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P-ISSN: 0854-8277, E-ISSN: 2550-0635

Vol(Issue) (Year) page–page

Developing Digital Literacy Application for Extensive Listening

Pengembangan Aplikasi Literasi Digital untuk Bahan Ajar
Extensive Listening

Khotim Maslikah a * , Utami Widiati b , Anik Nunuk Wulyani c

MTsN 1 Kota Kediri, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

Submitted: Accepted: Published:

Developing, Transformation in teachingLearning resources transformation is must plays a pivotal role in this digital era
Literacy, and in the teaching and learning of English teaching and learning is no exception. This is, especially true
Application, in the Madrasah (Islamic schools) context. Research shows that only a few studies were done to develop
Extensive intelligible digital teaching and learning resources concerning Islamic values. That is why providing
Listening, digital Extensive Listening (EL) material which promotes promoting comprehensible input and character
Material values in Madrasah is badlygravely needed. This study outlines how Muslim English Literacy (MEL)
application was developed to support the digital transformation as an alternative for Extensive Listening
(EL) material. Research and Development (R&D) design was executed using 7 phases: (1) needs analysis,
(2) material design and development, (3) expert validation, (4) materials revision, (5) pilot study, (6)
second round of materials revision, and (7) final product dissemination. This study involved 50 EFL
teachers, 143 EFL learners, 86 parents, and 5 validators including a native speaker. The developed
product, MEL, is acceptable and applicable in helping EFL learners to receive more comprehensible input
so that they can improve their English and their . It may also raise their identities as y of being Muslims by
implementing Islamic character values introduced inside. Further studies on developing similar materials
with more various topics are worth conducting.

Pengembangan, Tranformasi bahan ajar merupakan kebutuhan di era digital sasat ini, termasuk dalam pembelajaran
Literasi, Bahasa Inggris, khususnya dalam konteks Madrasah. Riset menunjukkan tidak terlalu banyak penelitian
Aplikasi, dilakukan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar digital yang mudah dipahami siswa dan juga menjadi
Extensive sumber pembelajaran nilai-nilai islami. Itulah mengapa diperlukan bahan ajar digital Extensive Listening
Listening, yang dapat meningkatkan comprehensible input dan mengusung nilai-nilai karakter di dalamnya. Artikel
Bahan Ajar, ini membahas bagaimana sebuah aplikasi bernama Muslim English Literacy (MEL) dikembangkan
sebagai alternatif bahan ajar Extensive Listening (EL) dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Menggunakan desain
Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&D) yang meliputi 7 tahap: (1) analisa kebutuhan, (2) desain dan
pengembangan bahan ajar, (3) validasi ahli, (4) revisi bahan ajar, (5) uji coba, (6) revisi kedua, dan (7)
diseminasi produk akhir, Penelitian ini melibatkan 50 guru Bahasa Inggris MTs, 143 siswa-siswi MTs dan
SMP Islam, 86 walimurid MTs dan SMP Islam, dan 5 validator yang salah satunya adalah seorang penutur
asing. Produk penelitian ini, MEL, dapat diterima dan diterapkan untuk membantu siswa-siswi
memperoleh lebih banyak input komprehensif, sehingga mereka dapat meningkatkan kemampuan
berbahasa Inggris sekaligus identitas mereka sebagai muslim dengan mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai
karakter yang diintegrasikan di dalamnya. Ke depan, penelitian dan pengembangan serupa dengan topik

Corresponding author name: Utami Widiati
E-mail address:
2 Author name(s), Short Title

beragam akan sangat berguna dilakukan.

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There is evidence that listening plays a crucial role in communication. It is indisputable

