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College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan

Result and Discussion

Table 1

Profile of the Respondents

Profile Frequency (F) Percentage (P)

Male 7 23.3%
Female 23 76.7 %
Total 30 100%
Mean .76 Female

Civil Status
Single 30 100%
Married 0 0
Widow/er 0 0
Total 30 100 %
Mean .00 100% Single

5,000- 9,999 10 33.3 %
10,000-14,999 6 20.0 %
15,000-19,999 7 23.3 %
20,000-24,999 7 23.3 %
Total 30 100%
Mean 1.36 5,000-9,999 (Medium Earner)

Table 1 Display the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, civil status and socioeconomic


According to the study's findings, 23.3% of participants are men and 76.7% are women.

The mean calculation of 0.76 and the standard deviation of .43 show that they are female. The

study's major conclusion is that females predominate in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing

degree. The study's findings can be linked to the fact that this program concentrated on amusing

individuals, which are not particularly popular among the male students. In terms of civil status,

100% of both male and female students in the second year of the BSN program at Bataan

Peninsula State University are single. 33.3% of students earn between 5,000 and 9,999 pesos

monthly. 20.0% of students earn between 10,000 and 14,999 PHP per month, and 23.3% earn

between 20,000 and 24,999 PHP per month. Just 23.3% of students had a monthly income of

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing relevant,

Proactive contribution to Sustainable Development Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs and services
through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by 2030
College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan

15,000 to 19,999 PHP. The computed mean is 1.36, with a standard deviation of 1.18. The

students' average monthly salary ranges between 5,000 and 9,999 PHP. The study emphasizes

the findings of the students' engagement in the middle-class earnings.

Table 2

Competency Skills of BSN Students in terms of Communication Skills.

Communication Skills Mean Descriptive Std. Deviation

1. Ability to communicate 4.33 Very Satisfactory .92

thoughts clearly in writing,

talking and using body


2. Create positive and constructive 4.13 Very Satisfactory .68


3. Shows genuine warmth and 4.53 Very Satisfactory .68

interest in listening to others.

4. Responds at once to the 4.53 Very Satisfactory .62

inquiries of others.

5. Openness in accepting one’s 4.46 Very Satisfactory .62

ideas or opinions.

Over-all Mean 4.39 Very Satisfactory .70

Table 2 shows that the highest mean rating, 4.53, suggests that people are willing to react

to other people's questions immediately quickly as of .62. The average score of 4.53 was

considered to be adequate for evoking helpful and pleasant reactions. The 4.39 overall mean

provided the students' communication abilities a passing grade with a score of .70.

Table 2.1

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing relevant,

Proactive contribution to Sustainable Development Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs and services
through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by 2030
College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan

Competency Skills of BSN Students in terms of Resilience Skills

Resilience Skills Mean Descriptive Std. Deviation

1. Endure high level of stress due 4.16 Very Satisfactory .87

to constant multi-tasking.

2. Demonstrate optimistic and 4.23 Very Satisfactory .85

productive despite of


3. Demonstrating self-control and 4.26 Very Satisfactory .90

staying calm and challenging

service scenarios.

4. Control your own actions but 4.20 Very Satisfactory .96

not of others.

5. Ability to use positive language 4.46 Very Satisfactory .89

in times of disputes.

Over-all Mean 4.26 Very Satisfactory .89

The students' resilience capabilities were rated as extremely good based on the computed

mean of 4.26 and standard deviation of .89 in Table 2.1. The element of experiencing significant

levels of stress as a result of frequent multitasking providing .87 had the lowest mean rating of

4.16. Furthermore, they are reported to be properly competent of Capacity to use positive

language in situations of conflict, as seen by the highest computed mean of 4.46 and standard

deviation of .89.

Table 2.2

Competency Skills of BSN Students in terms of Initiatives Skills

Initiative Skills Mean Descriptive Std. Deviation

1. Actively responding to 4.53 Very Satisfactory .62

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing relevant,

Proactive contribution to Sustainable Development Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs and services
through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by 2030
College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan

customer’s needs.

2. Rely on your own knowledge 4.43 Very Satisfactory .67

and tasks in handling difficult


3. Is not discourage by any 4.16 Very Satisfactory .94


4. Makes people to approach you 4.26 Very Satisfactory .94

and build constructive relations.

5. Willingness to work beyond 4.53 Very Satisfactory .62

your call of duties.

Over-all Mean 4.38 Very Satisfactory .75

Table 2.2 shows how delighted students were with their initiative skills. With a mean

score of 4.16 and a standard deviation of .94, the capacity to not be demoralized by failures

obtained the lowest grade. Moreover, they are classified as actively responsive to client demands

and eager to work above their call of duty, with the highest computed mean of 4.53 and standard

deviation of .62.

Table 2.3

Competency Skills of BSN Students in terms of Multi-Tasking Skills.

