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International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2021) 7:74


Mechanism of Carbonation in Lime‑Stabilized Silty Clay from Chemical

and Microstructure Perspectives
Dhanalakshmi Padmaraj1 · Dali Naidu Arnepalli1

Received: 5 May 2021 / Accepted: 25 September 2021 / Published online: 16 October 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

The carbonation of lime-treated soils that occurs during the short-term and long-term curing is not sufficiently explored in
the domain of lime stabilization. The present study investigates the carbonation mechanism in lime-treated silty clay treated
with two lime contents (4%, 8%) subjected to different curing periods (7, 90, 180, and 365 days). The cured samples were
exposed to accelerated carbonation, and subsequent change in the unconfined compressive strength was compared with that
of control samples tested under a nitrogen environment. The extent of carbonation was measured using phenolphthalein
solution. X-ray diffraction technique and thermogravimetric analysis were used to analyze the reaction products resulted from
carbonation. The morphology of carbonates and effects of carbonation on the pore structure were assessed using a scanning
electron microscope and mercury intrusion porosimeter, respectively. Results show that carbonation has a deleterious effect
on the performance of lime-treated clay. The strength of lime-treated soils upon carbonation decreased by 30% on average.
The fabric structure of treated clay was found to vary with lime content and curing period, which determined the extent of
carbonation. Decalcification of reaction products and cracking induced by the carbonation of residual lime contributed to the
reduction in compressive strength of treated clay. The observed strength behavior of the carbonated samples is substantiated
by quantifying the variation in pore structure characteristics.

Keywords Lime-treated soils · Pozzolanic compounds · Carbonation · Microstructure · Pore size distribution

Introduction dispersed fabric of clay then transforms into a flocculated

structure and further undergoes aggregation, which reduces
Rapid urbanization and industrialization have imposed the the plasticity properties of clay [1, 2]. Also, the highly alka-
need for utilizing problematic soils for infrastructure devel- line nature of lime enables the dissolution of silica and alu-
opment. Chemical stabilization of fine-grained soils that are mina from clays, which reacts with the calcium in the pore
rich in clay minerals is found to be a feasible solution for solution to form various cementitious compounds. These
improving their engineering behavior. Lime stabilization is cementitious compounds bind the clay aggregates to modify
an age-old conventional ground improvement method that the engineering properties of the clay [3].
has been successfully adapted even in modern times by prac- Initially, the studies on lime stabilization have primar-
ticing engineers. When lime is added to the clayey soil, it ily focused on understanding stabilization mechanisms in
dissociates to form calcium ions and replaces the monova- terms of variations in the index and engineering properties
lent ions present in the exchangeable sites of clays. Conse- of treated soils. The advancements in analytical tools have
quently, it suppresses the electrical diffused double layer helped substantiate the physicochemical mechanisms associ-
and associated charge modifications on the clay surface. The ated with lime stabilization [4–6]. However, due to the fail-
ure of various lime and cement-stabilized earthworks over
* Dali Naidu Arnepalli the past few decades, researchers are interested in assessing their long-term performance by subjecting them to cycles of
Dhanalakshmi Padmaraj wet–dry and freeze–thaw [7–9]. The two significant deleteri- ous reactions that occur during the service life of treated soil
are carbonation and leaching of calcium from unreacted lime
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute and cementitious phases [10, 11]. Although considerable
of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India

