 AMPC — Know in all your news! His Word accomplishes what He strong affirmation; yes; yea; surely; truth;
year, there are five essential truths from hearts and in all your souls that not one desires and succeeds in the matter for verily; truly; assuredly; even so. And Amen
God’s Word that we want you to get into thing has failed of all the good things which He sends it. The rain and snow means “so be it.” All of God’s promises
your spirit. God didn’t bring you this far to which the Lord your God promised come down from the Heavens and water are Yes and Amen—Yes and the Truth. In
leave you. He is with you strong, and 2024 concerning you. All have come to pass for the Earth (Isa. 55:10). Then the watered Him, His promises are “Yes, I will do it.” And
shall be the best year of your life thus far, you; not one thing of them has failed. ground causes the plants to sprout and God’s promises are Amen: which means
in Jesus’ Name! grow, and they produce food for people to that it is done! It is done; it is fulfilled; it will
2. His Word Will Not Fail. eat and seeds for the farmer to replant. In come to pass.
1. The Lord Will Not Fail. 1 Kings 8:56 KJV — Blessed be the Lord, the same way, God’s Word is always fruitful
Joshua 21:45 KJV — There failed not that hath given rest unto his people Israel, and prosperous. He sends His Word out Not one promise of God is No—or even
ought of any good thing which the Lord according to all that he promised: there for a purpose, and His purpose is always Maybe—to the person who believes His
had spoken unto the house of Israel; all hath not failed one word of all his good accomplished! Word and meets the conditions. If we
came to pass. promise, which he promised by the hand pray in faith, according to His Word, then
of Moses his servant. 4. He Will Perform His Word. it is done at the time we ask. And then
Just think back over the last four years of Jeremiah 1:12 KJV — Then said the Lord He watches diligently over His Word to
your life—where you were, how far you Solomon, like Joshua, knew that nothing unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will perform it—all the way until we have fully
have come, and what the Lord has done God had promised ever failed (Josh. hasten my word to perform it. received it.
for you. When you thank and praise God 21:45; 23:14). Understand, the Lord is
for what He’s done, you position yourself always faithful to keep His Word and Hasten (Hebrew šāqad) — to wake; to God is truthful and does not make
to receive all that He promised to do! Just fulfill His promises to anyone who meets be wakeful over; watch; to keep watch of; promises He does not plan to keep.
as the Lord kept His promise with Israel, the conditions included in the promise. awake; to be alert, i.e. sleepless; hence to He guarantees the Truthfulness of His
so shall He keep all of His promises to you. In addition to praise and thanksgiving, be, or remain, on the lookout. The Lord is Word. If He made a promise, then He is
obedience to God’s Word is a key actively watching over His Word to fulfill faithful to keep it. As the angel, Gabriel
In Joshua 21:43, the Lord gave Israel all factor to receiving the promises of God. it, and to ensure that it comes to pass. assured Mary: “For with God nothing is
the land which He swore to give their You must remember to seek the Lord When you stand on God’s Word, and fulfill ever impossible and no word from God
fathers. In Joshua 21:44, the Lord gave the concerning His promises over your life, the conditions, the Lord remains watchful shall be without power or impossible of
children of Israel peace on all sides, just as and align your life with His Word. over His promise to perform it, personally fulfillment” (Luke 1:37 AMPC).
He swore to their fathers. He went on to working to bring it to pass. So rejoice
deliver their enemies into their hands, and 3. His Word Will Prosper. and be glad. Even now, God is personally Through faith and patience, you will
in His Word, we see everything the Lord Isaiah 55:11 KJV — So shall my word working on your behalf! inherit the promises of the Lord (Hebrews
promised to Israel came to pass. be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it 6:12). You will not be ashamed, and you will
shall not return unto me void, but it shall 5. His Promises are Yes and Amen. not be disappointed. 2024 will be the most
So what promises has God made to you accomplish that which I please, and it 2 Corinthians 1:20 KJV — For all the fulfilling year you’ve ever had!
personally? What has He spoken over shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. promises of God in him are yea, and in him
your life? What has He said He would do? God’s Word never returns to Him void— Amen, unto the glory of God by us.
Write them down, get excited, and get in vain; vainly; uselessly; emptily; in an
ready, because it will all come to pass! If empty condition; without results; without Yes (Greek nai) — a primary particle of
God has promised it, it is a settled matter! producing any effect. And that’s good

