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Statistical Experiments- are process that generate a set of data

Random Experiments- are experiments whose outcomes cannot be predicted
Sample Space- set of all possible outcomes of an experiment
Sample Point- element of an sample space or one possible outcomes of an experiment
Tree Diagram- very helpful in getting sample space. Uses branches to determine all the outcomes of an experiment
● able to make a decision, tool for decision making process
● method of collecting, processing, summarizing and analyzing data in order to provide answers or solutions.
● studies the possible outcomes of given mathematics
● events tell us how likely an event to happen.


1 . Theoretical or a Prior Approach- model are set up to find the probability by calculation.
2 . Experimental or a Posteriori Approach- performed repeatedly to determine the certain events
3. Subjective Approach- assigned based on intuition, belief, knowledge and experience.

Events- is a subset of a sample space

Empty set/null set- possible to have an event that contains no sample point.

Probability of an event A is given by:

P(A)= n/N
n- number of sample points in an event
N- number of sample points in the entire sample space

Mutually Exclusive-
● Can't happen at the same time
● When two events A and B are mutually exclusive, the probability that A and B will be occur is given by:
● P ( A U B) = P(A) + P(B)
Non Mutually Exclusive-
● Events that can happen at the same time
● one of the probabilities of the common outcomes must subtracted since it has been calculated twice
● P (A U B)= P(A) + P(B) – P (A ∩ B)

Complement of an event-
● complement of an event A is the sample space S that are not included in the outcomes of event A
● This is denoted by A ( read as "A prime").


Random Variable-
● functions that assigns or real number to each element of the sample space
● are denoted by uppercase letters such as X, Y, or Z
1 . Discrete Random Variable- variable that could take only a finite or countable number of possible values.
ex: number of students in a class
2. Continuous Random Variable- variable that takes on an uncountable number of values.
ex: weight


1 . Probability Mass Function- is a table, a formula, or a graph showing the possible values of the random variable
together with their corresponding probabilities.
2. Mass points- possible values of the random variable
3. Tabular Representation- the given data set is presented in rows and columns.
4. Graphical Representation- use of charts and graphs to visually display, analyze, clarify, and interpret numerical
data, functions, and other qualitative structures.

P (X= x) ≥ 0
● requires that probabilities should be non negative
∑ P(X=x)= 1
● the sum of the probabilities for all the possible values of a random variable is equal to 1.

Mean of Random Variable-

● central location of a random variable is called the expected value or mean of that random variable
● mean or random variable of x is not a prediction of the value of x but only am expectation
Variance of a Random Variable-
● measure of variability or the spread of the values for the random variable
● computed by getting the sum of the weighted squared differences or the values from the expected value or
Formula: Var [ X ]= σx2 = (xi − μ)2 • P(x)
Standard Deviation Formula: σx= √Var[ x ]

Bernoulli experiments and Binomial Distribution- experiments that results in only two possible outcomes
Properties of Binomial Experiment:
1 . There must be n repeated coins
2. The trial must be independent of one another
3. Each trial results in either success or a failure. This means each of the n trials is a Bernoulli experiment.
4. The probability of success must remain the same for each trial is denoted p, Thus, the probability of failure by 1-p

Bernoulli Experiments

nCx- number of combinations of n items taken at a time

p- probability of success each trial
q- probability of failure in each trial
n- number of independent trials
x- number of success x= 0,1, 2, … n

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