74 Page 2 of 12 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2021) 7:74

research has been conducted on calcium leaching and mois- Materials and Methods
ture susceptibility of cementitious phases [12–14], carbona-
tion has not given importance to date. Selection of Materials
Carbonation of lime-stabilized soils refers to the inter-
action of atmospheric or microbial induced soil carbon Naturally occurring silty clay from a lakebed located in
dioxide with the free lime and pozzolanic reaction products the Indian Institute of Technology Madras campus, Chen-
to produce calcium carbonate [15]. This reaction ought to nai, Tamilnadu, India, was chosen for the present study.
have detrimental effects on the lime-treated soil, inhibit- Hydrated calcium hydroxide obtained from Astrra Chemi-
ing the progress of various pozzolanic reactions involved cals Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, Tamilnadu, was used as an additive
in the process. Carbon dioxide competes with clay for lime in this study. An optimum lime content (OLC) of 4% was
resulting in the shortage of lime for the progression of poz- selected based on the pH-based Eades and Grim [20] test.
zolanic reactions. In addition to lime paucity, the carbona- To assess the effect of lime content on carbonation, the per-
tion of lime to different polymorphs of calcite having higher centage of lime (8%) that corresponds to a maximum 28-day
molar volume can induce tensile stress resulting in cracking unconfined compressive strength was also considered.
[16]. In the long term, the stability of the lime-treated soils
is compromised owing to the decalcification of reaction
products, viz., Calcium Silicate Hydrate (CSH) and Cal- Basic Characterization
cium Aluminate Silicate Hydrate (CASH). The byproduct
of CSH carbonation is observed to be a weak silica gel, A detailed characterization of selected soil was carried out
which undergoes polymerization, and results in differential by determining its physicochemical and mineralogical prop-
shrinkage and formation of internal cracks [17]. To address erties. The pH, specific gravity, consistency properties, and
the above-mentioned mechanisms in cement-stabilized grain size distribution were determined as per the ASTM
soils and to quantify the variation in mechanical properties codal provisions [21–24]. To ascertain the reactivity of soil
upon carbonation, a few attempts were made in the recent toward lime, cation-exchange capacity and specific surface
past. Nakarai and Yoshida [18] found that the strength and area were determined as per the methodologies outlined in
stiffness of cement-treated sand increased due to lime car- ASTM D7503 [25] and Arnepalli et al. [26], respectively.
bonation. However, the observations were applicable only The chemical composition of clay and lime was evaluated
to granular materials like sand, where lime carbonation by X-ray fluorescence technique using an X-ray analytical
resulted in pore-filling and an overall increase in strength. microscope (Horiba XGT-2700, Japan). The predominant
These findings were substantiated by Ho et al. [19], who minerals present in the clay were identified using the powder
conducted carbonation studies using cement-treated clayey- X-ray diffraction method (PANalytical X’PERT Pro, The
sand and confirmed that the part strength increase is due to Netherlands).
drying-induced suction. In addition, once the water content
reaches the hygroscopic moisture content, further drying was
stopped, and the overall strength of treated soil was reduced Preparation and Curing of Samples
due to the CSH carbonation alone.
The studies carried out in recent years to understand car- For the preparation of compacted cylindrical samples, the
bonation were mainly focused on cement-treated sands. The air-dried soil passing through 1 mm was mixed thoroughly
strength changes due to carbonation alone by eliminating the with a known amount of deionized water and kept for mois-
suction-induced strength have not been studied experimen- ture equilibration for 48 h in airtight zip-lock bags. After
tally by the researchers. Besides, the role of two significant maturation, the moist soil was mixed with required lime
parameters, such as lime content and curing period, on the and water, and compacted dynamically to form a cylindrical
nature and effect of carbonation has not been investigated. specimen of 38 mm diameter and 76 mm height by achiev-
Given this, the present study aims to address these gaps by ing the corresponding optimal conditions of the standard
studying the changes in the mechanical behavior of com- Proctor test. The compacted samples were wrapped with
pacted lime-treated soil upon carbonation by considering two layers of thin plastic film and an intermediate covering
samples cured in a nitrogen environment as a control. Curing of aluminum foil to prevent evaporation and inhibit the pos-
under a non-reactive nitrogen environment does not initiate sibility of carbonation in the process of curing. The samples
carbonation as the environment is devoid of carbon dioxide. were stored in double-decked airtight containers; the lower
The type of carbonates formed and the associated effects deck is filled with distilled water to maintain the desired
in mineralogy and microstructure upon carbonation were relative humidity. These containers were then placed in a
assessed for silty clay treated with two different lime con- temperature-controlled chamber maintained at 28 °C. This
tents and cured for different time intervals up to 365 days. procedure ensured humidity greater than 95% and constant

