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Working from Home

Maria L Watkins BSc. C.Eng. MIEE

This paper discusses how the advances of visions of having to provide teas and coffees all
modern technology have greatly enlarged the day long and that their own life would be
possibilities for a number of people who either completely disrupted.
need or wish to work fiom home. The variety Surprisingly firms seemed much more
of professions as well as the skills, importance amenable and had visions of saving money on
of the work and remuneration for such tasks the rather expensive accommodation in
has significantly increased in the last few London. As long as the worker was available
years. The availability as well as the size and fiom time to time to come into town for
cost of the equipment needed to perform consultation, firms were of the opinion that the
satisfactorily the variety of work have altered scheme would work. However the most
so that the option of working from home is popular option seemed to be a mixture of
now available to many, who previously could working fiom home 2 or 3 days a week and
not contemplate such an option. coming to the firm the other days. This way the
There are many reasons why anybody wishes fjrm could arrange for offices to be shared;
to work fiom home either on a full time basis travel would be reduced and congestion would
or occasionally. This option used to be both be lessened. (I am not sure if sharing offices
difficult and costly but is no longer so. There would work in practice.)
are still a number of obstacles to overcome Ferranty’s interest was in supplying the
and it is expected that new developments in the electronic equipment necessary in making the
attitudes of employers and technological possibility of working &om home a reality.
innovations will make the task of working However the scheme never materialized and is
from home both easier and more acceptable. still in abeyance, but a special office building
The public may well, after a time consider the was built in Maidenhead. This has the
home a normal workplace, as it used to be necessary electronic equipment and a resident
before the industrial revolution. Equipment is office manager who takes messages, does the
getting steadily cheaper, more efficient and filing etc.
easier to manage. The attitude of the prospec- Working fiom home has been a resounding
tive worker and his or her partner is changing success with a number of computer firms such
slowly so that fewer objections are raised to as F-International. This specializes in computer
the change in lifestyle. based projects on which a variety of women
On behalf of Ferranty seven students, work fiom home. These are often highly skilled
under supervision of two professors fiom women who due to family commitments, be it
the University carried out extensive interviews small children or aging relatives, are unable to
in Maidenhead, at both terminals of the railway leave their homes for long periods.
stations and in the homes of the commuters as I therefore decided to interview eleven people
well as at their places of work. The results (5 men and 6 women) all working fiom home in
were somewhat surprising. The major objec- order to investigate the benefit and drawbacks
tions came fiom the wives who in general were of such an arrangement and to see what type of
of the opinion that they do not relish the idea men or women chose to use their home as their
of having their husband at home all the time. principal place of work. These persons have
The general verdict was that they married for different professions thus giving different
better or worse, but not for lunch. They had overviews and meeting different problems.

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Interviews to be left on their own to get on with the job.

