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SY 2022-2023

Submitted To:


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements


Field Study 1

Submitted by:

Republic of the Philippines
Salug, Zamboana del Norte





Submitted to:

College Instructor

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for Field Study 1

Submitted by:

Porferia P. Malacat
December, 2022

Field Study 1 is the first in a series of six sequential studies in the Bachelor
of Elementary Education and the Bachelor of Secondary Education Programs
(BEED and BSED) offered by the Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs). Field study
1 is linked with a professional education subject. It is the prerogative of the TEI to
match with an appropriate subject such as Child and Adolescent Development,
Principles of Teaching, or Facilitating Learning.

The focus of Field Study 1 is observation of the learners, school structure and the
community. Since this is the first time that the student teachers have been
exposed to the school environment, they are expected to take note of the school and
classroom facilities, and the organizational set-up of the school. The Pre-Service
Teacher (PSTs) shall observe the behaviour of the learners in the actual learning
environment. Based on their observations of learners, PSTs shall develop their
understanding on feasible approaches to facilitate learning considering the various
phases of growth and development.

To assist their transition, the students will be assigned in different grade level.
Included in FS 1 is the enhancement of the students’ communication skills with
his/her buddy since they are expected to be adequate in the language they will be
using during their hands-on teaching in the remaining field studies.

As a student, field study is important to create opportunities for firsthand

experience that encourage critical thinking, long term retention, transfer potentials
and positive attitudes. From the start to end of observation, we are expected to take
note of the school and classroom facilities, and the organizational set-up of the
school. The content of this document is the narration of experience.


I proudly and greatly thanks to the following persons for helping and accompanying
me on finishing this field study 1 portfolio. First and foremost, to our Lord God for
giving me life, strength, and wisdom in finishing this portfolio, and for keeping me
safe on conducting my observation, and to Ma’am Setchery T. Estebat who gave us
the warmest welcome and for imparting essential wisdoms which we can use as we
go on to our chosen paths, Instill in our minds that it is not a choice to educate,
but a path to take.

To my son-in-law John A. Vibar who always render his time and patience for
encoding this field study 1 portfolio, and to Sir Gerry C. Brobo, who supported me
always in this requirements, and especially to Kindergarten Adviser where I’m
assigned to observe the class, Ma’am Victoria Lobetania Tapayan, who always
render her time, patience and support for my portfolio requirement.

Last but not the least, to my ever-loving family and the undying supports of my
classmates who are always at my side no matter what the situation is for
motivating me despite the pressure to finish this thing.

Thank you so much everyone.


Teaching is one of the noblest professions that exist. It is not an easy

profession because you need an adjustment on it. You will deal with the
differences of the student as well as their parents.

It is hard but self-fulfilling profession that can make everyone happy

although problems cannot be avoided. As a teacher, you must know how to
handle problem especially when it comes to your class. You are expected to
solve it because you are the head of the class.

Being a teacher you should always have a positive disposition. It can help
you to motivate and lift up your student whenever they feel down. A good
teacher teaches from the heart not from the book. Our knowledge from the
book is just a finite thing an often we got about it in just an hour or minute
but we the teacher has something to do with that knowledge. It will be
remember by the students as they remember the teacher. It will be
inculcated in their mind that their teacher teaches them such a kind of
things. As a teacher, we should teach good things to the students, not only
this but the most precious job of a teacher is molding with developing the
students to be a better one and help them to reach the star they dream.
Purok 4, Apitong Street, Poblacion,
Godod, Zamboanga del Norte
Mobile Number: 09554307291

Porferia P. Malacat

To be exposed to actual field experiences anchored on exhibiting the

understanding and application of necessary competencies in
professional subjects.


Full Name : Porferia Pis-an Malacat

Date of Birth : February 18, 1955
Place of Birth : Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte
Age : 67 years old
Height : 5’0
Sex : Female
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Married
Religion : Roman Catholic
Spouse : Promencio N. Malacat


Tertiary Level ZAMSULA Everlasting College

Bachelor in Technical Vocational Teacher Education
SY: 2019 - Present

Secondary Level Alternative Learning System

SY: 2018 - 2019

Primary Level Balakan Elementary School

Salug, Zamboanga del Norte
SY: 1970 - 1971


Mrs. Elizabeth S. Pabatao Ms. Clarita B. Realiza Ms. Ginelie D. Samson

Poblacion, Godod, Z.D.N. Salug, Zambo. Del Norte Liguac, Salug, Z.D.N.
Mobile No. 09163256505 Mobile No. 09677716249 Mobile No. 09999885391

Table of Contents

Title Page
Introduction i
Acknowledgment ii
Teaching Beliefs iii
Resume iv


FIELD STUDY I (The Learner’s Development and Environment)

Episode 1 (School as a Learning Environment)1
School Facilities Checklist 2-5
An Observation Guide for the School Visit 6
An Observation Guide for the Classroom Visit 7-8
Classroom Facilities Matrix 9
My Analysis 10
My Reflections 10-11
My Portfolio 12-13
Episode 2 (The Learners’ Characteristics and Needs) 14
My Tools 15-18
My Analysis 19
My Portfolio 20
Episode 3 (Classroom Management and Learning) 21-28
Episode 4 (Individual Differences and Learners Interaction)
Focusing on differences in gender, racial, religious background 29-36
Episode 5 (Individual Differences and Learners Interaction)
Focusing on the different levels of abilities 37-42
Episode 6 (Home-School Link) 43-55
FS 1 Grading Sheet 56
1 The Learner’s Development and Environment


Episode 1


As you move around the school campus, activity forms are provided for you
to document your observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet
before proceeding to the school site. A good understanding of the activities and
tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets will yield better learning results.


