Government Pension Offset Gpo and Windfall Change

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Government Pension Offset (GPO) and

Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)

It does affect you!
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 Government Pension Offset (GPO) - adjusts
Social Security spousal or widow(er) benefits for
people who receive “non-covered pensions.”

A non-covered pension is paid by an employer

that does not withhold Social Security taxes
from your salary, typically, state and local
governments or non-U.S. employers.
 Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)- is a formula used to
adjust Social Security worker benefits for people who
receive “non-covered pensions’’ and qualify for Social
Security benefits based on other Social Security-covered
earnings. A non-covered pension is paid by an employer that
does not withhold Social Security taxes from your salary,
typically, state and local governments or non-U.S.
employers. If you have a pension from a job where you did
not pay Social Security taxes, your benefit may be reduced
by WEP. Important note: WEP does not apply if YOU
have 30 or more years of substantial earnings under
Social Security.
Frustrating Facts

 This is a Federal Issue – so Congress not your state must

take action
 9 out of 10 educators are impacted by GPO
 83% impacted are women
 These penalties negatively impact teacher recruitment
and retention
 Widows and widowers lose their spousal SS – totally
Why is GPO/WEP repeal important for
non-affected states
 Individuals may move from a non-affected to an
affected state and be subject to GPO/WEP later
in life.
 Individuals who switch careers in mid-life may be
unaware they are affected by GPO/WEP until
they retire.
 This affects the entire profession because it
hinders educator recruitment and retention.
GPO/WEP States/Localities
 Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia (some areas)
 Illinois, Kentucky (some areas), Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts,
 Missouri, Nevada, Ohio, Rhode Island (some areas), Texas

• State, County, City and special district employees in 26 states.

• Federal employees who are on the CSRS retirement system in every state.
• Foreign pension earners who also qualify for Social Security.
Non-GPO/WEP State
What has NEA Been Doing?

 Ed Foglia, California, NEA-Retired Representative on

the NEA Board of Directors, will talk briefly on the
history of NEA’s actions.
Martha Karlovetz’s Story

Remember this issue of

NEA Today?

How could one person lose

over $100,000 from Social
Here’s how . . .
• 1958-1960 Part-time jobs while attending college SS
• 1960-1966 Full-time job while finishing degree in night school SS
• 1966-1968 Taught social studies in a Missouri Public School PSRS
• 1969-1970 Taught part-time for Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics SS
• 1970-1986 Elem. Reading Specialist in a MO Public School PSRS
• 1978 & 1979 Supervisor for summer reading program SS
• 1986 – 1995 President Missouri NEA SS

Total full-time years contributing to Social Security 16 years

Total full time years contributing to Public Pension 18 years
This is not double-dipping but double-earning!

Because of the Windfall Elimination

Provision (WEP) Martha’s monthly
Social Security benefit is reduced by
over $450 per month simply because
she has a public pension!
What about the Government Pension Offset
• Martha’s husband is 5 years older than she is.

• If he pre-deceases her – and the odds are pretty good –

she will receive almost none of his Social Security
survivor’s benefits simply because she has a public

• He took a reduced pension benefit from

Boeing/Macdonnell Douglas to help ensure some of the
survivor’s benefit.
Ed Foglia’s Story
Scenarios* Will you know the answers?
 These answers should be always checked
by a Social Security Employee who
specializes in GPO/WEP. Each case would
be determined on each individual’s
personal information.
Scenario 1

 Sallytaught in a GPO/WEP state but then

moved to a state where she contributed to
SS. Joe did the opposite. Who is affected,
Sally or Joe?
Scenario 1 Answer -

 YES, Both are affected. GPO will affect your

pension from the non-covered state and
could also be affected by WEP unless you
have has “substantial earning” of covered
employment. GPO will more than likely effect
any spousal benefits.
Scenario 2

I taught and retired in a GPO/WEP state.

