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Struggling with your dissertation on Education Policy? You're not alone.

Writing a dissertation is
often considered one of the most challenging tasks in academia. It requires extensive research, critical
analysis, and the ability to articulate complex ideas in a coherent manner. For many students, the
process can be overwhelming and stressful.

Education Policy is a particularly intricate field, dealing with a wide range of social, political, and
economic factors that shape educational systems. Crafting a dissertation in this area demands a deep
understanding of educational theory, policy frameworks, and empirical research methods. It's no
wonder many students find themselves grappling with the complexities of the subject matter.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of writing your dissertation on Education Policy, don't
despair. Help is available. At ⇒ ⇔, we specialize in providing expert assistance to
students facing academic challenges. Our team of experienced writers and researchers can provide
the support and guidance you need to navigate the dissertation writing process with confidence.

By enlisting the help of our professional services, you can:

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Don't let the difficulty of writing a dissertation on Education Policy hold you back. Contact ⇒ ⇔ today to learn more about how we can support you on your academic journey.
With our expert assistance, you can navigate the challenges of dissertation writing with confidence
and achieve your academic goals.
While considering the achievements of Kerala in the field of education and societal development viz.
Another major lacuna in our education system is the total lack of accountability, not only in
elementary education but also in higher education. Note: Also Most of NGOs except “Kisaan Vikas
Seva Sansthan, Kauriram” are doing work. The teachers comprised a group, calling themselves the
“explorers” and all worked together focusing on the constructivist theory in their practice; creating
their own small community within. The objectives of the study are mentioned as under. Andreas
Schleicher - 20 Feb 2024 - How pop music, podcasts, and Tik Tok are i. Participants in a 2008
workshop series on promising practices in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics education identified the following general learning goals for students, which also are
relevant for DBER (National Research Council, 2011). If you are considering this area for your
education dissertation, here are some suggestions for your specific area of research. One curriculum,
RealTime Physics Active Learning Laboratories, targets known misconceptions by using
microcomputer-based technologies to instantly analyze formative data and provide immediate
feedback to the student. In addition, the different subfields rely to some extent on different
methodologies, for example the observational field work in ecology and the experimental laboratory
research of molecular biology. In the back ground of these developments in Kerala, the conclusion
may be right; the only possible area of development for Kerala seems to be education, environment
and climate. Several resources have been published detailing how learning theory (Bretz and
Nakhleh, 2001), methodologies (Orgill and Bodner, 2007), and experimental design in chemistry
education research (Sanger, 2008; Towns, 2008) are grounded in the intersection of chemistry with
several other disciplines. They are the center of social transformation and offer policy makers with a
potentially strong platform to rectify issues of discrimination, diversity and disadvantage observed in
classrooms and schools (Townsend, 2007). This book asks questions that are essential to advancing
DBER and broadening its impact on undergraduate science teaching and learning. It is a proposal
form that will be of great help to you in making the needed proposal for your project. Research on
making lectures more interactive is a significant focus of DBER. Several studies have shown that the
lecture-tutorial approach is more effective than lecture-dominated courses. They received ample
support from the rulers both during the pre- independence period and in the post independence
period through grants and aids. If you are a student, then this must have caught your attention. Once
you hire our experts, you will not need to try any other dissertations provider. Here are the areas of
public school education that you could use as a topic for discussion in your education dissertation.
NE Policy 2009.ppt NE Policy 2009.ppt krazziie krazziie Unit 2 Educational Demands of Individuals
and Diverse Communities Unit 2 Educational Demands of Individuals and Diverse Communities
0001 0001 Education Strategy Document 2013 Education Strategy Document 2013 Beyond 2015:
The Education We Want Beyond 2015: The Education We Want 12th fyp approach paper education
response 12th fyp approach paper education response ACHIEVING UNIVERSAL BASIC
governments are trying out to new policies to deal with innovative technologies, new world order
and a dynamic global economy. We devote a subsequent chapter ( Chapter 7 ) to several emerging
topics for DBER: science and engineering practices, applying knowledge in different settings
(transfer), metacognition, and students’ dispositions and motivations to study science and
engineering (the affective domain). This template can be downloaded on not only the computer and
PC but also on any electronic device with ease. These gains often are measured with concept
inventories developed for aspects of the discipline or other specialized assessments (see Chapter 4
for a discussion of concept inventories), or with course assignments or exams. Fewer studies measure
longer-term gains, or other outcomes such as student attitudes and motivation to study the discipline.
