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Assignment 3

Name : Queena Raya Athaillah (35)

Class : X IPS 1

1. Penglipuran Village is a traditional countryside.

Noun phrase: traditional countryside

2. Beautiful houses in Penglipuran Village are mostly made of bamboo.

Noun phrase: beautiful houses

3. Rubiah Island has an amazing view of a marine life.

Noun phrase: amazing view

4. During the rainy season, we are not allowed to swim in this deep river.
Noun phrase: deep river

5. There are so many natural attractions you can find on Rubiah Island.
Noun phrase: natural attractions

6. Lions are a protected animals, meaning that hunting them is strongly prohibited.
Noun phrase: protected animals

7. Harau Valley has challenging terrain that attracts rock climbers to come.
Noun phrase: challenging terrain

8. The fresh atmosphere of Harau Valley becomes tourists' favorite.

Noun phrase: fresh atmosphere

9. We have to be careful of fire that may cause a big problem to the environment.
Noun phrase: big problem

10. Always take good care of your belongings when you visit any tourist objects.
Noun phrase: good care

No. Opinion Size Shape Age Color Origin Material Noun

1. traditional countryside

2. beautiful houses

3. amazing view
4. deep river

5. natural attractions

6. protected animals

7. challenging terrain

8. fresh atmosphere

9. big problem

10. good care

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