DLL English 7 Q3 Week 6

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Caloocan City
Kalayaan National High School
Phase 10 B Brgy. 176-Bagong Silang, Caloocan City


SCHOOL Kalayaan National High GRADE 7
School LEVEL


SCHEDULE 12:30–1:30 14 Monday – Thursday
3:50– 4:50 8 Monday-Tuesday – Thursday & Friday
4:50 - 5:50 30 Monday -Wednesday & Friday
5:50 -6:50 28 Monday -Wednesday & Friday


Learning Most Essential Learning Competency
Competency React to what is asserted or expressed in a text. EN8RC-IIIe-2.1.7
Objectives At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
 give a reaction to what is expressed in the given passage;
 write a reaction to what is asserted or expressed in a text; and
 express valid reason/s to support your reaction.
Content Topic: Quarter 3: Week 6
Materials: Module 1,Laptop

Preliminaries  Prayer
 Greetings & KNHS Battle Cry
 Setting of daily routine

Directions: Read the paragraph below. Choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answer on the blank.
As our world recognizes increased globalization, 21st century learning
refers to the skills and technologies that will position our students to succeed
in a world that ever increasingly requires collaboration, critical thinking,
adaptability, grit, perseverance and relies less on the learning of facts and
data. The how and why of learning becomes central and is far more important
than the what or who from past models. Students must approach lifelong
learning with a flexible mindset as they tackle 21st century issues. They must
learn to work with and listen to a variety of points of view. Technology plays a
big part in 21st century learning. The use of podcasts, audio and video blogs
and online learning all play into how education is moving and is significant in
high schools and universities. The Internet is the connection to our global
world. Students will acquire internet navigation skills as they move through
our program. The vast array of resources on the Internet provides a wealth of
data and students will learn to filter the essential from the nonessential; to
incorporate visual images and graphics. The use of the interactive White Board
is a valuable classroom tool. Students will have facility with iPads and laptop
computers. –

Jeff Escabar Head of School Source: https://spanishinfusionschool.org/21st-century-learning

______1. What is the essay all about?

A. Globalization B. 21st Century Learning
C. Skills D. Technologies
______2. Who wrote the essay?
A. Jeff Escabar B. School Head
C. Spanish in Fusion School D. 21st Century Learning
______3. Which of the following best describes 21st century learning?
A. It refers to the skills and technologies that will position the
students to succeed in a world.
B. It means students must learn to work with and listen to a variety
of points of view.
C. It does require collaboration, critical thinking, adaptability, etc.
D. It is the how and why of learning.
______4. Do you think 21st century learning is important? Why?
A. Yes. It will produce lifelong learners who are globally competitive.
B. Yes. It will offer sufficient work opportunities.
C. No. It will not help us to succeed in life.
D. No. It will not determine our success in life.
______5. How does technology play a vital part in 21st century learning?
A. It enables us to use phones, televisions, and computers.
B. It connects us to the global world.
C. It cannot change our lives at all.
D. It will never be a part of 21st century learning.
Lesson Proper LOOKING BACK
Directions: Identify what is being asked in each statement. Write your answer
on the blank.

Statistics Evidence Quotations Facts

Examples Citing Charts Graphs Maps
General Statement

______1. These are data which are factual and correct.

______2. It is a proof which tries to validate the speaker’s arguments as
accurate and authentic.
______3. It means to discuss a proof to defend a claim.
______4. It is a measured study that uses numerical information.
______5. These are words are taken from a passage or a speaker.
______6. Health is wealth is an example of ________.
______7. These are photographic pictures which tell locations.
______8. These are graphical images that give information.
______9. These are diagrams that show relationships.
______10. These are representations or models of one’s points.
In this 21st century era, everyone tends to read, to write, and to speak
what’s in their mind . People may agree or disagree, it is because reacting to a
text or an issue means giving worthy assertions. When we say… ASSERTIONS –
statements that people may approve or disapprove with; – do not necessarily
mean they are general facts; and – pertain to one’s stand on an issue, topic, or
subject. Whether you like it or not, there are times that you have to give your
reaction to what is asserted or expressed by someone. It may be your family,
classmates, or friends. It could be in the book or pamphlets you have read. In
short, this is an opportunity for everyone to know what and how they feel in
an asserted or expressed idea. It is also good to note that, when you react , it
will always involve critical thinking, deep understanding, and careful
judgement especially on what is being expressed. In giving your reaction it is
important to:  Tell whether you agree or disagree to what is asserted or
expressed in the text; Example: I agree with what the author stated… I don’t
agree with what the author stated….
 Share what you agree or disagree with; Example: I also believe that we
should help in planting trees. I don’t believe that we should make abortion
legal in the Philippines.
 Explain your reaction clearly; give valid, logical and sound reason/s to
support your reaction

ACTIVITIES Activity 1: LIKE or DISLIKE! Objective: Give your reaction to what is expressed
in the given passage. Directions: Draw LIKE if you AGREE with what the text
expresses and draw DISLIKE if you DISAGREE with what the text expresses.