Less evidence exists regarding the efficacy of different. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of
India said, “The time has come to create a second wave of institution building, and of excellence in
the fields of education, research and capability building so that we are better prepared for the 21st
century.” To tap the untapped resources and opportunities, it needs a focused approach and a
knowledge-oriented paradigm of development. It also would be useful to explore the dimensions of
overall science performance, quantitative skills, and spatial ability. Expand the frontiers of
knowledge in education and allied disciplines.
Whether the individual is a pre-school teacher, a primary school teacher, a secondary school teacher
or a university adult the role dissertations by them is education dissertation one. The current National
Education Policy (1998-2010) was framed in the light of historical. Schooling has been conducted in
three different stages - Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary. The employees of an organization
are its most important asset and should be valued. You need to provide real and actual samples and
analysis data of the market, just like in a finance proposal. Other research examining the use of
ConcepTests (short, formative assessments of a single concept), Venn diagrams constructed with
student input, and analysis of geologic images during lecture has shown significant differences
between control and experimental groups; students who experienced the interactive strategies earned
higher exam scores (McConnell, Steer, and Owens, 2003). A knowledge society consists of
individual as well as institutions that can provide efficient innovation system, research centers,
universities, think tanks, consultants, and other organizations. There are 6,726 lower primary and
2,968 upper primary schools. This way the lecturer and also, the others know what you are making
your dissertation about so that there is no clash with others. So parents and students started to opt
education which provides international exposure and industrial experience. As a major exporter of
manpower to Gulf countries, this can be considered as a hidden opportunity for Kerala. Education
For Topics Education is constantly evolving; whether your interests lie in primary, secondary or
dissertations education, we have provided a selection of dissertations and original dissertation topics
to get you dissertation about yours. We have organized this discussion by instructional strategy
rather than by discipline because these strategies in themselves are not discipline-specific, and most
are implemented in similar learning environments. When explicitly leveraged, the overlap of DBER
with research from K-12 science education, educational psychology, and cognitive science can
highlight findings that appear to be robust across different disciplines and learning contexts, and can
help to identify differences that merit further exploration. In Kerala, societal demand for education
supported by social reform movements, missionary activities and different organized and
unorganized movements were helped to establish large number of education institutes which helped
to meet these increasing demands for education partially. Future DBER studies might document the
time associated with different. In addition, the findings and recommendations of this report may
invite, if not assist, post-secondary institutions to increase interest and research activity in DBER
and improve its quality and usefulness across all natural science disciples, as well as guide
instruction and assessment across natural science courses to improve student learning. The impact
factor is one of the many elements that determine the quality of a journal. Many professional and
self-financing colleges have offered number of professional courses throughout the state. Instead,
those outcomes appear to depend on how the technology is used. The education system of Kerala
provides equal access to education irrespective of gender, social class and income. Many DBER
studies either do not situate themselves in a broader theoretical frame, or do not explicitly define that
frame. In physics, Cooperative Group Problem Solving requires students to work in formal,
structured groups on specifically designed tasks called context-rich problems (Heller and Heller,
2000; Heller and Hollabaugh, 1992). In the same instance importance of higher education further
increases in the era of international competition and globalization. During the interview Kartikeya
expressed his desire to become a police officer. The extent to which DBER studies use these
perspectives to explain or extend their findings typically is limited. The most familiar pre-lecture
method is Just-in-Time Teaching. While the authors concede that there might be valid pedagogical
reasons for doing so, they argue that when conceptual objects are less visible to students, the
underlying message that is transmitted to students is that educational theory is neither specialised
knowledge nor is it distinctively different from their common-sense perspectives. A moderate amount
of evidence suggests that Just-in-Time Teaching is effective in teaching some physics concepts, such
as Newton’s Third Law (Formica, Easley, and Spraker, 2010), and is associated with positive
attitudes about introductory geology (Linneman and Plake, 2006; Luo, 2008). Every other researcher
dissertation like to have a topic that is unique so that they can develop it without any challenge.
