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Energy Economics 34 (2012) 1244–1249

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International coal trade and restrictions on coal consumption

David A. Riker ⁎
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Coal consumption is a major source of CO2 emissions and other air pollutants and is therefore a focus of en-
Received 11 August 2009 vironmental policy. However, countries that restrict their coal consumption will likely expand their coal ex-
Received in revised form 9 November 2011 ports to foreign markets with fewer restrictions on consumption. The adjustment in international trade will
Accepted 17 November 2011
mitigate the impact on coal industry employment but will also reverse some of the reduction in global emis-
Available online 3 December 2011
sions. This paper quantifies the impact of restrictions on coal consumption in the United States and several
JEL classification:
other large countries on global coal consumption, trade, and industry employment. The impact calculations
F14 are based on an econometric model of the international coal market. The parameters of the model are fitted
F18 to panel data on coal consumption and production in 53 countries.
Q41 © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

International trade
Econometric analysis
Environmental policy

1. Introduction on the price responsiveness of consumption and production in each of

the countries that trade coal. It will also depend on the number of
There is considerable debate over how to reduce emissions of CO2 countries that limit their coal consumption. If more countries restrict
and other greenhouse gases. Because coal consumption is a major their coal consumption, then leakage will be reduced, but the nega-
source of CO2 emissions, accounting for approximately one-third of tive impact on coal production and industry employment will be
total U.S. emissions in 2008, coal consumption is often a focus of en- magnified.
vironmental policy. 1 While there is hope that technological innova- This paper presents an econometric model of the international
tion can reduce the rate of emissions per ton of coal consumed, coal market that relates coal production and consumption in each
there is likely a limit to the reductions in total emissions that can be country to its national aggregate expenditures, population, coal re-
achieved through cleaner coal-burning processes. 2 As a practical mat- serves, coal prices, and barriers to international trade. The model im-
ter, significantly reducing emissions requires some reductions in the plies a system of reduced-form equations for the volumes of coal
level of coal consumption. consumption and production in each country. These equations serve
Countries that reduce their coal consumption will still have abun- as the specification in an econometric analysis. I fit the parameters
dant coal production capacity. Coal producers in these countries will of the econometric model to annual panel data that include 53 coun-
offset some of the decline in production levels by expanding exports tries over the 10-year period between 1999 and 2008. 3
to foreign markets that do not restrict consumption. The result is an The paper presents three sets of economic impact calculations
increase in coal consumption abroad, and the resulting increase in based on the econometric model. In all three scenarios, coal con-
emissions abroad (often described as leakage) will offset some of sumption is reduced by 10% in participating countries and there are
the emissions reductions achieved by the countries that reduce their no restrictions on consumption in the rest of the international mar-
consumption levels. The extent of leakage will depend fundamentally ket. In the first scenario, the United States, Canada, and the European
Union reduce coal consumption by 10%, for a combined annual reduc-
tion of 178 million tons. 4 According to the model, the 112 million ton
⁎ Tel.: + 1 301 424 6540.
E-mail address:
1 3
DOE (2008). U.S. Department of Energy. Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the The econometric analysis also includes alternatives that fit the model to a longer
United States 2008. Report #DOE/EIA – 0573(2008). time period.
2 4
DOE (2006) provides a summary of progress toward the development of low emis- The tables of results also report several variations of the model as a sensitivity
sions coal energy alternatives. analysis.

0140-9883/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D.A. Riker / Energy Economics 34 (2012) 1244–1249 1245

