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What is a T-Test Any of a class of statistical tests based on the fact that the test statistic follows the t distribution when the null hypothesis is true. Most t tests deal with hypotheses about the mean of a population or about differences between means of different populations, Where those populations show normal distributions and the variances are unknown and need to be estimated. w O y™ JN Enpurinuctal @ Psycho Didi Companiten jr 2 rp LX (ce a elas aae _ There is no accept. Asumptions of a T-Test YEG Tat MYSELF. The common assumptions made when doing a t-test include those regarding +the scale of measurement, - | aiewval , ‘roti o + random sampling, - + normality of data distribution, + adequacy of samplesizeand — 7 30 + equality of variance in standard deviation. — Calculating a t-test requires three key data values. They include the difference between the mean values from each data set (called the mean difference), the standard deviation of each group, and the number of data values of each group @ Psycho Didi Stas UOC Gu OI mea TOUT Te wW ‘Lorn je One Sample T-Test aoe . ‘The One Sample t Test determines whether the sample mean is statistically different from a known or hypothesized population mean. ‘The One Sample t Test is a parametric test. This test is also known as:Single Sample t Test, Degrees of Freedom = N-1_ Tre One Sample t Test can only, compare a single sample mean toa specified constant. it can not ‘compare sample means between two or more groups + One Sample t-Test In the population, the average 1Q is 100. A team of scientists wants to test anew medication to see if it has either a positive or negative effect on intelligence, or no effect at all. A sample of 30 participants who have taken the medication has a mean of 140 with a standard deviation of 20. Did the medication affect intelligence? Alpha = 0.05 ore ae 4, ot cay Se ‘toon vb COED Independent samples Test, Het @ Psycho Didi SX Pad spin lathe dtansins ‘oupbesncrtwe fr tine Wil co The paired sample t-test, called the dependent sample t-test, is a statistical procedure used to determine whether the mean difference between two sets of observations is zero. In a paired sample t-test, each subject or entity is measured twice, resulting in pairs of observations. Common applications of the paired sample t-test include case-control studies or repeated-measures designs. Suppose you are interested in evaluating the effectiveness of a company training program. Measure the performance of a sample of employees before and after completing the program, and analyze the differences using a paired sample t-test. peBlest tosPest @ Psycho Didi Independent Samples T-Test © —~., _ @ Psycho didi Law 7 Cay Ok ‘The Independent Samples t Test compares the means of two independent groups in order to determine whether there is statistical evidence that the associated population means are significantly different. The Independent Samples t Test is a parametric test. he independent Samples * Test can only compare the means for two (and only two) groups. It cannot make comparisons among more than two groups. Courter we, oN g oe yA 2 ° Non-Parametric Equivalents @ Psycho Didi Data Setup [ete (eaeeteten os 1 Variable 2 Categories independent t-test Mann-Whitney U test Between Subjects = 1 Variable 2 Categories paired ttest_ ———7 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Within-Subjects 1 Variable >2 Categories One-way ANOVA Kruskal Wallis Test Between Subjects a2 1 Variable >2 Categories Within Subjects cana Pearson'sr __> Spearman's p (rho) repeated measures Friedman test ANOVA => Moods median test Correlational Research Correlational research is a type of non-experimental research in which the researcher measures two variables and assesses the statistical relationship (.e., the correlation) between them with little or no effort to control extraneous variables. For instance, the variables of height and weight are systematically related (correla because taller people generally weigh more than shorter people. When there are two variables in the research design, one of them is called the predictor variable and the other the outcome variable. ‘The strength of a correlation between quantitative variables is typically measured using a statistic called Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (or Pearson‘ ‘7 Y Pearson's r ranges from -1.00 (the strongest possible negative relationship) to +1.00 (the strongest possible positive relationship) A value of O means there is no relationship between the two variables. When Pearson's r is 0, the points on a scatterplot form a shapeless "cloud." As its value moves toward -1.00 