Fig 9: Education council for Kerala This council can design and suggest effective mechanism to
avoid quality degradation and exploitation in education sector. Kerala Higher Education aims to par
excel students in specialized fields of their interest and it categorized in to Graduation (Bachelor's
degree) and Post-Graduation (Master's degree). One study of multiple introductory science courses
across multiple institutions revealed that adaptations of the astronomy approach for introductory
geoscience courses improved students’ test scores in those courses (Kortz, Smay, and Murray, 2008).
Our team has vast education with research and they will be able to come up with great topic ideas
adult Adult Education research for you. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India said, “The
time has come to create a second wave of institution building, and of excellence in the fields of
education, research and capability building so that we are better prepared for the 21st century.” To
tap the untapped resources and opportunities, it needs a focused approach and a knowledge-oriented
paradigm of development. Further, as the following chapters show, very little DBER analyzes issues
of teaching and learning as they relate to any different subpopulations of students. These facts
invariably prove that parents and students of Kerala have an urge for quality education. Case studies
of individuals in health care research (to take one example) In most cases generating a proposal for
the review of human subjects and obtaining. Thus an increased private investment is imperative to
expand infrastructure and provide greater access to quality higher education in India. Several
resources have been published detailing how learning theory (Bretz and Nakhleh, 2001),
methodologies (Orgill and Bodner, 2007), and experimental design in chemistry education research
(Sanger, 2008; Towns, 2008) are grounded in the intersection of chemistry with several other
disciplines. The APU will not be aiming to recover all its expenditure from tuition fees. It could take
some time, however you will see that there suggestion forms which will match just about any
requirement including yours. Because of which I started writing Blogs bout social issues. During the.
It is a proposal form that will be of great help to you in making the needed proposal for your project.
Moreover, students in Extended General Physics and traditional courses scored similarly on common
exam questions, indicating that Extended General Physics was at least as rigorous as the traditional
physics course (Etkina et al., 1999). A client dissertation very important for any organization. Skills
beyond School The OECD policy review of postsecondary vocational educa. DBER, by
systematically investigating learning and teaching in science and engineering and providing a robust
evidence base for new practices, is playing a critical role in these efforts. Widely self acclaimed
Kerala model has not came out with any development corresponding to the improvement in different
social indicators. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. Barber, B. R. (1992) An aristocracy of everyone: The
politics of education and the future of America. A Study On The Challenges Of Government Primary
School Teachers In Dakshina K. I look forward to working with you moving forward ”. These three
domains have since provided a structure for chemistry education research. Although applicants must
be candidates for a doctoral degree at a graduate school in the United States, they need not be US
citizens. However, physics education research has explored the impact of instructional innovations on
females and minorities. Engineering education research also investigates methods for improving
students’ problem-solving and design skills. These principles and theories could explain some DBER
findings, extend others, and form the foundations for deeper study. Sometimes the material of the
form must stay customer focused. National Plan of Action on Education for all (2001-2015) he may
study the document to. In these laboratory exercises, students record observations, develop and test
explanations, refine existing models, and build and refine their own causal models through
A legislative framework is required to set out an enabling framework. Ultimately the new education
policy aims for the creation of knowledge society which will lead to economic growth, creation of
better man power, reverse brain drain, promotion and preservation of indigenous values systems and
a society with good environmental consciousness. This paper attempts to analyze and evaluate a
relevant nursing conceptual model authored by a renowned nurse theorist— Faye Glenn Abdellah in
light of a framework of analysis and evaluation of conceptual nursing theories and models. Both
POGIL and PLTL have developed large communities of practice, and there is some evidence that
they can improve student outcomes. Over 70 percent of India will be of working age by 2025. The
main factor behind the degradation of present education system is the lack of competition and
accountability of authorities and teachers. It aims to ensure quality education to all instead of Right
for education. This will preclude the degradation and demarcation of existing pattern and keep our
systems away from obsolescence. The existing lacuna can be filled by introducing this policy in
coming courses. Based on the model of cognitive apprenticeship (see Chapter 5 ), these redesigns
also involve dramatic changes to the way physics is taught, reducing the amount of lecturing and
often integrating laboratory and lecture. The New Education Policy 2000 triggered a call for change
in the education sector of Kerala which favored emergence of Self-Financing education in the state.
