Chameleon Hydrochromic

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chameleon” chameleon ' Specialist Colour Change Inks Technology 5 Florida Holidays LCR Halleres?s Chameleon® Hydrochromic Inks and Coatings reac to the presence of water by either reversibly disoppearing to reveal a message or colour beneath, or by irreversibly washing off io reveal a message or image Chameleon® Irreversible Inks ~ LCR Hollerest produce wo lypes of Ireversible Ink. The first changes from a colour to white when exposed to water and remains so when dry again, The second dissolves and washes olf the surface revealing a message or image below ond is available in Blue or Black 7 > Coloured White Chameleon® Reversible Inks ~ This ink is creamy while in appearance bul becomes translucent when exposed fo waler revealing a pale message or colourful design below and then reverting back fo a creamy while stale when dry. The reversible ink is available in white only and is either screened or sprayed over on image > > Dry Wet Dry Application usage for both reversible and irreversible inks is enormous ranging {rom injeractive game cards and vouchers to designs on malerials such os umbrellas and footwear transforming the products info colourful designs once the waler has hit them, Irreversible inks can also be smarily used as proof of water contamination within produc's such as mobile phones informing the provider or insurance company lo the Tact thai hey may have been exposed 10 water. LoRMallerest ie, iotsde Busing, Dock Ra Connas Quay, Fina, Ch 408 LCR “To: 44 (0) 1244 817107 Fax +44 (0) 1244 818502 Hallerest

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