Employee Training and Organizational Performance A Case of Rwanda Social Security Board

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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2022

ISSN 2320-9186

GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2022, Online: ISSN 2320-9186


Imanaturikumwe Emmanuella , Prof Abdulrazaq Olayinka Oniye

Author: Imanaturikumwe Emmanuella MBA Human Resources Management

School of Graduate Studies University of Kigali, P.0 Box 2611 Kigali, Rwanda *Corresponding author
email: mafiela1@gmail.com +250 783780739
Co-author: Prof Abdulrazaq Olayinka Oniye, School of Graduate Studies University of Kigali, P.0 Box
2611 Kigali, Rwanda Email:oabdulrazaq@uok.ac;


The general aim of this study was to find out how employee training influences organizational
performance of Rwanda Social Security Board with a time scope of 2017 to 2021. The specific research
objectives were to assess the influence of employee training procedures on organizational performance
of RSSB; to determine the influence of Employee training environment on organizational performance of
RSSB and to examine the influence of employee training risk assessment on organizational performance
of RSSB. The study considered 210 RSSB staff who work in Human Resource, Risk Management,
Investment, Procurement & IT, Quality Assurance & Audit, Finance & contributions; and Corporate
Affairs & Legal departments. Findings revealed that there were effective and efficient employee training
and was supported by 92.5% of the respondents who strongly agreed that RSSB trainings are carried
out by only eligible instructors. Secondly, findings discovered that 97.6% of the respondents strongly
agreed that employee trainings at RSSB allow staff to learn through different methods. Thirdly, research
results revealed that 97.6% of the respondents revealed that RSSB keeps the staff safe and appoints a
competent staff to uphold safety. Finally, from the spearman correlation analysis, the value of rs=0.775
and p=0.001 which explains that there was a strong, positive monotonic correlation employee training
and the organizational performance in RSSB. Basing on the study results, as regards to employee
training procedures, the procedures aren’t incorporated in the new updates and reforms into RSSB
training staff needs. Regarding employee training risk assessment, the human resources department at
RSSB ought to offer diverse trainings and approaches that encourage and motivate employees.

Key Words: Employee, training; procedures; environment, risk assessment, performance, Rwanda
GSJ© 2022
GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2022
ISSN 2320-9186

1. Introduction
The concept of employee training as well as Ghillyer (2019) cited that knowledge of the
organization development have their beginnings history of any subject is necessary to understand
in the early days of education. Looking back at where the subject came from, where it is going
how humans have learned over the course of in most Asian countries. Employee training is
history reveals a progression from learning for exception towards organizational performance
survival to learning based on antiquity, the and is a relatively modern concept. Leaders
classics, and religious beliefs; from the have authority/ power, within organizations and
influences of war and military strategy on use it in many ways. To best use their authority,
scientific and technical education to the Employee training takes on different roles in
development of job skills training and scientific every organization, and these include
management during the industrial revolution; interpersonal roles, informational decisional
from post-World War II era leadership roles. Interpersonal roles mean the roles leaders
development programs and team training to, assume to coordinate and interact with
finally, the training of individuals to think employees and provide organization
critically and creatively. In the United States, performance. Decisional roles cannot be the
employee training first began investing heavily methods that leaders use to plan and utilize
in training and development during and after its resources to achieve goals.
involvement in World War II (Ghillyer, 2019).
In South Africa, as highlighted in different
In Europe, the historical events regarding government documents such as the successive
employee training and the game-changing ideas National Skills Development Strategies in and
of early thinkers affected the development of the continued existence of a list of the so-called
and employee training. It is important for the scarce skills which is published by different
disciplines and those involved to understand this bodies the shortage of skills amongst employees
early history. Each discipline may trace its roots in both the private and public sectors in South
back to a unique set of pioneers and pivotal Africa remains a topical issue. This is the case
moments in history. As a result, we may despite the fact that there has been progress
anticipate the future study and practice of made in addressing the problem. On the other
employee training and employee development hand, the idea that there is a skills gap in the
to be heavily affected by the heterogeneous country is starting to be called into question by a
makeup of the fields. Each discipline will have number of people. Some academics are of the
to adjust its methods for training new workers to opinion that the primary issue is a lack of
accommodate a world in which fast change, employment opportunities, which is caused by
uncertainty, and conflict are the norm. This is the structural disparities that were a direct result
unlikely to alter, given the disciplines' of apartheid as well as the inability of the
longstanding dedication (Egan, 2015). administration that came into power in 1994 to
properly address these inequities (Ngcwangu &
Balwanz, 2017).
GSJ© 2022
GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2022
ISSN 2320-9186