Multi-Tasking Skills Mean Descriptive Std. Deviation

1. Set realistic goals. 4.40 Very Satisfactory .67

2. Given enough time to reach your 4.26 Very Satisfactory .73


3. Maintain a write to do list. 4.10 Very Satisfactory 1.06

4. Prioritize your tasks. 4.43 Very Satisfactory .62

5. Work at steady space. 4.36 Very Satisfactory .80

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing relevant,

Proactive contribution to Sustainable Development Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs and services
through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by 2030
College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan

Over-all Mean 4.31 Very Satisfactory .77

The overall mean for these students was 4.31 with a standard deviation of .77 in Table

2.3, which shows how adept they are at multitasking. They are also described as having the

ability to prioritize their work since they have the highest calculated mean of 4.43 and the

smallest standard deviation of .62.

Table 2.4

Competency Skills of BSN Students in terms of Adaptability Skills

Adaptability Skills Mean Descriptive equivalent Std. Deviation

1. Can work efficiently on shifting 4.50 Very Satisfactory .68


2. Less resisting on changes. 4.30 Very Satisfactory .70

3. Maximize your time to do your 4.40 Very Satisfactory .67


4. Good attention to the details of 4.43 Very Satisfactory .62

your work.

5. Becomes a habit to keep 4.30 Very Satisfactory .79

yourself busy even on small

details of work.

Over-all Mean 4.38 Very Satisfactory .69

Table 2.4 outlines the importance that the student places on adaptability abilities. With a

mean score of 4.43 and a standard deviation of .62, the quality of their attention to detail received

the best rating. Notably, students who can operate efficiently on changing modes had the highest

rate of 4.50 with a standard deviation of .68.

Table 2.5

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing relevant,

Proactive contribution to Sustainable Development Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs and services
through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by 2030
College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan

Competency Skills of BSN Students in terms of Technical Skills

Technical Skills Mean Descriptive equivalent Std. Deviation

1. Identify the needs and wants of 4.40 Very Satisfactory .77

the target markets.

2. Provides quality services. 4.46 Very Satisfactory .68

3. Deliver the desired satisfaction 4.23 Very Satisfactory .72

services effectively and


4. Enrich destinations which are 4.30 Very Satisfactory .83

less frequently visited.

5. Develop places for different 4.33 Very Satisfactory .80

amenities and facilities.

Over-all Mean 4.34 Very Satisfactory .76

Table 2.5 shows that the student with the lowest mean rate of 4.23 and a standard

deviation of .72 possesses the technical ability. The student, however, received the highest mean

score of 4.46 with a standard deviation of .68. Based on the table, students may determine the

value of a healthcare practitioner in the workplace and the need to enhance knowledge.

Table 2.6

Competency Skills of BSN Students in terms of Attitude

Attitude Mean Descriptive equivalent Std. Deviation

1. Willingness to conduct 4.43 Very Satisfactory .67

voluntary services for the


2. Love for work. 4.66 Very Satisfactory .60

3. Self-fulfillment when meeting 4.43 Very Satisfactory .77

other people.

4. Increase morale for a recognized 4.46 Very Satisfactory .77

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing relevant,

Proactive contribution to Sustainable Development Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs and services
through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by 2030
College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan


5. Encourage to work harder even 4.56 Very Satisfactory .67

face in the most difficult


Over-all Mean 4.50 Very Satisfactory .69

Table 2.6 depicts the attitudes of students toward one another as well as their

remarkably positive interpersonal interactions. The mean rate, 4.66, has the smallest standard

deviation, or .60. They did, however, achieve the highest overall mean rating 4.50 with a .69

standard deviation, which no other group did. They emphasized that if we wanted to be regarded

seriously as students studying the medical area, we needed to stay positive.

Table 3

Academic Performance of BSHM student for AY 2021-2022

Academic Performance AY 2021-2022

Average Descriptive
Prof ED 91.60 Outstanding

The results showed that students at the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program

fared remarkably well in their learning during the academic year 2021–2022. The students

received a Professional Education (Prof ED) grade of 91.60 on average. This is much above

average. In terms of knowledge, competence, and comprehension, these ratings are extraordinary

and represent the high standard of what the students have learnt during their studies.. The

teachers and students at the College of Nursing and Midwifery put a lot of effort into their work,

and it shows in their high level of performance, which speaks highly of the institution's

educational program's excellence. This success is probably going to benefit the students' future

academic and professional careers. It is significant to remember that CNM students' great

academic achievements are not only a source of pride for the school but also a sign of the solid

foundation they have established for their future success.

