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The 911 accident, on the ground class +no + name -row

September 11, 2001

(telephone ringing)

Firefighter chief: (laying back) Hello, New York Fire Station.

Citizen: (panicking): Officer, there… There has been a plane which just crashed into the
north tower of The World Trade Center !

Firefighter chief: (Alert): Sir, what is your condition right now ?

Citizen: (breathing heavily): I just got out of the tower from the 20th floor. I work there.

Firefighter chief: (a bit rushed): No problem, we’ll come as soon as possible. Please do
not cut off the phone now. Make sure that you're in a safe position. Good Luck.

Chief: (shouting): Guys listen! Plane crashed in the World Trade Center, North Center.
Groups 1-3, you're all out. Other groups also watch out for extra calls. Two minutes !
(sirens beeping)(3 seconds)

Chief: Hi sir, we're on the way. How’s it going ?

8:20 am. Fire trucks arrive at the scene.

Citizen: (panicking)(Knocks on the door) Sir !!

Chief: Hi, what just happened ?

Citizen: (breathing heavily): A plane just crashed into the North Tower of World Trade
Center. People above the 80th floor are all stuck !!! Also, there has been a huge fireball

Chief: (unbelief) Your radios on channel 2! Gather inside the tower! QUICK !

Reporter appears: Hi everyone, it's New York Radio speaking, and we have
got urgent news. A plane has crashed into the North Tower of The World
Trade Center and everyone is running away. As you can see, there is a
massive fireball and fragments of the building all scattered on the ground.
Emmmm, sir ?

Citizen: (breathing heavily) Yes, I work on the 20th floor in the World Trade Center. I
heard a huge explosion above my head and someone told me to run. The alarms and
sirens all went off but we had no idea what happened until we got out of the tower
(panting) I'm fortunate to be alive.

Reporter: Thank you. As you can see here, the ground is in chaos, and there
are more and more emergency vehicles coming. Hey chief!

Chief: (annoyed) bro what the heck ? Can’t u see I’m working ? Fine, we're now going to
organise how we will go up and go find people. We will need some time for it. Good luck

Chief: Grab your materials! Radios to channel 1!

Citizen: Hey please stay away from this dangerous zone!

Chief: (instructing ppl): Citizens, please retreat from this area! We have to move the
vehicles. Please leave!

(pause, with siren sounds and indistinct chatter)

Reporter: So as you can see here, there is a huge amount of smoke coming
from the North Tower alongside flames, and scatters of glass and papers
are all around the ground. And … oh my god a second has crashed !!!

(crashing sound)

(direct screams and bombing sounds, with item falling sounds) (6 seconds)

Chief: Hello sir ?

Citizen: (exclaiming) Sir a second plane just crashed into the south tower ! Many people
have been trapped and dust is swirling towards us ! (panting) oh, talk to you later…

Chief: Guys, our workload is doubled. A second plane crashed into the South Tower so
we will have to call for more support. Please switch your radios to channel 3.

Reporter: We have some breaking news coming in. A second plane has just
crashed into the south tower of the world trade centre. From the
helicopter's perspective, we can see that there has been a large cloud of
smoke alongside fires and there are many people from the higher levels
waiting for help.

Citizen: Hey hey let me speak. I have just got out of that bloody area. There has been a
ton of smoke inside and I can hardly breathe. No one can survive. No one !

Reporter: So I have come up with the latest news. Just now, a plane crashed
into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. It is also a Boeing 757, with
about 60 people on board. The ground is in chaos, with fragments of the
building covered in dust. Layers of steel and iron lay on the ground with
glass shatters.

Chief: Alright group 1, I want you all to wear and bring gas masks, go into the South
Tower. Once you see survivors, put the gas masks on them and get them out of here as
soon as possible. Group 2, evacuate all citizens near the South tower, we don’t want
more citizens getting squished by the wreckage of the plane and concrete of the
buildings. Group 3, please contact the army for support and provide group 1 and 2 with
their works.

Citizen: Sir, the fire is getting larger and the building is starting to collapse !

Chief: Godness, Group 1, 2, 3, I want you all to evacuate the buildings as soon as
(fire sound and buildings collapsing sound)

Reporter: I have got the latest news here, and the upper part of the north
tower has just collapsed and swirls of dust and waste from the building are
swarming towards us ! People on the street are all evacuating here !

Citizen and chief together: Come on, run !!!

(screams and exclaims)

(hours later, hush 3 seconds later)

Reporter: Hello, it's New York Radio speaking to you. To your

disappointment, although after hours of rescuing and searching for
survivors inside the buildings, only barely 60 people made it through, and
the estimated time of deaths are over 1200. I’ll now pass the time to a
citizen that has survived throughout this accident.

Citizen: Hello everyone, glad to be here (sorrowful), firstly an extremely large credit to
all of the rescuers for rescuing and searching.

Reporter: So sir, can you tell us more about what exactly happened at that
time ?

Citizen: Sure. I work as a civilian officer for the government. I was in my office on the
2oth floor doing some papers when suddenly all the alarms went off. After a large bang,
the ceiling swayed and pieces fell down. I was afraid and
minutes,.,,,.;;;;;.,,,...,.,,,......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. later, me and my colleagues were running down
the staircase. We ran and ran away from the scene for our lives. I can’t believe this… has
happened to us.

Reporter: Can you share some thoughts with us please ?

Citizen: S-Sure, I think this has been a very cruel lesson for America and the whole
world. Also, I hope the whole world must give respect to all the rescuers. Rest in peace.


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