In Kenya, as a supplement to this argument, we mismatch in Rwanda. Employee training

contend that what is lacking from the debates provides direction for Rwanda Social Security
surrounding the skills shortage in Kenya and the Board (RSSB), where employees need to know
larger phenomenon to which these debates the direction in which they are headed and who
belong, that is, employee learning, is a holistic reach the destination towards organizational
conceptualization of the culture associated with performance. In Rwanda Social Security Board
such learning on the part of the government, (RSSB), employee training is also about setting
employers, private employee learning service a positive example for staff to follow by being
providers, trade unions, and even academia. excited about the work, being motivated to learn
This is what we mean when we say that the new things and helping out as needed in both
debates around the skills shortage in Kenya and individual and team activities (RSSB, 2019).
the wider phenomenon to which these debates
Statement of the Problem
belong, that is, employee learning. This culture
and how it is conceptualized are both dynamic Organizational performance in the public sector
and complicated phenomena, with which is indeed a necessity and public employees are
scholars and practitioners of human resource always urged to receive trainings so as to be
development are wrangling (Ghillyer, 2019). equipped with skills, ethical values and
principles in public decisions to boost their
In Rwanda, several initiatives to
organizational performance. According to
provide attachment, internship opportunities and
MIFOTRA (2022), public institutions have a
apprenticeship training to youth have been
policy supporting training on skills and
implemented in the past. There are many
competence enhancement basis; departmental
different employee trainings proposed by
training plans designed to develop and motivate
various authors that can be exhibited by leaders
staff for performance improvement. In addition,
in business management or other fields. The
Kafle (2014) cited that organizational
leader’s intellectual capacity helps to
performance in the public sector requires the
conceptualize solutions and acquire knowledge
existence of a relationship between the national
to do the job (PAC, 2021). According to
vision, mechanisms and results; and the results
(MIFOTRA, 2016), employee training offers the
should be simultaneous exertion of proper
process that happens inside an organization. In
budgeting, efficiency, effectiveness and training
Rwanda, the leaders and managers use
employee trainings to accomplish organizational
vision, mission, strategies and goals, a specific According to the Office of Auditor General
body of knowledge that examines various (2021) report found poor organizational
methods used by leaders and, the individuals in performance in public institutions as a result of
organizations who guide and direct the actions government projects that were completed late,
of others to accomplish organizational goals. abandoned, or postponed. According to the PAC
(2021) report cited that there were loopholes in
According to the findings of the Armstrong,
public sector employees such as professionals in
(2020), a significant factor that contributes to
project design and study, bidding documents as
young unemployment is the current skills
well as enforcement of contracts, among others
GSJ© 2022
GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2022
ISSN 2320-9186