that people cannot speak without listening;Recent evidence suggests that people listen more than
speak, read, and write in a communication. Brown and Abeywickrama (2019) confirm that
listening skill is used more at school, home, and work. Lake (2015) also reports that people
communicate around 80%, and interestingly, listening activities take 55% of the communication
time. The facts obviously show how essential listening is to learn and support other English skills.
However, in the EFL (English as a foreign language) context, such aslike in Indonesia, it is hard to
experience having natural listening activities from English native speakers.
EFL teaching at schools generally provide students with explicit grammar explanation to
show them what a certain grammar rule means and why a sentence is grammatically correct or not.
Unfortunately, after such a learning process, many students are still not be able to use the correct
grammatical sentence for meaningful and authentic communication (Chomsky & Krashen, 2020).
Students may lack tacit knowledge about the language, resulting in less comprehensible input
(from listening and reading) as well as less comprehensible output (of speaking and writing). Out
of the five Krashen’s Hypotheses on second language acquisition, input hypothesis predicts the
necessity of language acquisition, where students subconsciously and naturally learn the language.
In other words, language teaching should focus on providing more activities for students to
experience natural environment to acquire the language. Besides, acquiring language is facilitated
by understanding the language, which means that the language input should be comprehensible,
that is, a little beyond students’ current level of competence (i+1). Providing comprehensible input
can be supported by the context or extra-linguistic information. In sum, going on language meaning
should come first, and then language structure can be acquired later (Krashen, 1982).
Consequently, language learners need more compelling comprehensible input which is acquired
naturally from listening and reading resources through the implementation of systematic programs
like a literacy program.
Ducker (2013) states that some difficulties appearing from the listening input hamper
students in understanding the meaning. Such difficulties might include uncontrolled native
speaker’s speed in the audio/video, confusing reduced sounds, insufficient knowledge about
informal and colloquial English expressions, and modified meaning of stress and intonation.
Obstacles that potentially produce misunderstanding might be interfering volume, unclarity, and
background noise (Anderson & Lynch, 1988) as well as unfamiliar accents. In addition, Renandya
and Farrel (2010) expose another difficulty, that is, capturing the speaker’s attitude while listening
to an audio. This kind of condition results in EFL students’ missing in identifying the utterances as
well as failing to guess the meaning of non-verbal cues. Furthermore, Hamouda (2013) confirms
that complexities in pronunciation, speed, less vocabulary, speakers’ accent, less concentration,
anxiety, and unqualified recording encountered by EFL learners in listening have challenged EFL
teachers to help their students cope with such kinds of problems.
In the Indonesian context, however, EFL teaching still faces the same problems as figured
out by Renandya and Day (2020) in that teachers trusted more on the textbook, which tends to
present language in order and to teach English systematically and explicitly. Grammar rules are
often presented using PPP (Presentation, Practice and Production) approach, and language is
assessed on the test not on the use of the target language, which might then put aside students’
spoken and written fluency. Students are in fact in need of language input. H aving a listening
immersion will increase the learners’ exposure to rich and meaningful language input (Dressman et
al., 2016). Recent evidence from our preliminary study held using online questionnaires among
Madrasah students, teachers, and parents dealing with their perceptions on English listening
resources used at their schools (Madrasah of Kementerian Agama) showed that 83.3% of the
Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pengajarannya, 49(1), (2021), 1–14 3

