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1. Causes of burning mouth syndrome.

2. Endocrine abnormality in POEMS syndrome.
3. Hypersensitivity reactions.
4. Maximum molecular weight of molecules that able to cross placenta.
5. Hemolytic anemia.
6. Iron therapy useful in which type of anemia.
7. Macocytic cells seen in which anemia.
8. Hyperlipidemia.
9. Bilirubin.
10. Skin manifestations of cryoglobulinemia.
11. Idiopathic immune thrombocytopenic purpura.
12. Lowest platelets level that prevents bleeding.
13. Emergency treatment of shock.
14. Resuscitation requirement in operation room.
15. Complications of measles.
16. Differences of measles and German measles.
17. Q – fever.
18. Rocky mountain spotted fever.
19. Cryptococcus neoformans.
20. Zoophilic dermatophytes.
21. Most common dermatophyte causing tinea capitis.
22. Chlamydia trachomatis ( many questions ).
23. Late latent syphilis : clinical features.
24. Features of treponema.
25. Bacterial endocarditis : causative organisms.
26. Causative organism of : molloscum contagiosum , herpes simplex ,
herpangina , herpes zoster , AIDS.
27. General features of viruses.
28. Features of retro viruses.
29. Mode of transmission of HIV.
30. Type of cells infected by HIV .
31. Candida albicans : structure , staining , culture , infection.
32. Histoplasmosis.
33. Apocrine glands : 2 questions.
34. Markers of epithelial differentiation.
35. Pheomelanin : which area present.
36. Lamellar granules.
37. Keratohyalin granules.
38. Histology of : eczema, lichenoid reaction, epidermatotropism,
papillomatosis, dyskeratosis.
39. Complement : many questions.

40. Immunoglobulins.
41. Action of TGF-beta.
42. Action of IL-1.
43. Function of macrophage.
44. Range of light wave length important for vit.D synthesis.
45. The most carcinogenic UV light wavelength.
46. Nerve supply of the skin.
47. During pregnancy, androgenic hair growth increase in which area.
48. Eccrine gland : innervations.
49. Eccrine gland : neurotransmitters for their function.
50. Average no. of hair in the scalp.
51. Duration of anagen hair in the scalp.
52. What the region in the body with the highest duration of telogen.
53. Percentage of anagen and telogen hair in the scalp.
54. Major amino acids in the elastic fibers.
55. Structure of collagen.
56. Collagen of basement membrane.
57. Montogomery tubercles.
58. Pattern of electrical waves which cut without coagulation.
59. Sutures : absorbable and non- absorbable .
60. Dangerous areas of undermining.
61. Level of undermining in the scalp.
62. Local anesthetic : groups.
63. Maximum dose of Grenz rays in lifetime.
64. Drug that make skin looks red.
65. Dapsone : side effects.
66. Erythromycin : mode of action.
67. Growth hormones : local side effects.

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