Revival News
VIP 2024: Women's Conference 7
8 VIP 2024: Women's Conference

Elegance Series

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Each color will be limited to 300 pieces, and that's all. So make sure to
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All Mother of Pearl Dials RETAIL PRICE:
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WE ARE Called
AND C hosen!
By Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should We are free from sin, guilt, shame, and death. what He has done. Our relationship with the
go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Eternity lives in our heart, and we are valuable, Lord Jesus Christ is far more important than
Father in My name He may give you” (John 15:16 NKJV). important, and precious in His sight. How any job, successes, wealth, or knowledge that
blessed we are! And it’s all because He loves we may have. God chose us to represent Him
God the Father loved us first and Jesus chose us first. Jesus chose to love us, us with an undying love. to the world. What a high honor!
die for us, and then, He invited us to live with Him forever. The next choice is
ours. We can choose to accept Him or reject Him. We could not have chosen “Jude, A servant of Jesus Christ (the Messiah), We have been chosen, called, set apart,
Him if He had not first chosen us, but thank God, He did! He chose and and brother of James, [writes this letter] to prepared, and equipped for a high calling.
appointed us to bear eternal fruit, and to get our prayers answered. And when those who are called (chosen), dearly loved Just as a king is a king by birth, so we
we choose Him, all of His wonderful plans for us are activated in our lives. by God the Father and separated (set apart) have been made kings and priests by
and kept for Jesus Christ” (Jude 1:1 AMPC). the new birth! A king has rights, authority
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed and privileges, but at the same time, he
us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He We are loved, called, appointed, preserved, has many responsibilities and he walks a
chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy kept, and set apart, by and for Jesus Christ. predetermined path. He does not have the
and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as We belong to Christ, we no longer belong right to “do his own thing,” unless he is willing
sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, 6 to the world, and we must detach from our to forfeit his position. He owes it to his father,
to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the old identity. We must begin to see ourselves family, and the people he serves to commit to
Beloved” (Ephesians 1:3-6 NKJV). through God’s Eyes. We must look in the his calling and to do it to the best of his ability.
mirror of His Word to see who we are and
God’s blessings are not just temporal, they are eternal. Before the foundation who He has made us, and then, we must And as Covenant Women, we have been
of the world, we were chosen by God to be holy and blameless before Him in adapt our behavior to match our new position given the great and high honor to be called
love forever, even into eternity. It was, and is now, His will that we belong only and calling – a Covenant Woman! daughters of the Most High! We have been
and completely to Him. His intent was to make us righteous, acceptable, and to given the right and privilege to represent the
adopt us into His own family—according to the good pleasure of His will, to the “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, Father and His Kingdom to the world, and we
praise of the glory of His grace! And by this grace, we become accepted into a dedicated nation, [God’s] own purchased, have responsibilities that go with those rights.
His beloved! special people, that you may set forth the We cannot do our own thing, but we must
wonderful deeds and display the virtues and do what He commands; we must be led and
“You were bought with a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid for, perfections of Him Who called you out of directed by His Holy Spirit. We are royalty, and
made His own]. So then, honor God and bring glory to Him in your body” (1 darkness into His marvelous light. 10 Once we must live and act like royalty. Not pridefully,
Corinthians 6:20 AMPC). you were not a people [at all], but now you with our nose in the air, but with confidence
are God’s people; once you were unpitied, and boldness and respect for the office. We
“You were bought with a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid for but now you are pitied and have received were born and called into the Kingdom for
by Christ]; then do not yield yourselves up to become [in your own estimation] mercy” (1 Peter 2:9-10 AMPC). such a time as this, and must carry ourselves
slaves to men [but consider yourselves slaves to Christ]” (1 Corinthians 7:23 as Covenant Women, who bring glory to and
AMPC). As Covenant Women, we are specially honor our Heavenly Father.
chosen by God. We are a chosen race, a royal
Jesus bought us and paid for us with His own precious Blood and life—it didn’t priesthood, a holy, dedicated nation. We are
come cheaply! The price He paid for us was very, very high, but He felt we peculiar, not “strange,” but set apart by God
were worth it! And now, we belong to Him. We are not slaves to men, and no for His plans and purposes. Our value and
longer even slaves to our own bodies and ungodly desires, but we are His and worth is not in who we are or what we have
His alone. He washed us in His Blood, cleansed us, saved us, and forgave us. accomplished, but it is in who God is and