students and 98.8 % of the parents need listening resources to be used outside the class due to lacks
of English exposure in the classroom context such as limited time and less resources available. This
implies that Eextensive Llistening (EL) materials are needed by the students as well as the parents.
It is in line with the principle that students learn to listen by listening, and not by thinking about it
or doing activities that do not contribute much to the development of their listening abilities
(Chang et al., 2019; Renandya, 2012; Renandya & Farrell, 2010).
In line with the immersion concept, Indonesian government issued a literacy program
called School Literacy Movement or Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) in 2016. It strengthens the
growth movement of character as stated in the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No.
23 of 2015 (Sari, 2018). The regulation has mentioned that literacy skills refer to an ability to use
language and images in rich and diverse forms to read, write, listen, speak, see, present, and think
critically about ideas. The components of the literacy consist of early literacy, basic literacy, library
literacy, media literacy, technology literacy, and visual literacy. Literacy activities have been
approved to enhance students’ interests in reading and improve reading skills so that knowledge
can be mastered better. It means, GLS supports language acquisition by exposing more to
comprehensible input, that is, language a little beyond students’ current level of competence (i+1).
Thus, to some extent, GLS promotes comprehensible input.
Furthermore, the SLA theory also examines the kind of input facilitating acquisition
(Krashen et al., 2017). It is said that exposure to a large amount of highly comprehensible and
compelling input fosters language learning. When students repeatedly focus on the meaning of
many interesting messages, they incidentally and gradually acquire the language. That is the way
the learning happens subconsciously (p. 129). Renandya (2012, p. 201) and Renandya and Farrell
(2010) define EL as “all types of listening activities facilitating learners with a lot of
comprehensible and enjoyable listening input”. In addition, Ivone and Renandya, (2019) have
mentioned five principles of EL: “quantity, comprehensibility, learner-centeredness, meaning-
orientation, and accountability”. In addition, they also mentioned that there are five listening
activities considered EL: listening only, shadowing/overlapping while listening (active listening),
reading while listening, listening and viewing, and combined listening, viewing and reading
activities. The activities can be in the form of teacher-directed dictations or reading aloud or self-
directed listening for pleasure that can be done outside the classroom. The essential consideration is
that learners have to do a lot of meaningful listening practices. Just like reading, listening is best
learned through listening.
Besides, a similar policy called Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) was also launched
by the government through President Regulation (Perpres) number 87 in 2017
(Perpres_Nomor_87_Tahun_2017.Pdf, n.d.) saying that it is needed to instill and strengthen 18
character values derived from Pancasila such as religiosity, honesty, tolerance, self-discipline,
hard work, creativity, independence, democracy, curiosity, patriotism, nationalism, respect for
others, friendliness, peace-loving, love to read, environmental sensitivity, social awareness, and
responsibility among students. It should be done either formally at school, or informally at home
and in society. Therefore, integrating those policies of GLS focusing on improving comprehensible
input and PPK instilling character values into EL material is something required to do, especially in
Madrasah where those values are introduced more in religious subjects like Fiqih, Aqidah Akhlak,
Qur’an Hadits, and Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam.
One of existing materials incorporating Islamic values is English Language Teaching for
Islamic Schools (ELTIS) Resource Packs consisting of Listening Resource Pack (LRP), Islamic
Life Resource Pack (ILRP), Game and Picture Resource Pack, and Assessment Resource Pack
(Milal, et al, 2020). The LRP materials are presented in a worksheet, Teachers’ Note and Audio
(mp3) format. While the topics presented in LRP are curriculum-based materials for 7 th, 8th, to 9th
graders of MTs students. It means that there have still been insufficient or limited resources and
materials concerning Islamic values provided in Mmadrasah. Hence, it is a must for the teacher to
be more creative to advance and improvise the existing resources (Adiantika, 2019).
Rakhmawati and Rachmajanti (2018) also recommended that there should be innovations
dealing with technology implementation in education like what they had developed in their study in
4 Author name(s), Short Title

the form of supplementary multimedia-based listening materials for seventh graders of SMP
employing Macromedia Flash CS6 software for the visualization, Text to Speech software for the
audio, and Audacity software for combining the audio files. Covering more topics, developing a
learning website, utilizing real person’s voice, English native speakers preferable, for the audio
were some of their recommendations as well.
Thus, regarding the lack of existing EL materials contributing to literacy program, the need
to instill character values among students, some gaps found in the previous studies, and the
recommendations mentioned above, this study plans to develop EL materials in the form of a
website and a mobile application which meets all the needs identified. Needs Analysis was then
conducted to confirm the needs by having questionnaires addressed to EFL learners especially the
ones in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs – Islamic junior high schools) representing Muslims’ learner
community. Why this study targeted Muslim is because it is known that Islam is embraced by most
people in Indonesia. ThusSo, dominancy of Muslim studying in MTs can be claimed as the EFL
learners’ perspectives in Indonesia. Not only learners but also teachers and parents in MTs need to
be confirmed whether they need EL materials for their children or not. That is why this study tries
to provide evidence infusing EL materials into the existing courses, for example infused to school
English Clubs. Developing EL materials in the form of a website and a mobile application called
Muslim English Literacy (MEL) providing two modes of Listening Only and Listening & Viewing,
the EL materials facilitate EFL learners to implement GLS as well as to get access to more
comprehensible input. Then, EFL teachers may take benefits from MEL by making use of the EL
material, because teachers need to examine critically their own teaching approaches by keeping
those that seem to work well and replacing the rest with ones promoting implicit language learning
(Renandya & Day, 2020). Hopefully, MEL can contribute to promoting the implicit language


This study employs rResearch and Ddevelopment (R&D) design adopted from Gall, Borg, and
Gall (2003) involving (1) needs analysis, (2) materials design and development, (3) expert
validation (4) materials revision, (5) pilot study, and (6) second round of materials
revision, and (7) final product dissemination (p. 570). The plot of the stages is described in
the following flowchart.

