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United States Senate

President: Samantha Ramirez

Gimnasio Vermont´s Model of United Nations
1. Welcome message…. ………………………………………………………Pg 3
2. Introduction to the committee……....……………………………………. Pg 4
3. Topic 1: Biden-Harris immigration reform.……………………...……….Pg 5
3.1. Introduction to the topic and context………..………………………..Pg 5
3.2. Current situation/discussion………………………………………… Pg 6
3.3. Recommendations…………………………………………………….Pg 6-7
3.4. Questions of interest..……………………..…………………………. Pg 7
3.5. Sources...……………………………………………………………... Pg 7-8-9-10
4. Topic 2: Industrial exploitation of imprisoned persons ………………….Pg 10
4.1. Introduction to the topic and context ………………………………..Pg 10
4.2. Current situation/discussion………………………………………… Pg 11
4.3. Recommendations…………………………………………………….Pg 11
4.4. Questions of interest..……………………..…………………………. Pg 11-12
4.5. Sources...…………………………………………………………... Pg 12-13-14
5. Bibliography ……………………………………………………………... Pg 15-16
1. Welcome Message

Good morning dear delegates, it is a great honor for us, your presidents, to be members of the
United States Senate in the Gimnasio Vermont´s Model of United Nations. As presidents, it is
our job to help the delegates in the preparation of their roles and the development of the
debate. We hope this is a pleasant as well as a learning experience. Where the delegates can
test their different written and oral skills. However, we want this to be a space of knowledge
and fun.

In the world, there are many flaws in the law, but in this committee, as a Senate, we have the
power to debate the laws already imposed and those that can be implemented. Also debating
about policies like “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” and others that may affect or
contribute to the United States, must be taken into account in our Senate. Taking this into
account, the delegate must find the solution to these laws and policies that can be carried out
into the world and not only our model. Every day, people are being affected by the policies
made and the flaws in the law, so this senate needs to take action and create a solution to all
of these problems in the best way so that it never occurs again. Proposing legislation will be
the purpose of this committee.

Finally, we want to remind you that we are willing to help the delegates before and during the
debate. Communication between delegates and presidents is very important, we will always
be attentive to any inconvenience you may have. We hope that in the debate your ideas and
opinions can mark the beginning of future solutions. Be aware of the actions we take as a
committee to change the world. It is also worth emphasizing that we expect all the delegates
to be respectful, punctual, and committed to their work. We wish you many successes.

In case you want to contact us, these are our emails:

Samantha Ramirez:

