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Presented by group BAITH LOHAN LINUX
Meet the Group
Banyu Allereza K/06
Faith Mahya S. P/12
Hanif Kautsar Al Hakim/17
Louis Gabriel A/20
Bill Gates
William Henry Gates
Gates was born in Seattle,
Washington, on October 28,
William Henry Gates III

Gates graduated from Lakeside School in 1973 and

then attended Harvard College in the fall of 1973.
At Harvard, he met Steve Ballmer, who would later
succeed him.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen began to develop and create a basic programming language that was used to
operate and run the MITS Altair Basic 8800 computer. The programming language used on the
computer turned out to be successful. So, Bill Gates and Paul Allen convinced themselves to come to
MITS which is a small company in Albuquerque. So that MITS would buy their Basic programming
After successfully creating a programming language with his colleague Paul. Bill Gates finally decided
not to continue his studies at Harvard University. Because, he finds it difficult to divide his time
between studying and managing his software development. The choice made by Bill Gates aims to
enable him to focus more on his ambition to own a software company with his friend, Paul Allen. Until
finally, the company they succeeded in building was named Microsoft.

INVENTIONS Microsoft Inventor

Linus Benedict Torvalds
Linus Torvalds was born
on December 28, 1969
in Helsinki, Finland
In 1988, Linus
studied at the University of Helsinky, Finland. There he began to get to
know C programming. To further deepen his knowledge, Linus then
bought a computer which at that time still used MS-DOS made by
Microsoft as its operating system.
On January 5, 1991[18] he purchased an Intel 80386-based IBM PC clone[19] before receiving his copy of MINIX,
which in turn allowed him to start working on Linux.

His academic career came to a halt after his first year of studies when he joined the Finnish Navy's Nyland Brigade in the
summer of 1989, opting for an 11-month officer training program to fulfill Finland's mandatory military service. He
attained the rank of second lieutenant, with the role of artillery observer. [20]

He bought computer science professor Andrew Tanenbaum's book Operating Systems: Design and Implementation, in
which Tanenbaum explains MINIX, a simplified educational version of Unix. In 1990, Torvalds continued his studies at
university, and was exposed to Unix for the first time in the form of the DEC MicroVAX running ULTRIX. [21] His MSc
thesis was entitled Linux: Portable Operating System
Linus Torvalds, a student at the University of Helsinki at that time, used the
MINIX source code as a reference for creating a new operating system that
was free and whose source code could be accessed by the public. This
operating system was later named Linux.13 Oct 2023
Steven Paul Jobs
Born on February 24, 1955 in San
Francisco, California, Jobs was the son
of Joanne Simpson, a graduate student,
and John Abdulfattah Jandali, a Syrian
politician and mathematics professor.
Even though he had a strong interest in technology, Steve Jobs was not a learner who
felt at home in the formal education system. He received his higher education at Reed
College in Portland, Oregon. However, it only lasted one semester. Jobs decided to
leave. Then in early 1974, he worked at the Atari Corporation as a video game designer
and when he had enough money he went to India to study Buddhism.
In the late 1970s, Jobs, along with Apple co-founders Steve Wozniak, Mike Markkula[11] and others, designed, developed, and
marketed one of the first commercially successful lines of personal computers, the Apple II series. In the early 1980s, Jobs was
among the first to see the commercial potential of PARC Erox's mouse-driven graphical user interface, which led to the creation
of the Macintosh.[15][16] After losing a decision against the board of directors in 1984,[17][18] Jobs resigned from Apple and
founded NeXT, a computer platform development company involved in the higher education and business markets. Apple's purchase
of NeXT in 1996 brought Jobs back to the company he co-founded, and he served as its CEO from 1997 to 2011

In 1986, he took over the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm Ltd which later became Pixar Animation Studios.[19] He became
CEO and largest shareholder of 50.1% until it was taken over by The Walt Disney Company in 2006.[3] Because of this, Jobs
became the largest individual shareholder in Disney at 7% and a member of Disney's Board of Directors.[20][21][22][23] After
stepping down as CEO on August 24, 2011, Jobs was elected chairman of Apple's board of directors.
In 1976, Steve Jobs and his friends, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne,
founded Apple Computer in his garage. They designed and manufactured the
first personal computer, the Apple I. Apple's first success came with the
launch of the Apple II, which was a breakthrough in the world of personal

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