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Amsyar’s group (Jerlene, Dania, Amsyar, Gio)

Theme: Racism

Creative Expression: Diary entry

Literary Device: Visual Imagery, Repetition

Character: Author from Author’s World

Dear Diary,

Today was another day where I had to bear witness to the ugliness of racism. It feels like the
world is a never-ending cycle of pain and hate. Sometimes, it feels like there is no hope for a
better future. I try to remain optimistic, but it's hard when I see and hear the hateful words and
actions of others.

It's like a dark cloud that hovers over us, casting a shadow on everything we do. The cloud
seems to be ever-present, even on days when the sun shines the brightest. But unlike a regular
cloud, it's not something that will eventually dissipate and disappear.

It's an insidious force that seeps into the very fabric of our society, affecting every aspect of our
lives. It's in the way people are treated, in the opportunities they are denied, and in the
assumptions made about them based solely on the color of their skin.

I wish I could say that I'm immune to it all, that the words and actions of others don't affect me.
But that's not true. Every time I'm faced with racism, it chips away at my spirit and my hope for a
better tomorrow.

But despite it all, I refuse to give up. I refuse to let the darkness win. Instead, I'll keep fighting,
keep pushing forward, keep spreading love and kindness wherever I can.

I know that change won't happen overnight, and it won't be easy. But I also know that we have
the power to make a difference. We can choose to stand up against racism, to speak out
against it, and to work towards a more just and equitable world.

So, I'll keep writing in this diary, documenting my experiences and my thoughts. And I'll keep
hoping that someday, the cloud of racism will lift, and we can finally bask in the light of true
equality and acceptance.


Precept: Treat all people with respect and dignity, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

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