Jenny R. Bermoy - Lesson Plan-Jhs Applicant-Claver District-Cagdianao NHS

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region XIII
Schools Division of Surigao del Norte
Claver District


School Cagdianao National High School Grade 8
Learning Cellular
DAILY LESSON PLAN Teacher Jenny Rabanes Bermoy
Areas Biology
(Senior High School)
Teaching Fourth
July 17, 2023 Quarter

Content Standard : the digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory, respiratory, and excretory
systems in providing the body with nutrients for energy

Performance Standard : present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases resulting

from nutrient deficiency
Most Essentials Learning Competencies
(MELCs) : Explain ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion.
At the end of the learning engagement the students are able to;
1. Identify the organs that make up the digestive system;
2. Give the function of each organ;
3. Describe how some accessory organs and glands help the body in the digestive process;


A. Topic : The Digestive System

B. Reference : Most Essential Learning Competencies
Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM), Science Book, MELCs
C. Instructional Materials : Netbook, LCD projector, Chalk and Board,
PowerPoint Presentation, Handouts, Human Torso Model
D. Knowledge and content Within and across curriculum : English E. Government Thrust
: Nutrition Month
F. Values : Every parts are essential because all parts has their own
G. One word a week : Function

o Classroom Management/Preparatory
a. Opening prayer
“ Let us all stand for a prayer, Student 1 kindly Christian: In the name of the father… (leading the prayer)
lead the prayer” b. Greetings
“ Good afternoon everyone” Good Afternoon Ma’am
“How’s your day” Our day is great Ma’am
“Very Good”
c. Cleanliness and orderliness (The students pick up the pieces of paper and they arrange
the chairs.)
“Before we begin our lesson, kindly pick the pieces
of paper under your chairs and arrange your chairs
properly.” All are present Ma’am (Classroom Secretary)
d. Attendance
Who are absent today?

o Developmental Activities
Picture Analysis The students will answer the activity and afterwards
he/she will share his/her ideas in the class.

Cola and Bread Demonstration
Students will be given a cup of cola and a bread and The Students will perform the activity and answer the
will answer the following questions: question afterwards.

1. What happen to the bread when it contact the

2. What does cola have to make such reactions?
3. In your observation, does this activity happened
in your body? In what Organ System?

o Lesson Proper
(communicating the Learning Objectives) The students will read the objectives.
• Identify the organs that make up the digestive
• Give the function of each organ;
• Describe how some accessory organs and
glands help the body in the digestive process;

The teacher will present a video to the class about the The student will listened and watch the video attentively.
Digestive System. After the Video the Teacher will
now facilitate the discussion using the Power Point
Presentation and Human Torso Model.

(Student-Centered Approach)
The teacher will task the students to discuss the parts Student will present their work in the class and may ask
of the digestive system using the model given and a question if they don’t understand the topic.
power point presentation. The Teacher will give some
materials such as Manila paper and marker to write
their understanding from the video presented and The teacher will call a students to read the slides.
some handout. They will be given 5 mins. To finish
the task.
The teacher will facilitate the learning process.
The students will label the Digestive System according to
LABEL THE PARTS the learning she/he gets during the class discussion.

The teacher will guide the learners in their answers in the

The teacher will guide the learners in their answers in questions, clarifies and gives additional information. The
the questions, clarifies and gives additional teacher will generalize the concept by asking the students
information. The teacher will generalize the concept what they learned.
by asking the students what they learned.

APPLICATION Students will make the activity and share their

understanding in the class.
present an analysis of the data gathered on
diseases resulting from nutrient deficiency

Students are task to share their understanding in the Student will share their insight and understanding for
class explaining the relevance and importance today’s topic.
Digestive System. The teacher will make a
generalization out of the sharing of the students

IV. EVALUATION What I Have Learned

V. Directions: Match the function of the Digestive System in Column A with its part in Column B.

1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
2. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
4. No. of learners who continue to require
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
6. What difficulties did my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
7. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/ discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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