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing relevant,

Proactive contribution to Sustainable Development Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs and services
through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by 2030
College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan

Table 4

Significant relationship of Sex on Competencies of BSN Students

Competencies r Descriptive Equivalent Sig. Level Decision

at 0.05

Communication Skills -.314 Moderately Small Effect .091 Accept Ho

Resilience Skills -.317 Moderately Small Effect .088 Accept Ho

Initiative Skills -.273 Moderately Small Effect .145 Accept Ho

Multi-Tasking Skills -.035 Very Small Effect .854 Accept Ho

Adaptability Skills -.212 Very Small Effect .261 Accept Ho

Technical Skills -.227 Very Small Effect .227 Accept Ho

Attitude -.352 Moderately Small Effect .056 Accept Ho

The connection between a student's sex and their competencies was explored using

statistical methods. The data demonstrated a slightly significant correlation between a student's

sex and their communication skills r = -.314, Sig. Level of .823. There is no evidence to support

the null hypothesis (Ho), demonstrating that there is no meaningful relation between the

independent variables. Nonetheless, a slightly positive correlation between a student's sex and

resilience skills r = -.317, Sig. level is .088. As a result, we can accept the null hypothesis (Ho).

The findings for initiative skills demonstrated a somewhat moderate negative effect on the

correlation between a student's sex r of -.273 and Sig. Level of .145, demonstrating a substantial

relationship between the two factors and that a student's sex may influence their initiative skills.

The null hypothesis (Ho) can be accepted, suggesting that there is a statistically significant but

moderately small effect between the two variables.

The study also discovered a small negative relationship between a student's sex and their

multitasking abilities r = -.035, Sig. Level of .854, with the null hypothesis (Ho) accepted. This

indicates that there is a strong relationship among the variables, but with a very small effect. The

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing relevant,

Proactive contribution to Sustainable Development Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs and services
through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by 2030
College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan

findings revealed a very small effect on the connection between a student's sex and adaptability

skills r = -.212, Sig. level of .261 is acceptable, as is the null hypothesis (Ho). This indicates that

there is a strong correlation between the two variables, but with a very small effect. In terms of

technical skills, the findings revealed a very small effect correlation between a student's sex and

their technical skills r = -.227, Sig. The level is .227. The null hypothesis (Ho) cannot be

rejected, suggesting that there is no significant correlation between the two variables.

Lastly, the study discovered a moderately small relationship between a student's sex and

attitude r of -352, Sig. level of .056 and the null hypothesis (Ho) can be accepted. This implies

that there is a significant relationship between the two variables, although a moderately small


Table 5

Significant relationship of Socioeconomic Status and Competencies of BSN Students

Competencies r Descriptive Equivalent Sig. Level Decision

at 0.05

Communication Skills .072 Very Small Effect .704 Accept Ho

Resilience Skills -.321 Moderately Small Effect .084 Accept Ho

Initiative Skills -.131 Very Small Effect .489 Accept Ho

Multi-Tasking Skills -.433 Moderately Small Effect .017 Reject Ho

Adaptability Skills -.370 Moderately Small Effect .044 Reject Ho

Technical Skills -.103 Very Small Effect .589 Accept Ho

Attitude .056 Very Small Effect .767 Accept Ho

There is statistically substantial evidence that two competencies—communication skills

and resilience abilities—are favorably connected with socioeconomic level, according to the

research examines the relationship between student competences and socioeconomic position.

This shows that the scores on these competencies tend to increase along with socioeconomic

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing relevant,

Proactive contribution to Sustainable Development Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs and services
through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by 2030
College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan

status. The socioeconomic status and the other traits—such as ability of initiative, multitasking,

adaptability, technical skill, and attitude—do not statistically significantly correlate positively.

As a result, it might be inferred that there is either no consistent correlation or that the

relationship is too tenuous to be statistically significant.

Table 6

The significant relationship between Competencies of BSN students and PROF average


Competencies r Descriptive Equivalent Sig. Level Decision

at 0.05

Communication Skills .122 Very Small Effect .520 Accept Ho

Resilience Skills .356 Moderately Small Effect .054 Accept Ho

Initiative Skills .401 Moderately Small Effect .028 Reject Ho

Multi-Tasking Skills .131 Very Small Effect .489 Accept Ho

Adaptability Skills .306 Moderately Small Effect .100 Accept Ho

Technical Skills .272 Moderately Small Effect .146 Accept Ho

Attitude .199 Very Small Effect .292 Accept Ho

The analysis of the information on the average grades of nursing students reveals the

connection between various competencies and students' grades. Using Pearson's correlation, the

degree and direction of the connection between the two variables were evaluated. The results

show a very small effect correlation between a student's communication skills and their

professional grades, a moderately small effect correlation between their resilience skills and their

grades, a moderately small correlation between their initiative and grades, a very small

correlation between their multi-tasking skills and grades, a moderately small correlation between

their adaptability skills and grades, and a moderately small effect correlation between the

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing relevant,

Proactive contribution to Sustainable Development Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs and services
through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by 2030
College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan

students' initiative and professional grades.

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing relevant,

Proactive contribution to Sustainable Development Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs and services
through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by 2030

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