decrease in U.S. consumption is partly offset by a 52 million short ton Trade Share of Global Coal Consumption
increase in U.S. coal exports. The direct impact on the CO2 emissions 16.00%
of the participating countries is a reduction of 318 million metric 14.00%
tons. Because there is an increase in coal consumption in countries
that do not participate, the net global reduction in CO2 emissions is 12.00%
only 253 million metric tons. The restriction in coal consumption re-
duces U.S. coal industry employment by approximately 4800
workers. 8.00%
The second scenario adds Australia, Japan, and New Zealand to the
list of participating countries, and the third scenario adds China. As
more countries restrict coal consumption, there is less of an increase 4.00%
in U.S. coal exports and therefore a larger negative impact on U.S.
coal industry employment. In the second scenario, U.S. coal exports
increase by 35 million tons, and U.S. coal industry employment falls 0.00%
by approximately 6200 workers. The impacts on U.S. industry em- 1980 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007
ployment and net global CO2 emissions are substantially larger in
Fig. 1. Trade share of global coal consumption. Source of the data: EIA.
the third scenario, since China is the largest coal consumer in the
The econometric approach in this paper is an alternative to the modeling framework. Section 4 reports the impact calculations.
computable general equilibrium (CGE) approach to modeling climate Section 5 offers concluding remarks.
change policies in Anderson and McKibbin (2000), Babiker (2005),
Bohringer and Rutherford (2002), Kremers et al. (2003), Light 2. Overview of the data
(1999), and Weyant (1999). 5 The econometric approach and the
CGE approach have different strengths and limitations, and in this The Energy Information Administration (EIA) in the U.S. Depart-
sense they are complementary analyses. My econometric approach ment of Energy reports annual coal consumption and production by
utilizes observed fluctuations in the GDP of each of the trading coun- country between 1980 and 2008. The EIA data include more than
tries to statistically identify the relative magnitudes of the price re- 200 countries or territories in total, but many of these had minimal
sponsiveness of coal consumption and coal production. I fit the coal consumption and production volumes in most years and there-
parameters of the model to recent international data, and the esti- fore are not included in the model. The EIA also publishes annual sta-
mates have confidence intervals that quantify the precision of the tistics on CO2 emissions from coal consumption in each of the
predicted economic impacts. countries, 2005 estimates of national coal reserves, employment and
On the other hand, the econometric model lacks several important labor productivity in the U.S. coal industry, and the domestic and for-
capabilities of CGE models. First, policies to reduce emissions would eign distribution of shipments of coal produced in the United States.
likely be applied more broadly than the coal industry. For example, International coal trade has increased over the past three decades.
the policies could have a direct impact on the prices of other fossil Fig. 1 shows that the ratio of worldwide coal exports to worldwide
fuels that are substitutes for coal. The impact calculations in this coal consumption increased from 7.2% in 1980 to 15.0% in 2008. On
paper implicitly hold fixed the price of substitute fuels. To the extent a global basis, the EIA data report that there is a less than 1% imbal-
that there are comparable restrictions applied to substitute fuels, the ance between consumption and production in 2008, as expected. At
calculations based on the econometric model could overstate the neg- the national level, however, imbalances between consumption and
ative impact on production volumes. production volumes are large. Countries that produce more coal
Second, the impact calculations based on the econometric model than they consume are net exporters. Table 1 lists the volumes of
treat GDP in each country as an exogenous variable. If restrictions coal consumed and produced in the largest coal-consuming countries
on coal consumption were to reduce the country's GDP, this could af- in 2008. India, Germany, Japan, and South Korea consumed more coal
fect factor prices and have general equilibrium effects on coal produc- than they produced in 2008. China, the United States, countries that
tion decisions. However, from the perspective of the coal industry, the were part of the Former Soviet Union, South Africa, Australia, and Po-
general equilibrium effects would likely be small relative to the direct land consumed less than they produced.
effects on consumption, exports, and industry employment that are GDP is an important determinant of its volume of coal consump-
the focus of the econometric model. tion. In the 10-year period between 1999 and 2008, there was a
Third, the economic impact calculations based on the econometric correlation of approximately 0.55 between each country's GDP and
model do not try to predict whether any workers that are displaced its annual volume of coal consumption. The GDP measure in this
from the coal industry will be re-employed in other industries or re- analysis is the United Nations' annual constant-dollar measure of
main unemployed, and the calculated impact on coal industry employ- GDP.6
ment implicitly assumes fixed wages. A CGE model with perfect labor The volume of U.S. coal exports adjusts to fluctuations in demand
markets would predict that the displaced coal workers would be re- in the U.S. and abroad. Between 1980 and 2008, annual U.S. coal ex-
employed in other parts of the economy and that there would be a ports reached a high of 114 million tons and a low of 40 million
small decline in wage rates. The decline in wage rates would mitigate tons, a swing of over 70 million tons. U.S. export volumes can increase
the reduction in coal industry employment. For this reason, the esti- substantially from year to year. For example, between 2006 and 2008,
mate based on the econometric model is likely an upper bound (and U.S. coal exports increased by 32 million tons.
overestimate) of the decline in industry employment. The EIA's 2007 data on the distribution of U.S. coal shipments
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes across domestic and foreign markets indicate that most U.S. coal pro-
the data set used in the econometric analysis. Section 3 presents the duction is already shipped long distances. In 2007, 744 million tons