Revival News
VIP 2024: Women's Conference 9
10 VIP 2024: Women's Conference


Soul-winning isn’t a program, it’s a Students will be fully trained in one-on-one soul-winning, how to facilitate soul-winning training classes,
lifestyle, and we are committed to conducting outreaches from concept to completion, and launching effective bus ministries in new areas.
mobilizing others to win the lost at any Students will also learn an outreach ministry's administration elements, including marketing/advertising,
cost! Last year, our Summer School finances/donations, recruiting, helps and development, and so much more!
of Evangelism (S.S.E.) saw 24,012
salvation decisions. And this year, we Whether you’re a pastor, ministry leader, or desire to win more souls, S.S.E. is for you!
expect to see an even greater harvest! Register today at We look forward to seeing you there!
Join us this summer from June 3 – July
6, 2024, and make your summer count
for eternity!

S.S.E. students are equipped with

practical hands-on training and
experiences while being taught the
Word of God concerning end-time
evangelism. Students learn how to
reach their cities for Jesus Christ
through exciting topics, including:

• How to Operate in Spiritual Gifts

• Bus Ministry
• Mass Crusades
• How to Carry Revival
• The Five-Fold Ministry
• How to Operate in Signs,
Wonders, and Miracles
• Media & Marketing


Scan the QR code to enroll today.


The River School of the Bible Online The online program provides quality
is actively raising up a new breed Spirit-filled biblical instruction,
of revivalists! We are training men academic training, and practical
and women in the spirit of revival education to men and women
for ministry in 21st century. This is called into the five-fold ministry.
not just for the full-time minister, The ministry program also provides
but for all of God’s people who are instruction for those who desire to
hungry for more. It is a place where become better equipped in other
the Word of God and the Holy Spirit areas of Christian service.
come together to produce life, birth
ministries, and launch individuals to
fulfill the call of God.
"And as soon as the commandment came
abroad, the children of Israel brought in
abundance the firstfruits of corn, wine, and
oil, and honey, and of all the increase of
the field; and the tithe of all things brought
they in abundantly. And concerning the
children of Israel and Judah, that dwelt in

the cities of Judah, they also brought in
the tithe of oxen and sheep, and the tithe
of holy things which were consecrated
unto the Lord their God, and laid them
by heaps. In the third month they began
to lay the foundation of the heaps, and
finished them in the seventh month"
(2 Chronicles 31:5-7 KJV).

The season of HEEEAPS is here, and we
are laying the foundation to receive all
that Heaven has for us! I first preached
about the Heaps on Sunday, February 28,
2021, amidst global upheaval, economical
crises, and total chaos. But during this
time, we activated our faith, continued
to take a stand, and trusted God’s Word
above and beyond any news headline.
And for more than three years, this word
has supernaturally sustained us! The jar

d at io n !
of meal never ran dry, and the cruse of oil

lay in g t h e fo u n
is here, and we are
never failed (1 Kings 17:14)!

And now, the Lord has ignited this word

in us afresh, to lay the foundation of the
heaps! Understand, God’s Word never
changes. What we began preaching over
three years ago is still alive, in effect,
and for YOU and your household today!
Scan the QR Code to watch this year’s
first message on the Heaps—Laying
the Foundation. Allow God’s Word to
become absolute truth in your heart like
never before. Grab the heaps by faith, and
don’t let go of what the Lord has promised
you in His Word!