For example, the positive impacts of SCALE-UP appear to be even greater for females and
minorities (Beichner et al., 2007). In contrast, researchers studying the early implementation of
Workshop Physics discovered that the attitudes of females about the course were significantly worse
than males, and that females’ dissatisfaction arose from the alternative format of Workshop Physics,
difficult laboratory partners, and time demands (Laws, Rosborough, and Poodry, 1999). Clickers are
small handheld devices that allow students to send information (typically their response to a multiple
choice question provided by the instructor) to a receiver, which tabulates the classroom results and
displays the information to the instructor. It enhances the opportunities of research and development,
accessibility and easiness of education. He was also agreeing with the fact that private school
teachers are not. We devote a subsequent chapter ( Chapter 7 ) to several emerging topics for DBER:
science and engineering practices, applying knowledge in different settings (transfer), metacognition,
and students’ dispositions and motivations to study science and engineering (the affective domain).
However, reports of the efficacy of these activities are largely observational and anecdotal. Some
DBER studies on collaborative learning are also influenced to varying degrees by socio-cultural
learning perspectives, which argue that students generate meaning and understanding by interacting
in groups that share a common interest and learn together (Lave and Wenger, 1991), or through
cognitive apprenticeships, where experts make tacit processes more explicit for novices. In this
chapter, we summarize that research, discussing the three most common settings for undergraduate
instruction—the classroom, the laboratory, and the field—and the effects of instructional strategies
on different student groups. Sample sizes range from tens of students to several hundred students.
Another impact of poverty appears in the form of high dropout rate. Several studies have shown that
the lecture-tutorial approach is more effective than lecture-dominated courses. And although multi-
institutional studies are not the norm in DBER, they do exist. Azim Premji University (APU) Azim
Premji University (APU) is one of the private universities set up by the corporate giant Azim Premji
Foundation. Among other features, the course incorporated several student-centered pedagogies,
including collaborative activities. Much of this costly practice could be avoided in the long-term by
transferring funds away from prisons and into education,' (Chiles, 2012). Other studies have shown
that a combination of PLTL and POGIL improved test scores for a cohort of students in general
chemistry (Lewis and Lewis, 2005). You need to assess all these factors before you make your final
call. Hence, all business and management courses should be redesigned using outcome-based
learning, so that those involved can know in advance what they will learn and how to improve
themselves in order to deal with future changes in the economy and why doing so will be
advantageous. Engineering education research also investigates methods for improving students’
problem-solving and design skills.
Overall, the research on clickers indicates that technology itself does not improve outcomes, but how
the technology is used matters more (e.g., Caldwell, 2007; Keller et al., 2007; Lasry, 2008). To some
extent, those experiences are constrained by institutional context. The paper defines human resource
management, the theoretical basis of the discipline, business practice. Creation of an education
council is also having an utmost importance. Other research suggests that the prediction phase
(consistent with conceptual-change models) is particularly important to the success of an interactive
lecture demonstration (Crouch et al., 2004). Similarly, chemistry education research shows that
students who were allowed to work in small groups to make predictions about lecture
demonstrations showed significant improvements on tests over students who merely observed
demonstrations (Bowen and Phelps, 1997). Sample sizes range from tens of students to several
hundred students. Trivandrum Tiruvalla Thrissur Kochi Kannur Kottayam Kozhikode. In other
words, distant schools negatively impact on. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing
Research, International FDP on. These include 975 Government schools (37.67%), 1,400 private
aided schools (54.1%) and 213 private unaided schools (8.23%). Higher Secondary Education There
are 931 higher secondary schools (HSS) of which 417 are in government sector, 506 in aided sector
and 8 in unaided sector. The H.S.S intake increased from 20,092 in 1997 to 1,65,600 in 2000. You
need to provide real and actual samples and analysis data of the market, just like in a finance
proposal. These outstanding efforts of private sector managed to build some better infrastructure and
unleash innovations in education sector. Topics on university dissertation that you could use as an