5 6
Smith et al. (1995) is another example of an econometric approach. It includes The model is also estimated using each country's final consumer expenditure, an
country-specific econometric models of fossil fuel demand, but the econometric anal- alternative measure of real aggregate expenditure that is published by the United
ysis is limited to eight countries. Nations.
1246 D.A. Riker / Energy Economics 34 (2012) 1244–1249

Table 1 and producers in exporting countries are indifferent between export-

National coal consumption and production levels in 2008. ing and domestic shipments. The trade costs create a wedge between
Country Consumption in millions Production in millions the coal price in each country and the global component of coal
of short tons of short tons prices, PW. The wedge Sj is equal to the magnitude of the trade
China 2830 2848 costs. It is negative if country j is a net exporter of coal and is positive
United States 1122 1171 if country j is a net importer. Therefore, Pj = PW + Sj in equilibrium.
India 638 568
FSU Countries 457 563
3.2. Coal consumption and production
Germany 270 214
Japan 204 0
South Africa 194 260 Eq. (1) is a linear approximation of the supply curve of coal pro-
Australia 161 439 ducers in country j in each year. 9
Poland 149 158
Republic of Korea 113 3
Y j ¼ α j þ βj Pj þ εj ð1Þ
All others 1110 1047

Source of the data: EIA.

Yj is the volume of coal produced in country j, αj is a country-
specific effect that is fixed over the estimation period, Pj is the
were shipped out of the state of origin and beyond the neighboring country-specific price of coal, and εj represents unobservable supply
states. In addition, over 60% of U.S. coal exports in 2007 originated factors. The coefficient on price in this equation increases in Rj, the
in major land-locked production states, including 34% from West Vir- level of proven coal reserves in country j. Specifically, βj = βRj2.
ginia, 14% from Wyoming, and 12% from Kentucky. These statistics in- Eq. (1) is derived from a coal industry cost function in the Appendix.
dicate that the major coal-producing states have significant access to Eq. (2) is a linear approximation of the coal demand curve in
the broader international coal market, and that significant increases country j in each year.
in U.S. coal exports are feasible.
In 2008, the U.S. coal industry employed almost 87,000 workers, C j ¼ γ j þ δj GDPj −φj P j þ μ j ð2Þ
down from 174,000 workers in 1985. The workforce in 2008 was con-
centrated in a few states, with 25.4% in West Virginia, 21.8% in Ken-
tucky, 9.5% in Pennsylvania, and 7.9% in Wyoming. Cj is the volume of coal consumed in country j, GDPj is the
The model in this paper does not address fluctuations in coal constant-dollar national aggregate expenditure in country j, γj is a
stocks. EIA does not publish international data on coal stocks, but its country fixed effect, and μj represents unobservable demand factors.
data for the United States indicate that fluctuations in coal stocks The coefficient on price in the consumption equation increases in
are not a significant factor in the annual data examined in the econo- the size of the market, GDPj. Specifically, φj = φ GDPj. The magnitude
metric analysis: while U.S. coal stocks are substantial at any point in of the coefficient on price could also reflect possibilities for energy
time, the year-to-year fluctuations are relatively small. For example, conservation and substitution of alternative fuels, though the model
the year-end coal stock in the U.S. averaged 20.3% of U.S. annual con- does not include a country-specific analysis of fuel switching possibil-
sumption over the time period, but the variance of the annual ratios ities. The coefficient on aggregate expenditure in the country is in-
was only 0.3%. To the extent that flows in and out of inventories creasing in the country's population, Nj, consistent with patterns in
were steady, the magnitudes of the coal stocks will be absorbed in the data. Specifically, δj = δNj.
the country fixed effects of the econometric model. Eqs. (1) and (2) allow for differences in the volumes of coal pro-
Finally, many of EIA's international coal data series aggregate all duction and consumption across countries through the country
types of coal. The series do not distinguish between ranks of coal fixed effect, the levels of aggregate expenditure, reserves, and popula-
(e.g., anthracite, bituminous, lignite). Due to this data limitation, the tion, and the unobservable variables. The econometric model also in-
econometric model also aggregates across the ranks of coal. cludes year fixed effects in both of the equations. The year fixed
(Section 3.3 discusses how the data aggregation affects the interpre- effects control for developments in alternative fuel sources and
tation of the econometric model.) other forms of technological progress that are discussed in Smith et
al. (1995).
The volumes of coal consumption and production in the different
3. Framework for modeling the international coal market
countries are linked through the global component of coal prices,
PW. Eq. (3) is the global market-clearing condition that implicitly de-
The equations for the equilibrium in the international coal market
termines PW for each year.
are the basis for the econometric specification and for the economic
impact calculations.
∑k Y k ¼ ∑k C k ð3Þ

