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Contact Number: 6478974486

 Operating System: Windows 10, Windows 8, Linux.
 Languages and Frameworks: Microsoft .Net framework 4.0/4.8, .Net Core, Win Forms, C#, ASP.Net, ADO.Net,
Web Services, HTML, Web API, JavaScript, Angular, React, XML, MVC framework, JQuery, Entity Framework,
LINQ, REST API, Node, Java.
 Tools and Technologies: Visual Studio 2018, MS SQL Server, LINQ Pad, GIT, VS Code, Jenkins, Docker.
 NOSQL Database: MongoDB.
 Cloud Platform: AWS.


Full Stack Developer Nov 2021 to till date

We are currently working on creating back end API's which will be used to handle all the orders and
subscriptions for McAfee products.

Here, we are working on different tech stacks, which includes Golang PostgreSQL, and NodeJs for micro service
architecture based API's.

These API's are designed to scale both horizontally and vertically depending upon the situation and
requirements. Moreover, my work is related to design and implement these API's and also make sure they work
at scale.

We are also using the Mono repos to maintain our Node project as this gives as a clear advantage in
development and maintenance. These API's have their comes with one click suit of unit test cases, which help
them in monitoring both their functionality and time it takes per operation.

The whole system works on AWS, and runs on docker containers in cloud. Everything from pushing the code to
making it run on cloud is automated with various level of pipelines and unit with integration test cases to make
sure issues are found at the earliest.

Technologies used in the project: NodeJS, C#, ASP.Net Core MVC, JavaScript, SQL Server, Entity Framework,
LINQ, System Design, GIT, Docker, Data Structure, Problem solving, Design patterns, Object oriented design,
Algorithms, AWS.
Full Stack Developer July 2021 to Nov 2021

Project Name: Nexee

Description: Nexxe is a next generation low code platform which is plugin based. It provides a low code
approach to product development. This involves reusing the existing plugins for creating cutting edge products.


 Contributing to the development of the plugin architecture by creating reusable modules which are used as
 Working on the backend by writing GraphQL based API’s, along with maintaining the current Rest bases

Full Stack Developer August 2019 to July 2021

Project Name: UAA (Universal Automotive Application)

Description: UAA is a SaaS based web and windows application. It is a modular product which is used by clients
to simplified the fleet management process.


 Taking ownership of the task assigned and making sure that it is done in a best possible way and within any
time constraints provided using Agile methodologies.
 Planning and prioritizing different parts of the system by extensively using scrum as a medium and creating
short term and long term goals to achieve the desired results.
 Worked on designing and implementing highly scalable distributed systems using both synchronous and
asynchronous model of programming.
 Understand, design, iterate and show impact by building end user facing products using service oriented
 Doing code reviews using best practices by following coding standards and standard guidelines.
 Maintaining internal coding standards, development processes, and design best practices.
 Worked extensively on test coverages by using Unit and Integration testing.
 Mentoring junior team members and making them ready for further challenges by providing them technical

I worked on designing and developing a windows and SaaS based web application which will change the way
fleet management is being done nowadays. This single application abstracts all the manual efforts, and provide a
simplified view which is user configurable. As a result of this, the productivity of clients would increase multifold,
and they can concentrate more on core business side of the process than the manual process itself. I am
responsible for designing and writing the core rule engine for this multi-platform application. My work involves
writing C# methods using ASP.Net Core MVC framework, working on JavaScript and React to create single page
application and then deploying the application using Docker.

Scalable API for custom file parsing: These API’s are responsible for uploading custom files and then store
them on server for parsing. This API works along with a watcher service. The role of the watcher service is to
parse the uploaded files and extract data from it. This API was load tested at various levels and it performed well
with several thousand records per seconds. Both the modules API and watcher service are decoupled and can be
run independently.

Fleet Tracking and Report Generation: This module is responsible for gathering information from the SQL
databases, and then using custom home grown algorithms to generate meaningful information from the data.
Moreover, this normalized and clean data is further used to provide reports in form of dashboards,
downloadable files, and custom formats such as XML and JSON.

Auto Update Module: This module is responsible for updating the application when a new software version is
released. This module completely removes the human intervention while auto updating software by
downloading a new version from the cloud, while the user is using the application. All the processing is done in
asynchronous mode which lead to better user experience as there is no blocking of functionality.