education dissertation topic include. A teaching role is a set of behavioral patterns that emerge in
response to the learning environment. Over time, chemistry education research came to include
postsecondary students as faculty who taught introductory courses in chemistry departments began
conducting research on those courses. By providing industrial experience with practical oriented
curriculum, students can come out with employable skills that will take away the need of skill
enhancement training and value added courses. The student is supposed to prepare a logical and
well-composed paper which would demonstrate the unique approach towards the research of the
problem and the student’s ability to analyze the problem in the appropriate way. Given the expense
and logistical challenges of field-based instruction, it is important to identify which learning goals (if
any) can only be achieved through field-based learning, and which (if any) could be achieved
through laboratory or computer-based alternatives. Hunt (1987) suggested that a learning spiral is
shared between individuals through interaction. Another factor for low enrollment is the high
opportunity cost of sending children to schools. Evaluating the rate of employment to the
Individuals who receive Adult Education. About an amount of 5000 crore investments from private
sector has been estimated so far in the midst of quiet bad political weather and agitations. All forms
of copying, adult or reproduction are strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted education the Full
Extent of Law. As mentioned as well as the core concept it should be guided by a comprehensive
master plans and curriculum, continuous reforms and assessments, effective recruitment and training
strategies, leadership development, integration of collaborative technologies so that it will increase
our competitive edge. The existences of multiple layers of authorities and over politicization have
made it impossible to ensure accountability. I have managed to get some information of journalists
through a person also in journalism.Here. Assessment is the last link in the chain, it completes the
learning process. The land is being provided by the section 25 company, which is acquiring it directly
from the owners. With some exceptions, the studies the committee reviewed measure learning within
the context of a single course. South Melbourne: Macmillan Education Australia. Engel, M. (2000)
The struggle for control of public education: Market ideology vs.
As a major exporter of manpower to Gulf countries, this can be considered as a hidden opportunity
for Kerala. Thomas Aquinas Religious Fundamentalism and Cultural Defence Religious
Fundamentalism and Cultural Defence Pluralism powerponit Pluralism powerponit Traditional
methods of political science Traditional methods of political science Functionalism Functionalism
Scientific theory of state and society parities and disparities between the p. I experienced several
things which changed my mind and my. Thus an increased private investment is imperative to
expand infrastructure and provide greater access to quality higher education in India. Pakistan is not
deficient in making policies, laying down laudable objectives, but it is in the. Alexander Decker
11.fracas over privatisation quality assurance and corruption in indian highe. 11.fracas over
privatisation quality assurance and corruption in indian highe. Discipline-Based Education Research
will be of interest to educators, policy makers, researchers, scholars, decision makers in universities,
government agencies, curriculum developers, research sponsors, and education advocacy groups.
They argue that the more visibly the concepts are demarcated, the greater the possibilities are for
student teachers to develop systematised bodies of educational knowledge that are able to provide
organising insights into their developing practice. For example, the highly structured task of
repeatedly querying large online datasets can enhance students’ understanding of the nature of
scientific inquiry (Slater, Slater, and Lyons, 2010; Slater, Slater, and Shaner, 2008). Barrow Motor
revolution in the field of Information Technology has made virtual system as an integral and
indispensable part of education. Challenges of societies in the growth and diversification. Due to
rapid urbanization to urban population may rise to. Participants in a 2008 workshop series on
promising practices in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education
identified the following general learning goals for students, which also are relevant for DBER
(National Research Council, 2011). White paper on education reform for the union hrd ministry for
inclusive deve. This shortfall is an opportunity for Kerala, if we project our state as an education
destination by providing quality education and innovative courses. This template can be downloaded
on not only the computer and PC but also on any electronic device with ease. This paper will seek to
identify perception that people have towards adult education when dissertation dissertations careers.
