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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Brgy.Poblacion, Polomolok, South Cotabato
Tel No. (083) 225-210
Third Periodical Exam

Name:__________________________________________ Grade/Section:________Date:_________Score:______

PART I- True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Write your answer on the space provided
before the number.

_____ 1. The Pythagorean theorem states that c2=a2+b2 where c is the hypotenuse of the triangle.
_____ 2. Endpoint is a point on a line segment that divides the segment into two equal parts.
_____ 3. The origin of a Cartesian plane is located at (0,0)
_____ 4. n! is the product of the positive integer n and all the positive integers less than n.
_____ 5. Distinguishable permutations refers to the permutation of a set of objects where some of them are alike.
_____ 6. Nonnegative Integers are any negative integer or zero.
_____ 7. Polynomials in Standard Form are any polynomial whose terms are arranged in increasing powers of x.
_____ 8. Polynomial function whose degree is 4 are called Quadratic Functions.
_____ 9. Polynomial function whose degree is 4 are called Quartic Functions.
_____ 10. The distance formula is an equation that can be used to find the distance between any pair of points on the
coordinate plane.
Part II. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer for each number then write your answer on the
space provided before the number. Write each answer on a CAPITAL Letters.
_____1. Choosing a subset of a set is an example of ___.
A. combination B. differentiation C. Integration D. permutation
_____2. Which of the following situations or activities involve permutation?
A. matching shirts and pants
B. forming different triangles out of 5 points on a plane, no three of which are collinear
C. assigning telephone numbers to subscribers
D. forming a committee from the members of a club
_____3. The product of a positive integer n and all the positive integers less than it is _____.
A. powers of n B. multiples of n C. n – factors D. n factorial
_____4. Two different arrangements of objects where some of them are identical are called _______.
A. distinguishable permutations B. unique combinations C. circular permutations D. circular combinations
_____5. How many different 4-digit even numbers can be formed from the digits 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9 if no
repetition of digits is allowed?
A. 1 680 B. 840 C. 420 D. 120
_____6. In how many ways can 8 people be seated around a circular table if two of them insist on sitting beside
each other?
A. 360 B. 720 C. 1440 D. 5040
_____7. Find the number of distinguishable permutations of the letters of the word PASS.
A. 4 B. 12 C. 36 D. 144
_____8. Ms. Santos asked Renz to draw all the diagonals of a certain polygon on the blackboard. Renz was able
to draw 27 diagonals which his teacher declared correct. What was the given polygon?
A. pentagon B. hexagon C. nonagon D. decagon
_____9. Ms. De Leon wants to produce different sets of test questions for her essay test. If she plans to do this by
putting together 3 out of 5 questions she prepared, how many different sets of questions could she construct?
A. 10 B. 20 C. 60 D. 80
_____10. If P(9, r) = 3024, what is r ?
A. 2 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
_____11. In a town fiesta singing competition with 12 contestants, in how many ways can the organizer arrange the
first three singers?
A. 132 B. 990 C. 1320 D. 1716
_____12. What is P(8, 5)?
A. 56 B. 336 C. 1400 D. 6720
_____13. If P(n, 4) = 5040, then n = ____.
A. 12 B. 10 C. 9 D. 8
_____14. Given x = P(n, n) and y = P(n, n – 1), what can be concluded about x and y?
A. x > y B. x < y C. x = y D. x = – y
_____15. Find the number of distinguishable permutations of the letters of the word EDUCATED.
A. 1680 B. 10 080 C. 20 160 D. 40 320
_____16. If a combination lock must contain 5 different digits, in how many ways can a code be formed from the
digits 0 to 9?
A. 15 120 B. 30 240 C. 151 200 D. 1 000 000
_____17. In how many ways can 4 men and 3 women arrange themselves in arow for picture taking if the men and
women must stand in alternate positions?
A. 5040 B. 720 C. 144 D. 30
_____18. In a room, there are 10 chairs in a row. In how many ways can 5 students be seated in consecutive chairs?
A. 720 B. 600 C. 252 D. 120
_____19. Which of the following situations does NOT illustrate combination?
A. Selecting 2 songs from 10 choices for an audition piece
B. Fixing the schedule of a group of students who must take exactly 8 subjects
C. Enumerating the subsets of a set
D. Identifying the lines formed by connecting some given points on a Plane
_____20. If w = C(5, 2), x = C(5, 3), y = C(5, 4), and z = C(5, 5), and we are given 5 points on a plane of which no
three are collinear, which expression gives the total number of polygons that can be drawn?
A. x + y B. w + x + y C. x + y + z D. w + x + y + z
_____21. C(n, n) = ____.
A. n B. r C. 1 D. cannot be determined
_____22. If C(n, r) = 35, which of the following are possible values of n and r?
A. n = 6, r = 4 B. n = 7, r = 3 C. n = 8, r = 3 D. n = 9, r = 2
_____23. If C(n, 4) = 126, what is n?
A. 11 B. 10 C. 9 D. 7
_____24. If C(12, r) = 792, which of the following is a possible value of r?
A. 8 B. 7 C. 6 D. 4
_____25. A caterer offers 3 kinds of soup, 7 kinds of main dish, 4 kinds of vegetable dish, and 4 kinds of dessert. In
how many possible ways can a caterer form a meal consisting of 1 soup, 2 main dishes, 1 vegetable dish, and 2
A. 140 B. 336 C. 672 D. 1512
_____26. In how many ways can a committee of 7 students be chosen from 9 juniors and 9 seniors if there must be 4
seniors in the committee?
A. 10 584 B. 1764 C. 210 D. 84
_____27. Jane wants to solve a system of equations through elimination by combining any two equations. The number
of equations she has is equal to the number of variables. She realizes that she has 10 possible ways to start her
solution. How many equations does she have?
A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3
_____28. There are 11 different food items in a buffet. A customer is asked to get a certain number of items. If the
customer has 462 possible ways as a result, which of the following did he possibly do?
A. Choose 4 out of the 11 items B. Choose 6 out of the 11 items
C. Choose 8 out of the 11 items D. Choose 7 out of the 11 items
_____29. It is the number of ways of selecting from a set when the order is not important
A. combination B. differentiation C. Integration D. permutation
_____30. Refers to the different possible arrangements of a set of objects.
A. combination B. differentiation C. Integration D. permutation
_____31. Brian likes to wear colored shirts. He has 10 shirts in the closet. Three of these are blue, four are in different
shades of red, and the rest are of mixed or different colors. What is the probability that he will wear a blue or a red shirt?
7 4 3 4 3 7 7 4
A. + B. + C. + D. −
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
_____32.The spinner on the right is spun. What is the probability of a spin that results in an even number or a
number or a number less than 4?
1 3 4 5
A. B. C. D.
4 8 8 8