I then moved and taught in state where I
paid into SS. Will my SS benefits be
affected in my new state when I claim my
Scenario 2 Answer -
 YES, but it depends. The GPO formula would
generally apply if the person earned a pension in
the non-covered state. The WEP formula would
likely apply here though we’re a little fuzzy on
what happens with covered employment after
retirement (e.g. could the person theoretically
reach the 30 years “substantial earnings”
Scenario 3

Is it true that in a GPO/WEP state I

will have decreased or no spousal
benefits even though my spouse paid
into SS for his/her entire career?
Scenario 3 Answer

YES! The survivor’s or spousal

benefit will be reduced to at least
two-thirds of their gross pension.
Scenario 4
Iwas "told" that if I now moved to
say, Louisiana (GPO/WEP state), and
began teaching my SS benefit would
be reduced even though I reached
full retirement in Virginia (non-
GPO/WEP state). I have not claimed
any SS benefits.
Scenario 4 Answer -
 Yes,that appears to be the case.
Unless you have paid into SS for 30+
years and have substantial earnings.
 Please note that our NEA pensions
specialists still think someone from
the Social Security Administration
would need to confirm that.
Where will the money come for this repeal?

 The funds will come from the Social

Security Trust. The Trust is estimated to
become insolvent in 2034. If GPO/WEP
is repealed and all people who paid
into Social Security get the benefits
they paid for, the Trust will become
insolvent in 2033.
SS Trust – comes from FICA contributions

The limit on annual earnings subject to

Social Security taxes is referred to as
the Social Security tax cap. For 2024,
that maximum is set at $168,600, an
increase of $8,400 from last year. After
your pay reaches the cap you no longer
pay into SS!!!!!
The Bottom Line

✓ GPO and WEP penalize educators and public

servants who dedicate their lives to public
✓ GPO and WEP discourages people from
becoming educators, especially those in mid-
✓ We support full repeal of GPO and WEP
✓ Social Security and Medicare should be
strengthened—not weakened
Where is the Repeal Effort right now?
 The H. R. 82 has 308 cosponsors which means it
could bypass the Ways and Means Committee.
Representative Graves, R-LA, had told the chair
that he wants a markup but if that doesn’t
happen he will bypass the committee and use the
discharge petition to bring the bill to the floor for
a vote.
Where is the Repeal Effort right now?
 S. 597 only has 50 cosponsors, and 60 cosponsors would
prevent a filibuster, when brought to the Floor.
 Both Senators are cosponsors in these states:
California, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia,
Hawaii , Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey,
New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont,
Where is the Repeal Effort right now?
 States with only 1 Senator is a cosponsor: Alaska,
Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska,
New York*, Ohio*, Oklahoma, Oregon, Virginia,

 States with no cosponsors: Alabama, Arkansas,

Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, North
Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,
Utah, West Virginia, Wyoming
What Can I do to Support the Repeal
• Contact the Ways and Means Committee by
phone and email. If the person represents you,
contact his in-state office as well.
• Is your Representative and Senators co-
sponsoring the bill? Thank then and encourage
them to get their colleagues to support the bill.

• Not supporting? Let them know why they need

to cosponsor and TELL YOUR STORY!
Postcard Activity

Writing a postcard
Stay positive, tell them why it is
important to repeal GPO/WEP
Leave your postcard in the middle
of the table for Council and Board
members to collect and bring to
the head table.
Dear XXX,

Iurge you to cosponsor S. 597, The

Social Security Fairness Act.
 What you have to say goes here.

 Sign off here. Name, address, etc.

Senators Mailing Addresses
 All addresses end in _____Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
 For Example:
 Sen. Mark Warner 703 Hart Senate Office Building
 Washington, DC 20510

 Sen. Ted Cruz

 167 Russell Senate Office Building
 Washington, DC 20510
Not a Cosponsor Senate Addresses
 Alaska, Dan Sullivan, 302 Hart
 Illinois, Dick Durbin, 711 Hart
 Indiana, Todd Young, 185 Dirksen
 Maryland, Ben Cardin, 509 Hart
 Montana, Steve Daines, 320 Hart
 Nebraska, Deb Fischer, 448 Russell
 New York, Chuck Schumer*, Majority leader, 322 Hart
 Oklahoma, James Lankford, 316 Hart
 Oregon, Ron Wyden, 221 Dirksen
 Virginia, Mark Warner, 703 Hart
 Wisconsin, Ron Johnson, 328 Hart
Senate Addresses No Cosponsors from these states
 Alabama, Katie Britt, 502 Hart
 Tommy Tuberville, 455 Russell  Kansas, Roger Marshall, 479A Russell
 Arkansas, John Boozman, 555 Dirksen  Jerry Moran, 521 Dirksen
Tom Cotton, 326 Russell
KY, Mitch McConnell, 317 Russell
 Delaware, Thomas Carper, 513 Hart  Rand Paul, 295 Russell
 Chris Coons, 218 Russell  MS, Cindy Hyde-Smith, 702 Hart
 Florida, Marco Rubio, 284 Russell
Roger Wicker, 425 Russell
 Rick Scott, 284 Russell  MO, Josh Hawley, 115 Russell
 Idaho, Mike Crapo, 239 Dirksen Eric Schmitt, 387 Russell
 James Risch, 483 Russell  NC, Ted Budd, 304 Russell
 Iowa, Joni Ernst, 260 Russell  Thom Tillis, 113 Dirksen
 Chuck Grassley, 135 Hart
Senate Addresses No Cosponsors