Jobs can be more varied and interesting. It gives
Interview with K.M. opportunities to use one’s talents.
Disadvantages are that you have no others to
In 1941 K.M. was recruited fiom college to discuss issues with or colleagues in similar jobs.
work on Radar and later went to Farnborough There is no help with pension schemes or health
working on developments in microwaves. insurance. And most of all there is regular
Later still he joined Cinema-television income and payment may be long delayed. You
developing test equipment. After that he was will also need equipment and space to work in.
recruited by “electrom” working fiom home However he enjoys working fiom home.
solving all sorts of industrial problems in
electronics, such as temperature Interview with B.D.
measurements, also moisture measurements for
industry in India, where jute was produced. B.D. is a psychodynamic councillor. She has
These balls of jute were made heavier by practiced for the last 9 years with the NHS and
wetting as the producers were paid by private clients. Each session takes 50 minutes
weight. Most of these designs were one offs and she sees each client once or twice a week.
and hence of no interest to larger firms. In All talk about their problems, such as depression,
some cases he was testing apparatus of other patterns of relationships, addiction, phobias,
designers. bereavement etc.
Eventually he moved to Crossfield Skills: Special training is required such as a
electronics where he stayed for 25 years diploma in counselling as well as ongoing
working on electronics in the printing industry training to keep up with new developments.
worldwide. Equipment: A room that is always the same (a
Technology changed and he was made therapeutic environment). The room has to be
redundant. He then worked fiom home for non-distracting and private. It must not be
Thom EMI improving colour printing and now overlooked or overheard. It should be
for a small firm on a variety of automatic comfortable and non-clinical. A word processor
door opening devices by designing printed with internet access. Filing facilities, telephone
circuit boards. He always works fiom his with answer phone and a fhx machine.
spare bedroom at home. The door opening and Advantages: One does not have to go
closing devices can be for the Portsmouth anywhere and no travel time is lost. There are
dockyard doors which weigh 20 tons or can be no expenses for special premises. There is better
security doors for banks, aristocratic homes control of the environment. It is easier to switch
and government departments as well as roles from councillor to mother or cook. Some
swimming pool roofs. Always one-off clients definitely like coming to the home as it
devices. makes them welcome and is not sterile.
K.M. says that the advantages and Disadvantages: There is a rush in preparing the
disadvantages of working fiom home depend premises. There can be interruptions. Care has
on the individual. It suits loners who can to be taken to keep all records private. This
discover how to solve problems, by looking up restricts the use of the room for other purposes.
information in the relevant literature, such as The client may find out more about the
the Patent Office etc. councillor than is desirable. Cooperation fiom
The advantages are that you can work at your the family is essential.
own speed and you do not have to report Payments can be irregular. Most clients are
progress constantly. It suits persons who like obtained by referrals and recommendation.

Interview with D.M. order and writes articles of general interest.

Skills: Excellent typing as well as audio typing
D.M. works ffom home for the commission and shorthand is necessary for her present job.
on Looted Art, trying to trace art looted by the Good organizationalabilities are also required.
Nazis before and during the last war. The Equipment necessary: all the usual ofice
commission is a charity and D.M. helps equipment and good access to the internet e-mail
in searching out a variety of records on the via a good p.c. and a reliable dictating machine.
internet in an attempt to find out where these A suitable room with a special telephone line and
looted art objects are and trying to get them answerphone.
back to their lawful owners. She interviews Advantages: It is useful when looking after the
claimants and others to get as much children and the elderly parents. It is more
information as possible about when and where comfortable as one is in control of heating and
these looted art objects are and trying to get ventilation. One can listen to music if one wants.
them back to their lawful owners. She There is considerably more flexibility. There are
interviews claimants and others to get as fewer distractions and one can work late at night
much information as possible about where if one wishes.
and when things were taken. Disadvantages: Lack of status. There is a
Skills: A very good knowledge of art temptation to become slack. Employers can work
objects, such as paintings, sculpture and erratically. It is necessary to have self-
object d’art. Good computer skills and how to discipline as there is a lack of stimulus and one
search the internet. Skill in interview may feel isolated.
techniques. Ability to keep records. Advice: Keep the brain alert by attending
Equipment: A computer with internet access courses and visiting exhibitions and museums.
with printer. Fax machine, a telephone. Watch how you look to keep up your selfesteem.
Access to libraries such as the British Library,
the Will library (Courtadd) the Warbeck Interview with R.R.
Institute and the website for unclaimed goods.
A room suitable for interviewing claimants. College Advisor
Advantages: Flexibility, not having to
travel. Working within your own time. R.R. has been a college advisor for 18 months.
Interesting human contracts. Satisfaction His job is to interview prospective college
when anything is recovered. students for the Distance Learning College and to
Disadvantages: Space needed for interviews. decide which courses, if any, are the most suitable
Lots of distractions at home. Delays in for them.
remuneration. Skills: A good knowledge of College offers and
the knowledge required to succeed in the courses
Interview with S.R as well as an ability to judge the students
S.R. is a law secretary and has been working Advantages: Pleasant feeling when a candidate
fiom home entirely for the past 18 months. is enrolled, fiee time can be arranged to suit
Before she had 4 different part-time jobs. family requirements. The atmosphere is usually
She left work with other part time pleasant and fiiendly.
employers as she found she was doing too Car and equipment, such as telephone,
many different types of work at once and computer, photocopier and word processing
found it disconcerting. Now as well as acting software and Fax machine supplied by the college
as a secretary she also keeps the archives in as well as petrol costs.