Facilities Available Description
The office of the principal is
well-lit, well-ventilated and
clean. Furniture is varnished
and looks very sturdy.
Several pictures of
Government and Deped
Office of the Principal officials are seen on wall
display. An OIC is always in
the office other than the
principal. Its location is very
convenient for teachers,
students and visitors as
The PSDS Office is located
on left building in the
entrance gate of the school.
Public Schools District
The office is well-ventilated,
Supervisor’s Office
well-lit, clean, and with a
glass wall and door that
separate the entire office.
School Clinic The school clinic is located
on right building in the
entrance gate of the school.
It is well-equipped for first
aid and several emergency
purposes. The school clinic
is well clean, and medicines
are available and properly
organized. A well-trained
professional nurse is always
The District Learning Hub is
located in the left part of the
school after the PSDS
Office/ALS Office/Principal
Office building, and beside
District Learning Hub the Kindergarten Room. The
DLH is well-equipped with
sets of computers (more than
15), chairs and tables. The
computers can cater one
section for every session.
The ALS Office is right
between the PSDS Office and
the Office of the Principal. It
ALS Office
is well-ventilated and
equipped with office
The Kindergarten Room is
located beside the District
Learning Hub Room. The
classroom is conducive for
learning, well-lit, clean and
well-ventilated. Books are
taken care of, thus they are
in good condition. Tables are
arranged strategically for
Kindergarten Room learning purposes, and
tables are in the shape of
hexagon. In the right side
corner of the room is the
learning resource area,
where there are cut-off
pictures, toys, portfolios,
and learning posters
intended for students
Isolation Center
The SPED room is located at
SPED Room the right side of the Session
hall in the school campus.
Computer Room The Computer room is
consolidated in the District
Training Hub. It has around
17 computers. It is well-
ventilated, has great
lighting, and is maintained
on a daily basis.
There are two (2) section
rooms for grade 1 classroom.
Grade I Room Grade 1 – Venus and
Mercury is located beside
the School Clinic.
The Grade 2 are composed of 3
two classroom (Section:
Earth and Mars) on the
Grade II Room
second building near the
Grade 1 – Venus and Grade
3 – Jupiter.
There are two (2) sections of
Grade 3 (Section: Jupiter
and Mars) in the school
Grade III Room
premises and it is located
near the exit gate of the
school campus.
The Grade 4 – Saturn
classroom is located in front
Grade IV Room of the waiting shed area near
the right side of the flag pole,
if you are facing the pole.
The Grade 5 - Amethysts
classroom is located in front
Grade V Room of the waiting shed area near
the left side of the flag pole,
if you are facing the pole.
The Grade 6 room are
composed of two sections
(Ruby and Gold), and it is
Grade VI Room
located beside Grade 5 and
SPED Center in the school
The playground is wide and
very spacious, covered with
Carabao grass and filled
Playground with plants and trees beside
the pathways. Some part of
the pathways is still ongoing
There are two (2) playground
apparatus in the school
campus which are the slides
and seesaw located in front
of school clinic and grade 1
Playground Apparatus
room. The playground
apparatus is made of
constructed cement with
fully painted in color with
light blue and pink.
There are two (2) hand-wash
facilities areas located on the
right side of the entrance
Hand-wash Facilities gate and in-front of school
clinic. These hand-wash
facilities are made of cement
with tiles.
There is only one (1)
entrance gate, made of steel 4
Entrance Gate painted in color blue with an
arc design, and with the
name of school on it.
The exit gate is made of steel
bars, and it is located
Exit Gate between Grade 3 and Grade
4 rooms. The exit is 2 meters
There is wife Internet
Internet Connectivity Connectivity in the computer
Hub room.
The school signage is 10
meters away from the
entrance gate and along the
Barangay road. The signage
is well constructed in
cement and well painted.
Thermal Scanner
The outdoor stage is located
Stage beside the comfort room and
session hall.
The school has a comfort
room for boys and girls in
one building beside the
Comfort Room outdoor stage. These CRs
are maintained properly,
and with lavatory or hand-
wash facilities.
There are three (3) waiting
shed in the school premises
constructed in a shape of
Waiting Shed
octagon, and cemented on
an artistic design with
Others (Please Specify)
An Observation Guide for the School Visit

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the
provided space.
Name of the School Observed: BACONG CENTRAL SCHOOL
OCTOBER 12, 2022
Date of Visit: _______________________________________________________

1. Describe the community or neighborhood where the school is found.

Bacong Central School is found in an academically-concentrated area in
Barangay Bacong, Salug, Zamboanga del Norte. The school is mounted at
the hilltop where In-front of its main gate is the barangay road, Surrounding
it are lots of trees. Further beyond the stretch are the houses of the
neighborhood are majority. The campus is an open-area and the sunlight
directly strikes the school premises.

2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see? What is the
condition of the buildings?
Upon entering the school campus through the main gate which is painted in
blue, there are landscape of plants and trees outside of the school campus
wall, and you will see in the left is the edifice of PSDS/ALS and the principal
office which is basically big old structure with a green roof, the condition of
all building is fine. Actually, most buildings in Bacong Central School (BCS)
have a green roof. On the outside, these buildings are primarily painted
cream or yellow paint. One building on the right side in particular has
artistic educational arts with great landscaping. It is very colorful and can
catch the attention of anyone who passes by.

3. Pass by the offices. What impression do you have of these offices?

Passing by the offices, one gets the impression that the school promotes
open communication between students, teachers and other school
personnel. You would see how open these offices are to visitors as well. All of
these offices are highly maintained on a daily basis, two to three times a day.
Ventilation is always good. Lighting is good as well, and the floor is so clean.
4. Walk through the school rooms, other facilities. Look around and find
out the other facilities that the school has.
The school has many buildings – academic buildings, academic centers,
session hall, and a large playground with playground apparatus, such as
children slides made of cement, and many other things you would love to see
in a public school. They even have a computer room or hub, and other
facilities that it would take you more than just one visit to see all that the
school has to offer.

An Observation Guide for the Classroom Visit

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the

matrix to record your data.
1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls?
What heroes, religious figures, lessons visual aids announcements,
do you see posted?
The wall display of the classroom is well arranged. There are charts,
poster, pictorials, and pictures of Philippine Heroes, Alphabets, numbers,
National anthem, DEPED Mission, Vision and Core Values, Pupils
portfolios, calendar and learning resource area in the classroom. It is
arranged according to subjects and it is readable for the students.

2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where’s is the

teacher’s table located? How are the tables and chairs/desks
All pieces of furniture are well arranged and in good condition, the
teacher’s main table is located at the back of the classroom near the
entrance door and one (1) small rectangular table is located in front of
the blackboard. The Kindergarten classroom where I assign to observe
are well ventilated and clean, the learners’ tables are well arranged,
painted and all was in good condition. There are four (4) hexagon desks
for the learners and one (1) table for every five (5) learner’s, all chairs are
made of plastic mono block suitable for young age.
3. What learning materials /equipment are present? 7
There are reading materials in every corner of the classroom, and it is
arranged according to topics and subjects. The charts/poster, and other
visual aids are also located at all corner of the classroom. In one of the
blackboard there is a Flat television installed for educational viewing of
the students.

4. Observe the pupils, how many are occupying one room?

There are around 20 to 25 students in the classroom, but the room itself
can accommodate up to 35 students. Even so, it seems that the school
refrains from taking too many students in one class, thus leaving several
seats vacant.

5. Is the room well- lighted and well ventilated?

Upon entering the classroom, you would feel the warmth from being
welcomed by the students. You would also notice that the writings on the
blackboard have already been erased. The room is well-lit with the
combination of natural light from the surroundings and light from the
bulbs that are turned on whenever it is necessary. Fresh air from the
surroundings circulates freely inside the room with the help of electric

CLASSROOM FACILITIES (location, number, arrangement,
The wall display of the classroom is well
arranged. There are charts, poster,
pictorials, and pictures of Philippine
Wall Displays President, Alphabets, numbers, and
learning resource area in the classroom.
It is arranged according to subjects and
it is readable for the students.
The teacher table is clean and it is
located at the back of the classroom and
one (1) small rectangular table in front
Teacher’s Table of the blackboard use by the teacher
and, for projector or CD/VCD unit for
the use in educational viewing of the
There are four (4) hexagon desks in the
class room where I observed, one table
Learner’s Desks
for five (5) learners. The desk is well
arranged and all was in good condition.
There are two (2) blackboards in the
classroom. It is located in front of the
classroom, it is in good condition and it
is arrange in a way students can read
and understand the information written
on it. One blackboard has a Television
installed for educational viewing of the
There are reading materials in every
corner of the classroom, and it is
arranged according to topics and
Learning Materials/Visual Aids
subjects. The charts/poster, and other
visual aids are also located at all corner
of the classroom.
Lightings All lightings are functional.
The bookshelf in the classroom is
located at the back of teacher’s desk. It
is arranged in a shelf according to topics
and subjects.
The classroom where I observed
(Kindergarten Classroom), there is no
fan at all because the classroom is well
The learning resource area in the
kindergarten classroom is located in the
right corner, and it is arranged in a shelf
Learning Area
according to topics and subjects with
lots of posters and learning
The broom stand is located near the 9
entrance door of the classroom with four
Broom Stand
(4) plastic trash bins, and one (1) plastic
There is no shoe rack in the classroom
Shoe Rack where I assign to observe (Kindergarten
Others( Please specify)

1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact
on the learning of the pupils? What are your conclusions?
Well coordinated classroom arrangement with complete facilities and
other resources needed to support learning situations will have a great
impact in the learning capacity of the children. It will maximize or boost
the children’s interest in learning and it would be very comfortable for
them to go to school. It will give the motivation that they need and
become more competent in their future studies and the teachers are the
key players in making this happen for every child.