International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2021) 7:74 Page 3 of 12 74

temperature conditions, thereby favoring pozzolanic reac- identical samples were subjected to the nitrogen environ-
tions in the compacted lime-treated samples. Various curing ment by considering similar flow conditions. This procedure
periods, viz., 7, 90, 180, and 365 days, were adopted for the was envisaged to nullify the suction-induced strength gain
present study. Due to the flocculated structure, the ingress of from the loss of moisture during drying, which helped to
atmospheric gases is predominant during the initial curing quantify the change in the strength of the lime-treated soils
periods. Hence, the maximum period of curing was limited due to the carbonation alone.
to 365 days in this study.
Mechanical and Microstructure Characterization
Accelerated Carbonation
The variation in the mechanical behavior of lime-treated
After the specified curing period, the compacted samples soils due to carbonation was assessed in terms of its uncon-
were subjected to accelerated conditions of carbonation fined compressive strength (UCS) as per ASTM D2166 [30].
using 3% volume/volume of ­CO2 in a carbonation cell, as The compacted specimens were subjected to uniaxial com-
shown in Fig. 1, under a constant temperature (28ºC) and pression at a displacement rate of 0.5 mm/min. The load
atmospheric pressure. The literature on concrete carbonation carried by the specimen and the corresponding deformation
suggests that gas concentration up to 3% ­CO2 can mimic were recorded to obtain the stress–strain characteristics and
the mechanism involved in natural carbonation [27, 28]. the peak strength. For ascertaining the severity of carbona-
In addition, the decomposition of organic matter as low as tion, the specimen was sliced diametrically at the mid-height
5% that may present in the subsoil environment can give and sprayed evenly with a 1% phenolphthalein alcohol. Once
rise to a carbon dioxide concentration of 3%, justifying the the indicator changes the color, the cross-section image of
proposed concentration of gas used for carbonation [29]. the sample was captured using a digital camera to identify
For preparing the gas mixture containing 3% C ­ O2 and 97% ­ O2. Furthermore, using ‘ImageJ’ soft-
the diffusion zone of C
­N2, a test setup shown in the picture (Online Resource 1) ware, the extent of carbonation was traced, and the carbon-
was developed, and the mixture was prepared using con- ated area was calculated. The radial extent of carbonation
cepts of Dalton’s partial pressure. The concentration of the was irregular, and hence, percentage area under carbonation
prepared gas mixture was verified to be 3 ± 0.2%, using a was adopted as the parameter for comparing the extent of
gas chromatograph equipped with a thermal conductivity carbonation.
detector (Agilent Technologies, USA). The carbonation cell To evaluate the severity of the carbonation, variations in
was purged using the gas mixture for a specified duration to the amount of calcium carbonate and hydrated gels present
displace the existing gas inside the cell. For compensating in the samples were quantified by employing the thermal
­CO2 consumed by the soil, gas purging was performed three analysis technique [31]. About 15–20 mg of powdered sam-
times a day. The procedure was followed for 7 consecutive ples were subjected to elevated temperatures using a thermo-
days for all lime-treated samples considered in this study. gravimetric analyzer (Discovery SDT650, TA Instruments,
The time for the accelerated carbonation was selected as USA) at a controlled heating rate of 10 °C/min from 30 °C to
7 days based on the outcome of the initial trials on the extent 1000 °C under a non-reactive nitrogen environment. Based
of carbonation. It was observed that exposure of the samples on the observed data, the variation in weight loss with the
to the carbon dioxide beyond 7 days leads to the carbonation temperature was plotted, major thermal reactions were
of the entire sample. Apart from the accelerated carbonation, identified, and corresponding weight change was calculated

