Ncfe Entry Level 1 Functional Skills Qualification in English Scheme of Work v30

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Scheme of Work – NCFE Entry Level 1

Functional Skills Qualification in English

NCFE Entry Level 1 Functional Skills Qualification in English –

NCFE Entry Level 1 Functional Skills
Teacher\Department Unit Qualification in English – (603/5059/3)

Guided Learning Number of

55 30
Hours (GLH) Sessions

About this qualification:

The purpose of this scheme is to give an outline of the content that should be delivered. These sessions can be stand-alone or
integrated with other sessions; however, time would need to be allocated in order for the skill/content to be embedded.

Some sessions may need longer depending on time allocations and learners.

Phonics – should be embedded throughout and used as a way of sounding out words for both reading and spelling.

Aims of the unit:

A key aim for Functional Skills English specifications is that they should enable the learner to develop confidence and fluency in, and a
positive attitude towards, English. Learners should be able to demonstrate their competence in English by using it in real-world
situations, as well as demonstrating a sound grasp of basic English knowledge and skills.

The purpose of Functional Skills English Entry Level qualifications are to demonstrate the ability at an appropriate level to read, write,
speak, listen and communicate in English, and to apply this knowledge and these skills in familiar situations.

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Scheme of Work – NCFE Entry Level 1
Functional Skills Qualification in English

Functional Skills English at this level indicates that learners should be able to speak, listen, communicate, read and write
clearly, accurately, confidently and with effectiveness.

Learning Outcomes:
Functional Skills English qualifications at these levels indicate that learners should be able to speak, listen, communicate, read and write
with increasing clarity, accuracy and effectiveness at each level. They should be able to:

 Listen, understand and respond to verbal communication in a range of familiar contexts.

 Acquire an understanding of everyday words and their uses and effects and apply this understanding in different contexts.
 Read, with accuracy, straightforward texts encountered in everyday life and work and develop confidence to read more widely.
 Write straightforward texts and documents with clarity and effectiveness, and demonstrate a sound grasp of spelling, punctuation and

Learners should, with some direction and guidance, be able to apply these functional skills to informal and some formal contexts, in
familiar situations.

Opportunities for embedding Fundamental British Values and Prevent:

 Reading texts relevant to British Values - Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs, Political Texts
 Written responses – RSPCA Letter, Email.
 SLC situations linking with British values.

Reference Key:
 EL – Entry Level
 SLC – Speaking, Listening and Communication
 W – Writing
 R – Reading
 SPaG – Spelling and Grammar

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Scheme of Work – NCFE Entry Level 1
Functional Skills Qualification in English

Session Content Statement Ref. Learning Outcomes

 Say the names of the letters in their name.
 Identify letters when said or by sight.
 Listen to tutor. Say the letter sounds aloud.
Say the names of the  Demonstrate existing knowledge of the
1 E1.1 SLC
letters of the alphabet alphabet/vowels and consonants.
 Recognise that different letters have 2 sounds (short
and long).

 Extract key information from a short text. This could

Identify and extract the be in the style of questions at first, then independently
main information from extracting the key information of another text.
2 E1.2 SLC
short statements and  Be able to talk about a text and explain verbally what
explanations it is about.

Follow single-step  Follow single step instructions.

instructions, asking for  This could be done as an opening activity, such as
3 E1.3 SLC
them to be repeated if could you pass me the blue pen or could you turn off
necessary your mobile phone?
 To make a request using an appropriate address.
This is devised as a role-play situation where learners
Make requests and ask participate in acting out a situation where instructions
straightforward questions are given. e.g. Booking a dentist appointment,
4 E1.4 SLC
using appropriate terms ordering a taxi, asking how to get to the entrance of a
and registers building.
 To ask questions and prepare responses for the

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Scheme of Work – NCFE Entry Level 1
Functional Skills Qualification in English

Session Content Statement Ref. Learning Outcomes

 Be able to respond to questions about specific
information such as “What is your name?” “What is
Respond to questions your favourite food?” “What are your interests?”.
5 about specific E1.5 SLC  Devise questions to ask others – this could be done in
information a scenario situation such as finding your way around a
college, how to get to a specific place, or what time of
day an event takes place.
Make clear statements  Share opinions and ideas on a topic. This could be
about basic information delivered as a discussion about an issue such as ‘Is
6 and communicate E1.6 SLC social media a good or bad thing?’
feelings and opinions on  Explain how the topic/situation makes you feel.
straightforward topics
Understand and  Share ideas and plans with others. This could be
participate in simple organising a visit, making plans or birthday party
discussions or ideas.
7 E1.7 SLC
exchanges with another  Work together to come up with a situation and plan
person about a that demonstrates the ability to discuss and exchange
straightforward topic views.
 Read simple words from a text aloud.
Read correctly words  Say and add the words to the sentence. (Could link
8 designated for Entry E1.8R with spelling of the key words)
Level 1  Use strategies to break down new words (e.g.
 Read simple sentences with one clause.
Read simple sentences  Create one-clause sentences from words designated
9 E1.9R
containing one clause for Entry Level 1, to consolidate understanding.