3.1. Costs of international trade

In each year, the sum of coal production in all of the countries
Although international coal trade has been expanding over time (indexed by k) is equal to the sum of coal consumption in all of the
and there is evidence of increased global market integration, trade countries.
is still limited for two reasons.7 First, it is costly to ship coal between
countries. Second, many countries can supply their requirements 3.3. Aggregation of different ranks of coal
from their own reserves. 8
In the model, trade costs are represented by constant marginal There are many ranks of coal, including anthracite, bituminous,
costs per ton that vary across countries but are fixed over the estima- sub-bituminous, and lignite. However, the model treats coal as if it
tion period. Consumers in importing countries are indifferent be- were a homogenous commodity, because most of the EIA internation-
tween imports and the domestic product at market clearing prices, al coal data are reported on an aggregated (i.e., all coal) basis. Since
the model is linear, aggregation of the coal volumes across these
7 ranks is not problematic, and the coefficient estimates from the
Warell (2006) uses a cointegration analysis to quantify the extent of global market
integration in the coal industry.
8 9
International Energy Agency, OECD (1997). The equations that follow omit the time subscript to simplify the notation.
D.A. Riker / Energy Economics 34 (2012) 1244–1249 1247

Table 2
Econometric estimates.

Reduced form coefficient Baseline specification Alternative specification Alternative estimation Alternative estimation
with final consumer expenditure period 1980–2008 period 1980–1998

π1 987.7497 2450.358 736.421 667.6854

(19.36182) (57.57435) (14.46273) (37.39794)
π2 − 0.0376049 − 0.2356235 − 0.0384078 − 0.0237965
(0.0034039) (0.0115785) (0.0023611) (0.0060214)
π3 0.0108321 0.0192236 0.0071516 0.0072283
(0.000531) (0.0009507) (0.0002137) (0.0003277)
R2 for the consumption equation 0.9928 0.9875 0.9758 0.9800
R2 for the production equation 0.9658 0.9658 0.9279 0.9647
Number of observations 530 530 1537 1007

The table reports the point estimates of the reduced-form coefficients in Eqs. (4) and (5), with the standard errors in parentheses. All three of the specifications include country
fixed effects and year fixed effects and are estimated using SUR to correct for cross-equation correlation of the error terms.