We serve El Shaddai, and this is The

Year of The Fulfillment of the Promises of
God in Your Life. This month, ask and
expect BIG of the Lord! No matter what
is happening throughout the world, no
matter what has tried to attack you, your
family, your finances, your ministry, or
business. The Lord is with you strong,
and He will supernaturally deliver you,
propelling you into the greatest blessings
you’ve ever seen!

Revival News
VIP 2024: Women's Conference 11
12 VIP 2024: Women's Conference


In 2017, we launched our 300 City World Tour, carrying the
Gospel of Jesus Christ to the far flung corners of the globe, and
mobilizing the Body of Christ to win the lost! In 2023 alone, we
reached 54 cities worldwide, bringing our total global city count
to 246, at end of December 2023.

In February, we headed back out on the road lighting Holy

Ghost fires, and there’s no stopping this mighty move of God.
The Holy Ghost fire-power that came on the Day of Pentecost
has never left the Earth, and we are carriers of this power. We are
the extension of the ministry of Jesus, and together, we will see
another Great Spiritual Awakening before the return of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ!

300 City World Tour - City #247 of 300 – Miami Beach, FL

Attendance: 926 | Altar Call: 135 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 758

300 City World Tour - City #248 of 300 – Irving, TX

Attendance: 982 | Altar Call: 288 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 631

300 City World Tour - City #249 of 300 – Las Vegas, NV

Attendance: 1,356 | Altar Call: 121 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 505

300 City World Tour - City #250 of 300 – Nashville, TN

Attendance: 553 | Altar Call: 62 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 508

300 City World Tour - City #251 of 300 – Hattiesburg, MS

Attendance: 611 | Altar Call: 269 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 484

300 City World Tour - City #252 of 300 – Jackson, MS

Attendance: 505 | Altar Call: 94 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 378

300 City World Tour - City #253 of 300 – Yazoo City, MS

Attendance: 237 | Altar Call: 68 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 185

300 City World Tour - City #254 of 300 – Tupelo, MS

Attendance: 480 | Altar Call: 113 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 377

300 City World Tour - City #255 of 300 – South Haven, MS

Attendance: 296 | Altar Call: 71 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 225

300 City World Tour - City #256 of 300 – Memphis, TN

Attendance: 538 | Altar Call: 202 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 416

300 City Tour Running Totals:

Total Attendance: 361,936
Total Altar Call: 95,568
Total Mobilized: 196,413
The Holy Spirit is a book of
significant importance to the
grab your copy at the R.M.I. Bookstore
Church in this hour.

We are living in the last days, and if

Christians don’t know the Holy Spirit,
are not guided by Him, and are not
filled, flooded, and overflowing with
Him, they won’t make it in these
perilous times.

But when you live saturated in His

presence and power, knowing Him
as your best friend, counselor, and
strength, He will live big in you and
flow through you. You will become His
Voice, Hands, and Feet on Earth—a
vessel used to usher in the coming of
the King of kings and Lord of lords,
Jesus Christ!

You are not reading this by accident,

you are reading this by divine
appointment. You’ve been called and
anointed of God, and raised up for this
day and hour.

“We have the opportunity to be used of

God. The best wine has been kept for
these last days. Will you yield to Him?
Will you be willing to pay the price?
All that the world has to offer does
not even compare to what is to come.
This is the time to get ready. This is
the time to get to know the Person of
the Holy Spirit.” – Dr. Rodney Howard-


Song Titles

1. Holy Forever
2. Name Above All Names
3. Jesus, What a Beautiful Name
& Lift Your Voice and Sing
4. King of Glory & Dance with Me

grab your copy at the R.M.I. Bookstore

Revival News
VIP 2024: Women's Conference 13
14 VIP 2024: Women's Conference


The word of the Lord to Dr. Rodney
was, “You focus on the cities, nations,
and souls, and I will build the building.”
We are excited to announce that over
the next 18 months, we will conclude
Phase I of our buildout project, adding
14,550 sq ft! The upcoming renovations
will include new a new roof area, 12,170
sq ft of new floors, 1,800 new windows
and doors, 2 miles of steel beams
and columns, new HVAC system, 2
elevators, and 5-star hotel-style sitting

