Cuento Ingles

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said by strangers

One day a boy who was happy and very cheerful, walked through the streets of his city
smiling until a girl spoke to him "if your teeth were whiter, your smile would be pretty." He
looked at her, he saw her teeth and they were yellower than his, he didn't say anything
and kept walking until an older man stopped him, "if you were taller, you would look
better," the boy gave him a tight smile, because the older man was much shorter than him,
but he didn't say anything and continued but the old man's words stayed in his mind "am I
too short?" He asked himself.

When out of nowhere a woman stopped him "if you didn't wear that hoodie you would
look better" he looked at her and saw that the woman was wearing the same hoodie, then
he continued towards his destination.

He was thinking about everything the strangers had told him. and a little boy spoke to him
"if you had shorter hair you would look better" he continued, he put on his hoodie hat and
suggested. Already with his hat on and decided to put on his headphones, until a very
angry man spoke to him, "you stepped on the leaves, that I was collecting! If you weren't
so distracted, you would be more useful." apologized and continued, paying attention to
the rut.

until another boy stopped him, “if you had cleaner shoes, they would be prettier” he
looked at the boy, who had even dirtier shoes. He didn't say anything and continued
walking, and suddenly someone else stopped him. “If you used better perfume, I would go
out with you.” He looks at her and continues on his way, seeing his shoes, covering hid
hair, hiding his smile, unsure of his height and even from his perfume.

He was still walking when an older woman spoke to him from the balcony of her house, “if
you had better posture, you would look taller,” he looked at her and then continued
walking, and a girl stopped him, “if you had blue eyes, you would look better.” He looked
into her eyes, the girl had the darkest eyes he had ever seen, he just kept walking, looking
at the ground, as he walked.
When he arrived at his destination he looked at the house, after a few minutes he knocked
on the door, and an older lady opened it, greeted him with a hug and let him in, once
inside the lady served some cups of tea, in cups that were They looked very old but very
well cared for. Accompanying the tea, the lady served homemade cookies on a plate on
the table. While they were both eating.

the old woman asked his, "Has something happened?" I see you very self-conscious” the
boy looked at her and told his everything that had been said to him, the old woman looked
at him, smiled and said “if you didn't pay attention to what strangers say, you would be
The boy agreed and hugged his grandmother, thanking her for her advice.


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