2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent

development? How does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating
It relates in my knowledge about child and adolescent development that
made me aware of the uniqueness and differences of every learner that
we have to consider as a future teacher. I always have to keep in mind
that children do not learn in the same rate. In facilitating learning I have
to understand each child’s behaviour and personality and chose what
strategies suits them most and use it appropriately.


1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just

observed? Why or why not?
I would love to teach in Bacong Central School. The facilities are in great
condition as a result of proper regular maintenance. They also have
everything any student and/or teacher would need – comfort rooms, a
clinic with a professional nurse always standing by in case of
emergencies, and a computer lab or hub for a student’s and other
facilities. BCS has plants and trees all over it too. Fresh air freely
circulates and ventilates the classrooms. The school is also located in an
academically concentrated area.
2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?
The school campus that is conducive for learning must have a complete,
and good operating facilities. There must have also no pollution, clean
and well-organized amenities which can able to enhance students
learning process without any hindrances from its environment.

3. What kind of classroom conducive to learning?

Classroom is not about facilities, it also about the teacher how he/she
conduct and how to facilitate their students. For me, cleanliness is a
must, then beautification. Colorful bulletin boards or information boards
for example, are good for curiosity of students.

Other than these, we also believe that a classroom can be made

conducive to learning with the help of the teacher. The teacher must have
the ability to create an engaging atmosphere in the classroom in many
aspects, including intellectual, social and emotional. While the classroom
may be considered as the body and the students the different organs, the
teacher is the heart and mind.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

In the future I can accomplish my answer in number three when I apply
it to the classroom that will be assigned to me and I will become a
responsible teacher, having enough knowledge of my specialization and
know the things or way that I can do to help my students in developing
their knowledge and skills.
I will use my creativity and passion in teaching to catch their attention in
every side of the classroom. Every student has always has a voice for
every suggestion, opinions. No one will be left behind.

5. Write your additional learning and insights here.

Learning can be motivated. Thus, the environment of the school campus
has an important role in motivating the students learning. How could any
student study well if their rooms are sultry? Then, it is my opinion to say
that the learner’s environment can affect the learner’s learning



The School Signage along the Barangay road of

Bacong, Salug, Zamboanga del Norte

The Main Entrance Gate of the school campus

Bacong Central School Campus

The beautiful waiting shed area,

landscape with plants near the entrance
gate of the school.
Waiting shed area near
kindergarten classroom.

The School Classroom

The School Clinic

District Learning Hub and Computer Room

The school flag pole

decorated with plants.

The side of the building

is decorated with artistic
design near the entrance
gate of the school.

Porferia P. Malacat
Name of FS Student: __________________________________________________________
Bachelor in Technical Vocational Teacher Education
Course: ________________________________________________________________________
Bacong Central School
Cooperating School: ___________________________________________________________

To attain your target, do the following tasks:

 Step 1: Observe 3 groups of learners from different levels

(Preschool/ kindergarten, Central School (Grade 1 -VI),
(High School - Senior High School)
 Step 2: Describe each of the learners based on your observations
 Step 3: Validate your observations
 Step 4: Compare them in terms of their interest and needs

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report
on the provided space. Your teacher may also recommend another observation
checklist if more detailed observation is preferred.


1. Observe the gross motor skills, How do they carry themselves? How do they
move, run, walk, etc.


Kindergarten Energetic and sometimes hyper.

In terms of their gross- motor skills they are very careful in
making an action maybe because they know their
(Grade 5)
limitations inside the classroom.
High School No High School level were the school I observe.

2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberates/smooth?

They love to move around – they run playfully after each
Kindergarten other, sometimes going in and out of the room. They walk
and run carelessly.
They are active and playful.
(Grade 5)
High School No High School level were the school I observe.
3. How about their fine motor skills? Writing? Drawing?

In terms of fine- motor skills, they like drawing and writing,

they follow the instruction of their teacher because they
think that the teacher is always right. They are very
imaginative in making art works.
In fine- motor skills like writing and drawing they have fine-
looking hand writing and whenever there is a wrong spelling
(Grade 5)
they make their necessary action to correct it.
High School No High School level were the school I observe.


1. Describe how they interact with the teacher and others?


In interaction with their teacher they are very cooperative in

class conversation and they always raise their hand in the
board activities maybe because they want to achieve a star
or a high grades coming from their teacher.
Elementary In interaction with their teachers they always cooperate in
(Grade 5) class discussion to aim their goals at the end of the period.
High School No High School level were the school I observe.

2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are
their concerns?


In terms of interaction with their classmates/ friends and

Kindergarten colleagues they always have a conversation with them
because they are very active.
In terms of the interaction with their classmates and friends
Elementary they respect and have a trust with each other. They help
(Grade 5) their classmates whenever their classmates did not know the
answer to the questions of their teachers.
High School No High School level were the school I observe.
1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners.
(happy, sad, easily cries, mood shifts)


Some of them are loners, sad and easily cries. They easily
change their moods.
They are happy go lucky persons.
(Grade 5)
High School No High School level were the school I observe.

2. How do they express their wants/needs? Can they wait?


Some students keep on looking through the window for their

Kindergarten parents or guardians outside the classroom from time to
Elementary It is highly noticeable that some students can wait for
(Grade 5) minutes for things they want.
High School No High School level were the school I observe.

3. How do they handle frustrations?


Kindergarten pupils are happy pupils, but they can easily

Kindergarten change moods, especially if they have something they don’t
They are now able to handle their frustrations and emotions.
They can hide their feelings to others or show it to their
(Grade 5)
High School No High School level were the school I observe.

4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior. Are they self-

They are non self conscious they cry if something that really
Kindergarten need them to cry. And they usually inform their teacher if
there is something they don’t like.
Elementary Grade 5 pupils are also not that conscious with their
(Grade 5) emotion.
High School No High School level were the school I observe.


1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their
language proficiency.


They cannot clearly express their idea of something unless

guided by their teacher. They listen to a story told by their
teacher. They have the idea on the story but they cannot
retell it to the class.
Elementary Can communicate very well in their mother tongue language
(Grade 5) but only a little bit in English.
High School No High School level were the school I observe.

2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for
evidence of their thinking skills.


They are easily amused by things that are new to them. In

Kindergarten their current stage of acquiring knowledge, they can only
think very shallowly of the topics at hand.
In terms of their thinking skills they have wide and many
explanations when you asked them some questions. They
(Grade 5)
can easily comprehend well.
High School No High School level were the school I observe.

3. Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how did they show
problem solving abilities.


Kindergarten Not available.

Elementary Performs well in problem solving but still doubts in their
(Grade 5) answers.
High School No High School level were the school I observe.

Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed.
Based on these characteristics, think of implications for the teachers.

Implication to the
Salient Characteristics
Level Teaching-Learning

Therefore, as teachers we
should engage these
Kindergarten have short
learners in activities that
Kindergarten span of attention and they
they can participate and
Age range of learners 5 - 7 cannot control their
enjoy such as games, role
playing, singing and
dancing activities.

They are active and Students’ energy should

playful. be channelled to well-
planned meaningful
learning activities.
Involvement in such
activities make learning
more fun and meaningful
to the students.

They behave according to The students should be

the do’s and don’ts briefed regarding the
Central School classroom rules during
Age range of learners 11- the start of the school
12 year. Consistency should
be applied in the
implementation of the
rules as well.

They easily distracted by Therefore, the teacher

their peers and should make some change
classmates. They make in giving the lesson. The
sounds and movement to teacher should give some
distract others. activities to get the
attentions of his/ her

No High School level were the school I observe

High School
Age range of learners____



The teacher gave seat

work for the learners
inside the classroom.

The students are

answering the
lesson activity.

Name of FS Student: ___________________________________________________
Course Year & Section: _________________________________________________
Cooperating School: ___________________________________________________
OCTOBER 17, 2022
Date of Visit: _________________________________________________________



Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the
provided space.
1. As you observe the class look into the characteristics of the learners.
Note their ages.
There are 30 students in kindergarten class, with ages ranging from 5
to 7 years old. The students are well-mannered and disciplined. They
are well-groomed and neat. There are learners that are silent type and
there are also learners that are talkative but these learners cooperate
actively in the teaching-learning process.

2. How many boys are there? How many are girls?

Among these 30 students, 16 are female and 14 males. There are 1
boy and girl each with an age of 7 years old; 5 boys and 4 girls with
an age of 6 years old, and 8 boys and 11 girls with an age of 5 years

To calculate, There are 2 students who born on year 2015; 9 students

who are born on 2016, and 19 student born on 2017 in the
kindergarten class.

3. Focus on their behavior? Are they already able to manage their own
behavior? How?
Some students can manage their own behaviour but there are few
who really need to be guided by their teacher.

4. Can the learners already work independently? Why? 22

Most of them can work independently but sometimes it depends upon
the complexity of the test/activity provided by their teacher. Some
learners cannot work independently because of their behaviour of
seeking assistance with their seatmates on every work they are doing.

5. Describe their span of attention.

Their spans of attention vary a lot. Some could stay focused on the
discussion until the end, while some do their own thing around
halfway of the discussion. Even so, these things are rather related to
the topic. Perhaps it is their personal learning style.

6. Look into their listening skills and ability to concentrate. What can you
They can focus for a long period of time but their listening skills and
ability to concentrate depend upon on their interest about the topic
being presented by the teacher.

An Observation Guide for the Classroom Visit

Be guided with these questions as you do your observation of the classroom

management. It is also good to ask the teacher for the additional information so
you can verify your observation. Write your answer below after the questions
and organize your data in the table that follows.

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of

teaching aids, books, learners’ belongings, supplies, etc.) Describe each
YES. There are areas in the classroom that has specific purpose like
instructional materials, teaching aids, books located at the back of
teacher desk. The folders and other papers were arranged very well,
pupil’s portfolio are located on the left corner of the classroom, and
there is a specific corner for the pupils which is the learning resource
area located on the right side corner of the classroom. There are two
cabinets at the back part of the classroom: one for storage of teaching
aids, and the other for supplies.

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? 23

The procedures and rules are posted just at the door. As I have read
the content of it, it is about the general rules on health safety protocol
against covid-19, and it is also written in English and local dialect.

3. Did the pupils participate in making the classroom rules? (Ask the
resource teacher)
There are no classroom rules at all, the only rules I saw is the health
safety protocols against Covid-19 posted on the door of the classroom.

4. What are the daily routines done by the teacher? (Prayer, attendance,
assignment of monitors, warm-up activities) How are they done?
As a part of spiritual formation of every student, the teacher starts the
class with a prayer and they recite it very well, seeking the guidance
of God above. After which proper announcements are made if
necessary, and followed by a warm-up activities like dancing
exercises. Attendance is checked before the start of formal discussion.

5. Is there seating arrangements? What is the basis of this arrangement?

The sitting arrangement that they have is complex, the students had
no permanent seats.

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

As I observe, the noise inside the classroom are under control by the
teacher and it is managed by the teacher by giving activities that is
related to the lesson, seat works, and class recitation.

7. If a learner is not following instruction or off-task what does the

teacher do? Describe the behavior strategies used.
If the students are not following the instruction of the teacher, the
teacher will call his/ her attention.

8. What does the teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (behavioral

When the student answers correctly, the teacher gives her/him a
simple positive comment such as “Very Good”, “Good job!” or “Yes,
that’s the correct answer.”


Aspect of Classroom
Description Effect to the Learners

There are specific areas The students could easily

in the classroom such see the learning materials
the Learning Resource and other educational
Specific Areas in the Area, Pupil’s Portfolios, paraphernalia in every
classroom learning aid materials corner of the classroom.
and toys. Also, it is easier for them to
look for these materials
when needed.
No Rules posted on the
Classroom Rules
Well-organized by the It enhances learners’
Classroom Procedures teacher. strength to be a better
person in the society.
Prayer, announcement, It develops children’s skills
Daily Routines attendance, and and capabilities.
In kindergarten class
there is no such
seating arrangement
implemented inside the
Seating Arrangement None
classroom. Every
student has the choice
to choose in what chair
he/she wants to sit.
Concern with the A learner becomes aware of
strategies of the the things that they are
Handling misbehaviour/off-
teacher in handling doing whether it is wrong or
task behaviour
misbehaviour of the right.
Encouraging students Society will be progressive
or moulding students through young productive
Reinforcement of Positive
into a better one. children that help the
country through their
talents and skills.

1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’
The classroom organization and routines affect the learner’s
behaviour. By the help of the organizations that they have, they can
develop their capabilities to be a responsible member of their group.
The daily routines such as praying can develop the children’s spiritual
life to be a good citizen of the society.
2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the 25
classroom organization and routines? What theories and principles
should you have in mind?
The teacher must consider routines that are best suited to the level of
learners she had. She must also consider a classroom organization
that could help build hrs learners motivation to learn. Therefore I
should have the third guiding principle in the Selection of Teaching
Strategies which states that “A non-threatening atmosphere enhances
learning”. This principle focuses on the psychological and physical
climate of the classroom that is supportive for learning. This principle
will guide me in setting an ideal classroom management in the future.

3. Which strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the

learners? In motivating pupils? Why were they effective?
Corporal punishment is not the answer in managing the behaviour of
each student but with an integration of values and religious concept.
In motivating students, the teacher should be aware that there some
limitations beyond this. Since the child believes in the Supreme God,
it is easy to discipline them because to be feared with wrong acts is to
be feared with God.