aggregate model can be interpreted as the sum of the coefficients in the expected signs and are significantly different from zero at the 99%
rank-specific models. 10 confidence level. This indicates that fluctuations in real aggregate ex-
penditure in foreign markets have a significant impact on the volume
3.4. Reduced-form equations of consumption and production in each country.
The four columns of estimates in Table 2 represent alternative sets
The structural relationships in Eqs. (1), (2), and (3) imply a of modeling assumptions. The first column is the baseline specifica-
reduced-form relationship between the endogenous variables (con- tion. The second column includes final consumer expenditures, rather
sumption levels, production levels, and prices) and the exogenous ex- than GDP, in the model. The third and fourth columns extend and
planatory variables (aggregate expenditure levels, national coal then contract the sample period of the econometric estimation. The
reserves, population, and all of the fixed effects in the model). small differences in the estimates across the columns indicate that
Eq. (4) is the reduced-form expression for coal consumption in coun- the estimates are not highly sensitive to these alternative modeling
try j. 11 assumptions.

C j ¼ ωj þ π1 GDPj Nj þ π2 GDPj ∑k ðGDPk Nk Þ þ uj ð4Þ 4. Impact calculations

ωj is a country fixed effect that is a combination of αj and γj from Emissions from coal consumption can be reduced by lowering the
Eqs. (1) and (2). ∑k(GDPk Nk) is a sum across all of the countries in rate of emissions per ton consumed, the number of tons consumed, or
the international market, and uj is an error term that is a linear com- both. For example, a tax on consumption or emissions will likely re-
bination of the error terms from Eqs. (1) and (2) and the trade costs. duce consumption levels and induce some technological improve-
Likewise, Eq. (5) is the reduced-form expression for coal production ments that lower emissions rates. If environmental policy objectives
in country j. can be fully achieved by technological improvements that reduce
emissions rates, then there will be no effect on equilibrium coal
2 trade or industry employment in the model. If there is a combination
Y j ¼ θj þ π3 Rj ∑k ðGDPk Nk Þ þ vj ð5Þ
of reductions in the emissions rate and reductions in tons consumed,
it is only the latter effects that are quantified in the impact calcula-
θj is a country fixed effect that is a combination of αj and γj from
tions in this section. One could view the impact calculations as cau-
Eqs. (1) and (2), and vj is an error term that is a linear combination
tionary: they quantify the economic impacts that can be avoided
of the error terms in Eqs. (1) and (2) and the trade costs.
through complete technological solutions rather than reductions in
the volume of coal consumed.
3.5. Coefficients Estimates
Since the model in Eqs. (1), (2), and (3) is linear, the magnitudes
of the economic impacts are proportional to magnitude of the reduc-
The econometric analysis estimates the reduced-form coefficients
tions in coal consumption (holding constant the other exogenous fac-
in Eqs. (4) and (5) rather than the structural parameters in Eqs. (1)
tors in the model, like national aggregate expenditures). The modeled
and (2). The reduced-form coefficients π2 and π3 are sufficient to cal-
impacts reported in Tables 3 and 4 correspond to hypothetical 10% re-
culate the changes in coal exports, industry employment, and global
ductions in coal consumption. The impacts would each be twice as
consumption that would result from country-specific restrictions on
large, for example, if the participating countries reduced their coal
coal consumption. Table 2 reports the estimates of these reduced-
consumption by 20%.
form coefficients. The coefficients are estimated using the Seemingly
Fig. 2 summarizes the assumptions about consumption reductions
Unrelated Regression technique to correct for cross-equation correla-
for three alternative scenarios. In the first scenario, a 10% reduction in
tion in uj and vj, and the standard errors are correlated for heteroske-
U.S. coal consumption is matched by 10% reductions in Canada and
dasticity. All versions of the econometric specification include
the European Union. The combined consumption reduction is 178
country fixed effects and year fixed effects.
million tons (approximately 2.5% of global coal consumption in
There are a few important points to note about the estimates in
2008). In the second scenario, the 10% reduction is also matched by
Table 2. First, the estimates of the reduced-form coefficients have rel-
10% reductions in Australia, Japan, and New Zealand, and the com-
atively small standard errors. Second, the estimates of π2 and π3 have
bined consumption reduction is 215 million tons. In the third scenar-
io, the 10% reduction is also matched by reductions in China, and the
combined consumption reduction is 498 million tons (approximately
The Appendix discusses the aggregation of the rank-specific models in more detail.
7% of global coal consumption in 2008).
The Appendix derives the reduced-form coefficients from the structural parame- Eq. (6) quantifies the impact of the reduction in coal consumption
ters in Eqs. (1), (2), and (3). on U.S. coal exports. It is the difference between the equilibrium
1248 D.A. Riker / Energy Economics 34 (2012) 1244–1249