First of all education policy is supposed to pay attention to the psychological, physiological,
economic and other factors which divide students into the different categories. Promote the use of
knowledge capabilities in making government an effective. In fact, various community groups and
organizations were competed with each other in starting educational institutions and gave emphasis
on the education of lower castes, downtrodden and women. With this approach, students read and
answer questions or solve homework problems before class and submit their work to the instructor
electronically, with enough time for the instructor to modify the lecture to target student weaknesses
or accommodate their interests (Novak, 1999). Please note that although the dissertation topic
concerns education and human potential, graduate study may be in a diverse range of academic
disciplines. RESEARCH PROPOSAL EXAMPLE One of the studies found women bosses to be
significantly more likely than men These include case studies, personal. They are the best solution
due to their ability to secure social transformation. Mr. Mishra runs a private school which has
recently been granted from C.B.S.E. for. The curriculum- SSA that we introduced has already
grabbed much global attention and the generous interest free loans provided by different banks made
education an affordable one. Thereafter effective public private partnerships have led to the present
position of Kerala in school education. Thus, in policy evaluation, it determines the interrelationships
of students and teachers and how they are affected by a certain policy both in the classroom climate
and the learning process. More work also is needed on large-scale projects such as POGIL, to better
understand the conditions under which its materials are successfully implemented and provide
insights into how the effective use of these materials and associated pedagogy can be reliably
Among this tourism has already grabbed much attention and wide market. Kozhikode - the most
important region of Malabar in yesteryears was the capital of the powerful Zamorins and also a
prominent trade and commerce center. Many industries depend on money, and understanding how to
manage it is related to management and business. The Azim Premji University Ordinance 2009, was
passed by the Karnataka Government in November 2009. Other research examining the use of
ConcepTests (short, formative assessments of a single concept), Venn diagrams constructed with
student input, and analysis of geologic images during lecture has shown significant differences
between control and experimental groups; students who experienced the interactive strategies earned
higher exam scores (McConnell, Steer, and Owens, 2003). Incumbent and Students can get sufficient
research, industrial and corporate exposure by taking them to industrial visits. Preschool education in
the United Kingdom and most other countries refers to any education or formal education that
children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years go through. Here are the areas of public school
education that you could use as a topic for discussion in your education dissertation. However, it is
important to remember that collaborative learning is not inherently effective, and this approach can
be implemented ineffectively (Slavin, Hurley, and Chamberlain, 2003). A moderate amount of
evidence suggests that Just-in-Time Teaching is effective in teaching some physics concepts, such as
Newton’s Third Law (Formica, Easley, and Spraker, 2010), and is associated with positive attitudes
about introductory geology (Linneman and Plake, 2006; Luo, 2008). The main purpose of vouchers
is to increase parents’ freedom to choose the school they prefer for their children. It could take some
time, however you will see that there suggestion forms which will match just about any requirement
including yours. This paper will focus on dissertation working individuals who dissertation to enroll
in adult education program design their schedules. This phenomenon is known as the “specificity
effect” and has been demonstrated in several physics education research studies (Mestre et al., 2009)
as well as basic studies in cognitive science. As described elsewhere in this chapter, the variation in
introductory courses across a discipline poses challenges to studying learning across those courses.
Thomas Aquinas Religious Fundamentalism and Cultural Defence Religious Fundamentalism and
Cultural Defence Pluralism powerponit Pluralism powerponit Traditional methods of political science
Traditional methods of political science Functionalism Functionalism Scientific theory of state and
society parities and disparities between the p. Education study will also evaluate how the cost,
availability of dissertations courses and location of such classes influence the decision of interested
individuals. Another added advantage is that this template is available in many file formats, so pick
the one you think is best for you. Possible topics in this area that maybe used as a dissertation topic
about education are. I would like a text that incorporates writing samples to help give students a
better idea of what strong content looks like. Improve the management of institutions engaged in
Intellectual Property Rights. As a literate state with convincing standards, we should give emphasis
on Right to Quality Education rather than Right to education. Clickers are small handheld devices
that allow students to send information (typically their response to a multiple choice question
provided by the instructor) to a receiver, which tabulates the classroom results and displays the
information to the instructor. To make the best one, we have some outline examples for you that can
be of great use and help to you. It declares the building of character at the elementary level on the
Islamic lines to promote. How have these been supported in the lessons you have observed? 3.
It has not seen any parallel development in curriculum and education approach which was expected
from Government. When times goes it has find an extreme degradation in quality because of lack of
necessary up gradations and reforms. This decline in quality especially in the public system of
education, promoted the mushrooming of private coaching centers and parallel colleges. An
undergraduate course may be structured around traditional lectures offered two or three times weekly
along with a laboratory experience.

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