1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what

grade level do you see yourself? What routines and procedures
would you consider for this level? Why?
In the future, I see myself teaching in the high school level specifically
in first year. In this level, I must consider routines and procedures
such as assigning them to clean the room before and after class,
motivating them to study by giving rewards and by assigning them
roles inside the classroom so that they will develop a sense of self-
responsibility. I will start the class with a prayer followed by an action
song so that they will be energized and motivated in learning the new
lesson. Then I will start the lesson with a joke or a brain teaser
related to the topic, perhaps to be complemented by one of the
students per meeting.
2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level.
Why would you choose these rules? 26
The list of rules I’d like to implement in my chosen grade level are the

a. Respect the teacher, your classroom, and your fellow students.

b. Keeping the classroom neat and clean.
c. Keeping the classroom materials organized and properly
d. Praying before and after the class discussion.
e. Participating in every class discussion.
f. Strictly no cheating
g. Giving assignment to my student before going home.
h. Submit the project given to students on time.
i. Be on-time, on-task and prepared to learn.
j. Keep all personal electronics away.

I choose these rules because I want to develop their sense of self-

responsibility having a good character and discipline inside and
outside the classroom.

3. Should learners be involved in making class rules? Why?

Yes, the learners should be involved in making the class rules. The
class is a part of the legislative council inside the classroom, thus the
teacher should seek the help of students when making class rule but
it is the obligation of the teacher to defy what something wrong is
being agreed by all.


The Kindergarten “Learning Resource Area” with colourful designed, well organized and arranged.

Student’s doing some activity.

Students were listening to their teacher

during the lecture

The Teacher’s desk,

bookshelves, Educational
Learning Materials,
Poster of Deped Vision,
Mission and Core Values,
and Domains of Early
Childhood, and Areas of
Learning in Early Years.
EPISODE 4: Individual Differences and Learners Interaction
(Focusing on differences in gender, racial, religious background)
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Course: _____________________________________ 2022 - 2023
Year: _____________________
Victoria L. Tapayan Signature: ____________ Date:___________
Resource Teacher: __________________
Bacong Central School
Cooperating School: ______________________________________________________

At the end of this activity, I will gain competence in determining,
understanding and accepting the learner’s diverse backgrounds.

My Performance (How I will be rated)

Field Study 1 Episode 4: Individual Differences and Learner's Interaction

Focused on: Differences in gender, racial, religious background

Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
All tasks were All or nearly Nearly all Fewer than
done with all tasks were tasks were half of tasks
outstanding done with done with were done; or
quality; work high quality acceptable must
exceeds quality objectives met
Documentation expectations but with poor

4 3 2 1
Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
questions questions questions questions
were answered were were not were not
completely; in answered answered answered
depth completely completely Grammar and
answers; Clear Vaguely spelling
thoroughly connection related to the unsatisfactory
My Analysis grounded on with theories theories
theories Grammar Grammar
-Exemplary and spelling and spelling
grammar and are superior acceptable
3 2 1
My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
statements are statements statements statements
profound and are clear but are shallow; are unclear
clear; not clearly supported by and shallow
supported by supported by experiences and are not
experiences experiences from the supported by
from the from the episode. experiences
episode. episode. from the

4 3 2 1
Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has
complete, complete, incomplete many lacking
clear, well- clear, well- supporting components;
organized and organized documentatio is 30
all supporting and most n is organized unorganized
documentatio supporting but is and unclear.
n are located documentatio lacking.
in sections n are
My Portfolio clearly available
designated. and/or
logical and
3 2 1
Before the On the A day after Two days or
deadline. deadline. the deadline. more after the
Submission deadline.

4 3 2 1


Overall Score. Rating based on transmutation:

Signature of FS 1 Teacher above printed name


Transmutation of Scores to Grades/Ratings

Score Grade Rating Score Grade Rating

20 1.0 99 12-13 2.50 81

18-19 1.25 96 11 2.75 78
17 1.5 93 10 3.0 75
16 1.75 90 8-9 3.5 72 and
15 2.0 87 7-below 5.0 below
14 2.25 84

My Map
The learner's individual differences and the type of interaction they bring surely
affect the quality of teaching and learning. This episode is about observing and
gathering data to find out how student diversity affects learning.
To reach your target, do the following tasks:
Step 1:Observe a class in different parts of a school day (beginning of the day,
class time, recess etc.)
Step 2: Describe the characteristics of the learner's in terms of age, gender, and
social and cultural diversity.
Step 3: Describe the interaction that transpires inside and outside the classroom.
Step 4: Interview your resource Teacher about the principles and practices that
she uses in dealing with diversity in the classroom.
Step 5: Analyze the impact of individual differences on learner's interaction.

Use the activity form provided for you to document your observation.

An observation Guides for the Learner's Characteristics

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your
observation report on the space provided.

1. Find out the number of students. Gather data as to their ages, gender, racial
groups, religious and ethnic backgrounds.

There are 30 students in Kindergarten class, 16 are female and 14

males. There are 1 boy and girl each with an age of 7 years old; 5
boys and 4 girls with an age of 6 years old, and 8 boys and 11 girls
with an age of 5 years old. To sum up, There are 2 students who
born on year 2015; 9 students who are born on 2016, and 19
student born on 2017 in the class.

Based on school record In Kindergarten class, to calculate there are

13 males and 16 female Christians, and 1 male Islam student, 3
male subanen and 1 male kalibugan ethnic group.

During Class:
1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how the students
interact with one another and with the teacher. Are there groups that
interact more with the teachers than others do?
There are two (2) interaction between the teacher and the students
it is the verbal and none verbal communication. The teacher used
the verbal and none verbal communication so that the students will
understand more about the subject, and the students will gain more
knowledge about the subject.

2. Observed the learner's seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do
they behave and interact differently?

The sitting arrangement of kindergarten student in the classroom is

very complex, and has no specific sitting arrangement implemented
inside the classroom. Every student has the choice to choose in what
chair he/she wants to sit, and they really behave inside the

3. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with 32
or compete against each other?
The relationship between the learners and the teacher inside the
class is good because of the way the teachers give her lesson; the
teacher has a good sense of humour. The learner always
participates in the class discussion.

4. Which students participate actively? Which students ask for most help?
The students participate actively are the following learners:
Jeanelle, Joshua, Isabel, Zach, Joanna, Jessica, Sophia, Sem, Adhal
and Stephany that they always give their ideas and knowledge
about the lesson. The students ask for more help are Jessa Maine,
Arnold, Clarence, Daniel, John Alkean, and Mary Grace.

5. When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher question, do the
classmates try to help him? Or they do raise their hands so that the teachers
will call them instead?
If the students are called by the teacher and cannot answer the
teacher’s question, his/ her classmate helps his/ her because they
are close to each other. They also raise their hand so that the
teacher will call them.

Outside class:
1. How do the students group themselves outside class? Homogenously, by
age? By gender? By racial or ethnic groups? Or are the students in mixed
social groupings? If so, describe the groupings.
Students group themselves outside homogenously by gender. Girls
are grouped with fellow girls, boys with fellow boys. There seems to
be no sense of grouping by race or by ethnicity. Several students
may have more than one group they belong to. Other than
groupings by gender, they are also divided into smaller groups by
their interests. It is also noted, however, that there are a few who
prefer to be alone at times.