This endeavor is an estimated $5.8-

$6M. Just as we saw part 1 of the
Phase I buildout paid in cash, without
borrowing money from any banks,
so shall it be with part 2! We will pay
cash for everything and watch the
Lord perform another miracle. As Dr.
Rodney and the team continue to light
fires of revival throughout the 300 City
World Tour, the Lord will continue to
show Himself strong and mighty on our
behalf. HE will build the building!

Thank you to all of our friends

and partners around the world. It’s
happening, and you are a part! Scan the
QR code below to sow into what God
is doing at The River Church. As you
build God’s house, He will build yours.
“Knowing that whatsoever good thing
any man doeth, the same shall he receive
of the Lord, whether he be bond or free”
(Ephesians 6:8).
The perfect place for car enthusiasts. The world's best cars, under one roof.
We’re putting the pedal to the metal with some
of the most spectacular car shows in Tampa,
Florida! Since our launch in March 2021,
we’ve seen 2,569 cars exhibited under our
Pavilion of Dreams! Everything we do at The
River Church is about souls and winning the
lost at any cost. Our family-friendly shows
include great music, food, cash prizes, and
most importantly, the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

We’ve recorded 4,966 salvation decisions

(at the time of publication) at our shows,
and we are revving up our engines for more!
The first River Car Show fulfilled the prophecy
given by Dr. Ron Phillips who said, “The day
will come when people will come on the
property just to see the cars.” As people come
to see the cars, they also see God’s love and
encounter His Fire-Power that will transform
their lives forever.

Exhibitors: 2 PM - 3:15 PM
Showtime: 3 PM - 5:30 PM

Event Details:
Participant and spectator registration can
both be done online before arrival, OR at the
registration booth at the entry gate.

Car Participant Fee is $15 online prior to the

event. You must pre-register.

Free General
Admission for
Car Show Contest Participant registration
cutoff time is 3:15 PM on the day of the show.
All cars after 3:15 PM will be show only (there is
no registration cutoff time for spectators).

The Car Show field will open to participants at

2 PM on the day of the show, to begin getting
vehicles in position. All registered vehicles are
to be parked on the show field no later than
3:15 PM.

SINCE MARCH 2021, TOTALS: 19,822

CARS: 2,569 SOULS: 4,966
For more information, please visit or scan the QR code. Revival News
VIP 2024: Women's Conference 15
16 VIP 2024: Women's Conference


