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MATH 2277 Mock CW1 MCQ Supplementary Solutions (with Explanations)

1. Let * + . Choose from below the statement that is correct:

a. min(A)=1

b. inf(A) does not exist

c. max(A) does not exist

d. min(A) does not exist

Correct answer: min(A) does not exist

Reason: ( ) .

2. Which one of the following is NOT a pair of equivalent sets?

a. and

b. and

c. and ( )

d. ( ) and ( )

Correct answer: and ( )

Reason: is denumerable, but ( ) is uncountable.

3. Let ⋃ [ ] . Which one of the following statements is false?

a. ( )

b. min(B) exists

c. is unbounded

d. is open

Correct answer: min(B) exists

Reason: ( ) and ( ) ( ) does not exist.

4. Consider the subsets , ) and ( -. What is ( ) ( )

a. (0,1)

b. (0,3)

c. ( ) ( ) ( )

d. ( ) ( )

Correct answer: ( ) ( )

Reason: ( ) ( ) and ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).

5. Choose from below the interior of the set , -:

a. * +


c. ( )


Correct answer: ( )

Reason (In Detail): , - ( ), or ( ).

If ( ), then ( ) since ( ) is open ( ) (( , -).

If , then , such that – (Density of the Rationals)

( ) and , - ( , -)

If ( ), then , such that ( ) ( ) (by the Density of

the Rationals) and , - ( ) is not a subset of , - , -.

Therefore, ( , -) ( ).

6. The subset * + of :

a. is bounded

b. is an ordered field

c. is an open set

d. is uncountable

Correct answer: is uncountable

Reason: Let * +. Since the function defined by

( ) , is 1-1, then | | | |. Since is uncountable, then is uncountable.

7. Let * + . Select the greatest lower bound of from the options below:

a. It does not exist

b. 2

c. -2

d. 0

Correct answer: -2

Reason (In Detail): (( ) ( )). Since , then is a lower bound

for .

Assume that ( ). Then a lower bound such that , .

By the Density of the Rationals, such that and is not a

lower bound for (contradiction).

8. Choose from below the correct statement about the subset ( ) of :

a. ( )

b. ( )

c. is denumerable

d. is unbounded above

Correct answer: is denumerable.

Reason: ( ) is uncountable and ( ) ( ) ( ) is uncountable.

9. Let { } . Which one of the following statements is true?

a. inf(A) does not exist

b. max(A)=1

c. inf(A)=0

d. min(A)=0
Correct answer: inf(A)=0

Reason (In Detail): , is a lower bound for .

Assume that ( ). Then a lower bound such that , .

However, by the Archimedean Property, such that (contradiction).

Therefore, ( ).

10. Which one of the statements below is true about the set * + ?

a. 0 is an interior point of

b. Every point in A is an interior point of A

c. 0=sup(A)

d. 0 is not an interior point of A.

Correct answer: Every point in A is an interior point of A.

Reason: * + (⋃ ( )) ( ) ( ) * + ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) .

Since every open interval is an open set, and is a union of open sets, then is an open set every
point in is an interior point of .

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