Disadvantages: Six to seven hours a week Interview with S. C.

spent on the road visiting candidates. Frequent
traffic jams. Time wasted on unsuitable S.C. has been working fiom home for 22 years
candidates. and making bespoke curtains for 15 years.
Skills: A knowledge of sewing using
Interview with A.D. industrial machining. A knowledge of design and
pattern making as well as cutting. She studied at
Financial Assistance Consultancy the Luton College of Art.
Equipment: A large 2.5m x 1.5m table and
The consultancy helps small businesses with room to put it in. Good sewing machine. A
arranging their fmances, getting the necessary heavy duty iron. Ladders and a tool box
facilities fiom banks and other agencies, including a cordless drill. A car, telephone and a
making sure that there are enough funds for stock of lining, interlining, curtain hooks and
immediate needs and assisting with budgets as cushion pads. Storage for above.
well as tax returns etc. He does not deal with Advantages: Flexible time, no travelling to
small tradesmen or cottage industries in the old work. One can work whenever the domestic
sense. situation permits.
Dr. A.D. is an expert in the above fields, Disadvantages: One is always on call. There is
having worked for many years as partner in a a lot of mess. Sometimes the hours of work are
large financial f a . He is about 52 years old very long. The pay is small (app. E12.5 to €15
and has worked fiom home for the last 3 years. per hour). Sometimes it is difficult to know how
In his opinion the required skills needed for much to charge. It is necessary to work most
working fiom home are: evenings and weekends. It takes about 3 visits to
Self discipline, knowledge of the profession, the site before clients place the order. There is a
computer literacy and social skills. lack of companionship.
The advantages are:
Low overheads, no time and money wasted on Interview with E. W.
commuting during the rush hour.
The disadvantages are: E.W. is an Internship Consultant. She has
There is a fiagmentation of social units and no practised this profession for 14 years.
social provision. It is necessary to keep Skills: Considerable administrative skills and a
oneself technically up to date. This is more knowledge of office techniques are required.
difficult as there is no formal interaction as Most important are skills at networking, cold
would take place in an ofice when one can calling, marketing and an ability to talk to various
pick up lots of information fiom colleagues. It personnel. One needs knowledge of university
is necessary to have a specialty in which one is systems, in the U.K. and abroad and the ability to
an expert. Another difficulty is the lack of make and keep contacts within various
long term contracts and sometimes the wait for universities. It is necessary to be familiar with
payment. counselling and time tabling.
Advice: Have a definite division between Equipment: Space for usual office equipment
home and work. This means a separate room and filing of documents. Usual office equipment.
devoted only to work. Put on a suit, go to Advantages: No travelling, flexible time, less
exhibitions and find up to date equipment, distractions, no office politics. This results in
attend professional meetings and conferences. greater productivity. Being your own boss gives
Actively seek new clients by networking and if you the ability to control the amount of work to
necessary have an attractive brochure. take on. It is more relaxed.
Disadvantages: The family takes you for

granted. Isolation. Nobody to discuss Interview with ?J D.