Fig. 1  Schematic diagram of the

test setup used for carbonation

74 Page 4 of 12 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2021) 7:74

using ‘Trios’ software (TA Instruments, USA). The deriva- Table 1  Physical, chemical, and consistency properties of silty clay
tive of the weight loss curve was analyzed to estimate the Property Value
range of temperature at which weight loss occurred.
To substantiate the findings from thermogravimetric Specific gravity (–) 2.62
analysis and to evaluate the crystalline phases and phase pH (–) 7.8
transformations emanating from carbonation, powder X-ray Cation-exchange capacity (centimol k­ g−1) 87.1
diffraction technique was employed. In the present study, Specific surface area ­(m2 ­g−1) 179
lime-treated samples before and after carbonation were Liquid limit (%) 44
dried, powdered, sieved through a 75 µm sieve, and tested Plastic limit (%) 26
using an X-ray diffractometer fitted with Cu-Kα source Plasticity index (%) 18
(Philips X’pert PRO PANalytical, The Netherlands). The Sand-size fraction (%) 4
step size used was 0.004° per second, and the counting time Silt-size fraction (%) 41
was 20 s per step, over a 2θ value of 5–70°. The experi- Clay-size fraction (%) 55
mentally obtained diffractograms were further analyzed to USCS classification CL
identify various phases present in the samples, as per Inter-
national Centre for Diffraction Data database.
To visualize the morphology of pozzolanic and carbona- Extent of Carbonation and Carbonation‑Induced
tion reaction products, a high-resolution scanning electron Strength Variation.
microscope (FEI, Quanta FEG 200F, USA) was employed.
The undisturbed sections of the samples were cut, lyophi- As shown in Fig. 2, the progress of carbonation does not fol-
lized, gold-coated, and subjected to the secondary electron low a uniform path as gas ingresses into the sample through
beam [32]. Besides, these undisturbed carbonated and uncar- a randomly organized unsaturated network of interconnected
bonated samples were analyzed for pore size distribution pores. For 4% lime-treated soil, when compared to 8%, the
characteristics using the Pascal series mercury intrusion carbonated area is enhanced by 40%. Also, with an increase
porosimeter (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). The speci- in the curing period up to 365 days, the zone of carbonation
mens were subjected to pressure from 0 to 300 MPa at a in the specimen has decreased by 20% on average. For sam-
constant rate of 6 Pascals/min, and the intruded and extruded ples treated with lower lime content, the formation of insuf-
volume of mercury was measured. The distribution function ficient and unstable cementitious gels with a low Ca/Si ratio
dV/dlogD was used to obtain the differential pore volume develops a porous and interconnected fabric structure that
distribution to analyze and quantify the relative proportion favors easy permeation of gas through the gels [34]. Also,
of various pore sizes present in the samples. with the progress of curing, time-dependent dissolution of
silica and alumina and subsequent precipitation of pozzo-
lanic reaction products fill the capillary pores and block the
Results and Discussion pathway for ingress of C­ O2 gas [35]. Overall, it is observed
that the carbonation rate is mainly governed by lime content
Characterization of Selected Materials than the curing period.
The mechanical characteristics of carbonated and uncar-
The soil has a relatively neutral pH of 7.8, with a 55% clay- bonated specimens are illustrated in Online Resource 3.
size fraction and a plasticity index of 18%. It is classified as The strength of uncarbonated samples was assessed after
clays of low compressibility, as per ASTM D2487 [33]. The subjecting them to a high-purity nitrogen environment
physicochemical properties of untreated soil are reported in for 7 days. The samples cured in ­CO2/N2-rich atmosphere
Table 1. The cation-exchange capacity and specific surface have exhibited the same water contents with a variation
area are 87.1 centimol ­kg−1 and 179 ­m2 ­g−1, respectively. of ± 0.4%. Hence, the contribution of suction-induced
These properties indicate that the soil surface is chemically strength is expected to be similar in both carbonated and
active for interaction with lime. The predominant clay min- uncarbonated samples. For a compacted lime-treated soil,
erals present in the soil are identified as illite and traces of both unreacted lime and cementitious gels can undergo
kaolinite and quartz, as shown in the X-ray diffractogram carbonation. Carbonation of unreacted lime can either
(Online Resource 2). As per X-ray fluorescence results enhance the strength of the soil by pore-filling or reduce
reported in Table 2, the soil is rich in silica, with a silica-to- the strength by the phenomenon of cracking due to tensile
sesquioxide ratio (SSR) of 2.30, indicating the presence of stresses induced by the precipitation of calcium carbon-
a large amount of reactive silica for promoting pozzolanic ate. Hence, the initial fabric developed upon curing deter-
reactions. The chemical composition analysis performed on mines the consequence of lime carbonation. Carbonation
hydrated lime showed 96% purity, as described in Table 2. of cementitious gels results in decalcification and loss of