due to unethical behaviors of the staff. In 2. What is the influence of employee training
addition, according to PAC (2021) report environment on organizational performance of
showed that RSSB poor performance was RSSB?
largely due to investing in loss making
3. What is the influence of employee training
investments. For instance, of the 8 companies
risk assessment on organizational performance
RSSB invested in, the loss increased from
of RSSB?
Rwf19bn in 2017 to Rwf28bn in 2018 due to
their poor financial performance and 4 of these 2. Literature Review
companies made capital loss for five
Training typically focuses on providing
consecutive years. According to Transparency
employees with specific skills or helping those
International (2021), RSSB was faulted for
correct deficiencies in their performance. It is a
inappropriate accounting and bookkeeping,
short-term learning process that involves
unreliable financial statements, reckless
acquiring knowledge, sharpening skills,
investments that threaten the sustainability of
concepts, and rules, or changing attitudes and
the pension fund and inadequate monitoring of
behaviors to enhance the performance of
employees. The key aspect of strategic planning
This study will therefore assess employee is aligning all members of the management team
training and the organizational performance in with the vision and mission of the organization;
public sector a case of Rwanda Social Security both in the short and long term. Once an
Board. organization is on the same page as far as where
they want to go and what they want to achieve,
Specific Objectives
they then need to create the action plans to get
1. To assess the influence of employee training there. In contrast, making decisions that are not
procedures on organizational performance of directly in line with their goals and objectives,
RSSB; an organization risks wasting valuable time and
2. To determine the influence of employee money (Armstrong, 2020).
training environment on organizational
A training environment is a workplace or
performance of RSSB;
educational setting designed to assist individuals
3. To examine the influence of employee
in gaining work-related skills or competencies.
training risk assessment on organizational
When an employee is placed in a training
performance of RSSB.
environment, they are provided with instruction
Research Questions and guidance toward learning how to perform
specific tasks (Armstrong, 2020). A proper
In order to achieve the intended study training environment will include clearly
objectives, the following research questions defined goals, instruction, and appropriate
guided the study. feedback. Unlike learning through general
1. What is the influence of employee training observation, learning in a training environment
procedures on organizational performance of is guided and intentional. Creating such an
RSSB? environment may include bringing together

GSJ© 2022
GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2022
ISSN 2320-9186

several components such as written and oral project as “a temporary endeavor undertaken to
instruction and hand-on training. Through create a unique product or service. Temporary
intentional employee training in a supportive means that every project has a definite end.
training environment, employers can realize Unique means that the product or service is
enhanced productivity, lessen the need for direct different in some distinguishing way from all
employee supervision (Beuningen et al, 2013). similar products or services (Guba, 2012).
Training is the heart of the management in the In a larger picture, public services are
workplace and is embedded in legislation and conventionally organized in a manner that puts
workplace requires the provision of such the citizens in a submissive character, as the
information, instruction, training and beneficiary of a homogeneous service. This
supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is creates a dissimilarity with modernizations in
reasonably practicable, the health and safety at other areas of life such as retail, travel and
work of all employees. The Act is not media where people are used to giving feedback
prescriptive about the nature or content of such on the goods and services they receive, and
instruction, training and supervision, and playing an active role in making choices. Today,
employers must make their own judgments and the public is strongly connected like not ever
analysis about what is required. This legal previously and the citizens have the dexterity
requirement is supported by which requires sets and craving to resolve difficulties. Local
training to take place both on recruitment and on people regularly know what the elucidations to
being exposed to new risks or increased risks. difficulties in their area, but are infrequently
They also require the employee’s capabilities to permitted by organizational progressions, in its
be taken into account. Where the training is place facing public services which may be
provided in-house employers must carry out detached, irrelevant, and unproductive. States
their own risk assessments (Neil, 2019). and governments are investigating with
restructuring parts of the coordination so that
Experiences with development planning were
inhabitants can play a more active character as a
viewed as unsatisfactory prior to 1960s, because
user community for community facilities (Foe et
national plans tended to lack focus and defined
al, 2017).
output (they were untargeted), and
“participation” in projects by stakeholders was The researcher holds that interpreting
the prerogative of NGOs, and was often information into an accomplishment is a
neglected. During 1960s-70s period the project problematic encounter in the public sector. The
became the primary means through which associations between inhabitants, policy-
governments of developing countries translated makers, project executives, and service
their development plans and policies into benefactors are byzantine and are not
programs of action. Projects were (and still are) effortlessly transformed within a solitary
seen to act as a crucial coordinating mechanism involvement, such as an information crusade or
for the implementation of policy and the record workout. In some extent, specific
integration of resources and institutions. The courtesy ought to be offered to human incentive
Project Management Institute describes a and encouragements to guarantee superiority