or +1.00, the points come closer and closer to falling on a single straight line. ~ Correlation coefficients near 10 are considered small, values near + .30 are considered medium, and values near(.50 are considered large. oe @ Psycho Didi Scatter Plots @ Psycho Didi Correlations between quantitative variables are often presented using scatterplots. Each point in the scatter plot represents one person's score on both variables. Taking all the points into account, one can see that people under more stress tend to have more Physical symptoms. This is a good example of a positive relationship, in which higher scores on one variable tend to be associated with higher scores on the other. ‘A negative relationship is one in which higher scores fon one variable tend to be associated with lower scores on the other. Special Correlations @ Psycho Didi (8) ay wen parsunst rie Of pearson) coefficient when the data is ifTrank or Similarly, Kendall's tau (t) is a iFrelation coefficient for rank-order data, Biserial, Point Biserial, Tetrachoric, and Phi coefficient, are the correlations that are useful under special circumstances. ‘Apart from these, multiple correlations, part correlation and partial correlation are useful ways to understand the associations (Please note that the last three require more than two variables). ‘Spearman's Rank Order Correlation oxGpeeran' (rs) is a useful correlation & ‘ Pearson’s r @ Psycho Didi Bot cont ‘The strength of a correlation between quantitative variables is typically measured using a statistic called Pearson's, Correlation Coefficient (or Pearso Pearson's r ranges from -1.00 (the strongest possible negative relationship) to +100 (the strongest possible positive relationship). ~ A value of O means there is no relationship between the two variables. When Pearson's ris 0, the points on ascatterplot form a _“Corlaton measures shapeless *cloud." As its value moves toward -.00 or +1.00, the owlne the points come closer and closer to falling on a single straight tine. fethinge Correlation coefficients near *.10 are considered small, values near + .30 are considered medium, and values near*.50 are Correlation considered large. measures how ‘much things correlate SPEARMAN'S RANK-ORDER CORRELATION OR SPEARMAN'S RHO (RS) —_ @ Psycho Didi Bean come Charles Spearman (1904) developed a correlation procedure known as Spearman's rank-order correlation or Spearman's rho (rs). S Itwas developed to compute correlation when the datais presented on two variables for n subjects. It can also be calculated for data of n subjects evaluated by two judges for inter-judge agreement. It is suitable for the rank-order data. If the data on X or Y or on both the variables are in rank order then Spearman’s/rhqis applicable. It can also be used with continuous data when the assumptions of Pearson's assumptions are not satisfied, It is Used to assess a monotonic relationship. ier pon thon atts T USED THINK | [THEN T Took A | [Sounds Like THE aa CORRELATION IMPLED] | STATISTICS Cass. | | CLASS HELPED. Now I DONT, ried KENDALL'S TAU (T) - @ Psycho Didi very less dota bots Con Kendall's tau is another useful measure of correlation. it is as an alternative to Spearman's rho (rs ). This correlation procedure was developed by Kendall 11938). Kendall's tau is based on an analysis of thwosetS of ranks, WE FOUND THIS CORRELATION Xand. INTHE DATA. EVERYONE The range of tau is from - 1.00 to + 100. The TAREE RBA interpretation of tau is based on the sign and the value of coefficient. The tau value closer to + 1.00 indicates stronger relationship. Positive value of tau indicates positive relationship and vice versa. Pot’ BISERIAL CORRELATION (RPB) | @ Psycho Didi naiaevatday i x iSorete, Some variables are dichotomous. olisovet® . natumd anki Roto BRAS, The dichotomous variable is the one that can be divided pot into two sharply distinguished or mutually exclusive oir Biserial Correlation Example categories. Some examples are, male-female, rural-urban, Indian + Aresearcher wishes to determine ifa significant ‘American, diagnosed with illness and not diagnosed with ‘relationship exists between the gender of the illness, Experimental group and Control Group, etc. worker andif they experience pain while performing an electronics assembly task. These are the truly dichotomous variables for which no + The independent variable isthe question which underlying continuous distribution can be assumed. asks "What is your gender? male female” (Dichotomous) Point Biserial Correlation (rpb) is P roduct, moment correlation between onatruly dichotomous) ee oon eee nd 0S)” Seke"How many years have you been performing variable and other —— the tasks? years” (Ratio) tinuous variable. Algebraically, the rpb = r. So we can similarly calculate rpb. “REEF BISERIAL CORRELATION (RPB) ¥ > @ Psycho Didi anh uiowly cent ‘Some variables are dichotomous. 