Samantha Ramirez
President of the U.S Senate
2. Introduction to the Committee
The United States Senate is governed by the Constitution. This set of rules determines how
bills and resolutions move towards passage, meaning the senate has the power to approve any
bill, resolution, amendment, motion, nomination, and treaty basing their decision on the
constitution, thus making it an important part of the politics. The Senate is also allowed to
conduct investigations concerning misconduct in the executive branch and also have
investigated American society since 1792. These investigations are needed from time to time
to restrict the government and educate society.
As mentioned before, the Senate can interfere in nominations, meaning that as the
constitution of the United States declares “the president shall nominate, and by and with the
Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and
Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States… (Article
2, Section 2).” Besides interfering in nominations the Senate can also vote for approving
treaties made by the executive branch. In every voting process in the Senate, the decision that
is approved is the one voted by two-thirds of the total of senators. Senators vote in a variety
of ways, including roll call votes, voice votes, and unanimous consent.
The Senate is composed of 100 senators. Since the United States has 50 states, this one sends
2 senators per state, in this way the Senate can have the point of view from every part of the
country. Also, these senators don´t represent several people, for example, 1 senator is the
representation of 70,000 people, like in the House of Representatives, but 2 senators are the
representation of the whole state.
The United States was one of the founders of the United Nations after World War II. This one
is also a huge financial help to the United Nations and has its headquarters in this country.
The US is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council. Taking all of these
into account, the United States and the United Nations have a long history together making
them have an important relationship that is taken into account by the Senate. The Senate's
purpose is to maintain the peace in the country by investigating what is wrong, approving or
declining the treaties created by the executive branch, etc. The United Nations' main goal is
to create and maintain global peace so since these two (the UN and the US Senate) have the
same goal, they are related and as the US is a permanent member of the US the Senate will
make sure to follow the UN treaty.
3. Topic 1: Biden-Harris immigration reform
How can racial protection measures for immigrants be implemented at the borders
that will be staffed with security if it has not been possible to eliminate police abuse
within the country?
3.1. Introduction to the topic
The Biden-Harris immigration reform consists of implementing a new law enforcement
measure to increase border security and reduce the number of people crossing illegally
between ports of entry. This measure will create an organized immigration and the country
will be sure that there is no danger in the people that are entering the United States. This
decision to create this reform was made taking into account that the U.S Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) and the Hispanic-serving Institution (HSI) arrested nearly 17,000 suspected
human smugglers that entered illegally into the U.S. Biden's intention was to implement the
comprehensive immigration reform (a system that creates legal and safe alternatives for
immigrants) and the border security measures which will generate organized immigration.
“On my first day in office, some of you may remember, those of you who cover this area and
cover it well, I sent Congress sweeping legislation to completely remake our broken
immigration system by addressing illegal immigration, strengthening legal immigration, and
protecting Dreamers. Those with temporary protected status and the agricultural workers who
are part of the fabric of our country”, said Joe Biden (2023). This reform has the purpose of
fighting smuggling and coordinating support to the border cities, with support from Mexico
and all of the Western Hemisphere. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is in
charge of defending the country, is taking care of this reform, and has received 2,500 national
guards from the Department of Defense to keep the frontiers safe. The US has in mind that
this reform won't change the amount of immigrants or the system itself but know that it is a
first step to the main goal.
The police officers, as members of the state, must respect and protect the right to life.
According to international law, police members should never use lethal force if it’s not a case
of extreme necessity. These officers don't take into account (especially in the USA) the UN
Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials. Police
abuse in the United States is one of the most common abuses in this country. Approximately,
3.3 per 1 million people are killed by the police each year in the US, this is the highest rate of
police abuse in the entire world. These officers are not paying for their acts, since 2021 only
21 officers were convicted. This may not seem like many, but this number of officers is not
fair in comparison to the amount of innocent people that are killed every year. Although these
abuses have been taking more into the public eye, seeing that in 2017 only 7 officers were
convicted, the amount of innocent people is still pretty high and there is no law enforcement.
Joe Biden based his idea to create immigration reform on the success of the initiative made
toward Venezuelan immigrants. This initiative started thanks to the number of Venezuelan
immigrants who entered the US. Approximately, 33,000 Venezuelans entered the United
States just in September of 2022. The fiscal year (financial year) of 2022 saw an increase of
293% in the number of immigrants that came from Venezuela in comparison to the fiscal year
of 2021. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) considered all the things mentioned
before and decided to implement some measures to reduce the amount of immigrants coming
from the south. Immigrants who tried to enter the United States walking or swimming were
going to be returned immediately to Mexico. At the same time, the US knowing that the
system for immigration is broken tried to help the Venezuelan immigrants by letting them in
(only the legal ones) with a system pretty similar to the one used by the ucranians that was
designed by the UN.
In America, police abuses started to be noticeable to society in 1991, and since then there
have been some cases that generated more allegations between people. Although the police
killed approximately 1,000 white people per year, the biggest amount of murders occurred
among people of color. “Congress passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement
Act. This law authorizes the Justice Department to step in when police engage in “a pattern or
practice of conduct” that deprives people of their constitutional rights. These cases allow the
Justice Department to enforce rights defined and protected by the Constitution in addition to
other federal laws”, said the BBC. Still with this Law Enforcement being accepted by
Congress there has not been a right use of these “promised interventions”.
The Beating of Rodney King is one of the starters of the demonstrations against police abuse.
A 29-year-old man was beaten to death after being pulled in for speeding on March 3, 1991,
by the Memphis police. On July 7, 2014, a 43-year-old man (Eric Garner) was chokehold in
an attempt to arrest him by a member of the New York Police Department (NYPD) after
being falsely accused of selling loosies (single cigarettes). In 2020, police in Minnesota killed
a 43-year-old man (George Floyd) after being falsely accused of robbing a shop. The case of
the death of George Flyod generated a national outrage that made the biggest demonstrations
against police brutality and racial violence. Taking into account the information mentioned
before police abuse has been presented in the country since a really long time ago and it is
presented in every state of the US.
3.2. Current situation/discussion
In early 2023, President Joe Biden declared the immigration reform he wanted to accomplish.
“Now, these actions alone will not fix our entire immigration system, but they can help us
better manage this difficult challenge”, said President Joe Biden (2023). Biden´s desire to
accomplish this reform was blocked by Congress for two years, opposing as well to the
thousands of dollars the president had requested for the security of the frontiers. But
Congress did not stay still so, in these two years they have been trying to create humane,
organized, and legal immigration by the formation of lawful pathways where these
immigrants can pass. Also, designing consequences that these people will need to face if they
don't enter through the pathway.
The protests all over the United States made the Congress and the police station notice the
desire the people had to create a change in police abuse. The police stations are trying to
eliminate the extraordinary legal protection that makes them sometimes innocent of the act
they have done and lets them keep their job after all. This legal protection is hard to change
since is reserved by the police unions that are not willing to change. Nevertheless, the federal
oversight of police can be helpful to check the treatment the officers are giving to society.
3.3. Recommendations
Some recommendations we have for all the delegates are:
1. Research everything about the topic, especially how your delegation gets involved in
the reform.
2. Always use parliamentary language in the debate.
3. Find effective solutions to fix the problem for the entire committee and your
4. See all motions, parliamentary procedures, and general terms.
5. Check the links used carefully to see if that is trustworthy information.
6. Find additional information for the debate to be well prepared and know more about
the actions your delegation has taken toward these topics.
7. Investigate some information from the other delegations, so that you know their
points toward the topic and think who you should ally with and who you should not.
8. Try to have the answer to the question we will need to resolve in the debate so that
your position is clear.