Table 3
Baseline estimates of the economic impacts.

10% Reduction in U.S., 10% Reduction in U.S., E.U., Canada, 10% Reduction in U.S., E.U., Canada, Japan,
E.U., and Canada Japan, Australia, and New Zealand Australia, New Zealand,and China

Mandated reduction in U.S. coal consumption 112,171 112,171 112,171

(thousand short tons)
Increase in U.S. exports of coal 52,224.97 34,728.75 − 72,136.33
(thousand short tons) ± 2,700.98 ± 2,529.95 ±5,064.73
Reduction in U.S. coal industry employment 4,835.53 6,246.85 14,867.09
(number of workers) ± 217.87 ± 204.08 ±408.55
Sum of the CO2 emissions associated with the Consumption 317,740 383,450 888,094
reductions in the participating countries
(thousand metric tons)
Net global reductions in CO2 emissions 252,906.70 326,721.50 777,575.20
(thousand metric tons) ± 11,395.10 ± 10,673.70 ±21,367.70

The table reports the point estimates of the economic impacts and their 95% confidence intervals. The mandated reductions do not have confidence intervals, because they are
hypothetical policy scenarios, not estimates.

Table 4
Sensitivity analysis of economic impacts. 10% Reduction in Coal Consumption in the U.S., E.U., Canada, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.

Baseline specification with Alternative specification with Alternative estimation Alternative estimation
GDP and 1999–2008 final consumer expenditure period 1980–2008 period 1980–1998

Mandated reduction in U.S. coal consumption 112,171 112,171 112,171 112,171

(thousand short tons)
Increase in U.S. exports of coal 34,728.75 48,708.01 40,526.40 34,131.90
(thousand short tons) ± 2529.95 ± 2767.92 ±2190.91 ± 5833.38
Reduction in U.S. coal industry employment 6246.85 5119.22 5779.19 6295.00
(number of workers) ± 204.08 ± 223.28 ±176.73 ± 470.55
Sum of the CO2 emissions associated with the 383,450 383,450 383,450 383,450
consumption reductions in the participating countries
(thousand metric tons)
Net global reductions in CO2 emissions 326,721.50 267,744.40 302,261.80 329,239.60
(thousand metric tons) ± 10,673.70 ± 11,677.60 ±9,243.20 ± 24,610.50

The table reports the point estimates of the economic impacts and their 95% confidence intervals. The mandated reductions do not have confidence intervals, because they are
hypothetical policy scenarios, not estimates.