 North Dakota, Kevin Cramer, 313 Hart

 John Hoeven, 338 Russell  Utah, Mike Lee, 354 Russell
 SC, Lindsey Graham, 211  Mitch Romney, 354 Russell Senate
 Tim Scott, 211 Russell  WV, Shelley Moore Capito, 170 Russell
 SD, Mike Rounds, 716 Hart  Joe Manchin, 306 Hart
 John Thune, 511 Dirksen  WY, John Barrasso, 307 Dirksen
 TN, Marsha Blackburn, 357 Dirksen  Cynthia M. Lummin 127A Russell
 Bill Hagerty, 251 Russell
 Texas, John Cronyn, 517 Hart
 Ted Cruz, 167 Russell
Special thank you Stephanie
Salvador, NEA GR, for all the
knowledge you have shared and
continue to share!
Any mistakes are all mine. This thing is unbelievable
 Extremists in Congress are demanding a vote on legislation that would make it
easier to slash Social Security and Medicare. Some are even threatening to
shut the government down if they don’t get their way.
 This legislation is dangerous. The bills would create a so-called “fiscal
commission” that would be able to fast-track cuts behind closed doors with
no public input.
 There is a better way – making sure the wealthiest Americans pay their fair
share into Social Security and Medicare. But these politicians are determined
to cut the benefits we’ve earned over a lifetime of work.
 Send a message now. Click to demand that your senators and representative
oppose any legislation calling for a “fiscal commission.”
Want this PowerPoint?
I have a special email for you.

 Email Meg Gruber at

I don’t want you lost in the adds I get!

Ways and Means Committee
 Terri A. Sewell, AL, David Schweikert, AZ, Michelle Steel, CA,
 Mike Thompson, CA, Linda T. Sánchez, CA, Judy Chu, CA,
 Jimmy Panetta, CA, John B. Larson, CT, Vern Buchanan, FL,
 W. Gregory Steube, FL, A. Drew Ferguson IV, GA, Randy Feenstra, IA,
 Darin LaHood, IL, Danny K. Davis, IL, Bradley Scott Schneider, IL,
 Ron Estes, KS, Richard E. Neal, MA, Daniel T. Kildee, MI,
 Michelle Fischbach, MN, Jason Smith, MO Chair, Gregory F. Murphy, NC,
 Adrian Smith, NE, Bill Pascrell, Jr., NJ, Claudia Tenney, NY,
 Nicole Malliotakis, NY, Brad R. Wenstrup, OH, Mike Carey, OH,
 Kevin Hern, OK, Earl Blumenauer, OR, Mike Kelly, PA, Lloyd Smucker, PA,
 Brian K. Fitzpatrick, PA, Dwight Evans, PA, David Kustoff, TN,
 Jodey C. Arrington, TX, Beth Van Duyne, TX, Lloyd Doggett, TX,
 Blake D. Moore, UT, Donald S. Beyer, Jr., VA, Suzan K. DelBene, WA,
 Gwen Moore, WI, Carol D. Miller, WV
How do I Find out how my
Representative and Senators Stand?
Go to –
Search for Social Security
Fairness Act
We need you to Lobby hard your Senator
if he/she is not a Cosponsor! S 597

Link to Senate Cosponsors

Links to the main bills in the House & Senate
 HR 82 Social Security Fairness Act Graves

 Senate597 Social Security Fairness Act

Brown (D-OH)

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