3.4. Questions of interest

The questions that delegates will need when researching the topic with their delegation are
the following:
● What actions can your delegation take to not create an exclusive space for the
● What can be the most effective mechanisms to continue with the immigration reform?
● How does the topic affect and/or contribute to your delegation?
● How can the immigrants enter safely taking into account the amount of police abuse
there is in the USA?
● What solutions can help your delegation so that this problem does not happen again?
● How can the Senate with the power it has participate in the problem? What can the
Senate do for the problem?
● How can your delegation ensure there will not the police abuses on the fronteir?
● What can your delegation do if police abuse occurs on the frontier?
● What can you use to debate against the delegation that has the opposite point of view
toward the topic?
These questions will be of great help to the delegates to make their research easier. Keep in
mind that there are more questions that you must answer in your investigations, these are just
some of them.

3.5. Sources
Charles Ellis Schumer:
Reforma migratoria - Democrats. (2019, July 22). Democrats.

Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein:

Dianne Feinstein. (n.d.). Jewish Women’s Archive.

Richard Joseph Durbin:

Durbin: We Should Work Together to Create an Immigration System that Reflects the Best of
America. (2022, September 13).

Rafael Edward Cruz:

Welna, D. (2013, June 20). How Ted Cruz’s Father Shaped His Views On Immigration. NPR.

Marco Rubio:
The many immigration positions of Marco Rubio. (2016, January 12). NBC News.
Bloomberg, J. F. a. a. D. |. (2023, September 25). Biden says GOP under Trump ‘Gutted’ US
immigration system. Washington Post.

Patty Murray:
Immigration - Senator Patty Murray. (2023, October 17). Senator Patty Murray.