Daily meditation on God’s Word brings new levels There is Miracle-Working Power Book Excerpt
of revelation, strength, and confidence in who God at the Table of Lord! By Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
has purposed and positioned you to be. Think
on These Things is a weekly devotional that will “…This do in remembrance of Me.”
help build your faith, increase your understanding (1 Corinthians 11:24)
of God's Word, and develop your wisdom for
practical daily application. It will equip you with a Everything you need is at the Table of the Lord – There may be a handful of people overshooting their
firm foundation of God’s Word and His promises divine healing, divine health, divine life, and divine call, but the majority of them are undershooting.
to you! victory! Communion isn’t just a “religious meal” or The majority are just barely getting along, just barely
“religious ritual” many denominations and people using what God has given them. They are hiding
You were born for such a time as this - to be a part have made it out to be. NO! The Table of the Lord their talents and God wants them to reach their full
of the final Great Spiritual Awakening, ushering in is holy. When you partake of it in faith, all of hell potential.
the greatest harvest of souls, before Jesus Christ trembles! Why? The Table represents the devil’s
returns for His glorious Church. In these last days, TOTAL DEFEAT and Christ’s TOTAL VICTORY. God wants us to use everything He has given us,
God’s end-time army (His Church and His Bride) His victory is your victory and includes healing, because the time is short and the end of all things
will take more territory and have greater victories forgiveness, protection, freedom, deliverance, is at hand. He is going to do a quick work, and He
than previous generations! By God’s power, you provision, peace, joy, and abundant blessings. needs people who are available and yielded to Him.
will rise in total faith, fulfill God’s plans for your life,    Evaluate your life and ask, “Lord, am I being used to
and enforce the devil’s defeat as the Kingdom of As you partake, you remember and celebrate the my full potential? Am I using all that You’ve given to
God prevails across the Earth! death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, me?” If not, then, take stock of yourself, because you
the King of kings and Lord of lords! The children don’t want to stand before Him and hear, “Not very
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a of Israel celebrated the Passover feast, eating well done, lazy individual,” instead of, “Well done, thou
workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly the lamb and putting the blood on the side and good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23).
dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV). upper doorposts of their homes. With the lamb in
them and the blood over them, not one was sick or I’d rather do too much than too little. I want to get to
With anointed teachings such as The Restorer of feeble among them when they left Egypt. And they Heaven, and hear God say, “Look, you did more than
Wasted Years, Believing God for Big Things, and went with all the silver and gold of the Egyptians! I ever required you to do.” My worst nightmare would
A Revival Greater Than Pentecost, you will grow be to stand before God and have Him say, “You never
in God’s love, character and spiritual maturity, and Today, as we eat the bread and drink the cup, we did anything I wanted you to do. You didn’t go past
power, standing pure and blameless on the day of celebrate the Lamb of God and His Blood shed for first base.” Again, to confound the wise (1 Corinthians
Jesus Christ’s return. Think on These Things! us. The Lamb lives inside us, and His Blood has 1:27). God does whatever He wants to do!
cleansed us from all unrighteousness! We are the
Blood-bought, Blood-washed children of the most
High God, and there is POWER in the Blood of

Paperback Kindle Paperback Kindle Paperback Kindle

Price: $18.99 Price: $11.99 Price: $9.99 Price: $9.99 Price: $7.99 Price: $7.99
Transfigured was epic! Thousands of
lives were radically transformed in God’s
presence, and you can enjoy all 16 service
replays on or, by scanning
the QR Code. The conference may be over,
but the transfiguration continues!

"And all of us, as with unveiled face,

[because we] continued to behold [in the
Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of
the Lord, are constantly being transfigured
into His very own image in ever increasing
splendor and from one degree of glory to
another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who
is] the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:18 AMPC).

We are transfigured (made better, improved,

and upgraded) from the inside out, by the
activity of the Word of God, and the power of
the Holy Spirit in our lives. This includes the
renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2 KJV
- And be not conformed to this world: but
be ye transformed by the renewing of your
mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good,
and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Your thoughts affect your mind, your mind

affects your confessions, your confessions
affect your vision, and your vision affects
where you go. God gives us His Word and
His Holy Spirit, so that we can renew our
mind to God’s way of thinking, doing, and
being, enabling us to live transfigured and
produce fruit that brings life and blessing to
us, and the lives we touch. And that’s good
news, hallelujah!

Revival News
VIP 2024: Women's Conference 17
18 VIP 2024: Women's Conference

May 19-26


CHRISTIAN TELEVISION NETWORK 3738 River International Drive
Spend a week in Tampa, Florida with Drs. Rodney &
Adonica Howard-Browne, immersing yourself in the

LOVES Word and presence of God. Come and be refreshed,

revived, and empowered to bring revival and a fresh

touch from Heaven to your church, city, state, and



Or watch online at CTNONLINE.COM

July 15-19

July 21-28


August 28-31

October 20 - 27

Revival Always Has A Song!

Check out our latest album releases and carry the sound of
The River everywhere you go!
*All above conferences are held at
3738 River International Drive
Tampa, FL 33610

Price: $15.00 Price: $10.00 Price: $10.00 REVIVAL.COM/EVENTS
Dates and times subject to change.

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