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Curr Genet (2016) 62:283–286

DOI 10.1007/s00294-015-0540-8


Environmental pH adaption and morphological transitions

in Candida albicans
Han Du1 · Guanghua Huang1

Received: 3 November 2015 / Revised: 4 November 2015 / Accepted: 5 November 2015 / Published online: 18 November 2015
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract The human fungal pathogen Candida albicans Introduction

encounters a wide range of pH stresses during its com-
mensal and pathogenic lifestyles. It has been well studied Candida albicans is a common member of the microbiota
that environmental pH regulates the yeast–filamentous in the human gastrointestinal tract, mouth, and genital tract.
growth transition in this fungus. White–opaque switching is It causes superficial infections in both immune-competent
another type of phenotypic transitions in C. albicans. White and immune-compromised individuals and life-threatening
and opaque cells are two morphologically and functionally invasive diseases in immune-compromised patients (Brown
distinct cell types, which differ in many aspects including et al. 2012). To survive and proliferate, C. albicans must be
global gene expression profiles, virulence, mating compe- able to sense and respond rapidly to changes of the environ-
tency, and susceptibility to antifungals. The switch between ment in the diverse niches of the human host. The change
white and opaque cell types is heritable and epigenetically of ambient pH is one of the major challenges often encoun-
regulated. In a recently study, Sun et al. (Eukaryot Cell tered by this pathogen. C. albicans can virtually colonize
14:1127–1134, 2015) reported that pH plays a critical role any organs of humans with a wide range of pH conditions
in the regulation of the white–opaque phenotypic switch (from pHs of <2 to pHs of >10) (Davis 2003; Kararli 1995;
and sexual mating in C. albicans via both the conserved Selvig and Alspaugh 2011). pH homeostasis and adapta-
Rim101-mediated pH sensing and cAMP signaling path- tion to its changes is critical for the growth and virulence of
ways. The effect of pH on the two biological processes may C. albicans. It has been well investigated that pH controls
represent a balancing act between host environmental adap- yeast–filamentous growth transitions and pathogenesis in
tation and sexual reproduction in this pathogenic fungus. C. albicans [reviewed in (Biswas et al. 2007; Davis 2003,
2009; Huang 2012)]. In a recent study, we reported that
Keywords Candida albicans · pH regulation · pH regulates white–opaque transitions, another phenotypic
Morphological transitions · Epigenetic regulation · Sexual system, and sexual mating in C. albicans (Sun et al. 2015).
development · Rim101 · cAMP signaling pathway

pH‑regulated filamentation and white–opaque

switching in C. albicans

Phenotypic plasticity is one of the most striking features

of C. albicans biology. The transitions between differ-
Communicated by M. Kupiec. ent morphological phenotypes represent a response of C.
albicans to environmental changes (Biswas et al. 2007;
* Guanghua Huang Sudbery 2011; Whiteway and Bachewich 2007). Different
cellular morphologies play different roles in the processes
State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, of infection and adaptation to different host niches. Acidic
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China pH represses the yeast-to-filamentous growth transition,

