In-App Survey Softwares Overview

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● In-app surveys
○ Surveys can be added in-app and are added as “polls.” Types of polls are:
■ Ratings, NPS, feature requests, open text responses
● Targeting
○ Target customers for tours (e.g., can track which users have or haven’t used a
feature or experienced an event; can target these users and offer a walkthrough)
○ Can segment groups of users to target for surveys (e.g., customers who have
used a particular feature for the first time)
● Feature requests
○ Embedded feedback widget allows users to submit problems or feature requests
and rate them on a sliding scale by importance, then allows other users to upvote
feature requests. Can notify users if their requested feature has been added via
semi-automated email (or declined with an option to add an explanation)
● Tours / onboarding
○ Can track effectiveness of onboarding with usage metrics
○ In-app messaging, such as pop-up announcements for when new features are
released, tooltips
● Product engagement
○ See insight and metrics into how users are currently using the platform
○ Create guides and walkthroughs
● Integrations: Zendesk

Pricing: Between $6-12K/year (depending on number of accounts) and a one-time 5K

installation fee

Unique features:
● Feature requests and allowing users to vote on other feature requests
● Tours and walkthroughs

● Surveys have to be added by attaching them to a guide as a “poll” and only one poll can
be added to a guide at a time. This might mean not being able to have different types of
survey questions in the same place.

Overall, surveys seem to be an afterthought compared to the other features, but the feature
requesting and voting and tour/guide functions seem great and set it apart from the other
● In-app surveys
○ Target specific users based on actions they take in your product (can have
surveys pop up after user takes a specific journey/flow)
○ Same-day data visualization to answer research questions
○ Qualitative research - Smart analysis of open-text responses using AI to identify
patterns and deliver unique response themes
○ Build custom benchmarks
● Concept and usability testing
○ Unmoderated testing - Participants can review concepts, complete recorded
usability tasks, and provide feedback via text, voice, or video
○ Options for sessions to be recorded or not recorded
○ Integrates questions directly into A/B tests or beta rollouts for in-the-moment
○ Continuously run studies to set benchmarks and be alerted of any major changes
○ Results automatically analyzed
● Contextual targeting
○ Target users who go through a specific flow, take specific actions, or fit into a
specific demographic
○ Can set recontact windows so customers are not contacted too frequently
● Automated analysis
○ AI reviews open text and voice responses to identify themes (qualitative analysis
○ UXR experts review to ensure accuracy
○ Insights are typically delivered same-day
● Integrations
○ Figma (this facilitates usability testing), Miro, Zendesk, Jira

Pricing: $6300/year with one free concept test, or 5 concept tests/month for $15,000/year

Unique features:
● Qualitative analysis of open-text and voice responses via AI
● Unmoderated / automated concept, usability, and A/B testing
● Unlimited seats

● No guides or in-app messaging

Overall, there are lots of possibilities when it comes to surveys. Also, there is a lot of potential
with the usability testing and integration with Figma. This one seems to be the most UX
research focused compared to the other options.
● In-app surveys
○ Targeted surveys allow you to reach users in the moment, use segments to
reach out to a specific set of users, or customers who have used a particular
● Tours
○ Target customers for onboarding walkthroughs; can track which users have or
haven’t used a feature or experienced an event and target these users and offer
a guided tour
○ Can track effectiveness of tours with usage metrics
○ In-app messages such as announcements
● A/B testing using tours:
○ Control group testing (i.e., Chameleon tour vs. nothing) - Send a tour to just one
portion of a segment to see how it affects engagement
○ Multivariate testing (i.e., two different Chameleon tours) - Test variations of a tour
and discover which delivers better results
○ Data analysis
● Integrations:
○ Heap, FullStory, Zendesk

Pricing: $999/month

Cons: One of the more expensive options, and doesn’t have usability testing functions like Sprig
(not essential but nice to have).

Overall, it has both strong in-app survey capabilities and tours, but it doesn’t have usability
testing and it is more expensive than the other options.
● In-app surveys
○ Ratings and open-ended followup
○ Survey timing customization - Trigger surveys just once, on a recurring basis, or
every time a specific event occurs (however, this requires some level of manual
tracking, i.e., timing requires adding a code snippet to a page to run the survey
when the page is visited, and manually documenting the pages on which the
code is inserted)
○ Survey placement is limited to bottom of the page

● Analytics
○ Track customer sentiments over time
○ AI-driven text analysis
○ Alerts can be triggered when specific criteria are met

● Integrations
○ Heap, Zendesk

Pricing: $224-449/month

Cons: More simplistic, can’t segment and target customers

Overall, survey features would meet our basic needs but are more simplistic than the other
options, especially when it comes to targeting specific sets of customers
Pendo Sprig Chameleon Delighted Appcues

In-app surveys

In-app messaging

(only event-based)

Usability testing

A/B testing
(only using tours)


$6-12K/year $6300/year
(depending on
(with one free
number of
concept test, or $224-449/ $249-879/
accounts)+ 5K 12K/year
5 concept month month
installation tests/month for

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