Figure 1. Flowchart of the Method

In the first step, needs analysis, the study involved 50 English teachers of MTs and
SMP Islam, 143 students of MTs and SMP Islam, and 86 parents who were given various
Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pengajarannya, 49(1), (2021), 1–14 5

questionnaires about their perceptions on the significance of EL material and whether they
need character values-based topics for the material or not. The data obtained from the
needs analysis became the basis for designing the material. The needs, lacks, and hopes of
the involved respondents took the primary role in developing the product such as the needs
of EL material, lack of EL material provided among schools, and the hopes what topic they
want to learn, including the idea integrating character education into the EL material. The
example topic, Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h.’s stories, was offered in the questionnaires.
Data received from the preliminary study were then analyzed using percentage
scale to design the EL material. Mapping essential topics in the Prophet Muhammad
p.b.u.h’s stories into five chapters from his birth to death was conducted first to classify the
stories so that it would be easy to understand. The topics were then relied on the book
published in 2013 by Kualiti Books Sdn Bhd entitled Prophet Muhammad the Last
Messenger of Allah SWT reviewed by Dr. Mohd Sukki Othman, a senior lecturer at the
Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, University Putra of Malaysia (Prophet
Muhammad 2013 ,‫)صلى هللا علية و سلم‬. Then, the writing scripts for the EL material followed
the mapping process. The writing process included paraphrasing the stories from direct
speeches to indirect ones, so that theyit would not become very-long stories.
Afterwards, the written scripts were converted into an audio format by recording
using a studio equipment and software called Audacity. This step took a lot of time due to
some complexities encountered. That’s why, this study needed to employ multimedia experts and
collaborate with a native speaker for good recording. For better result, Arabic-English
(bilingual) native speaker was involved as the voice over giving benefits of promoting
fluency in both languages and introducing good pronunciation in English and Arabic used
in the stories. For better result of record quality, it was collaborated with PT. Digitalisasi
Glolingo Inklusif (DGI). However, not only the native speaker’s voice was recorded but
also one of the three researchers took part as the narrator of the recording for an opening
section. It was done for the sake of introducing an idea of English as a Lingua Franca
(ELF) representing Indonesian EFL teachers’ performance involved in the material.
Then, the recorded audio was then merged with to a visual format by inserting
pictures, graphic animation, and navigation system so that it will be more attractive for
students. Using Kotlin coding system called Android studio software, this material
development took the level of Alpha to create the application. Developed by PT. DGI, the
next step, the alpha step of making the animation using Power Point was employed to
combine sequences, then using Adobe After Effect to make the object move and given
certain effects, and Adobe Illustrator to make 2D static objects.
The content of the product was divided into Opening, Pre-Chapter, Chapter, and
Post-Chapter sections. The Opening section contains a preface describing what contents
introduced in the application. While the Pre-Chapter section provides information about
vocabulary and character value list included in each chapter. Afterwards, in the Chapter
sections comprising five different chapters, users are provided with Chapter 1 talking about
the birth of Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h., Chapter 2 talking about the little Prophet
Muhammad p.b.u.h., Chapter 3 talking about the young Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h.,
Chapter 4 about the hijrah, and Chapter 5 about Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h.’s death. For
Listening and Viewing Mode, all the chapters are introduced with audio visual format
which may help learners with subtitles provided, while for Listening Only Mode, audio
formats are used. Thus, users can choose their preference on which mode they are
comfortable with. The last section, post-Chapter section consist of exercises dealing with
each chapters which can be done by matching the questions and answers, and also
answering the essay questions related to opinion which may help EFL teachers develop
activities for more listening comprehension and strengthening the character values.
6 Author name(s), Short Title