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Scheme of Work – NCFE Entry Level 1
Functional Skills Qualification in English

Session Content Statement Ref. Learning Outcomes

Understand a short piece  Explain what a text is about.
10 of text on a simple E1.10R  Identify the type of text.
subject  Look at how images can help to follow a text.
 Punctuate simple sentences with capital letters and
Punctuate simple full stops.
11 sentences with a capital E1.11W  Make up 5 sentences with a capital letter and full stop
letter and a full stop e.g. On a topic such as the summer holidays, going
out with friends, finding out about a new college/place.
Use a capital letter for the  Use upper-and lower-case letters correctly.
personal pronoun ‘I’ and  Write sentences about a topic that uses personal
12 E1.12W
the first letter of proper pronoun ‘I’, for example: What are you called? How
nouns. old are you?
 Write a paragraph about themselves or a topic they
are interested in and use a range of capital and lower-
case letters.
Use lower case letters
 Select 5 of the upper-case letters of the alphabet and
13 when there is no reason E1.13W
make a word that starts with each letter (Capital
to use capital letters
 Create 5 sentences using the 5 words and include
correct capital letters and full stops.
 Write the upper and lowercase alphabet in order
Write the letters of the  Identify the missing letters in a list of the alphabet
alphabet in sequence and (Both upper and lower case).
14 E1.14W
in both upper and lower  Discuss and identify what letter comes before…?
case What is the letter after….?

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Scheme of Work – NCFE Entry Level 1
Functional Skills Qualification in English

Session Content Statement Ref. Learning Outcomes

 Spell key words for E1 correctly
Spell correctly words
 Spell days of the week by reading aloud and learners
designated for Entry
writing them down.
Level 1 (designated
 Add missing letters to days of the week – this could
15 words for the spelling E1.15W
include first letters (capitals)
assessment can be
located at the end of this  Identify the incorrect spellings.
section).  Make up a sentence that includes each day of the
 Create 5 sentences that contain numbers in written
information in words, E1.16W
16  Add the missing number and letters to number words.
phrases and simple
sentences  Spelling test from word lists - Look Cover Say Repeat

Assessment Preparation
17 SPaG Spelling preparation.
and Planning
Consolidation of Reading skills
Assessment Preparation Practice assessments – Reading
18 Reading
and Planning Use to consolidate knowledge and highlight areas of
strength and areas for development/further revision.
Consolidation of Reading skills
Assessment Preparation Practice assessments – Reading
19 Reading
and Planning Use to consolidate knowledge and highlight areas of
strength and areas for development/further revision.
Consolidation of Reading skills
Assessment Preparation Practice assessments – Reading
20 Reading
and Planning Use to consolidate knowledge and highlight areas of
strength and areas for development/further revision.

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Scheme of Work – NCFE Entry Level 1
Functional Skills Qualification in English

Session Content Statement Ref. Learning Outcomes

Consolidation of Reading skills
Assessment Preparation Practice assessments – Reading
21 Reading
and Planning Use to consolidate knowledge and highlight areas of
strength and areas for development/further revision.
Consolidation of Writing skills
Practice assessments- Writing
Assessment Preparation
22 Writing Use to consolidate knowledge and highlight areas of
and Planning
strength and areas for development/further revision. e.g.
Writing skills, Spelling, Punctuation.
Consolidation of Writing skills
Practice assessments- Writing
Assessment Preparation
23 Writing Use to consolidate knowledge and highlight areas of
and Planning
strength and areas for development/further revision. e.g.
Writing skills, Spelling, Punctuation.
Consolidation of Writing skills
Practice assessments- Writing
Assessment Preparation
24 Writing Use to consolidate knowledge and highlight areas of
and Planning
strength and areas for development/further revision. e.g.
Writing skills, Spelling, Punctuation.
Consolidation of Practice assessments- Writing
Assessment Preparation Use to consolidate knowledge and highlight areas of
25 Writing
and Planning strength and areas for development/further revision. e.g.
Spelling, Punctuation Writing skills.
Spelling Practice – could focus on plurals and
Assessment Preparation
26 SPaG homophones. Give spellings in a context. e.g. I am going
and Planning
to write a letter.
Assessment Preparation
27 SPaG Singular Plurals Practice
and Planning
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Scheme of Work – NCFE Entry Level 1
Functional Skills Qualification in English

Session Content Statement Ref. Learning Outcomes

Assessment Preparation
28 SPaG Alphabet Practice
and Planning
Assessment Preparation
29 Reading Practice Assessment Reading
and Planning
Assessment Preparation
30 Writing Practice Assessment Writing
and Planning

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