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A camera is a device that takes pictures (photographs). It uses

film or electronics to make a picture of something.
The term camera comes from the word “Camera Obscura”
(Latin word for "dark chamber). the functioning of the camera
is very similar to the functioning of the human eye.

Who invented the camera and when

In 1826, the french inventor Joseph Nicéphore created the
first photograph using a camera obscura and captured a view of
.his yard

How did the camera changed the world

Before it was created there were no pictures of memories..
Without the camera, nothing was documented. there was no
way to photograph any historical event and to show a person or
.event in history
.Without the camera, there is no remembrance of anything

Life before the invention

Before the camera was invented, people created images in
many different ways. Like, people used to paint on the walls of
caves. Other drew on wood and rock.

In conclusion

The project was very interesting for me. I take a lot of

pictures and even have my own camera. it’s a subject that
really concerns me.

As a result of the work, I appreciate this invention more and i

understood its importance in our world. Life without a camera
is almost impossible because it is a very large part of it.

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