Sherrod Brown:
Brown supports commonsense, bipartisan immigration compromise | U.S. Senator Sherrod
Brown of Ohio. (2018, February 15). Sherrod Brown.

Kyrsten Sinema:
Sinema says immigration is her “No. 1 concern” as she considers her next moves. (2023,
May 24). NBC News.
Barkoff, S. (2023, May 9). Sen. Kyrsten Sinema criticizes Biden administration response to
migrant crisis as “not adequate.” CBS News.

Chris Van Hollen:

Issue | Issues | U.S. Senator Chris van Hollen of Maryland. (n.d.).

Tim Kaine:
Immigration | U.S. Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia. (n.d.). Tim Kaine.

Martin Heinrich:
Immigration | U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico. (n.d.). Martin.

John Boozman:
Immigration reform & Border security. (n.d.). U.S. Senator John Boozman.

Jon Ossof:
U.S. Senator of Georgia Jon Ossoff. (2022, May 5). Sen. Ossoff Presses Biden Administration
to Strengthen Border Security - U.S. Senator for Georgia Jon Ossoff. U.S. Senator For
Georgia Jon Ossoff.

Catherine Cortez:
(n.d.). Catherine Cortez Masto Por Senate. Retrieved October 23, 23 C.E., from

Kamala Harris:
Harris Announces Funding to Address Root Causes of Migration Crisis. (23 C.E., June 2).
The New York Times. Retrieved October 23, 23 C.E., from

Hillary Clinton:
Immigration reform - The Office of Hillary Rodham Clinton. (2017, September 12). The
Office of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Bob Menendez:
Senior Democrat Urges Executive Actions From Biden on Immigration. (23 C.E., April 18).
The New York Times. Retrieved October 23, 23 C.E., from

Lindsey Graham:
ICYMI: Graham: Biden, Dems Have Failed Americans By Making Border Crisis Worse.
(n.d.). United States Senator Lindsey Graham.

4. Topic 2: Industrial Exploitation of Imprisoned Persons

To what extent could the policy MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN be considered
constructive for the US country if industrial manufacturing is done by exploited
4.1. Introduction and context to topic B
Industrial exploitation of imprisoned persons
According to the Guardian( in a report about the data given by the ACLU) in 2022
incarcerated workers in the US accounted for at least $11bn in goods and services, this with
them only gaining pennies per hour as a salary. This is one of the most blunt examples of the
American prison industrial complex which is becoming a mechanism of exploitation and
human rights violations. More than 800.000 men and women are treated as inmate workers,
lacking both social security protections and basic labor rights. These men and women are
what some may call modern slaves lacking any form of positive liberty. Some general data
say the following
● 76% of prisoners report that refusing to work in prisons may cause; solitary
confinement, denial of sentence reductions, or loss of family visitation
● Prison laborers have no control over their work assignments, have no minimum wages
nor overtime protections, can't unionize, and are not given proper training or
● 64% of incarcerated workers report poor safety conditions when working.
● 70% percent say they do not receive formal job training.
● 70% percent report not having enough of a wage to afford basic necessities like phone
calls , or sanitary goods.
Some right leaning politicians believe in the importance of prison labor, quote “There’s no
way we can take care of our facilities, our roads, our ditches, if we didn’t have inmate labor”
say some officials according to the guardian(US prison workers produce $11bn worth of
goods and services a year for pittance | US news | The Guardian) . The usa prison complex
relays in great part on inmate labor, which some left leaning people consider as a form of
humans rights violation.
“The U.S. prison system claims to offer rehabilitation to its population, but prison labor
programs do just the opposite: they degrade, dehumanize and further cripple incarcerated
workers,” said Mariana Olaizola, a lecturer at UChicago.The issue of prison labor is one of
systematic labor. In its 13th article the american constitution explicitly allows prison work.
Part of the reason for this is how bloated the US prison system is. More than 200,000 people
are incarcerated per year in the USA, leading to a system which can manage itself. Some
propose for the mandatory quality of prison work to be removed, others argue that worker
protections are to be implemented, yet no definitive solution seems to be on the horizon.
4. 2. Current situation:

