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Weekly Testing Series Subject: English Class: 9th Chapter.No.

Suffah Science Evening Academy:-

Student Name: Roll. No: Total Marks: 54

Q.No.1 (A Choose the word with correct spellings. (2×1=2)

1 A Caurage B Courage C Curage D Couraje
2 A Supreme B Suprime C Superme D Superime
Q.No.1 (B) Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word. (2×1=2)
1 The word inspired means. A Boring B Important C Motivated D Encouraged
2 He wanted to protect the values. A Defend B Ruin C Develop D Devastate
Q.No.1 (C Choose the correct option according to the grammar. (2×1=2)
1 She did not make a noise. This A Assertive B Negative C Imperative D Interrogative
is an ___ sentence.
2 What a beautiful painting! It is A Assertive B Imperative C Interrogative D Exclamatory
an ___ sentence.

Q.No.2. Answer the Following Questions. (3x2=06)

1. What are the qualities of a patriot?
2. What makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion?
3. What is the highest military award of Pakistan?

Q.No.3. Translate the Following Paragraph into Urdu. (04)

Patriotism gives people the strength and courage to safeguard the interest of the country and nation. For a patriot
the sovereignty, integrity and honour of the country are supreme values on which no compromise can be made.
Patriots render sacrifice for the preservation and protection of these values.

Q.No.4. Write down the summary “Daffodils”. (05)

Q.No.5. Write a letter to your mother about the tests you have just taken. (08)
Q.No.6. Use the following words in your own meaningful, sentences. (05)

1 Sacrifice 2 Commendable 3 Invasion 4 Responsible 5 Prosperity

Q.No.7. Read the Paragraph and Answer the Questions Given at the End. (10)
For three years the master and all his relatives lived in this valley. Many of the Muslims too joined them. All
supplies to the valley were cut off. The Makkans saw to it that no food or drink reached the Banu Hashim. The poor
Banu Hashim had to live on the leaves and roots of trees and bushes. The condition of children was particularly
pitiable. At last some kindhearted Makkans took pity on the Banu Hashim. They tore to pieces the agreement
hanging in the Kaaba . The hunger stricken Banu Hashim were thus able to come back to their homes.
Who lived for three years in the Who joined the master and his What did the Makkans do?
valley? relatives?
How did the Banu Hashim live? What was the condition of the

Q.No.8. Translate the Following Sentences into English. (05)

‫علی اپنا سبق یاد نہیں کر رہا ہے‬. ‫کسان کھیت میں ہل چال رہے ہیں‬. ‫میں کرکٹ کھیل رہا ہوں‬.
‫کیا تم ہماری مدد نہیں کر رہے ہو؟‬ ‫کیا وہ آرام کر رہے ہیں؟‬

Q.No.9. Change the Voice of the Following Sentences. (05)

She is not doing her duty. They are buying this house. Is he milking the cow?
Weekly Testing Series Subject: English Class: 9th Chapter.No.2

Are they reading a book? The boy is climbing on a wall.

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