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Name:-Mohamed Momen Elbadry


Academic year: - Second year

Department:-Renewable Energy

Subject:- Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Dr:- Mohamed Salem Eng:- Maha Mohammed

P7 Describe conduction, convection and radiation for a given renewable energy system.

Definition of Conduction is one of the most common forms of heat transfer. Conduction is the transfer of
heat through physical contact. An example of heat transfer through conduction is a metal
handle on a hot pot. Over time, the heat from the fire will travel through the metal handle
and eventually become too hot to handle.
Rate of heat

Definition of Convection is the transfer of heat within a liquid or gas fluid, due to mixing of hotter
materials rising and cooler materials sinking. Convection happens when there is a
difference in temperature between two parts of a liquid or gas. For example, as water is
heated in a pot, the less dense hotter water rises to the top of the pot while the more dense
cool water sinks to the bottom, setting up a natural circulation.
Rate of heat

Definition of Radiation is a method of heat transfer that does not rely upon any contact between
Radiation the heat source and the heated object. For example, we feel heat from a heated pot
and flame even though we are not touching them. Radiation is the least efficient
method of heat transfer.
Rate of heat
BASIS FOR Conduction Convection Radiation
Meaning Conduction is a process Convection refers to Radiation alludes to the
in which transfer of heat the form of heat mechanism in which heat
takes place between transfer in which is transmitted without
objects by direct transition any physical contact
occurs within the fluid. between objects.
Represent How heat travels How heat passes How heat flows through
between objects in direct through fluids. empty spaces.
Cause Due to temperature Due to density Occurs from all objects,
difference. difference. at temperature greater
than 0 K.
Occurrence Occurs in solids, through Occurs in fluids, by Occurs at a distance and
molecular collisions. actual flow of matter. does not heats the
.intervening substance.
Transfer of heat Uses heated solid Uses intermediate Uses electromagnetic
substance. substance. waves.
Speed Slow Slow Fast
Law of reflection Does not follow Does not follow Follow
and refraction
Key Differences Between Conduction, Convection and Radiation
The substantial differences between conduction, convection and radiation are explained as

1. Conduction is a process in which heat is transported between parts of a continuum, through

direct physical contact. Convection is the principle, wherein heat is transmitted by currents in
a fluid, i.e. liquid or gas. Radiation is the heat transfer mechanism, in which the transition
takes place through electromagnetic waves.
2. Conduction shows, how heat is transferred between objects in direct contact, but Convection
reflects how heat travels through liquids and gases. As against this, radiation indicates how heat
travels through places having no molecules.
3. Conduction takes place as a result of the difference in temperature, i.e. heat streams from high-
temperature area to low temperature area. Convection happens due to the variation in density,
such that the heat moves from low-density region to high-density region. On the contrary, all
object release heat, having a temperature more than 0 K.
4. Conduction usually occurs in solids, through molecular collision. Convection occurs in fluids
by mass motion of molecules in the same direction. In contrast, Radiation takes place through
the vacuum of space and does not heat up the intervening medium.
5. The transfer of heat is through heated solid substance, in conduction, whereas in convection the
heat energy is transmitted by way of intermediate medium. Unlike, ration uses electromagnetic
waves to transfer heat.
6. The speed of conduction and convection is slower than radiation.
7. Conduction and convection do not follow the law of reflection and refraction, whereas,
radiation obeys the same.

(P9)Compare the differences between parallel and counter-flow heat

Parallel flow

 The hot and cold fluids flow in the same direction.

 The temperature difference between the two fluids decreases as they flow through the heat exchanger.
 The outlet temperature of the cold fluid is always lower than the inlet temperature of the hot fluid.
 The overall heat transfer rate is lower than that of a counter-flow heat exchanger.


 The hot and cold fluids flow in opposite directions.

 The temperature difference between the two fluids increases as they flow through the heat exchanger.
 The outlet temperature of the cold fluid can approach the inlet temperature of the hot fluid.
 The overall heat transfer rate is higher than that of a parallel-flow heat exchanger.

(#)In general, counter-flow heat exchangers are more efficient than parallel-flow heat exchangers. This is
because the temperature difference between the two fluids is greater in a counter-flow heat exchanger, which
allows for more heat transfer. However, counter-flow heat exchangers are also more complex and expensive to

(#)The choice of whether to use a parallel-flow or counter-flow heat exchanger depends on the specific
application. If efficiency is the most important factor, then a counter-flow heat exchanger should be used.
However, if cost or complexity is a major concern, then a parallel-flow heat exchanger may be a better choice.
b10) Describe with a schematic diagram the basic components of a flat-plate solar collector.