International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2021) 7:74 Page 5 of 12 74

Table 2  Chemical composition Material Chemical oxide constituents (%) SSR

(% by weight) of materials used
in the study SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O TiO2 P2O5

Silty clay 62.26 14.76 12.28 1.28 0.21 2.05 5.46 0.96 0.11 2.30
Hydrated lime 1.65 0.06 0.07 96.1 0.46 - - 0.01 0.02 NA

SSR silica-to-sesquioxide ratio - less than detectable limit of the equipment, NA not applicable

Fig. 2  Variation in the area (or

depth) of carbonation with lime
content and curing period

cohesion which reduces the overall strength of treated

materials [16]. To address the role of lime content and
curing period on the mechanical performance upon car-
bonation, the ratio of unconfined compressive strengths
of carbonated specimens and uncarbonated specimens was
considered. UCS of carbonated and uncarbonated samples
were assessed using the identical samples cured under sim-
ilar conditions, including the curing time. Figure 3 shows
that the UCS ratio (­ UCScarbonated/UCSuncarbonated) for both
lime contents follows an increasing trend with the curing
period. Also, the UCS ratio is comparatively lesser for 4%
lime-treated soil. During curing, continuous precipitation
of reaction products within the stabilized fabric can block
gas permeation and hence the carbonation, as observed in
Fig. 2. Also, the susceptibility of unstable cementitious
gels developed in the 4% lime-treated soil facilitates easy
decalcification giving rise to a lower strength ratio. As a
whole, the type of carbonation and the fabric of treated
soil determine the degree of variation in the mechanical Fig. 3  Variation in the compressive strength ratio of lime-treated soils
performance of lime-treated soils. It warrants the need for upon carbonation

74 Page 6 of 12 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2021) 7:74

chemical, mineralogical, and microstructure analysis of module (Thermo Fischer Scientific, USA). As shown in
the carbonated samples. Fig. 4c, the absorbance region of C ­ O2 coincides with the
first peak after 550 °C and ends at 710 °C, confirming the
Variation in the Chemical and Mineralogical decomposed compounds in the temperature range to carbon-
Properties upon Carbonation ates. Moreover, the study conducted by Villain et al. [37]
suggests that the primary peak (550–650 °C) is due to the
The weight loss curve obtained from the thermal analysis decomposition of amorphous carbonates and the secondary
was assessed to identify various phases from the respec- peak (650–710 °C) is related to the crystalline polymorphs
tive range of decomposition temperature (Online Resource of calcium carbonate.
4). The calcium carbonates formed upon carbonation of The weight loss corresponding to hydrated gels in both
residual lime and hydrated gels were quantified using the carbonated and uncarbonated specimens was calculated, as
observed thermograms. Figure 4a and b shows the weight shown in Fig. 5a, b. It can be observed that with the increase
change and the derivative of weight change for 90 days cured in curing time, the amount of hydrated gels increased due
lime-treated soils upon carbonation. The peaks correspond- to the progressive pozzolanic reactions. Whereas upon car-
ing to hydrated gels (240–300 °C) indicate the presence of bonation, it was reduced in all lime-treated soils. These
residual pozzolanic compounds. Figure 4b shows two peaks observations suggest that hydrated gels underwent decal-
in the temperature range of 550–710 °C. Though pure cal- cification from carbonation to reduce the cohesion and
cites have a decomposition temperature of 898 °C, when overall UCS. The relative amounts of different types of
adulterated with silicate minerals like clays, their decompo- carbonates, Type I carbonates (550–650 °C) and type II
sition temperature reduces [36]. To ascertain the nature of carbonates (650–710 °C) in all samples, are quantified and
carbonated compounds, the gas emanated from thermogravi- presented in Fig. 5c, d. The 7-day cured lime-treated soils
metric analyzer was analyzed using Fourier transform infra- show maximum carbonation indicating the presence of a sig-
red spectrometer with the help of a TGA-IR hyphenation nificant fraction of unreacted lime and unstable cementitious