2. Describe how the learners interact with each other. What do they talk
The learners interact with each other the way they interact inside
the classroom. They always make some conversation that is related
with their lesson and other matters.

Observation Report 33


Name of the School:___________________________________________
Bacong, Salug, Zamboanga del Norte
School Address: _______________________________________________
October 19, 2022
Date of visit: __________________________________________________

1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and interactions
in the classroom. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears
to be the leader, a mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a
The teacher stands as the moderator of the classroom, thus she is
in-charge of all the wrongful affairs involved within its extent. As the
class begun when we were on the classroom, there are a lot of
phases that had caught my attention. There are some attention
seekers and the jokers. While some were in noise, and there are also
some who stand as leader as they led the group activity that was
given to them.

2. Are students from the minority group accepted or rejected by the others?
How is this shown?
Students coming from the minority groups are easily accepted by
the other students. Inside the class, students observe equality and
fairness. There’s no sign of discrimination; they accept each other
regardless of ethnicity, dialect or religion. These students show
more understanding rather than disregard towards their friends
whose background they know of. They accept each other regardless
of their status, and nobody is thinking of any negativity.

3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the
individual differences of the students?
Considering the individual differences of the students, the teacher
influences the class interaction by treating them equally. For her,
these individual differences inside the classroom do not affect how she
should and would treat her students. She is a role model to these
students, showing positive behavior and good manners worth
emulating. Because of this, students freely interact with each other
without insecurities or thinking that they wouldn’t fit in.

4. What factors influence the grouping of learners outside the classroom? 34

The most common factors of grouping of learners outside the
classroom is gender, which is seconded by the students’ interests.
Boys usually form peers with other boys. Girls on the other hand
form peers with girls, with a widely varied array of interests.


1. How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or
unity among the learners and between the teacher and the learners?
While observing the interaction inside the classroom, I felt the sense
of unity in the classroom, both between the students and the
teacher; and unity among the students. As I’m inside the classroom
I feel that I’m also part of the teaching- learning process of the
students inside the classroom. I feel the sense of unity between the
students and the teacher because the students give respect to their
teacher and to me as an observer inside their classroom.

2. In the future, how would you want the learners in your classroom to
interact? How will you make this happen?
In the future, the learners in my classroom should interact by
means of giving ideas and knowledge about the said topic, and
always participate on the class discussion and have companionship
with one another. They have to exercise the sense of belonging from
the same class, realize the meaning of being born in the same
planet, and live with the idea that they are all from the same race:
the human race.

It will all start with me, of course. I must be the epitome of

indifference towards diversity. I must never show signs of sympathy
towards a specific group of individuals, or favoritism towards a
certain learning style. I must show characteristics of a person who
does not discriminate so that I would be worth emulating. I must
show my students that I embrace diversity and I accept every
learner regardless of who or what they are.

I will make this happen by using my knowledge and skills and apply
it to them. Share my experiences when I have a learner like them.

Individual Differences and Learners Interaction

(Focusing on differences in gender, racial, religious background)

Kindergarten Class under
Ma’am Victoria Lobetania-

EPISODE 5: Individual Differences and Learners Interaction
(Focusing on the different levels of abilities)

(Focusing on the different levels of abilities)

Name: ________________________________________________________________
BVTED - 4 2022-2023
Course: __________________________________________ Year: ______________
Victoria L. Tapayan
Resource Teacher: __________________ Signature: ______________ Date: _______
Cooperating School: _____________________________________________________

At the end of this activity, I will gain competence in determining teaching
approaches and techniques considering the learners differences in level of abilities.

My Performance (How I will be rated).

Field Study 1 Episode 5: Individual Differences and Learner's Interaction

Focused on: Determining teaching approaches and techniques considering the

learners differences in level of abilities.

Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of
done with tasks were done were done with tasks were done;
outstanding with high quality acceptable quality or must objectives
Observation/ quality; work met but with poor
Documentation exceeds quality

4 3 2 1
Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
questions were questions were questions were questions were
answered answered not answered not answered
completely; in completely completely Grammar and
depth answers; Clear connection Vaguely related to spelling
thoroughly with theories the theories unsatisfactory
My Analysis grounded on Grammar and Grammar and
theories spelling are spelling
-Exemplary superior acceptable
grammar and

4 3 2 1
My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
profound and clear but not shallow; unclear and
clear; supported clearly supported supported by shallow and are
by experiences by experiences experiences from not supported by
from the episode. from the episode. the episode. experiences from
the episode.

4 3 2 1
Portfolio is
complete, clear,
Portfolio is
complete, clear,
Portfolio is
Portfolio has
many lacking
well-organized well-organized supporting components; is
and all supporting and most documentation is unorganized and
documentation supporting organized but is unclear.
are located in documentation lacking.
My Portfolio
sections clearly are available
designated. and/or logical and
clearly marked

4 3 2 1
Before the On the deadline. A day after the Two days or more
deadline. deadline. after the deadline.

4 3 2 1

Overall Score: Rating based on transmutation:

Signature of FS 1 Teacher above printed name


Transmutation of Scores to Grades/Ratings

Score Grade Rating Score Grade Rating

20 1.0 99 12-13 2.50 81

18-19 1.25 96 11 2.75 78
17 1.5 93 10 3.0 75
16 1.75 90 8-9 3.5 72 and below
15 2.0 87 7-below 5.0
14 2.25 84

My Map
To reach your target, do the following tasks:
1. Observed two or more learners of different abilities but from the same grade
or year level.
2. Find out some information about their background.
3. Observe them as they participate in a classroom activity.
4. Write a narrative report and a brief reflection on your experience.

Use the activity form provided for you to document your observation.
An observation Guides for Individual Differences
Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your
observation report on the space provided.
1. Observe the class to see the differences in abilities of the learners.
2. Try to identity the students who seem to be performing well and those that
seem to behind.
3. Validate your observation by asking the teacher about the background
(family, socio-economic, presence of some learning disability, etc.)
4. Observe the behavior of both the high achieving and low achieving learners.
Note their dispositions, pace in accomplishing tasks, interaction with
teachers, and interaction with others.
5. Observe the teacher's method in addressing the individual learning needs of
the students in his/her class.

Observation Report


Name of the School: _____________________________________________
Bacong, Salug, Zamboana del Norte
School Address: _________________________________________________
October 28, 2022
Date of visit: ___________________________________________________


1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher? Were
you able to correctly identify who among the pupils performed well and
who did not? What behavior helped you to identify them?(Volunteering
to answer, responding to teacher's direction, etc)
Joshua, Mac Gerald and Jeanelle actively participate in class and
perform well; while Mary Grace, Daniel, and Clarence Jake seem to
lag behind when it comes to the lessons. My observations matched
the information given by the teacher. I was able to identify these
students properly simply by observing their behaviour during and
after class discussion: their interaction with their teacher and
classmates, how they participate in class discussion and the way they
speak their thoughts and deliver their message.

Achievers volunteer to answer when there are activities being

given by the teacher. They follow directions correctly and they are very
attentive especially with details. On the other hand, the slower
learners are just seated waiting for information to come. They attend
their classes passively, usually doing other things rather than
listening and participating. It’s like they are physically present but
mentally absent.

2. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class. Is40
there a wide gap between the students who are performing well and
those that are not?
Most of the students in class are good learners albeit they obviously
have different learning styles. There is barely a narrow gap between
the students who perform well and those who do not. Their difference
in performance probably lies in their ability to focus and their interest
in the lesson compared to other things (such as drawing, conversing,
etc). The slower learners are simply misguided – they need to be
refocused into the lesson. They need guidance and encouragement so
that they could perform well like the majority of the class.

3. Describe the methods used by the teacher handling the students’

differences in abilities. How did the students respond to the teacher?
The methods used by the teacher are demonstration method and
inductive method wherein the student easily understands the cope
with the lesson and they can reflect on it. They can also easily
accentuate of what the teacher teach. In inductive the teacher gives
their rules first and he/ she give several examples. Let the students
explain on how he/ she derive the answer.


1. Recall the time when you were in the Central or High school. Recall the
high and low achievers in your class. How did the teacher deal with
differences in abilities? Was the teacher effective?
When I was in elementary I recall that my teacher gives his/ her
attention to the low- achieving learners and the high- achieving
learning teaches the low- achieving learners. As far as I could
remember, the slow learners in our class were those who lacked
interest and did not find the importance of the subject, while those
who were classified as achievers were those who found the subject

Our teacher made sure that learning is always exciting and full of
enjoyment – she made sure that every meeting, we students would not
just remain seated for a long period of time. She made use of various
teaching methods and strategies for every topic. She made use of
games, group activities, etc. She was an effective teacher because we
were able to learn actively. Yes. My teacher is effective in teaching
because they know how to handle a big number of students inside a
one (1) classroom. I think she went by the motto, “Tell me and I forget.
Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”


Individual Differences and Learners Interaction

(Focusing on the different levels of abilities)

Group Activities

The teacher lead the prayer

before the actual class and
the students follows.

Group Activities

Name of FS Student: _________________________________________________
Course: ___________________________________ 4
Year & section: __________
Resource Teacher: Victoria Tapayan Signature: __________ Date: ________
Bacong Central School
Cooperating School: _________________________________________________

At the end of the activity, I will gain competence in determining identifying and
describing the influencing factors in the home environment that impact student’s

My performance (How I will be rated)

Field Study 1 Episode 6 – HOME-SCHOOL LINK

Focused on: Identifying and describing the influencing factors in the home
environment that impact student’s learning.

Task Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than
done with tasks were were done with behalf of tasks
outstanding done with high acceptable were done; or
Observation/ quality; work quality quality most objectives
Documentation exceeds met but with
expectations poor quality

4 3 2 1
Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
questions were questions were questions were questions were
answered answered answered not answered
completely; in completely completely Grammar and
depth answers, Clear Vaguely related spelling
thoroughly connection with to the theories unsatisfactory
My Analysis grounded on theories Grammar and
theories- Grammar and spelling are
Exemplary spelling are acceptable
grammar and superior
4 3 2 1
My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
statements were statements are statements are statements are
profound and clear but not shallow, unclear and
clear, supported clearly supported by shallow and are
by experiences supported by experiences not, supported
from the episode experiences from the by experiences
from the episode from the episode
4 3 2 1
Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has 44
complete and complete and incomplete; many lacking
clear, well clear, well supporting components; is
organized and organized and documentation unorganized and
all supporting most is organized unclear
documentation supporting but is lacking
My Portfolio are located in documentation
sections clearly are available
designated and/ or clearly

4 3 2 1
Before deadline On deadline A day after the Two days or
deadline more after the
Submission deadline

4 3 2 1

Overall Score Rating based on transmutation

Signature of FS Teacher above printed name


Transmutation of Scores to Grades/ Ratings

Score Grade Rating Score Grade Rating

20 1.0 99 12-13 2.5 81
18-19 1.25 96 11 2.75 78
17 1.5 93 10 3.0 75
16 1.75 90 8-9 3.5 72 and
15 2.0 87 7- below 5.0 Below
14 2.25 84

My Map
To reach your target, do following tasks:

 Select a learner from the class whom you have observed.

 Interview the teacher about the learner’s characteristics.
 Conduct a home visit to your selected learner’s residence.
 Interview the parents about the rules they implement at home concerning
their child’s schooling. The learner’s activities and behavior while at home.
 Describe the family in terms of number of siblings
 Identify the factors in the home environment that might affect the learner’s
school performance.
 Reflect on how a teacher can communicate effectively with the home.
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observation

An observation Guide for the Learner’s Characteristics

Read the following guide carefully before you begin to observe.

Then write your observation report on the space provided on the next

1. Make a general observation of the learner. Describe them in each of the

domains of development.
 Physical body built and height (thin, chubby, underweight,
overweight). Level of physical activity (fast, slow, lethargic, active,
 Social-interaction with teachers and classmate (loner, shy, sociable,
friendly, gets into fights, liked by others, etc.)
 Emotional moods, temperament, cries easily, loses temper, happy,
shows enthusiasm, excited, indifferent, etc.)
 Cognitive (appears to understand lessons, copes with the lessons,
excels, lags behind, shows reasoning skills, turns in assignments
and requirements, etc.)

Interview the teacher

1. What are the most noticeable characteristics of the learner? (emotional
disposition, behavior and discipline, sense of responsibility, study habits,
academic performance, relationship with pees, relationship with adults,
social adjustments)
2. How does the teacher communicate with parents? How often? What do
they discuss? Agree on?

Interview with parents

1. Conduct a home visit. Once there, observe the home set up. (Home is
orderly, family pictures in the living room).
2. Use the interview questions on the next page. Just ask the questions with
which you feel comfortable.
Ritchel Cardona Cagbabanua - Pagador
Mother’s Name: _________________________________________________
College Level
Educational attainment:___________________________________________

Johnel Florida Pagador

Father’s Name:__________________________________________________
College Level
Educational attainment:____________________________________________
Line man - ZANECO

Learner’s Physical Aspects:


 Mother’s Health during pregnancy with the learner:

Answer: No Problem.

 Ailments or health problems of the learners as a child:

Answer: According to the mother, the child has never had any health

 Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present:

Answer: Food, Milk and Sandwich.

 Who took care of him/her as a child?

Answer: Her Mother until now.

Learner’s Social Aspects:

 Describe your child’s sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, lone)

Answer: Friendly, She likes to dance, and she’s cooperative.

 Who were the learner’s playmates?

Answer: Her Aunt.

 As a child was he/she allowed playing outside?

Answer: No.

 Is he/she allowed to go out with friends? Do you have rules for him/her to
follow regarding going out? What are these rules?
Answer: Yes, but “NO NIGHT OUTS!”

Emotional-Moral: 47
 What are your expectations of your child?
The Learner’s Development Profile

Jeanelle Cagbabanua Pagador

Name of the Learner: _________________________________________________
Bacong Central School
School: ____________________________________________________________
December 9, 2022
Date of Home Visit: __________________________________________________
March 23, 2017
Birth Date: _________________________________________________________
Grade/Year level: ____________________________________________________
Gender: ____________________________________________________________

Family Profile:
Number of siblings: ____________________________________________
Birth Order: __________________________________________________
Ritchel Cardona Cagbabanua - Pagador
Mother: ______________________________________________________
Age: _________________________________________________________
Occupation: ___________________________________________________
College Graduate
Educational Attainment: __________________________________________
Johnel Florida Pagador
Father: _______________________________________________________ 49
ZANECO Lineman
Occupation: ___________________________________________________
College Graduate
Educational Attainment: __________________________________________

Physical Development

 In a paragraph form, describe the physical development of the learner.

