2 01 Math Formal Lesson Plan

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Formal Lesson Plan Format

Date: February 1, 2024 Class/Subject: Math Teacher: Jordan Brooks

Standard 1.M.NBT.C.05 Given a two-digit number, mentally find 10 more or

10 less than the number without having to count.
Learning Objective Today I will mentally add or subtract 10.

Blooms / DOK Level Level 2 (Skill/ Concept) Students apply some mental processing,
students make some decisions as to how to approach the task. These
actions imply more than one step. Level 2 activities are not limited
only to number skills, but may involve visualization skills and
probability skills.
Essential Questions 1. What is mental math? How do you add or subtract by 10
2. What are strategies? How can they help us to add or subtract
Anticipatory Set When you add 10, why doesn’t it change the one's column?
* congruent to objective
* active participation
* past experience
Direct Instruction
I will model to the students how to solve the first problem of mentally
“I Do” 10 more than 37.
(Include Instructional
I demonstrate to the students how to get the answers for each problem
that we do, including the ones in the game.

The students will be working with their group to find the answers to
the problems. Every student in the group will need to have the same
Guided Practice
answer on their slates and be the first ones to hit the buzzer.
“We Do Together”
Afterward, we will go over how to solve the problems together.

Students will be working together as a group to come up with the

correct answer. Once the groups have answered the question then we
“You Do Together”
will go over the answer together as a class.
(Cooperative Learning)

Will be walking around the room to see if the students are getting the
Checking for Understanding
correct answers. Will also be given a graded assignment as the
independent practice.

Independent Practice
Revised 7/2013
Formal Lesson Plan Format

Independent Practice
“You Do Alone”
Students will be given a worksheet that will be taken for a grade. The
students will have to work on their our to answer mental math
Active Participation Students will be using their whiteboards to answer the questions
Through out entire lesson given to them from the presentation.
* ALL the Students The students will be working as a team to answer the questions
ALL the Time correctly. They will hit a buzzer once everyone in the group agrees on
(Covert/Overt/Combination) the answer and has it written on their whiteboards.
Closure How is a dime and tens rod similar?
* congruent to objective
* active participation
* past experience
* student summary
Assessment - Independent practice.

Revised 7/2013
Formal Lesson Plan Format

Resource(s)/Materials - Slides presentation.

- Independent practice.

Revised 7/2013

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