Having designed and developed the product, the next step, validation was executed
by five experts, one of the five was a native speaker as the language validator. The other
two were as material validators, one more as a media validator, and one as a user/teacher
validator. There were four kinds of instruments used in the expert validation phase:
checklists for material validation, language validation, media validation, and teacher
validation. After the four instrument drafts were made and validated on the usage of
diction, grammatical structures, providing brief introduction, paraphrasing, content
validity, classifying character values included, and language appropriacy, the instrument
drafts were revised based on the feedbacks given. Written in the Google Forms, the revised
instruments were then tried out to few colleagues before being validated by the experts.
Each expert validator was then sent the Google Form link of each checklist for material
validation, language validation, media validation, and teacher validation. Not only the links
of the instruments but also the expert validators were also provided with the website and
application links for validating the product of the EL material developed. Based on their
comments and suggestions, a material revision was conducted, especially on navigation
system, graphic design, layout, and quizzes as well as activities introduced in each chapter.
A pPilot study was then applieddone to MTs students and teachers contributing an
observation to find more suggestions for the second revision. This step was conducted by
using a Google Form questionnaire as well. At the end of the study, a final product
dissemination was done by sharing the website and application links to promote the EL
material wrapped in a website via Google Chrome browser and an application accessible
freely online via Play store within Android system.


This study produces EL material for Islamic students in the secondary level
especially English club members in MTs. Using English native speakers, the material is
adapted from insightful stories of Muslims’ endless idol, Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h.,
exemplifying Islamic values classified into several chapters from his birth to death. This
product can be applied outside the classroom employing audio visual media which can be
implemented in Listening Only or Listening and Viewing modes.
In details, the EL material is developed based on the needs analysis using
questionnaires from the MTs students, teachers, and parents in Indonesia. Then, the
material was developed employing sophisticated technology based on Chrome Browser
and Android System done by PT. DGI crews. Afterwards, the built material was then
validated by experts to find lacks of the product for the sake of betterment. Material
revision was then conducted based on the experts’ comments and suggestions. Having
been revised, the product was then tried out at the pilot study stage. The result of the pilot
study was then used as consideration to have the second revision. In this step, there was no
significant revision held. Finally, the final product dissemination was done to complete the
development.these following elements: product set, content, audio, layout, function, media,
operational system described as follows. For Product’s set, this product is classified into
audio-visual materials compiled in the form of a website and a mobile application
accessible online. The materials are available in the form of both audio (for Listening
Only) and audio-visual (for Listening & Viewing) mode. Besides, the product contains EL
material divided into five different chapters: chapter 1. The Little Muhammad p.b.u.h.,
chapter 2. The Young Muhammad p.b.u.h., chapter 3. The Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h.,
chapter 4. The Hijrah, and chapter 5. The Death. Regarding the idea of English acquisition
introduced in natural environment, the audio is derived from mixed bilingual speakers of
English and Arabic recorded in regular speed of speech so that students can catch every
Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pengajarannya, 49(1), (2021), 1–14 7

single word they heard. There are three main components of the product’s layout, i.e.,
background picture, graphic animation, and button navigation. The product is designed
using voice recorder equipment, graphic animator, multimedia editor, and operated by
using navigation system within Windows using Google Chrome browser and smartphone
operated by Android system.
The function of this product as the EL material can be implemented outside the
classroom context, especially in English Club extracurricular settings, to provide activities
promoting compelling comprehensible input as well as succeeding GLS policy and
instilling character values supporting PPK policy among MTs students, so that it will
strengthen their identity as Muslims.
The scope and delimitation of the study are in line with the specification of the product.
The material is targeted to MTs students, especially joining English Club extracurricular
activities, even though students beyond MTs are allowed to use the material as well. The
material developed is limited for Muslims who want to explore the stories of Prophet
Muhammad p.b.u.h. using English spoken texts comprising some vocabularies dealing
with Islamic values and cultures, for example the term “wet nurse” which is familiar
among Muslims resulting an extended term as “Muhrim” making forbidden by each other
to be married. To some extends, more specific terms are also available in the material.
The product of MEL website is limited to be accessed using Google Chrome browser,
because it was developed under Google Company license. However, there may be a
possibility to use other browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Edge, Opera, etc. with
consequences of being slower when accessed. Similarly, the MEL application can be
downloaded only from Play Store belonging to Android operating system attached in
smartphones. Fortunately, the website and application are free to use within internet
connection. Here are provided a manual of how to use the product as described below.
Table 1. The Manual of the product
MEL Website Manual MEL Application Manual
1. Make sure you use Google Chrome 1. Make sure you apply Android
browser to access the MEL Website. System to access MEL application.
2. Type 2. Download MEL through Play Store.
3. Choose the mode: “Listening & 3. Install MEL on your smartphone.
Viewing” or “Listening Only”. 4. Open the installed MEL.
4. Click the Opening section/video. 5. Click the opening section/video
5. Choose the chapter one by one. 6. Click “Start” and enter your name.
6. Make sure you are familiar with 7. Choose the mode: Listening &
vocabulary in the pre-chapter section Viewing or Listening Only.
6. Click “Play” button to start listening 8. Choose the Chapter one by one
7. Click “Pause” button to stop 9. Make sure you are familiar with
listening vocabulary in the pre-chapter
8. Do the exercises of all chapter section.
placed at the end of chapter or 10. Click “Play” button to start
navigated by the button. listening
11. Click “Pause” button to stop
12. Do the exercises of all chapter
placed at the end of chapter.
8 Author name(s), Short Title