1.The key causes of the water pollution are; industrial waste, mining
activities, sewage and waste water, accidental oil leakage, marine
dumping, chemical pesticides and fertilizers, burning of fossil fuels,
animal waste, urban development, global warming, radioactive waste,
and leakage from sewer lines. There is less water available for drinking,
cooking, irrigating crops, and washing because of pollution.
2. On February 4, 2020, a bill proposing the legalization of divorce in
the Philippines was approved by the Committee on Population and
Family Relations in the House of Representatives. Currently, the
Philippines and the Vatican are the only two sovereign states in the
world that still prohibit divorce. from:

4.The Philippines recently passed a new bill, the "Graduation Legacy

For the Environment Act, which requires all “elementary, high school,
and college students to plant at least 10 trees each as a prerequisite
for graduation, Proponents of the law see this as an opportunity for
the Filipino youth to help combat global warming. . from:
Activity 2: BELIEVE IT OR NOT!
Objective: Write your reaction to what is asserted or expressed in a text.
Directions: Go back to Activity 1, reread the texts inside the boxes. Then, write
your reaction to what is asserted or expressed in each text in a complete
sentence. Make sure to use words that show agreement and disagreement.
Example: I believe with the author that we should help in cleaning our

ASSERTIONS – statements that people may approve or disapprove with; –
do not necessarily mean it is a general fact; and – pertains to one’s stand on
an issue, topic, or subject..
In giving your reaction it is important to:
 Tell whether you agree or disagree to what is asserted or expressed in the
text;  Share what you agree or disagree with;
 Explain your reaction clearly; give logical reason/s to support your reaction

Directions: Write TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is not

1. Assertions are statements that people may approve or disapprove


2. People should always agree with each other’s opinion.

3. Expressing your reaction to an asserted or expressed idea is important.

4. Reacting to what is asserted in a text involves critical reading, analysis,

and forming judgments about the text.

5. In giving a reaction, it is not necessary to explain why you agree or


Directions: Read and understand the news article below and answer the
questions that follow.
WE, Grade 11 students, recently learned that there has been a motion to
legalize divorce in the Philippines. Divorce is already legalized in every single
country around the world, except in the Vatican City and our own Philippines
(The Economist, 2020). For this reason, it seems to many that it is only right
that we follow suit. At the moment, the only legal process similar to divorce in
the Philippines is the declaration of nullity, which establishes a marriage as
invalid from the beginning. In order to be considered void from the beginning,
a marriage must fall under one of the following criteria: “absence of the
essential requisites of marriage – consent and legal capacity of the parties,
bigamous marriages, incestuous marriages, or psychological incapacity,”
according to Calleja Law (n.d.).
As it is often considered unfair or overcomplicated due to its numerous
specific conditions, many Filipinos have been clamouring for the legalization of
divorce in order to have a simpler, more straightforward manner of retracting
an unsuccessful marriage. The Philippine legal system has persisted against
this for over 70 years, but recently, House Bills 100, 838 and 2263, the bills
instituting divorce, were approved by a house committee. Nevertheless, we
stand firm in our belief that divorce should continue to be prohibited in our
country. Excerpt from:

1. What is the issue being discussed in this article?
A. abortion B. divorce C. gambling D. same-sex marriage
2. Aside from the Philippines, where else is divorce not allowed? A. China B.
France C. Japan D. Vatican City

3. The only legal process similar to divorce in the Philippines is the declaration
of nullity. Nullity means _____________________.
A. creating marriage sacred
B. establishing a marriage as invalid from the beginning
C. making the marriage legal
D. transforming illegal marriage into legal

4. Which one shows agreement?

A. Divorce is already legalized in every single country around the world, except
in the Vatican City and our own Philippines
B. It seems to others, that it is only right that we follow suit.
C. I strongly believe that legalizing divorce in the Philippines is a national issue.
D. I don’t think that legalizing divorce is needed in the Philippines.

5. Which statement shows the reaction of the writer to the issue?

A. It is often considered unfair or overcomplicated due to its numerous
specific conditions.
B. Many Filipinos have been clamoring for the legalization of divorce.
C. The Philippine legal system has persisted against this for over 70 years.
D. We stand firm in our belief that divorce should continue to be prohibited in
our country.

After my journey on this lesson, I have learned that ____________________
It made me realized that ____________________ ______________.
Therefore, I promise that I will ____________________ ___________.
Prepared by: Checked by:


Head Teacher VI, English Department


Principal IV


PSDS, KNHS in-charge

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