Sea Turtles in Danger Test3

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‘TEST SURWAME: NAME DANGER SEA TURTLES IN jzes end you find them in many ports of the SEA alee come indifferent colours, shapes and si wont terica to Turkey and Greece in the Mediterranecn. cenig, from Mexico and Costa Rica in Central Amer it sett Ties have existed for milions of years but fourlam is threatening ‘their survival Breeding habits. erSr year in the breeding season, the female sea turtle craw From) the sea at night to lay her gags on the beach in a sandy nest. After two months, the baby turtles emerge from the eggs. They se sexy tiny ond struggle to reach the seo. During this time, the e998 and the new- born turtles are in danger of being eaten by birds, crabs and small enimal like rats Danger from pollution. The wunber of turtles has declined alarmingly. In 1952 a Mexican architect Fi ‘Tn 1995 this orchitect found approximately 1,429 turtle nests 42,000 turtles at a site in Mexico in the same place, This drop in number is due to several causes. One is pollution’/people have polluted the world’s oceans ond beaches with chemicals and fertilazers. Threat of tourism E Tourism is another problem’ The development of hotels has destroyed many of the turtles” nesting sites. In addition, turtle eggs ond turtle soup are now considered to be o delicacy For fourists so the stealing of turtle eggs and baby turtles What is being done. h to find out more about the sea turtle’s Volunteers are being used by wildlife organizations bot! 7 habits and to protect the beby turtles from onimal and human predators. Different organizations ‘ore planning long- term measures to prevent the dumping of chemicals and toxic waste in the sea .ed approximately 1s has become more frequent ‘Ac Read the text and find words which are similar in meaning to the following: 1+ moves slowly along the ground _ come out 3- in a worrying way, + place 5- something special to cat 6 snimals or people that kill and eat other animals, B+ Answer the following questions. I+ Why is tourism a threat to sea turtle? J What actions are necessary to protect the turtles and sea life? ilerlined sentences and rewrite them using the verbs in the passive. D- Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs. kh ke Le Anewoil field off the Pacific coast of Mexico ( just di j \ cific ico (just discover [2 101974, $6 milion tonnes of ch Cae fom the crt’ acca Stace then the number of |, fishin Gomi eer (tise) to 90 million tonnes a year. | 3. The elephant is now one ofthe thousands of endangered species whi. : eel endangered species which (seriously/ (destroy ) by human activity in the past twenty- five years. J ofthe natural world __ Athi Escaneado con Camscanner

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