Based on the responses in the pilot study, it was shown the data analysis figuring
out that the product met requirements of good product. For more detailed information, it
can be seen from the table 2 below.
Table 2. Data Analysis
No Aspect/Criteria Category
1 Meaningfulness: 94.8 Very Good.
The learners might find that the material is No revision
personally meaningful (in promoting needed
autonomous learning).
2 Attractiveness: 89.5 Very Good.
The learners might find that the material No revision
contains interesting information that attracts needed
the learners’ attention.
3 Comprehension: 84.2 Very Good.
The learners might find that the students can No revision
comprehend over 95-98% of the language in needed
the material.
4 Fluency: 89.5 Very Good.
The learners might find that the students can No revision
listen and/or view the material without having needed
to stop and replay the audio or video material.
5 Content: 84.2 Very Good.
The learners might find that the students can No revision
understand 90% or more of the content (the needed
story or information).
6 Language Features: 89.5 Very Good.
The learners might find that the material No revision
contains language features (words, phrases, needed
collocations) that can engage the students’

At last, the final product dissemination was conducted by sharing the link addresses
of MEL website and MEL application to the targeted users;
EFL MTs/SMPI teachers and students.


The product of this study, the website and mobile application named MEL, can
contribute to giving more comprehensible input. This is in line with a research on
developing a Mobile-Assisted Language Learning Application (MALL) for English
Intensive Course developed by (Rohandi et al., 2017) showing that the MALL application
is useful and helpful for students to increase their motivation in understanding the
materials of IC textbook, Ubiquitous Fitness English Listening Comprehension System
Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pengajarannya, 49(1), (2021), 1–14 9

(UFELCS) designed by Liu et al., (2018) incorporating collaborative listening activities