GSJ© 2022
GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2022
ISSN 2320-9186

and well-timed services. The prescribed data lessening. It procedures the degree to which a
foundations were not seen as predominantly business accomplishes its goals or the way
powerful and inhabitants are frequently either outputs interrelate with the financial and social
too frightened to action, or maybe they never atmosphere (Joseph et al, 2017).
contemplate it their obligation or never do
Another indicator of accountability is timely
distinguish what course of action (Boelhouwer,
reporting. According to Wolfang (2018) to
maximize the output of suggests the elimination
Inefficient and ineffective project is set for an of six losses, which are: reduced yield from start
expensive failure. In such circumstance there is up to stable production; process defects; reduced
never appropriate resources apportionment speed; idling and minor stoppages; set-up and
policy and there is no administrative viewpoint adjustment; and equipment failure. The fewer
of their forthcoming. Institutions, businesses the inputs used to generate outputs, the greater
and organization have governance matters, high the efficiency. There is a difference between
workforce or employee turnover percentage and business efficiency and organizational
no unblemished hallucination where the efficiency. Business efficiency reveals the
association will be upright in future. Certainly, performance of input and output ratio, while
when the institution or business is capable to organizational efficiency reflects the
manage its possessions meritoriously, hitherto it improvement of internal processes of the
does not comprehend its long term goalmouths, organization, such as organizational structure,
it will bankrupt slowly. This approach is cost culture and timing. Excellent organizational
resourceful but it is not groundbreaking and efficiency could improve entities performance
generates no worth. These arrangements head to in terms of management, productivity, quality
low determination of the business, high turnover and profitability.
rate of the workforces and low purchaser
Typically, effectiveness regulates the policy
gratification (Egbide, 2015).
purposes of the organization or the point to
Commonest measure of the public institution which a business or an institution comprehends
performance is effectiveness. For managers, its own goals. Obligation in the workstation
suppliers and investors this term might look could take numerous forms, such as connection
synonymous with efficiency each of these terms between frontrunner and workforce, employee’s
have their own distinct meaning; utmost number documentation with the association,
of organizations assess their performance in involvement in the decision-making process,
terms of usefulness. Their foremost psychological attachment felt by an individual.
concentration is to achieve their mission, Notably, higher performance is conceivable by
goalmouths and hallucination. The question is, transmuting workforce attitudes in the direction
if there is a difference if the association is of organization from subordinate to a higher
operative yet unproductive and visas versa. level of maturity, consequently human capital
Administrative,efficiency-oriented administration should be meticulously
establishments are concerned with output, sales, guaranteed with the impressions of the
quality, creation of value added, invention, cost usefulness (Egbide, 2015).

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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2022
ISSN 2320-9186