284 Curr Genet (2016) 62:283–286

while neutral and alkaline pH conditions promote filamen-

tation (Biswas et al. 2007; Davis 2003). Since the pH of
the human blood and tissues is neutral or weakly alkaline,
filamentation under these pH conditions would facilitate
C. albicans cells to invade and colonize host tissues. C.
albicans can also actively modify the environmental pH
through metabolism of available nutrients. For example,
in the presence of glucose, the growth of C. albicans can
acidify the medium by glycolysis. Alternatively, under the Fig. 1  Environmental regulation of white–opaque switching in C.
conditions of carbon deprivation, C. albicans uses amino albicans. UV ultraviolet, Wh white cell type, Op opaque cell type.
Cells (of GH1349, a derivative of WO-1) were grown on agar plates
acids as the carbon source and alkalinizes the extracellular
of Lee’s medium containing 5 μg/ml phloxine B, a red dye exclu-
environment by the production of ammonia. This alteration sively staining opaque cells
of environmental pH affects yeast–filamentous growth tran-
sitions and may play a role in colonizing the host and caus-
ing infections (Stewart et al. 1989; Vylkova et al. 2011). be opaque incompetent (Lockhart et al. 2002; Miller and
White and opaque cells are two distinct cell types Johnson 2002). CO2 promotes the opaque phenotype pri-
(Anderson and Soll 1987; Slutsky et al. 1987). White cells marily through the cAMP signaling pathway and some
are small and relatively round, while opaque cells are unidentified mechanisms, which converge on the transcrip-
large and elongated. Under scanning microscopy, the sur- tion factor Flo8 (Du et al. 2012). Flo8 finally activates the
face of the cell wall of mature opaque cells is rough and expression of the master regulator gene of white–opaque
exhibits a “pimpled” pattern, while that of white cells is switching, WOR1 (Du et al. 2012; Huang et al. 2006; Sri-
smooth. Opaque cells constitutively produce several types kantha et al. 2006; Zordan et al. 2006). Similar to its role in
of secreted aspartyl proteinases (Saps), which cause deg- filamentation, GlcNAc induces white-to-opaque switching
radation of host tissues. Therefore, opaque cells are better majorly through the cAMP signaling pathway (Huang et al.
at cutaneous infections than white cells. White cells exhibit 2010). High temperatures (>27 °C) promote opaque-to-
high virulence in mouse systemic infection systems pos- white switching when glucose is used as the carbon source,
sibly due to their stronger abilities of filamentation and but induce white-to-opaque switching when GlcNAc is
stress resistance in response to diverse host environments used as the carbon source (Huang et al. 2010). In the recent
(Kvaal et al. 1999; Xie et al. 2013). The switching between study, Sun et al. found that acidic pH has an inducing effect
white and opaque cell types is bi-stable, heritable, and on white-to-opaque switching in several clinical isolates
epigenetically regulated (Lohse and Johnson 2009; Slut- of C. albicans (Sun et al. 2015). Unlike CO2 and GlcNAc,
sky et al. 1987; Soll 2009). Each cell type can maintain its the inducing effect of acidic pH is highly dependent on the
original cell type for many generations and can also spon- genetic background of strains. pH conditions affect both
taneously switch to the other phenotype. Both white and CO2- and GlcNAc-induced opaque cell formation. Under
opaque cells are single-celled yeast, but differ in a number acidic pH conditions, both CO2 and GlcNAc cause a higher
of biological aspects, including colony morphologies, cel- rate of induction of the opaque phenotype (Sun et al. 2015).
lular appearances, global gene expression profiles, meta- CO2 and pH are tightly linked in environmental and bio-
bolic profiles, susceptibility to environmental stresses and logical systems. The dissociation of CO2 leads to acidifica-
the host immune cells, ability of biofilm development, and tion of the intracellular environment. It remains to be inves-
mating competency (Huang 2012; Mathé and Van Dijck tigated whether CO2-induced opaque cell formation is due
2013; Prasad and Singh 2013; Soll 2009). The environ- to acidification of the intracellular environment.
mental and genetic regulation of white–opaque transitions
occurs in a bi-directional or “yin-yang” fashion. A pleth-
ora of host-related environmental factors is involved in pH‑regulated sexual mating in C. albicans
this epigenetic regulation (Alby and Bennett 2009; Hnisz
et al. 2009; Huang 2012; Huang et al. 2009, 2010; Ram- Sexual reproduction is common in eukaryotic organisms.
irez-Zavala et al. 2008; Soll 2009; Sun et al. 2015; Fig. 1). White–opaque switching controls sexual mating in C.
For example, CO2 and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), albicans (Miller and Johnson 2002). To mate, white cells
two abundant molecules in the host gut, induce white-to- must first switch to the opaque cell type since only opaque
opaque switching (Huang et al. 2009, 2010). The com- cells can mate efficiently. Therefore, the inducing effect of
bined use of these two environmental cues can even induce acidic pH on the opaque phenotype would be expected to
white-to-opaque switching in a subset of MTL heterozy- facilitate sexual mating in C. albicans. However, we found
gous (a/α) strains (Xie et al. 2013), which were thought to that opaque cells mate much less efficiently at acidic pHs