into a fitness center, a media made by Utami et al., (2021) developing E-Learning with
Schoology in hybrid learning strategy in listening skill of Tadulako University, the website
(ELLLO - English Listening Lesson Library Online, n.d.), the use of ELLO in Improving in
Teaching Listening to Students Hadi et al., (2021), M-Learning application developed by
Parveen et al., (2017) for rural primary students in Pakistan, a smartphone application
evaluating music listening habits for 35 days, and also a research and development on
Multimedia-based listening material for seventh graders of lower secondary schools
developed by (Rakhmawati et al., 2016) utilizing CD/DVD/flash disk format employing
Text-to-Speech and Audacity software and a computer installed an additional software
named macromedia flash CS6 claiming usefulness of their product is to develop the
students’ motivation to learn and to provide a prototype of supplementary listening
material for English textbook using Curriculum 2013 which has no listening practices
Compared to MALL mentioned earlier, however, MEL does not only contributes to
develop students’ motivation reflected by the users’ positive feedbacks after using the
website and application but also develop their English vocabulary related to terms used in
Islamic context, for example: pilgrimage or hajj, Almighty, worship, wet-nurse, sacrifice,
vow, idols, etc. Those vocabulary are introduced in each part of the chapters so that users
can easily identify them. Whereas in terms of practicality compared to the supplementary
listening material explained before, MEL, is not only in the form of a prototype of listening
material but a full version which covers all chapters of Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h.’s life
stories. In addition, MEL can be accessed from Android-based mobile phones by installing
from Play Store although the website version is also provided when there is only a
computer available. Thus, MEL is user-friendly that there is no single hard effort to access
it. It may also support blended learning required by Z generations in using smartphone
application for listening activities (Sari, 2019). It is also proven that technology-based
materials are preferred over textbook-based materials (Demi̇ r & Tavi̇ l, 2021).
Furthermore, the pre-chapter sections of each part in the chapters are beneficial to
introduce vocabulary used in the chapters. They provide introduction of vocabularies used
in the video (for Listening & Viewing mode) and the audio (for Listening Only mode) so
that users can predict or look up a dictionary first before playing the video or audio.
Besides, the pre-chapter sections also introduce character values instilled inside the video
or audio. Hopefully, they will be familiar with the implementation of character values such
as religiosity, honesty, tolerance, self-discipline, hard work, creativity, independence, democracy,
curiosity, patriotism, nationalism, respect for others, friendliness, peace-loving, love to read,
environmental sensitivity, social awareness, and responsibility exemplified by the Prophet
Muhammad p.b.u.h. Anyhow, the most important thing is that they will implement all those values
in a daily life.
While the post-sections of the chapters in the material provide exercises in the
forms of matching quizzes and WH-questions which are useful for users to check their
comprehension of the texts within the video or audio. Besides, the Listening & Viewing
mode enables users to practice speaking by shadowing or listening while reading aloud the
subtitles provided by the videos of the chapters and learn pronunciation and intonation
well-introduced by the voice over of the audio. By doing so, this listening activity can also
promote speaking ability (Hamada, 2018). By doing the exercises at the end of each
chapter, it will help users to increase their listening comprehension so that they will be able
to communicate in a natural way written or orally.
Moreover, character values introduced in the pre-sections of each part in the
chapters of MEL can contribute to instilling character values exemplified by Prophet
Muhammad p.b.u.h. like what ELTIS team developed, Resource Packs integrating Islamic
10 Author name(s), Short Title

values into MTs students’ learning resources, especially the Listening Resource Pack
(Milal et al., 2020). The character values are intentionally placed earlier before the chapters
so that they can help users choose which character values want to be recognized such as
religiosity, tolerance, honesty, independence, respect for others, responsibility, democracy,
patriotism, etc. Furthermore, questions related to the character values contextualizing the
learners’ life are also provided in the post-sections in the form of WH questions at the end
of exercises of each chapter. This kind of questions can be used as discussion topics which
can be conducted if needed. It depends on how teachers utilize this EL material into
intensive material in teaching English if necessary. That is why it is needed to be creative
in designing the class and execute the design. In addition, having a long duration, 21 parts
of all 5 chapters, MEL has strength and weakness which is described below.
Having been developed and applied, MEL, the product of this study, has seven
advantages as follows: First,
1. It is a free website and mobile application which can be accessed by anyone
without any payment. One thing which is needed to access it is an internet connection.
Second, 2. Users can involve a wide range of students although it is specially targeted to
English Clubs members in MTs (Yuliandasari & Kusriandi, 2015) with high motivation
which needs more immersion on Islamic contents in English. When needed, English Club
members in SMP(I) can make use of the product to vary their learning resources. Third,
3. It can serve as a variety of teaching methods for EFL teachers in or out the
classroom context, especially in the online learning era (Cross, 2014), when the topics
related to the lesson. Fourth,
4. Having been observed from the characteristics of the texts used in the video or
audio presented in each part of the chapters, MEL can be used to introduce certain topics
like biography belon recount text and stories presented in a narrative text (Ivone &
Renandya, 2019). Fifth,
5. MEL has an excellent native voice over whose pronunciation and intonation are
almost perfect (Rakhmawati et al., 2016) allowing learners to learn autonomously when it
is used individually at home. Sixth,
6. Users have freedom to continue, pause, or stop anytime based on their preference
by clicking the buttons embedded. Seventh,
7. The Listening & Viewing mode contains attractive videos which may help
learners to visualize the meaning of the content (Sutarna, 2019).
Nevertheless, MEL produced in this study has some weaknesses such as for
1. It is time consuming in theto development process due to the complexities of the
works such as finding assets/pictures, animation making, rendering the videos and
uploading the file. It also
2. It requires high cost for the license and hosting fee to Google provider as well as.
3. It needs multimedia experts such as programmer, animator, and designer to
develop the application. Moreover, in terms of accessibility,
4. tThis product also cannot be usedaccessed without any internet connection, so
that learners need to afford it before. However, such trouble can be solved by grouping
some usersstudents into a hotspot area provided. Thus, Iit challenges the creativity of the
5. It is needed to introduce and promote this product in wider range of users so that
it can impact more.
Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pengajarannya, 49(1), (2021), 1–14 11