1. Absorber Plate:
This is the flat plate that is covered in a solar energy-absorbing substance that is typically black in color.
2. Glazing:
This translucent cover is put over the absorber plate to block the sun's rays and stop the absorber plate
from losing heat.
3. Insulation:
This translucent cover is put over the absorber plate to block the sun's rays and stop the
absorber plate from losing heat.
4. Frame:
The absorber plate, glass, and insulation are all connected by this framework. Typically
composed of aluminum or stainless steel, the frame is sturdy and long-lasting.
5. Inlet and Outlet:
The fluid can flow into and out of the collector through these pipes or tubes. The fluid is often circulated by a pump and can be either water or
another type of heat transfer fluid.
6. Absorber Plate Coating:
This is a unique coating that has been placed to the absorber plate to increase its capacity to absorb solar radiation.
7. Backing Material:
This substance is positioned underneath the insulation to provide the collector more stability and support.
P11 Describe the basic components of solar thermal system.

The solar collector is a type of solar panel designed to take advantage of solar
Solar Collector thermal energy. These elements capture solar radiation and convert it into
thermal energy.
Flat plate solar In solar thermal collectors of
Parabolic solar thermal collectors
thermal collectors. vacuum tubes
the soul of the system is a the metal tubes of the preceding have a parabolic shape to concentrate
vertical fence of metal system are replaced by glass tubes, the sun radiation received on a surface
tubes, to simplify, that
conducts cold water in
encapsulated, one by one, in another at a point through which the thermal
parallel. glass tube between which the fluid passes.
vacuum is made as insulation.
Primary Circuit The primary circuit of a solar thermal energy installation is a closed circuit, it
transports the heat from the collector to the accumulator (system that stores
heat). The heated liquid (water or a mixture of substances that can transport
heat) carries the heat to the accumulator. Once cooled, it returns to the
collector to reheat, and so on.
Heat Exchanger The heat exchanger heats the drinking water through the heat captured from
solar heating systems. It is located in the primary circuit, at its end. It is shaped
like a serpentine, since this way, it is possible to increase the contact surface
and therefore, the efficiency.
Storage Tank The storage tank is a tank where the heated water useful for consumption
accumulates. It has an inlet for cold water and an outlet for hot. The cold
enters below the accumulator where it meets the exchanger, as it heats it
moves upwards, which is where the hot water will come out for consumption.
Secondary Circuit The secondary or consumption circuit, (open circuit), enters cold supply water
and at the other end the heated water is consumed (shower, sink, ...). The cold
water goes through the accumulator first, where it heats the hot water until it
reaches a certain temperature. Outdoor hot water pipes must be covered by
Hydraulic Bombs Hydraulic pumps, in case the installation is forced circulation, are of the
recirculation type (there are usually two per circuit). A pump works one half of
the day, and the couple, half the remaining time.
Pipelines The pipes of the installation are covered with a thermal insulator to minimize
thermodynamic loss with the environment.
Control Panel There is also the main control panel in the solar thermal installation, where the
temperatures are displayed at all times (a thermal regulator) so that the
operation of the system can be controlled at any time. The clocks in charge of
the exchange of bombs also appear.
1. Cold water inlet: Supply the tank with cold water

2. Domestic hot water: It`s the output of the tank getting out the hot water for domestic usage

3. Tank : It contains Cold water coming from Cold water inlet and hot water coming from DHW

4. Plate heat exchanger: Used to connect hot water the comes from SFC with tank as taking cold
water again for reheating it.

5. Solar flat collector: Heating water comes from solar circuit loading valve

6. Solar circuit loading / unloading valves : supplying solar circuit with water as getting rid of any air
in the system

7. Flow meter: show amount of water loading to the system in liter per min
P1. Solar circuit pump: Pumping the water loading to the system.

P2. Exchanger circuit pump: Pumping out water from tank to Heat Ex

P3. Hot water pump: DHW circulation simulator in a heating system. The lamp lights on when 40 °C on
S3 are reached.

S1. Collector sensor hot side: Sensor measure hot water in collector`s output

S2. Collector sensor cold side: Sensor measure cold water in collector`s input

S3. Tank Sensor hot side: Sensor measure hot water in Tank (in the top)

S4. Tank Sensor cold side: Sensor measure cold water in Tank (in the bottom)

S5. Exchanger hot water Sensor: Sensor measure hot water in Exchanger`s input S6.

Exchanger cold water Sensor: Sensor measure hot water in EXchanger`s output S12.

Solar radiation sensor: Sensor measure Radiation on solar panel collector

TC. Control unit: the circulation pumps of the main circuits are controlled, in terms of start/stop
processes, by an electronic control unit that receives the temperature information from the sensors
located at different key points through which the liquid flows.

C1. Flow rate meter: measures the amount of water passes through the system once it started VF.

Air release valve: ensure that any entrained air in the water system is automatically released PSV.

Safety valve: if there`s any problem in the system it stops the system automatically

P. Manometer: measure water pressure

T. Thermometer: measure water temperature

CV. Check valve: makes sure there is no back pressure of water

EX. Expansion tank: it`s a way to make the motor start automatically when u draw water

FL. Flow regulator: regulate the amount of water loading in the solar circuit in liter per minute.

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