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Ques 1. At what time must a current of 20A pass through a solution of zinc sulphate to deposit 3g of
zinc? (2 marks)

Ques 2. Why does hydrogen always get attracted towards the cathode and oxygen at anode? (2 marks)

Ques 3. What are the types of electrolysis? (1 mark)

Ques 4. Does pure water conduct electricity? (1 mark)

Ques 5. Which metal never conducts electricity? (2 marks)

Ques 6. Paheli had heard that rainwater is considered as good as distilled water. So, she collected some
rainwater in a clean glass tumbler and tested it with the use of a tester. To her surprise she found that
the needle of the compass showed deflection. What could be the reason for deflection? (2 marks)

Ques 7. If the ammeter did not show any flow of electric current initially, nut when a few drops of dil.
sulphuric acid was added to the liquid Z, the ammeter shown deflection. Identify liquid Z. (1 mark)

(A) Pure water

(B) Vinegar

(C) Brine solution

(D) Honey

Ques 8. What is the advantage of using LED over bulb while testing the electrical conductivity of liquids?
(2 marks)

Ques 9. What is an electrolyte? (1 mark)

Ques 10. Why is zinc electroplated on iron? (1 mark)


1. When a metal is heated to a high temperature and electrons are emitted from its surface, this is
known as ____ (a) photoelectric emission (b) Thermionic emission (c) field emission

(d) secondary emission

2. The term electrical discharge means (a) voltage is a gas (b) current in a liquid ( c) current in a gas
(d) voltage in a liquid.

3. Which of the following is an application of glow discharge phenomena? (a) filament lamp

(b) fluorescent lamp (c) cathode ray oscilloscope (d) electron microscope .
4. Which of the following is an application of hot cathode emission. (a) filament lamp (b) cathode ray
oscilloscope (c) electron telescope (d) Binoculars

5. Which of the following contributed to conduction in a gas? (i) molecules (ii) electrons (iii) ions (A) I
only (b) II only (c) I and III only (d) II and III only.


1 (a) Draw a labeled diagram of a cathode ray oscilloscope showing the essential parts (b)
What are the functions of: (i) the hot filament (ii) the anode (iii) fluorescent screen

(iv) deflector plates

(c) State one way in which cathode rays differ from electromagnetic waves

2 (a) Describe briefly how electrons can be liberated from i. a cold cathode ii. A hot cathode

(b) What is thermionic emission.

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