change in U.S. coal production and the change in U.S. coal consump- Eq. (7) quantifies the impact on U.S. coal industry employment.
tion, both measured in thousands of tons.
 " 2
1 π3 Rus
" # Δ Employmentus ¼ ΔC ð7Þ
π3 Rus 12; 397 π3 ∑j R2j −π2 ∑i GDPi
ΔExportsus ¼ ΔC þ 112; 171 ð6Þ
∑j π 3 R2j −∑i π2 GDP
In 2008, average labor productivity in the U.S. coal industry was
12,397 tons per employee-year. The employment impacts are
ΔC represents the combined reduction in coal consumption in all of
reported in Table 3. In the first scenario, U.S. coal industry employ-
the participating countries. The subscript j is an index of all countries in
ment declines by 4,836 workers, approximately 5.6% of the industry
the international market. The subscript i is an index of all of the coun-
workforce in 2008. The employment impact grows larger as the num-
tries that do not restrict coal consumption. The first term on the right-
ber of participating countries increases, reaching 17.2% of the work-
hand side of Eq. (6) is the induced change in U.S. coal production, and
force in the third scenario.
112.171 million tons is the 10% decline in U.S. coal consumption that is
The third impact calculation quantifies the change in global coal
analyzed in all three scenarios. Eq. (6) is derived in the Appendix.
consumption. There is both a direct negative impact in countries
The reduction in U.S. coal consumption results in an increase in
that restrict consumption and a partly offsetting positive impact on
U.S. coal exports in the first two scenarios. Table 3 reports that, in
coal consumption (and CO2 emissions) in the remaining countries in
the first scenario, the increase in exports of 52 million tons offsets ap-
response to the decline in coal prices. In equilibrium, the net change
proximately 47% of the reduction in U.S. coal consumption, and this
in global coal consumption is the sum of the changes in coal produc-
mitigates the negative impact on U.S. coal industry employment.
tion in each country.
The increase in exports is smaller the more countries join the United
States in reducing coal consumption, because there are fewer foreign " 2
π3 ∑j Rj
markets to absorb additional exports. In the third scenario in which Δ Global Consumption ¼ ΔC ð8Þ
China also reduces coal consumption, the impact on U.S. exports is π3 ∑j R2j −π2 ∑i GDPi
negative. In this case, the decline in equilibrium coal prices reduces
U.S. production even more than the reduction in U.S. consumption. The change in global coal consumption can be translated into an
As noted above, the recent patterns of in U.S. coal shipments indi- approximate change in global CO2 emissions (assuming fixed emis-
cate that the predicted increases in U.S. coal exports in the first two sions rates) by multiplying by an average emissions rate of 1.7835
scenarios are plausible in magnitude. Total U.S. coal production was metric tons of CO2 per short ton of coal consumed. 12 Table 3 indicates
over one billion tons in 2008, 79% of U.S. coal production is already
shipped considerable distances from the mine, and coal production 12
The model does not address the more limited CO2 emissions from coal production.
in the land-locked producing states of West Virginia, Kentucky, and In contrast, the model in Anderson and McKibbin (2000) addresses both emissions
Wyoming has well-established access to export markets. from coal production and coal consumption.
D.A. Riker / Energy Economics 34 (2012) 1244–1249 1249

variation comes from using the final consumer expenditure measure,

rather than its GDP, in the demand equation.

5. Conclusions

Efforts to limit a country's coal consumption will, to some extent,

reduce the country's coal industry employment. International coal
trade determines the relative magnitude of these adjustments. The
basic trade-off between coal consumption and industry employment
will shift as more countries join in reducing coal consumption. If
more countries restrict their coal consumption, then leakage will be
reduced, but the negative impact on coal production and industry
employment will be magnified.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Fig. 2. 10% Reduction from 2008 coal consumption volumes. Source of the data: EIA.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at doi:10.
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in Table 4 corresponds to a different econometric specification from 117–148.
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duction in coal consumption in the U.S., Canada, the European regimes. Energy Economics 17, 133–146.
U.S. Department of Energy, 2008. Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States
Union, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand). The first column is the 2008. Report #DOE/EIA – 0573.
baseline model with a GDP measure of aggregate expenditures and U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, 2006. Of-
the 10-year estimation period 1999–2008. This column is repeated fice of Clean Coal Strategic Plan.
Warell, L., 2006. Market integration in the international coal industry: a cointegration
from Table 3 to facilitate comparison across the alternative specifica- approach. Energy Journal 27, 99–118.
tions. The results in the baseline model are fairly robust to the varia- Weyant, J.P. (Ed.), 1999. The costs of the Kyoto protocol: a multi-model evaluation: A
tions in the assumptions of the econometric model. The largest Special Issue of the Energy Journal.

The confidence intervals in Tables 3 and 4 reflect the statistical uncertainty of the
econometric estimates. They do not measure the precision of the EIA's average CO2
emissions rate.

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