The result of the study is a set of EL material called MEL designed for English
Club members in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). It can be accessed through a website and a
mobile application by any level learners using two modes provided: Listening & Viewing
and Listening Only. These website and mobile application are designed as learning
resources so that comprehensible input of English is gained by using the product. When
listened or viewed regularly, MEL can give more tacit knowledge due to the immersion
process of the language embedded. Later, when utilized optimally, there is a possibility
that the learners gradually get immersed to English environment so that hopefully they can
produce the language naturally as the comprehensible output. The product is potentially
effective to help students improve their listening skills. MEL, however, can serve as multi-
skill learning resources, not only listening but also speaking, reading, and writing,
depending on the purposes of the users.
Another quality of MEL is that it can enhance Muslim students especially MTs
students’ sense of being Muslims by implementing the character values exemplified by
Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h., the endless idol of Muslims, from whom Muslims should
learn and follow his behavior actions, for example how to be honest, how to respect others,
and many more. The introduced character values are in line with KI 1 and KI 2
recommended by Curriculum 2013. By integrating the character values into learning
resources, it can promote students’ awareness of being a good generation for the nation,
Indonesia. Globally, when Indonesian Muslim students have good characters, it can
promote the civilization of Indonesian Muslims among other countries in the world.
Moreover, implementing character values into learning resources can prevent negative
impacts of technology development embedding young generation nowadays.
The recommendations proposed by this study are directed to other scholars, next
researchers who will conduct similar studies regarding EL material. It is recommended to
develop materials with more topics of other public figures from larger scope which is
possibly inspiring people to learn and enlarge their knowledge. There may also be a
possibility for next researcher to develop a similar product covering Macintosh or Apple
(I-phone) for betterment. Hopefully, it can be more accessible without any technical
restriction. The last but not the least, this study is designed as a pilot project which may be
updated by introducing more Muslim figures such as Caliph Abu Bakr, Caliph Umar Ibn
Khattab, Caliph Usman Ibn “Affan, Caliph Ali Ibn Thalib, and many more. Even, there is a
possibility to expose more Indonesian Muslim heroes so that Indonesian students will
increase their patriotism and nationalism and be proud of Indonesia. That is the way to
promote Muslim identity among others.


Sincere gratitude is continuously addressed to Ministry of Religious affairs with the master
scholarship for Madrasah teachers, to Prof. Utami Widiati, M.A., Ph.D. and Mrs. Anik Nunuk
Wulyani, Ph. D. as the excellent supervisors for their bright ideas, time, patience, and guidance, to
Nur Hayati, M, Ed. as the instrument reviewer giving wonderful feedbacks how to develop reliable
instrument, to Jusnita Febrianti, Ph. D. as the best proofreader belonging to Academic Writing
Center (AWC) Universitas Negeri Malang with her patience assisting the writing process. Words of
thanks are extended to Arnis Silvia, M. Pd., Ph. D. from IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah and Prof.
Widayanto from Balai Diklat Keagamaan Kementerian Agama as the material validators with
12 Author name(s), Short Title

awesome way of critical thinking giving me insights how to develop good listening material, to
Pakou Thao, M. A. as the native language validator and great counterpart teaching me how to use
English naturally, to Ahmad Jalu Al-Fata, S.T. as the media validator examining the product to be
well-built, to Nur Sayyidah Ihsani as the EFL teacher validator during her busy hours, and to PT.
Digitalisasi Glolingo Inklusif (DGI) crews especially Laksmana Fadian R. and Bondan as the
partners accomplishing the product as well as to Kaysa Hilyatil Jinan as the native voice over with
her enchanting pronunciation. Thanks also to MTsN 1 Kota Kediri scholars, Masansa English Club
(MEC) members, the supportive headmaster, and all respondents throughout Indonesia. This
manuscript was based on a research project funded by Institute of Research and Community
Service of Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia.


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