_____33. A box contains 4 red balls and 6 blue balls. A second box contains 16 red balls and an unknown
number of blue balls. A single ball is drawn from each box. The probability that both balls are of the same color
is 0.44. How many blue balls are there in the second
A. 4 B. 20 C. 24 D. 44
________ 34. It refers to the different possible arrangement of a set of objects.
a. Permutations b. Combinations c. Probability d. n-Factorial
________ 35. It refers to the number of ways of selecting from a set when the order is not important.
a. Permutations b. Combinations c. Probability d. n-Factorial
________ 36. It refers to the product of the positive integer and all the positive integer less than it.
a. Permutations b. Combinations c. Probability d. n-Factorial
________ 37. A diagram that uses circle to represent sets in which the relations between the sets are indicated by the
arrangement of the circles.
a. Tree diagram b. table diagram c. simple diagram d. Venn diagram
________ 38. It is a set that contains all of the elements that are in both events.
a. Union of events b. intersection of events c. dependent event d. compound event
________ 39. “Forming a committee of four out of 10”, is a problem about _______________?
a. permutation b. combination c. probability d. statistics
________ 40. “Forming a combination lock with four digits of ten digits”, is a problem about _____________?
a. permutation b. circular permutation c. distinguishable permutation d. combination
________ 41. Selecting 5 players from 12 players is a problem related to _____________________________?
a. combination b. probability c. circular permutation d. permutation
________ 42. Arranging 5 books in a shelf is a problem about ______________________________________?
a. probability b. statistics c. permutation d. combination
________ 43. In how many ways can Aling Rosa arrange her 8 potted plants in a row?
a. 720 b. 5040 c. 40320 d. 362880
________ 44. If there are 8 teams in a basketball tournament and each team must play every other team in the
eliminations, how many elimination games will there be?
a. 24 b. 26 c. 28 d.30
________ 45. If event A is picking a number less than 10 from 1 to 15, and event B is picking a number greater than 7
from 1 to 15, find P(AUB).
a. 2/15 b. 8/15 c. 9/15 d. 1
________ 46. Given: A = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) B = (2,4,6,8,10). Find P(AUB).
a. (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) b. (2,4,6,8,10) c. ½ d. 1
________ 47. Given that event A is rolling a die and event B is spinning a spinner with numbers from 1 to 9.
Find AUB.
a. (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) b. (1,2,3,4,5,6) c. (7,8,9) d. ( )
________ 48. Event A is picking a number which is a multiple of 3 less than 15, and event B is picking up numbers
divisible by 3 from 1 to 15. Find AUB.
a. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 c. 3,6,9,12,15
b. 3,6,9,12 d. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15
________ 49. If event A is picking a number less than 5 from 1 to 10 and event B is picking a number from 1
to 8 from the numbers 1 to 15, find P(AUB).
a. 1/5 b. 2/5 c. 3/5 d.4/5
_________ 50. Dario puts 44 marbles in a box in which 14 are red, 12 are blue, and 18 are yellow. If Dario
picks one marble at random, what is the probability that he selects a red marble or a yellow
a. 8/11 b. 7/11 c. 6/11 d. 5/11

1. T
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. F
9. T
10. T
II. 1. A
3. D
4. A
5. D
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. C
15. B
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. B
20. C
21. C
22. B
23. C
24. B
25. D
26. A
27. B
28. B
29. A
30. D
31. B
32. D
33. A
34. A
35. B
36. D
37. D
38. B
39. B
40. A
41. A
42. C
43. C
44. C
45. D
46. A
47. A
48. C
49. C 50. A

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