4 Neerere ‘The dichotomous variable is the one that can be divided into two sharply distinguished or mutually exclusive Point Biserial Correlation Example categories. Some examples are, male-female, rural-urban, Indian- + Aresearcher wishes to determine if significant relationship exists between the gender af the American, diagnosed with illness and not diagnosed with aoe ee Nene sero illness, Experimental group and Control Group, etc. performing an slectrenics nesertiy tak ‘These are the truly dichotomous variables for which no ‘The independent varlable Is the question which underlying continuous distribution can be assumed, asks “Whats your gender? male y Point” Biserial_Corretation(rpbl-is~Pearson’s | roduet— y female” (Dichotomous) omen or relation —tetween one truly” dichotomous +" *iwman years have you beh peng riable-and other— =) thetasts? years” (Ratio) continuous Variable: Agobraically, the rp Tpb =#-S0 wecan similarly cafeulate rpb. disercte PHICOEFFIGIENT "4 2" & pavcho Didi When both the variables are dichotomous, then the Pearson's correlation calculated is called as Phi Coefficient (®) For example, let us say that you have to compute correlation between gender and ownership of the property. ‘The gender takes two levels, male and female. ‘The ownership of property can be measured as either the person owns a property and the person do not own property. Now you have both the variables measured as dichotomous variables. Now if you compute the Pearson's correlation between these two variables is called as Phi Coefficient (@ ). Both the variables take value of either of 0 or 1. . TETRACHORIC CORRELATION (RTET)-—“WVificially obisovehe Tetrachoric correlation is @ correlation between two dichotomous variables that have underlying continuous distribution. If the two variables are measured in a more refined way, then the continuous distribution will result. For example, attitude to females and attitude towards liberalisation are two variables to be correlated. Now, we simply measure them as having positive or negative attitude. So we have O (negative attitude) and 1 (positive attitude) scores available on both the variables. Then the correlation between these two variables can be computed using Tetrachoric correlation (rtet) PHI COEFFICIENT Va @ Psycho Didi When both the variables are dichotomous, then the Pearsofs correlation et is called as Phi Coefficient (@). Zo For example, let us ae it you have to compste correlation vera acer and ownership of the property. The gender takes‘two levels, male and fe The ownerstip of property can ts ured as lther the porn owns a reo an and thé person do not own property. Now you have both the: variable measured as dichosotous variables. ra Now if you compute the Pearson's correlation between these two variables js Called as Phi Coefficient oO Both the variables take value of either of 0 of. TETRACHORIC CORRELATION (RTE- Tetrachorc“correlation is a correlation between two dichotoyr6us variables that haye”Underlying contipu6us distribution. 7 4 Ice two variables are measuréé in a more refined way, thef the continuous di 7 will result. For example, attitude to females-and attitude towards liberalisation are two vari Sook {0 be correlated. Now, we simply measuré them as having positive or‘negative attitude. So we have O (negative attitude) and 1 (positive attitude) scores available on both the variables. Then the correlation between these two variables can be computed using Tetrachoric correlation (rtet) @ Psycho Didi Which of the following is the non-parametric equivalent to paired sample t-test? Kruskal Wallis H test Wilcoxon signed rank test Friedman Test Z-test aN nen ~ OO Psycho Didi -, oN _* Which of the following can be used to analyze the data froma skewed sample, where two mutually exclusive groups are to be compared? — (A) Independent T-test (B) Wilcoxon Signed rank test (C) Kruskal Wallis H test — (By Mann Whitney U test @ Psycho Didi Porned Aresearcher wants to use the dependent/t-test to study a group of 15 participants, but fails to select them randomly. Which of the a following tests can he use instead? A. Independent T-Test B. Paired samples T-test C. Mann Whitney U Test \_B. Wilcoxon signed rank test @ Psycho Didi Which of the following are characteristics of an independent variable used in a true experiment? ~A: Categorical in nature (BContinuous in nature o< C.Manipulated —-—~ D. Stimulus variable ~~ —1LA,bandd— 2. A, bande 3A, candd 4-B;-cand-d-_

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