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People are listening to a man.

The boat is floating on the water

After reading the menu, they ordered food

The woman is talking on the telephone.

When the train arrives at the station, passengers get on the train.

Question 6-7: Respond to a written request

Directions: In this part of the test, you will show how well you can write a response to an email. Your
response will be scored on:
* the quality and variety of your sentence
* vocabulary, and
* organization
You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each email.
Email 1
From: A. Chae, General Company
To: Fine Prints
Subject: Printing accident
Sent: May 2, 10:32 a.m.
Dear Fine Prints,
Your company recently prepared letterheads for us. However, I’ve just noticed that you printed our
old address by mistake. I have to send out hundreds of letters to our customers for a new promotion.
Please email me about this as soon as possible.
Thank you,
A Chae

Directions: Respond to the email as if you are an employee at Fine Prints. In your email, make 2
suggestions for how to handle the problem and provide one piece ò information you think will be
Dear A Chae
Thank for your email of May 2.
I’m sorry that our company printed your old address by mistake when preparing letterheads. I will
reprint the letterheads with the accurate address. I will send to you as soon as possible. I sincerely
apologize and appreciate your patience when I solve this problem. I offer a discount of 50% on your
next order for the inconvenience.
Your faithfully,
Employee at Fine Prints.

Email 2
From: Bull Britten, Teachers’ Association Chairman
To: TA Members
Subject: Summer Concert Participant Recruitment
Sent: May 28, 3:45 p.m.
We’re going to hold our annual summer concert festival from July 7 to 11. If you have any students
interested in playing in our orchestra, please give us their names and the instruments they play so
they can join in this wonderful event. Please reply by email no later than June 6.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Directions: Respond to the email as if you are a member of the Teachers’ Association. In your email,
ask TWO questions and give ONE piece of information about the event.
Dear Mr Britten
Thank you for your email giving to the Teachers’ Association about your annual summer concert
festival from July 7 to 11. It is a great opportunity for my students to join. By the way, I have some
additional questions:
1. Could u please give me some information about the location of this event?
2. Could u provide more details about types of music that will be performed in the festival?
In addition, I want to inform you that I will tell this opportunity to my students and encourage them
to join in this wonderful event.
I’m looking forward to your response.
Question 8: Write an opinion essay
Directions: In this part of the test, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to
state, explain, and support your opinion on an issue. Typically, an effective essay will contain a
minimum of 300 words. Your response will be scored on
- whether your opinion is supported with reasons and/or examples
- grammar
- vocabulary, and
- organization
You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay.

Topic: Some workers must work at night. What are the advantages and disadvantages of night-shift
work? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Nowadays, some workers must work at night. It comes more and more common. Workers have to
deal with the pros and cons when they work on the night shift.
On the one hand, there are several advantages of night-shift work. They will have the day to
themselves. The night-shift workers will be paid more than normal, this additional income can help
them support their family. They will spend less time to move from home to company due to reduce
traffic congestion. On the other hand, working at night affects the health of workers. Because of
working for many hours, the worker will feel tired and stress. It decreases the productivity.
In conclusion, working at night has some advantages and disadvantages. Workers should carefully
consider when make decision about night-shift work.

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