Curr Genet (2016) 62:283–286 285

than at neutral or weakly alkaline pHs (Sun et al. 2015). In albicans. Consistently, deletion of RIM101 led to the loss
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, pre-treatment of the MATa and of acidic pH-induced opaque phenotype, suggesting that
MATα cells in acidic pH media significantly increases its Rim101 plays a major role in this regulation (Sun et al.
mating efficiency (Soellick and Uhrig 2001). The induc- 2015).
tion of sexual agglutinability by pheromone in Hansenula
wingei is also highly dependent on pH (Yanagishima and
Fujimura 1981). Sexual reproduction is the engine of The cAMP signaling pathway
genetic diversity, but it increases “costs” compared to asex-
ual reproduction (Barton and Charlesworth 1998; Ni et al. The cAMP signaling pathway is involved in the regulation
2011). The increased mating efficiency due to phenotypic of many biological aspects in C. albicans (Wang 2013).
switching in C. albicans could be offset by the repressing Mutants of this pathway (including ras1/ras1, cyr1/cyr1,
effect of acidic pH conditions on mating. White–opaque and pde2/pde2 mutants) undergo the white-to-opaque
switching involves rapid or short-term adaptations to the switch at a rate similar to that of the wild-type control (Sun
environmental changes, while sexual mating is critical for et al. 2015). However, white and opaque cells of the cyr1/
genetic variations and long-term adaptation. pH could play cyr1 mutant (mutant of the adenylyl cyclase gene) exhibit
a balancing act on these two biological processes. Sun et al. a distinct growth defects under different pH conditions.
(2015) further demonstrated that acidic pH represses sex- White cells of the cyr1/cyr1 mutant show growth defects
ual mating in C. albicans through the pheromone response under alkaline pH conditions, while opaque cells of the
pathway (Sun et al. 2015). In contrast to the neutral or mutant grow worse under acidic pH conditions. Therefore,
weak alkaline pH conditions, the expression of a-phero- the cAMP signaling pathway could regulate the two cell
mone and the α-pheromone receptor gene STE2 in “MTLa” populations indirectly through the control of growth rate.
cells could not be efficiently induced by α-pheromone or
opaque α cells under acidic pH conditions. Mutation assays
indicate that the Ste2-MAPK pheromone response pathway Conclusion
is essential for this induction.
Humans are natural reservoirs for C. albicans. In the long
history of association with humans, this fungus has evolved
The Rim101‑pH sensing pathway and well adapted to diverse niches of the host. The involve-
ment of pH regulation in the unique phenotypic switch and
The conserved PacC/Rim101 pathway plays a critical role sexual reproduction could represent one of these adaption
in pH sensing in fungi (Maeda 2012). As mentioned ear- mechanisms to the fluctuating environment. The balancing
lier, Rim101 regulates pH-controlled morphological transi- role of pH in these two biological processes would not only
tions and virulence in C. albicans (Davis 2009). Deletion contribute to its rapid environmental adaptation ability, but
of RIM101 suppresses alkaline pH-induced filamentation also the increase of genetic diversity in the context of long-
(Davis et al. 2000). Phr1 and Phr2 are two genes, encoding term evolution in C. albicans.
beta-1,3- and beta-1, 6-glucan crosslinking glycosidases
in C. albicans, differentially regulated by Rim101 under Acknowledgments The authors thank Drs. Mira Edgerton and Yue
Wang for their insightful comments on the manuscript. The work in
different pH conditions (Davis et al. 2000; Fonzi 1999). the Huang lab was supported by Grants from the Chinese National
PHR1 is expressed at pHs >5.5, while PHR2 is exclusively Natural Science Foundation (31370175, 31170086, and 81322026 to
expressed at acidic pHs (<5.0). The phr1/phr1 mutant G.H.) and the “100 Talent Program” Grant from the Chinese Acad-
exhibits growth defects under alkaline pH conditions, while emy of Sciences (to G.H.).
the phr2/phr2 mutant grows poorly under acidic pH condi-
tions. Deletion of RIM101 and PHR1 had no obvious effect
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