To the researcher of this study, lack of applied both descriptive and correlational
accountability in the public sector creates research designs. By gathering and analyzing
opportunities for ineffectiveness and corruption the descriptive statistics, the researcher ably
with its attendant negative consequences. For assessed the significance of the employee
instance, through corruption the wealth of most training practices undertaken by Rwanda Social
African countries is being diverted by a few, Security Board evaluated the institution’s
leaving the nation at a loss. Due to performance levels; and established whether
ineffectiveness, corruption has become a way of there has been a positive impact on performance
life among African leaders; to the extent that it levels in the institution. On the other hand,
is trite to say that officials are not only corrupt, correlational design was used to find out the
but corruption is official. The scandalous relationship between the employee training
revelations of large-scale corruption and practices and the performance levels in RSSB
mismanagement of public funds by government with the help both correlation analysis and
officials contained in the audit reports. Hence, regression analysis.
effectiveness is a paramount indicator of
This study was conducted at Rwanda Social
performance in the public institutions (Barahona
Security Board. These are targeted population
& Elizondo, 2020).
because they are believed to have much
Conceptual Framework information as regards to the topic that is under
the study. Therefore, the population of this
The goal of a conceptual framework is to
study included two-hundred ten (210) RSSB
categorize and describe concepts relevant to the
employees in the departments of Human
study and map relationships among them.
Resource, Pension and Pre-Retirement, Risk
According to Howard et al, (2015), a conceptual
Management, Investment, Procurement & IT,
framework is an analytical tool with several
Quality Assurance & Audit, Finance &
variations and contexts. It is used to make
Contributions; and Corporate Affairs & Legal.
conceptual distinctions and organize ideas.
These respondents provided the information
Independent Variable Dependent Variable data related to the objectives of the research
study as stipulated in chapter one of this study.
Employee training Performance
A sample, according to Graham & Marshal
Performance indicators (2015) is a set of entities drawn from a
- Achieving set goals population with the aim of estimating
Training procedures - Timely completion of projects
Training environment - Meeting expected costs characteristics of the population. Mugenda &
Risk assessement - Meeting expected quality Mugenda (2013) further define a sample size as
the number of cases or entities in the sample
studied. They suggested that the question of an
3. Methodology
appropriate sample size is a complex issue
In order to have a successful study in as far as which depends on many factors. One
achieving the set objectives is concerned, two significant factor is the researchers’
research designs were embraced. The study expectations of the trend of responses.

GSJ© 2022
GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2022
ISSN 2320-9186

According to Groves et al (2017), universal Sig. (2-tailed) . .001

sampling is a technique used in studies for
selecting potentially useful data. It is a N 210 210
development of fitness proportionate selection
OPE Correlation .775** 1.000
(FPS) which exhibits no bias and minimal
spread amongst the target population. Thus, due
to the fact that the number of the targeted Sig. (2-tailed) .001 .
population (210) is enough, they were N 210 210
In order to ensure that the end results of this Table 1 presents results of the Spearman test
study were successful and more especially results. Spearman Correlation Coefficient is also
effective, the researcher applied reliability and referred to as Spearman Rank Correlation or
validity. In addition to a pilot study, the Spearman's rho. All correlation analyses
instrument was as well tested using Cronbach’s express the strength of linkage or co-occurrence
Alpha coefficient. Cronbach’s alpha results had between two variables in a single value between
to range from 0 to 1 and in case of negative -1 and +1. A positive correlation coefficient
number, the instrument was retested. This is indicates a positive relationship between the two
because a negative number indicates that variables while negative correlation coefficients
something is wrong with the data. In other express a negative relationship.
words, the researcher went by a general rule of
thumb that a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.7 and above As per the results discovered by the help of the
is good, 0.8 and above is better, and 0.9 and SPSS spearman correlation analysis as indicated
above is best. After data collection, the in the table above, the value of rs=0.775 and
researcher used the Statistical Package for p=0.001 which explains that there was a strong,
Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0 in coming positive monotonic correlation between
up with the statistical analysis for the study. employee training and the performance of the
RSSB (= .775, n = 210, p < .001). Based on the
4. Results and Findings spearman analysis, therefore, the researcher
Findings were presented in form of correlation learnt that employee training in terms of
analysis and regression analysis. In particular, employee training procedures, employee
Spearman test was considered for correlation training environment and employee training risk
analysis whereas regression analysis considered assessment has strong relationship on the
model summary, ANOVA and correlation organizational performance of public
analyses. institutions in Rwanda. In addition, a small p-
value (typically ≤ 0.05) indicates strong
Correlation AnalysisTable 1: Spearman test evidence of significant relationship between
employee training in terms of employee training
Model Variables ETR OPE procedures, employee training environment and
Spearm ETR Correlation 1.000 .775** employee training risk assessment has strong
an's rho Coefficient relationship on the organizational performance
GSJ© 2022
GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2022
ISSN 2320-9186

has strong relationship on the organizational performance come from other dependent
performance of RSSB. variables.

