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How The Human Resources Function Impacts Business Growth

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HR is a key driver of growth and organizations with high employee

competitiveness. Here are three key engagement have 23% higher profitability.
reasons why HR is essential to A positive culture not only improves
organizational success and how leveraging employee morale, but it also has been
its full potential can impact your business shown to increase productivity, reduce
in a positive way. absenteeism and turnover, and improve
customer satisfaction. By fostering a
1. Attracting And Retaining Top Talent culture of trust, respect and inclusivity,
Attracting and retaining top talent is businesses can create an environment
essential for the growth and success of any where employees feel valued, respected
business. An older study found that and motivated to contribute their best
organizations with a strong talent efforts. This not only benefits the
recruiting strategy saw 3.5 times the employees but also makes the company an
revenue growth than those without. attractive destination for top talent, which
Building a diverse and skilled workforce is is essential for long-term success.
crucial for meeting the challenges of a
rapidly changing business environment. A 3. Improving Organizational Performance
team of motivated and highly skilled Improving organizational performance is
employees can lead to increased not only essential for achieving goals and
productivity, improved customer increasing efficiency, but it also has a direct
satisfaction, and a competitive edge in the impact on the bottom line. According to
marketplace. The People IQ study, 13% of managers and
workers expressed the belief that their
Reducing turnover is another key benefit of organization's PM system is useful. The HR
effective recruitment and retention function plays a critical role in driving this
strategies. The cost of replacing an performance by managing and motivating
employee "can range from one-half to two employees, creating systems and processes
times the employee's annual salary," to measure and improve performance and
according to Gallup. Investing in effective providing development opportunities.
recruitment and retention strategies can
help businesses attract and retain the best By implementing effective performance
talent, which is essential for long-term management systems and providing
success. The HR function plays a vital role development opportunities, organizations
in this process, by finding not only can improve the performance of individual
candidates with the right skills and employees, teams and the organization as
experience but also those who align with a whole. This can ultimately lead to
the company's culture and values. improved productivity, increased revenue
and greater success in achieving
2. Building A Positive Workplace Culture organizational goals. Additionally, effective
This aspect of growing your organization is performance management can also help
truly the sweet spot of effective HR. No organizations identify areas for
one is thinking about the entire improvement and make necessary
organization except the HR function. changes, allowing them to stay competitive
According to a study by Gallup, in the long term.

Source: Joey Price, Forbes Councils Member - Forbes Human Resources Council


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