problems with. One can become stale. The
temptation is to do everything fiom home and V.D. is an Engineering Consultant and chartered
to miss out on exercise and going out. The ten- engineer, a member of the IEE and a Fellow of
dency to work for long hours and not to know the Institute of no destructive testing. He is a
when to stop. specialist in corrosion correction and corrosion
Skills: Knowledge of the extension of
Interview with L.M. corrosion on structures and instrumentation.
Knowledge of safety inspection and non-
L.M. is a Business Writer. She has been destructive testing. Computer skills for W.P. and
working &om home since 1989 h l l time as she technical calculations, computer diagrams and
prefers it to working in an office. This way she graphs as well as illustrations.
can work for a number of papers and maga- Equipment: Computer with accessories,
zines. telephone, fax machine. Good access to the
Skills: One has to be very organized, it is libraries (such as the Patent Office).
necessary to know how to collect information Advantages: No interruptions, the ability to do
and how best to write it. It is necessary to it in one’s own way. Not so much travelling.
know the style of the publication for which one One can work long hours when necessary
writes as they all have different requirements. including weekends.
Persistence is required to track down persons Disadvantages: Space required for an office. It
for interviews and patience for tracking down may be difficult to set up a network.
persons. One has to know how to find
information which may be difficult to get, but Interview with P.W.
the internet is a great help.
Equipment: The usual office equipment P.W. was an engineering management consultant
including e-mail, fhx machine and a recording working fiom home for a large electrical
device for the telephone so that telephone engineering firm after a number of years when he
interviews can be recorded verbatim. A room worked fiom the firms offices.
solely devoted to work and a car for visits Skills: Ability to investigate how engineers of
outside London. different sorts and in a great variety of jobs
Advantages: Independence. Ability to work worked and suggesting improvements in their
for a variety of publications. Freedom and practices for greater efficiency. A good
flexibility. Money earned is your own. No knowledge of the type of engineering the fitm
dressing up. There is greater variety of work carries out and their work ethics. Computer
and a possibility of travel. It is good for literacy.
learning. The job is so uncertain that there Equipment: A good computer with a laser
is no uncertainty. It is nice to have a tele- printer, fax machine, telephone with answerphone
phone fiiend in the same line to whom one can and space for the office, somewhere to keep
chat during the day and discuss current prob- records. A car to visit various sites of the firm.
lems (a sort of tea break). Advantages: No need to travel to Rugby every
Disadvantages: The homebound effect. day fiom London, but can go to the site directly.
Balance can be difficult. Lack of exercise. Disadvantages: Space has to be found for an
Too much stuff and lack of space to store it. office. Nobody to answer the telephone except
No easy access to a library. A private pension the wife.
is required.

Consultants Conference fdes and documents and an answerphone. The

exception is K.M. and S.C. who both require a
On Saturday 27th May there was a small variety of tools. It is also necessary to have a
meeting of IEE consultants in London to circle of acquaintances who will help to direct
discuss the difficulties in running such a work to the home worker. An attractive and
business and to suggest remedies. 10% of informative brochure, describing the area in
those present work from home largely because which work is done will also be an advantage.
it is cheaper but also because they frnd it more The great disadvantage of working from home
convenient. It creates difficulties with is the isolation which may be faced on the
accounting especially in apportioning costs worker and the lack of contact with persons in
between domestic and business expenditure but the same field. It is therefore possible to miss
helps if there are cash flow problems. Apart useful new developments, to become out of date
fiom this there seems to be no difference and most of all there is the possibility of
depending on the location of the business, becoming disillusioned and of feeling out of the
provided adequate means of communication vibrant circle of achievers. Rearranging the
are installed. work so that one visits clients regularly and
having extensive discussions with them about
Conclusions the project in hand will possibly help. Another
remedy would be to attend meetings of the
A group of people who find it useful to work relevant professional circles or societies and
fiom home are consultants. This covers a great institutions as well as attendance of conferences
variety of occupations as can be seen from the with the possible submissions of papers
interviews. Consulting often involves long and describing an interesting topic. Leading a
tedious searches as well as laborious discourse on the triumphs and pitfalls of recent
calculations and production of suitable problems will undoubtedly provide a stimulus
presentations for the client is best carried out at for the worker fiom home.
home, providing the necessary equipment is Universities and professional institutions
available. This is true of consultants of all should take note of these new developments and
kinds, be they professionals at the end of their provide courses as well as vacation meetings and
career, or those who have retired, but wish to give active encouragement, help and continuous
carry on and impart their expertise to others, or professional education facilities to this growing
even those who have been made redundant and group of professional workers who need help to
who need to continue in their profession to adjust to this new aspect of society.
keep up their self-esteem and to earn extra
revenues. References:
I found a large variety of professions and [ l ] Worcester Polytechnic Institute Mass. USA
occupations who are finding it more and more Project report 1998 “Workingfiom home”
convenient to work from home especially as Advisor Professor J.P. van Alstyne
the cost of providing an office in one’s spare [2] Worcester Polytechnic Institute Mass. USA
room, living room or even bedroom becomes Project report 1999 “Telecommunicating:
easier. The essential equipment is mostly a Neighbourhood Work Centers ’’ Advisor J.S.
desk or portable computer, access to the Demetry
internet, a printer, a photocopier, storage for

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