Technologies used in the project: C#, ASP.Net Core MVC, JavaScript, SQL Server, Entity Framework, LINQ,
System Design, GIT, Docker, Data Structure, Problem solving, Design patterns, Object oriented design,
Algorithms, AWS.


Full Stack Developer Mar 2017 to July 2019

Project Name: EDM (Enterprise database Management)

Description: EDM is a financial web and windows based solution that cater to financial markets and clients all
over the world. It is highly scalable financial product which is used to process client data using blocks that have a
well-defined functionality and are highly configurable depending upon client needs and how the data needs to
be processed. Moreover, EDM can be used in variety of ways, like for formatting and processing the data, or
generating insights from the data like reports, and providing various kinds of dashboards to the user. This
provides an extremely powerful tool for data extraction and reporting.


 Writing highly scalable applications and RESTful web services.

 Worked on distributed transaction management with databases which were distributed across servers for
 Expertise in building a flexible and scalable financial system that cater to the needs of clients around the
 Migrated a large monolith system to micro services system.
 Worked on requirement gatherings from clients using prototype model by building wireframes, and reusable
 Develop on n-tier scalable, high-volume, scalable and reliable user-centric applications.

I extensively worked on cloud based financial market software solutions. These products abstract the complex
machine learning logic and provide useful insights to the financial clients. Moreover, these tools also contain a
reporting engine, which can be used to generate different types of dashboards and reports which cater to
different client’s needs.

I have written Rest APIs, worked extensively on C# and ASP.Net Core MVC, WPF using MVVM model, and used
both SQL and NoSQL databases. Apart from it, on the front end, I have written code in JavaScript. I was actively
involved in designing commerce related software for the financial markets using various design principles. This
software is used by leading Hedge funds and financial institutions to monitor and gather insights from the data.
We also provide various dashboards and reports that were used by clients to make business related decisions.
This help them making decisions which are more scientific and made the decision making process faster and
accurate by 75 to 90 percent.

Database Migration Utility: This utility is developed to migrate the entire database or a part of database to a
remote server, or to generate custom scripts from the database which can them be used as in a standalone
environment. Moreover, it was entirely written in C# using Entity Framework as a layer to interact with the
database. By using this utility, our database migration time reduced by 80 percent and things became more
modular and less error prone.

Technologies used in the project: C#, ASP.Net Core MVC, WPF, JavaScript, MySQL, Entity Framework, LINQ, SQL
Server, GIT, HTML, React, Docker, AWS, CI/CD, Jenkins.

Software Engineer March 2015 – June 2016

Project Name: Bank of America

Description: It is a cloud based web solution that has a core rule based engine. This engine caters to different
markets and different time zones. Moreover, this application helps the client to make better and quicker
decisions and removed the internal complexities related to different market regulations and time zone.

I developed cloud based reusable solution for clients ranging in different domains such as housing, financial
markets, banking, insurance and retail using cutting edge technologies. Moreover, these solutions helped client
to make their web presence in different markets around the world. As a result of this, the market share increased
by 50 percent and revenue stream increased by 75 percent.

My responsibilities included designing and implementing the cloud based application, making prototypes,
working on the core engine, and making changes according to feedback from various stakeholders in the
Technologies used in the project: C#, LINQ, SQL Server, ADO.Net, ASP.Net Web Services, GIT, Asp.Net Core,
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AWS, React.

Associate Software Engineer Feb 2014 – Sep 2014

Project Name: Integrated Waste Management System.

Description: It is a cloud based fleet management web application. This application helped the client to
automate the fleet management process and hence minimize the cost and increase productivity by 80 to 90

I was responsible for designing and implementing the application from end to end. This includes working on
JavaScript on the front end and ASP.Net Core MVC on the back end. Moreover, I was also responsible for
creating prototypes and creating wire frames for the client so that the requirement gathering phase can be done
in a more meaningful and efficient way, which will result in fewer iterations of the software.

Technologies used in the project: C#, LINQ, ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework, JavaScript, GIT, AWS.

 Microsoft Certified C# developer.
 Microsoft Certified ASP.NET MVC developer.

 Master of Computer Application
Bhartiya Vidyapeeth institute of computer application and management, Delhi – 2014
 Bachelors of Computer Application

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