Fig. 4  Thermogravimetric response and infrared absorbance spectra of carbonated lime-treated soil cured for 90 days

International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2021) 7:74 Page 7 of 12 74

Fig. 5  Variations in the weight

loss of a, b hydrated phases
[240–300 °C] and c, d carbon-
ates [550–710 °C] formed upon

products. The percentage of type I carbonates is lowest for in Fig. 6. The presence of peaks (Fig. 6b) corresponding to
7-day cured samples, whereas it is highest in the carbonated reaction products, denoted as CSH and CASH (21.9° and
samples that are cured for the long term. These observations 28.02°, respectively), indicates the progress of pozzolanic
strongly indicate that type I and Type II carbonates have reaction of lime and clay [41, 42]. However, upon carbon-
evolved from hydrated gels and unreacted lime, respectively. ation, the intensity of these peaks (Fig. 6c) reduced with
From 90 days of curing, the quantity of type I carbonates the formation of peaks corresponding to calcites (29.31°,
increased with curing in 4% lime-treated soils, whereas it 43.01°) and vaterites (22.94, 43.84°). The intensity of
decreased in 8% lime-treated soils. In the case of 4% lime- peaks corresponding to carbonates decreased as the curing
treated soils, progressive lime consumption with curing period increased. The observed trend can be attributed to the
leads to the formation of excess cementitious gels with a enhanced durability of treated soil to carbonation with time.
low Ca/Si ratio, which favored easy carbonation [38]. On
the contrary, higher lime content favors the dissolution of Variation in Microstructure and Pore Size
silica and contributes to the formation of dense cementitious Distribution Properties upon Carbonation
gels, which crystallize and prevents the permeation of gases
through the lime-treated soil [39, 40]. The microstructure of reaction products precipitated via
Furthermore, the changes in the intensity of cementitious pozzolanic and carbonation processes is presented in
phases and the various polymorphs of calcium carbonates Fig. 7. Nodule-like structures of CASH are observed in the
formed upon carbonation were identified using X-ray dif- uncarbonated specimens (Fig. 7a), which indicate pozzo-
fractograms of uncarbonated and carbonated soils, as shown lanic reactions between clay and lime. Figure 7b shows the

74 Page 8 of 12 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2021) 7:74

Fig. 6  X-ray diffractograms of

lime (8%)-treated soils cured
for a 7 days and carbonated,
b 90 days and uncarbonated,
c 90 days and carbonated, d
180 days and carbonated, and e
365 days and carbonated

Fig. 7  a Formation of CASH precipitates, b micro-crack formed after carbonation, c, d rhombohedra calcite structures, and e, f nano-sized car-

International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2021) 7:74 Page 9 of 12 74

formations of micro-cracks, and Fig. 7c and d shows rhom- medium capillary pores (0.1–3 µm), and small capillary
bohedral calcite structures in carbonated samples treated pores or gel pores (0.005–0.1 µm), as shown in Online
with 4% lime. The formation of calcium carbonates with Resource 5. Based on the experimentally observed pore
molar volume higher than lime gives rise to the expansion size distribution characteristics, the different pores present
of the soil–lime composite resulting in micro-cracks. Also, in the carbonated and uncarbonated samples were quantified,
Fig. 7e and f shows irregular, nano-sized amorphous struc- as depicted in Fig. 8. It can be observed that the total pore
tures of calcium carbonates formed in carbonated 180-day volume is higher for 8% compared to 4% lime-treated soils.
cured clays similar to that observed by Cizer et al. [43], This must be due to increased flocculation and improved
indicating CSH carbonation. pozzolanic reactions, increasing the fraction of large capil-
In addition to morphological characterization, the effects lary pores and gel pores, respectively [44]. However, with
of curing and carbonation on the porosity and pore size dis- the increase of curing period, in 4% lime-treated soils, large
tribution of samples considered in the study were examined. and medium capillary pores increased by 60%, whereas, in
The pores present in the lime-treated soils belong to three 8% lime, it decreased by 30%. Also, gel pores of reaction
different categories, viz., large capillary pores (3–100 µm), products are higher for higher lime content and extended

