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V Sem

frrla, Marielle F ABM 007

AUFC2-ADM12-M1 earning ak
Part 1Direchon Explain each term with nvt mvT thon 2 senlences,
rn ypur pwn nd ertandinq(2 powtr each)
The ttm partnerfhip NO form df bulnesS orqanizaho
tht rtjer tv a contrO Ctualrel ahons hip beteen two br more
ptpk who art worEI toqether in a (DInt ytnture hmake
pmoney, each df whd iresponrible for lsses and ha the
Tht porthon Dfthe yroftr. It har tw(3) typer
hamey gonera parterrhp and hmited part nerrhip.
. mother orm busiesr orqanizahon NN the C porab on. t
g o u p D 7eople h naye been qyeneqal authdrity
tbperate asa legal enht ith ther 0wW riahtr, iabl lites
nd rerronsibilitie
3. n terms Df bUsinesS ecoyo mics, Compehhon referr t

adhvit that nyolvtstwDr

ormor burinerer attempbna td
rewua cde Cutomers bu tnelr own D6ds nnd ervice
DVrthofedf the dther buriness.
Agribsinerr ommbnl nown n the combinabon of the
wbrds dgrIcolure"and busIness. This burinesr N the
Varlon entp)re th at prrduce, marktt, and dirributt

agroulural products, parhculorly On larqe ^cale

5. Th 7roduction of Cammo¢ibel y hand or, Certain
Casts, y machint, o a b cale axd with o diyioh
0 b r , is own N manufatchure
Part . Ditechon. Moke a WD analurisurng th dio grgm be W
ou mny chore dne Df th buiner CO Mpan t/ qven t e for

your WDT analyS. (90 points)

JoN bee Capanatnan W.b.T. AnalyrN

tenntr Weaknesses
A weh-Fuown vTan d in the Phih ppines The prodyct they ffered do
st In Cabanatuan City, but pot frcguently chnnged.
ther parts df Yhe (ountr .fartfood i not prefured
Ertablirhed a we-balanced between by mst bf the peple nnte it

thecmmon" fart-ood neall ans (reate he alth probl em

eal th hom woked obdr Since it cated ina cat,an
3. Located at n convenient ocabo» nren In whic larqe number Df
ith -hbur serv Ce m a t e the Pe ple lived, the rurply o food
Dverall cuomer experien ce more
may deore are dut to hinh demand
Pm Eent Produchr ffered are co.fidered
Ertablirhed a amily-orienttd MDt ar unk foods.
mark thn apprbach and brand1ng. brqamc fovd 4 Serve
5. n Pm parivn td dthr fast that Can affect the health pf
food chalns, their product are
th Cusbmerc

mort afordable

DPPprtuniher Threats.
. Tht mu CanH nut to Dftar Compehhrs are presn t i th

ond oreate new 9odr hear placer,as NUas n th

. dt
Amdct the pandemic, they ShulA ndushru.
al an Dnin meal brderi na . Clofe priçr and im1)ar tems
lat for m and orm partnerrhi to itr tmpehtorf
th deivry str vices. 3. Produ tkr mau be yndefirable t
3 me delivery Yackaged meals, heal th ConcA D Pople wh Y
rtad mealr, and such hAY near vr viit abanatuan t y
increased due r vork home 1 Increosed food snfehy la and
PPprtui ties Threats
rand name awaren ers. . Labbr shortage ad hh demand
nCrease in conD MC arbwt waes due t Pand emC, In

nCabonatuan Caty erPea ally Cabanatyan ct

that Somt bysinesses ase now

Per mittEd tD 6Perdte agin.

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