Regression Analysis Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

The regression analysis presented results that Table 3: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
were all about model summary, ANOVA and
Sum of Mean
correlation findings.
Model Squares Df Square F Sig.
Model Summary Regression 3.991 4 .998 18.15 .000a
1 Residual 11.369 205 .055
Table 2: Model Summary
Total 15.360 209
Adjusted Std. Error of a. Dependent Variable: Performance
Model R R Square
R Square the Estimate b. Predictors: (Constant), Employee training
1 .816a .666 .6809 .13154 procedures, Employee training environment and
a. Predictor: (Constant), Employee training Employee training risk assessment
procedures, Employee training environment and
Employee training risk assessment As presented in table 3, the ANOVA findings
revealed that independent variables are
The model summary findings presented in table statistically significant to the dependent
2 revealed the value of adjusted R squared was variable. In order to assess the study hypotheses,
0.436. The adjusted R squared is coefficient of ANOVA test was considered. Following the
determination, which tells us the variation in the test, the results showed a p-value of 0.000 less
dependent variable due to changes in the than alpha (5%), the significance level. This
independent variable. From the findings in the means the given data fit well with the multiple
above table, the value of adjusted R squared was regression models which is an indication that
0.6809, an indication that there was variation of employee training due to changes in employee
68.1% on organizational performance of RSSB training procedures, employee training
due to changes in terms of employee training environment and employee training risk
procedures, employee training environment and assessment have a contribution to the
employee training risk assessment. organizational performance of public
institutions. Hence, the significance value which
The study findings presented in table 2 show was also less than 0.05 is an indication that the
that 68.1% of changes in organizational model was statistically significant.
performance could be accounted on by
employee training due to changes in employee
training procedures, employee training
environment and employee training risk Coefficients
assessment. Hence, a significant and positive Table 4: Coefficients
effect of the study variables marked the model
Unstandardized Standardized
summary table while 32.9% changes in Model T Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients

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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2022
ISSN 2320-9186

unit increase in employee training environment

B Std. Error Beta
would lead to an increase in organizational
1 (Con
1.347 .827 1.629 1.00 performance of RSSB by a factor of 0.558.
ETP .679 .322 .510 2.108 .013 Furthermore, there is positive and significant
ETE effect of employee training risk assessment on
.757 .439 .558 1.724 .027
organizational performance of RSSB (β = 0.206;
ETR . 843 .694 .425 1.214 .020 t-test = 1.779; p-value < 5%). This implies that a
a. Dependent Variable: Performance unit increase in employee training risk
assessment would lead to an increase in
From the study presented in table 4, the organizational performance of RSSB by a factor
established regression equation was: of 0.425. From these presented regressions
Organizational performance (OPE) = α+β1ETP analysis results in which each component of
(Employee training procedures) + β2ETE employee training would contribute
(Employee training environment) + β3ETR significantly to organizational performance of
(Employee training risk assessment) +ę (Error) RSSB by a big range, this evidences that all
study’s null hypotheses were rejected.
Thus: OPE = 1.702 + 0.510 (ETP) + 0.558
(ETE) + 0.428 (ETR) + 0.827 5. Discussion of Findings

Based on the regression equation and findings The general objective of this study was to
presented in table 4, Based on the regression analyze employee training and organizational
equation and findings presented in table 4.16, it performance of public institutions in RSSB.
was revealed that holding employee training Based on the findings reached after the primary
procedures, employee training environment and and secondary data, the study objective was
employee training risk assessment training risk achieved as indicated in previous section.
assessment to a constant zero, organizational This study’s findings are in line with findings of
performance would be 1.347. Indeed, this a study carried out in Europe and North Asia by
constant called y-intercept is not realistic but it World Bank (2019). The study findings revealed
is a needed parameter in the model. As per the that organizations have to undergo a training
findings, there is positive and significant effect process, whether in a single loop or double loop
of employee training procedures on model. He notices that training in either case
organizational performance of RSSB (β = 0.510; does not only involve the generation of new
t-test = 2.108; p-value < 5%). This implies that a competencies in the worker, but also in all the
unit increase in employee training procedures hierarchical components of the enterprise. The
would lead to an increase in organizational appropriate use of information for timely
performance of RSSB by a factor of 0.510. decision making and the efficient use of
Likewise, there is positive and significant effect resources, as such skills can be improved
of employee training environment on through training, are vital elements of
organizational performance of RSSB (β = 0.558; competitiveness and the generation of quality
t-test = 1.724; p-value < 5%). This implies that a
GSJ© 2022
GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2022
ISSN 2320-9186