Currently, US prisoners produce approximately 11 billion dollars annually, according to the

latest report from the American Civil Liberties Union. This high data can be related to the
fact that two thirds of US prisoners are sent to work in the state and in federal prison.
Furthermore, the United States is the country that imprisons the most people in the world. In
fact, the state benefits quite a bit from prisoners' work. Both private and public prisoners help
to save costs by having free workers. For example, Federal Prison Industries produces a
diverse set of products for state agencies, and helmets and military uniforms for U:S: army.
All this with 12,000 laborers across 83 prisons. This shows how profitable the work of
imprisoned people is.

The problem comes when from all the resources produced, the prisoners do not receive more
than a few cents or even nothing. In the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,
Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas the imprisoned workers do not receive anything from
their work. And for paid non-industry jobs, workers receive between 13 and 52 cents per
hour. All this for cleaning, cooking, laundry or repair work, which are general prison
maintenance and are activities done by the 80% of incarcerated laborers. In addition to
horrible working conditions. Actually, 76% of incarcerated people in a survey reported that
they received punishment if they declined to work. They also said they didn't receive
protections nor adequate training and equipment. 64% reported that they were worried for
their safety while working, and 70% reported not being able to afford basic necessities like
soap or phone calls.

4. 3. Recommendations:

We recommend to have very clear the position of your delegation about the MAGNA policy,
human rights and imprisoned workers exploitation. Pay attention to the minimum hourly
wage for workers incarcerated in each state, and contrast it with the money that prisoner
workers produce for the goods. Search for the states that present a high encroachmentIt is
also important to know what the Constitution of the United States states about the rights of
citizens. In addition, it is important to know the role of the country in the United Nations and
how it is essential to create solutions to guarantee the right to a labor dignity to the prisoners
who are exploited without leaving behind the economical goals.

4.4. Questions of interest

The questions that delegates will need when researching the topic with their delegation are
the following:
● What is the policy MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN? What are the positive and
negative effects of its implementation?
● Has your delegation implemented the policy MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN?
● How does the topic affect and/or contribute to your delegation?
● How can the Senate reinforce the country's economy without exploiting prisoners?
● Does your delegation consider the policy MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN a
Human Rights violation or a fair punishment?
● What can you use to debate against the delegation that has the opposite point of view
toward the topic?
● What adjustments could the policy have through the Senate's power?
● To what extent the policy of MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is doable in all the
50 states?
● What problematics have lost America's status, making necessary a policy to regain its
● In what circumstances have immigrants weakened America's global power?
● What strategies can be implemented to stop police abuse?
● What are the alternatives for industrial manufacturing to stop the explosion of

4.5. Sources

Charles Ellis Schumer:

Dress, B. (2022, November 14). The Hill. The Hill. Retrieved from:
Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein:
Ferrechio, S. (2022, September 25). The MAGA agenda, denounced by Democrats, makes
sense to many Americans. The Washington Times.
MacAskill, E. (2023, October 2). Dianne Feinstein obituary. The Guardian.
Richard Joseph Durbin:
Steinhorn, L. (2022, July 25). The fundamental flaw in ‘Make America Great Again.’
Washington Post.
Parrott-Sheffer, C. (2023, October 26). Dick Durbin | US senator, Illinois politician.
Encyclopedia Britannica.

Rafael Edward Cruz:

Yahoo is part of the Yahoo family of brands. (n.d.).
Prokop, A. (2015, March 24). Ted Cruz's policy positions: a comprehensive guide. Vox.

Marco Rubio:
Rubio tells Texans he’s the one to make America great again. (2016, January 14). McClatchy
Washington Bureau.
Patty Murray:
Issues - Senator Patty Murray. (2021, December 13). Senator Patty Murray.
ABC News. (2022, August 26). US President Joe Biden says the Make America Great Again
philosophy is “like semi-fascism” at Democratic rally. ABC News.
Sherrod Brown
Kilgore, E. (2022, May 13). Why both sides are making the term MAGA great again.
Krysten Sinema:

Chait, J. (2022, 9 diciembre). Kyrsten Sinema is playing chicken. Intelligencer.
What’s Kyrsten Sinema Up To? It’s Pretty Obvious. (2021, 27 octubre). POLITICO.