Fig. 8  Variation in the pore size

distribution of lime-treated soil
upon carbonation

74 Page 10 of 12 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2021) 7:74

curing periods. Hence, it is understood that higher dissolu- diffraction studies revealed crystalline polymorphs, cal-
tion of silica and alumina in 8% lime-treated soil resulted cite, and vaterite in the carbonated lime-treated soils.
in enhanced precipitation of pozzolanic reaction products • The microstructure characterization of lime-treated soils
with curing, which eventually contributes to filling of large revealed different morphology of calcium carbonate pro-
capillary pores and decrease in the total porosity [45, 46]. duced upon carbonation. The presence of rhombohedral
Lime-treated soils upon carbonation exhibited an over- calcite structures and micro-cracks confirmed that lime
all reduction in the proportion of gel pores (Fig. 8) and an carbonation is significant during the early stages of the
increase in the proportion of large and medium capillary curing period. Furthermore, carbonation increased large
pores. The decrease in the gel pores is related to the car- capillary pores and reduced gel pores, substantiating
bonation of CSH, as observed in thermal analysis (Fig. 5a, CSH decalcification and loss of particle to particle bond-
b). The carbonated CSH with reduced cohesion fails to bind ing in the treated soil.
the soil matrix and results in pore coarsening. Also, the for- • The unconfined compressive strength decreased with
mation of polymorphs of calcium carbonate (Fig. 6) like carbonation, especially for soils treated with lower lime
vaterite having higher molar volume than lime can result content, due to the decalcification of CSH and alteration
in micro-cracks (Fig. 7b) which increases the porosity of in the pore structure characteristics. For both lime con-
the stabilized matrix. [47]. The initial porosity of 4% lime- tents, the UCS ratio of carbonated and control samples
treated soil is relatively less (Fig. 8), and precipitation of cal- increased with the curing period owing to the progression
cium carbonate can initiate tensile stress and cracks. In addi- of pozzolanic reactions and enhanced durability.
tion, the percentage reduction of gel pores upon carbonation
is more for 4% lime-treated soil, which is in accordance with The pertinent role of lime content and curing period is
the UCS ratio reported in Fig. 3. comprehended in terms of carbonation mechanisms and
their effects on chemico-mineralogical, pore structure, and
mechanical characteristics of lime-treated soils. Overall, the
Summary and Conclusions study contributed toward enhancing the current understand-
ing of the carbonation mechanism in lime-treated soils.
The effects of carbonation on the mechanical and micro-
structure aspects of lime-treated silty clays were studied by Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​s40891-​021-​00318-2.
exposing the treated soil to 7 days of accelerated carbona-
tion. The performance of carbonated lime-treated samples Author Contributions DP: methodology, data curation, formal analysis
was assessed, considering the control samples purged with and investigation, and original draft preparation. DNA: conceptualiza-
nitrogen. Based on the inferences made in this study, the tion, supervision, validation, visualization, and writing—review and
following conclusions are drawn. editing.

Funding No funding was received for conducting this study.

• The extent of carbonation was observed to be nonuniform
due to the unsaturated network of interconnected pores Data Availability All data used in the study are included in the submit-
in the lime-treated soil. The percentage area of carbona- ted article.
tion was significantly higher for 4% lime-treated soil than
the soil amended with 8% lime. Also, the areal extent of Declarations
carbonation was slightly reduced with the curing period.
The soils treated with higher lime content and subjected Conflict of Interest The authors declare that there is no conflict of in-
to extended curing periods have precipitated significant terest concerning the content of this manuscript.
quantities of cementitious products and reduced overall
porosity due to the pore-filling process. Consequently,
this phenomenon enhanced the resistance against carbon
dioxide ingression into the lime-treated samples. References
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