products. With quality products, high prices are philosophy behind this conception was that staff
attracted, thus increased labor turn-over. training reduces costs, which in turn increases
on the organizational gains.
More so, the study’s results supported findings
of a research conducted by Lee (2017) in Japan The findings of this study about employee
and China regarding the employee training. The training are as well in line what was discovered
study revealed that additional benefits of work by Muhumuza (2018). From his research
based training to individual firms’ productivity findings, the counter argument is that the ‘lack
and profitability gains. For instance, in a of something’ implies that the solution is the
Country Study for Skills and Training Survey in provision of ‘something’, and that in many cases
New Zealand observed an improvement in the there can be several different ways of finding a
quality of output, productivity, staff motivation, solution to a particular problem, which means
business growth, health and safety, staff that focusing on problems encourage creativity.
retention, innovation, profitability and reduced The focus of the objective analysis is to
production and operational costs as outcomes of transform the problem tree into a tree of
enhanced on-job employee training. The objectives that suggests future solutions to the
Scottish Executive Survey of Employers in 2017 problem. This means that the trees cause-effect
found out that employee training improved the relationship is changed into a means-end
quality of service/product, increased relationship. Now the roots on the tree are
competitiveness, improved competence and means that the group can achieve its objective
adoption to the use of new technology, through and hereby have positive changes on
increased flexibility, increased productivity and the branches.
staff retention.
6. Conclusion and Recommendation
Furthermore, the study results are in line with
This research’s interest was to assess the
the study results by a Russian researcher named
influence of employee training on
Wolfang (2019) in his study; the impact of
organizational in public institutions in Rwanda
employee training on the performance of NGOs
particularly Rwanda Social Security Board.
in East Russia. The study results stated that
Basing on a sample of 210 staff of the RSSB
observed that profitability is directly related to
employee training and review of reports, all
the quality and quantity of training. It was
specific objectives were achieved as indicated.
concluded from their observation that the
Therefore, the study concluded that employee
survival of firms is directly linked to employee
training in terms of employee training
training, which was linked to the belief that the
procedures, employee training environment and
benefits brought by training are translated into
employee training risk assessment; strongly
further profits for the enterprise, due to the real
affects the organizational performance of public
improvement in productivity; profits for
institutions in Rwanda which according to the
workers who take part in the process since it is
study respondents, it was mainly due to the
an instrument to achieve employability, high-
weaknesses in the employee training processes
quality jobs and better paid jobs, improvement
that caused the performance of RSSB as
for the whole society and its standards. The
highlighted by OAG report.
GSJ© 2022
GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2022
ISSN 2320-9186

As witnessed, employees’ behavior may arise Regarding the other future researchers on
due to failure of having effective employee similar topic are suggested to involve the public
training. In addition, the performance cannot be in evaluating the same impact to obtain a more
achieved if the employment training is representative of the population. Besides, the
depressed since this would lead to employee researchers are also recommended to carry out
incompetence, poor service delivery, lack of studies on:
integrity that could cause embezzlement and
Effect of employee procedures on the
corruption. Thus, RSSB would be characterized
performance of public institutions in Rwanda
by unprofessional staff, unethical behaviors of
the staff and poor service delivery such as poor Effect of online-training on the performance in
fundamental accounting, poor corporate public institutions in Rwanda
governance, poor contract management and
delayed services.
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