Combine the teacher’s, parent’s responses, and your own observations?
Jeanelle is a good-looking girl and healthy. She has a normal height and
weight, with normal body mass index (BMI). She easily grasps
information, and base on my observation she always raises her hand
when it comes to class discussion.

Social Development
 In a paragraph form. Describe the social development of the learner.
Combine the teacher’s, parent’s responses, and your own observations?
Base on my observation she is friendly and easily deal with other
classmates. She is also barely recognized by her teachers.

Emotional-Moral Development

 In paragraph form, describe the emotional-moral development of the learner.

Combine the teacher’s, parent’s responses, and your own observations.
She show enthusiasm in studying the subject and always makes her
assignment. Jeanelle is a kind and patient girl. She does not easily
lose her temper. As I observe her inside the classroom she always
asks her teacher about the subject and very open minded.

Cognitive Development

 In paragraph form, describe the cognitive development of the learner.

Combine the teacher’s, parent’s responses, and your own observations.
Jeanelle is an average learner. She can understand the lessons, and
whenever she is given assignments, she immediately does it. She
passes her requirements on or before the deadline. As I observe her
she is very active inside the classroom.

 Write here your salient findings about the learner.
The learner is a good student. She is active and well-disciplined
student. Academically speaking, she is contented with a passing score
or grade. She does not aim for high grades because she believes
what’s important is the amount of learning she gets from school.
Grades are simply numbers to her. She has a very good attitude when
it comes to her physical, emotional, social and cognitive development
maybe because of the guidance of the parents and teacher. After
interviewing the teacher as well, I confirmed that Jeanelle is really an
active student. The teacher even told me that she recognize Jeanelle
because of her active participation in class.

 Write your conclusions after you have analyzed the impact of the school and
the home on the learner’s development, the question in your analysis portion
of this learning episode can help you.
The school and the home have a great impact on the learner’s
development. Home is the first school of the learner and the school
serves as her second home as well. Her parents are her first teachers,
and her playmates are her first “classmates” before she starts going to
school. Her teachers are her second parents and her classmates
become her second playmates. Whatever is learned inside the home is
brought to the school and vice versa.


 Write your recommendations.

I recommend that the parents be more attentive when it comes to
their children. They must have enough patience and understanding to
meet their children’s needs. It is also a must that they listen to their
children when they have problems.

1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of
parenting experienced by the learner? Explain your answer.
I think the style of parenting experienced by Jeanelle is guiding their
daughter in the right way. They teach her the good manner and right
conduct. They always remind to child the importance of education in
the near future. They help their child in emotional and moral

2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what
family factors do you think contribute to the development and over all
adjustment of the learner in school?
Parents are the first and foremost model to their children. They carry
the most significant role in molding the child’s personality and life.
They are the greatest factor of their children’s development. Whatever
she learns from them are carried to school and even beyond it. We
must not forget that children are like sponges – they absorb and soak
up information everywhere, and everything a parent says and does is
something for them to absorb; even their facial expressions, body
language and words.

The expectations some parents have for their children can sometimes
impede healthy development. Too often, parents set expectations for
“the child they want” instead of “the child they have”. Too often,
children grow believing either, 'I can never meet up to my parents'
expectations. Nothing I ever do is good enough,' or 'Nobody expects
anything of me. I guess they don't care what I do.'" Parents are often
advised to use the mantra, "Teach Less, Be More." They have to be
involved in their lives and be the kind of role model they’d like them to

3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the

learner? If yes, what are these effects?
Home-school communication is supposed to have positive effects on
the learner, given that both ends (the family and the school) are really
interested and dedicated to the development of the learner. Among
these effects are more positive attitudes towards learning, increased
focus towards academics, attention and persistence in completing
schoolwork, an enhanced sense of personal responsibility for learning,
and a sense of “reason” for studying.

The student gains a better perspective on her being a student – she

starts to study for the sake of learning. This, in turn, opens her
horizons to different possibilities, perhaps even to the unleashing of
her potentials.

1. Reflection on your as a child, what type of parenting did you experience?
How did it affect you?
The type of parenting I have experiencing since childhood is by means
of teaching me and to have a good characteristic and respecting other
peoples. They guide me to become a good citizen. They always remind
me to study hard to achieve my goals in like. Always have a vision in
life. Because education is the only treasure that they can give to me.
Because I believe that the personality of a person reflects on what
family the person has.

2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school

collaboration? How can you work well with the parents? How can you help
them? How can they help you?
As a future teacher, I wish to have good communication to my
students and to their parents as well. I must know of their family
backgrounds so I could monitor them. I wish to talk to the parents
whenever their children encounter problems. We must see to it that
all three of us (parents, student and I) are working well for the sake of
the student. I know that constant feed-backing will help them gauge
the performance of their students. I might even be able to give them
tips on what to do with their child. I believe that by working together,
we will be able to meet the learner’s needs.

1. Make an artistic colorful and creative visual expression of your insights or
feelings about the influence of the home and school to the learner. Then
write a few statements on the space below about your visual art.

About the image:

I decided to make a digitally remastered image, fusing a Venn diagram with a

doodle background. I placed a drawing of the national house which is the bahay
kubo (nipa hut) and a drawing of the school on the two overlapping circles. Then, I
placed an edited version of the picture of one of the students in our Field Study in
the “intersection” area. I call this image the “Home-School Venn Diagram”.
Jeanelle Cagbabanua Pagador is a good-looking
girl and healthy student in Kindergarten class at
Bacong Central School. The learner is a good
student. She is active and well-disciplined

She has a very good attitude when it comes to

her physical, emotional, social and cognitive
development maybe because of the guidance of
the parents and teacher. After interviewing the
teacher as well, I confirmed that Jeanelle is
really an active student.
Mother of Jeanelle during the

2. Make a reflection acrostic about the home and school link 54

H Home H Hearts abound together,

O Of O One tied to the others,
M my M Memories we make through time
E Existence E Ever may we always be fine.
Students from the same
S Second S
Classmates and schoolmates
C Conducive C
with one intuition
Honed by teachers, professional
H Home H
and true
Over the school year, caring for
O of O
me and you.
O our O One could never repay them,
Love and keep learning even
L Learning L
after they’ve left.
Loved by my parents, taught by
L Love L
my profs
Identity molded by these hands
I in I
Now I know how to learn and to
N New N
Keeping my head held high and
K Knowledge K

NAME OF STUDENT TEACHER:______________________________________ 55
SEMESTER: ________________________ 2022 - 2023
SCHOOL YEAR: ______________
COOPERATING SCHOOL: ___________________________________________
Victoria Lobetania Tapayan
COOPERATING TEACHER: __________________________________________

Learning Episode 5 4 3 2 1
1. The School as a Learning Environment
2. The Learners’ Characteristics and Needs
3. Classroom Management and Learning
4. Individual Differences and Learners Interaction
(focusing on the differences in gender,
racial, religious background)
5. Individual Differences and Learners Interaction
(focusing on the different levels of abilities)
6. Home–School Link

5 - Excellent
4 - Very Satisfactory
3 - Satisfactory
2 - Fair
1 - Needs improvement


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