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Sunset at the beach, two people are casually walking.

Narration (Boy): Palagi nalang akong nananaginip, at pagising ko, para akong nagluluksa
sa pagmamahal na hindi ko pa nahanap. (pause) May nalimutan yata ako, naiwan sa
daan, naiwan sa ala-ala. May biglang pag-gaan sa aking mga balikat na hindi ko
maintindihan. Sa sobrang gaan, masakit.

2nd scene: Coffee shop

Girl: Sino ang nasa panaginip mo?

Boy: Ikaw…

3rd Scene: (OPEN SPACE)

Kath: (looking down) Josh, kailangan ko ng oras para sa sarili ko.

Josh: (confused) Ano'ng ibig mong sabihin, Kath?

Kath: (teary-eyed) Alam mo, matagal ko nang iniisip 'to. Mahal kita, pero parang
nawawala na ako sa sarili ko. Ang dami ko nang ibinigay sa ating dalawa, pero parang
nalimutan ko na kung sino ako.

Josh: Bakit ngayon mo lang sinabi 'to, Kath? Hindi ba natin kayang ayusin?

Kath: (smiling sadly) Mahirap, Mike. Kailangan ko munang alagaan ang sarili ko bago ko
kayo alagaan ng tama. Gusto ko mahanap ulit ang sarili ko, ang mga pangarap ko na
naipostpone ko para sa atin.

Josh: So ito na ba talaga 'yun? Wala na tayo?

Kath: (holding his hand) Hindi ko alam kung paano magsimula, Josh. Pero kailangan ko
ng oras para mahanap ang sarili ko. Mahalaga din naman ang pag-aalaga sa sarili, di
ba? Paalam mahal.


JOSH strolls through a serene park, carrying a notebook filled with sketches. He finds a
bench and sits, gazing at the surroundings. A group of FRIENDS laughs nearby.

Friend 1: Oy diba, bukas na yong opening lights dito sa luneta?

Friend 2: Oo, any plans for tomorrow

Friend 3: Punta kami ng jowa ko rito.

Friend 2: Ay sige sige, kami nalang dito hahaha.

JOSH overheard the conversation and was also interested in watching the opening lights.


Jason, now determined, enters the park. He looks at a vibrant Christmas lights that reflects
the feel of Christmas. Kath, coincidentally at the park, notices Jason from a distance. Their
eyes meet, bringing a flood of memories. "Sa Susunod Na Habang Buhay" by Ben&Ben
plays softly in the background.

Josh: Kath

Kath: Josh

Josh: (smiled at Kath)

Kath: (smiled back)

Josh: (slowly approaching Kath)

Hi Kath, nandito ka na pala.

Kath: Oo Josh, actually kanina pa ako. Nagulat nga ako na nakita kita.

Josh: You still haven’t changed Kath.

Kath: Syempre naman, ako pa.

They continued to talk and were happy seeing each other again.

BEACH Almost Sunset

Josh and Kath, sitting on the pebble beach, talk about life, missed opportunities, and the
pain of parting. The sun sets, casting a warm glow on their faces.

Kath: Kumusta ka na Josh?

Josh: I was never okay.


Josh: Ever since your goodbye, I was never the same.

Kath: I’m sorry.

Josh: No, don’t be sorry.

They share a quiet moment. Jason used his ipad and starts sketching, inspired by the
emotions stirred by the song of Ben&Ben

Jason fell asleep and as he woke up, he realized Kath was not there. Josh looked
everywhere and screams for Kath’s name. He felt hopeless but Kath came rushing in to

Kath: Josh!

Josh: Kath! (he hugged Kath lightly and started to cry again)

Josh: Kath! Akala ko umalis ka na naman.

Kath: *she punched Josh’s breast lighty* Tanga! Nag cr lang ako hahaha.

Josh: I thought you were gone and I can’t afford to lose you again.

They looked into each other’s eyes and with the sunset as their bg.

Josh: (looking at Kath) Sa susunod na habang buhay, Lia, ikaw pa rin.

Kath: Sa ngayon at susunod na habang buhay, Josh.

Lia smiles, and they embrace, finding closure and a new beginning. The film concludes
with Jason and Lia walking into the beach, hand in hand, as the song by Ben&Ben
continues to play, echoing the promise of enduring love and second chances.

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