Chris Van Hollen:

Senate tees up vote on DISCLOSE act to help restore Americans’ faith in democracy. (2022,
20 septiembre). U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland.
Does Trump’s budget defend America or erode American power? (2017, 16 marzo). [Vídeo].
PBS NewsHour.
Tim Kaine:
Sforza, L. (2023, 3 septiembre). The Hill. The Hill.
Osnos, E. (2016, 17 octubre). Tim Kaine’s radical optimism. The New Yorker.
Martin Heinrich:
WATCH: Trump signs review of national monuments. (2017, 26 abril). PBS NewsHour.
John Boozman:
A new England patriot and a conservative billionaire are trying to take down a GOP senator.
(2022, 22 abril). POLITICO.
Jackson, H. (2021b, julio 27). Is Sen. John Boozman too nice for the Republican Party? Roll

Jon Ossof
Catherine Cortez
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (1998, July 20). Gonzaga University | Catholic,
Jesuit, Education. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Kamala Harris
Associated Press. (2019, July 8). Harris takes on “Make America Great Again” [Video].
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton calls Donald Trump’s slogan “Make America great again” a “cruel fantasy.”
(2016, June 28). CBS News.
Chasmar, J. (2016, September 9). Bill Clinton vowed to 'make America great again' in 1992,
now says slogan is racist. The Washington Times.
Bob Mendez
Michel, C. (2023, October 26). The Menendez indictment could be a turning point. The
Lindsey Graham
Lindsey Graham: ‘Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.’ (2015, December 8). CNN Politics.
5. Bibliography
Arizona Clean Elections Commission - (n.d.). U.S. Senators | Citizens
Clean Elections Commission.
How Congress works | Congressman Tim Walberg. (2023, January 3). Congressman Tim
U.S. Senate: Powers and Procedures. (2023, August 24).
Whineray, D. (2020, March 6). The United States’ current and future relationship with the
United Nations. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Fact Sheet: The Biden-Harris administration takes new actions to increase border
enforcement and accelerate processing for work authorizations, while continuing to
call on Congress to act | Homeland Security. (2023, September 20).
Hoja informativa: La Administración Biden-Harris anuncia nuevas acciones de aplicación
de la ley para la frontera - United States Department of State. (2023, January 5).
United States Department of State.
Blanca, L. C. (2023). Declaraciones del presidente Biden sobre seguridad fronteriza y
aplicación de la ley. La Casa Blanca.
BBC News Mundo. (2022, October 13). Qué cambia para los venezolanos que quieren llegar
a EE.UU. con el acuerdo de Biden y México y la nueva vía legal para entrar al país.
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Ucrania adopta una nueva estrategia de migración desarrollada conjuntamente con el
Organismo de Naciones Unidas para la Migración. (2017, July 15). International
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Amnistía Internacional. (2023, June 16). Violencia policial - Amnistía Internacional.
Police Brutality Center. (2023, September 25). Police brutality statistics: What the data says
about police violence in America.
Langer, E., & Wiener, A. (2023, January 28). Who was Rodney King? His 1991 beating by
L.A. police roiled America. Washington Post.
Porterfield, C. (2022, April 21). Police officer says he falsely charged Eric Garner after his
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Owen, J. (2022, October 27). 10 examples of police misconduct to refer to for your case. Law
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Silverstein, J. (2021, June 4). The global impact of George Floyd: How Black Lives Matter
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What the federal government can do to help fix policing in America. (n.d.). Brennan Center
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Anguiano, D. (2022, 17 junio). US prison workers produce $11bn worth of goods and
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Jackw. (2022, 27 junio). U.S. prison labor programs violate fundamental human rights, new
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