Personal Development Midterm

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu City
Tawagan, Sirao, Cebu City

NAME:____________________________________________DATE : __________________GRADE & SECTION: _______


Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The following are elements of self except ___________.

a. body b. curiosity c. emotions d. sensations
2. The philosopher who said that the beginning of knowledge is self-knowledge___________.
a. Plato b. Rumi c. Socrates d. Walt Whitman
3. The transition period from childhood to adulthood is _________.
a. adolescence b. adulthood c. childhood d. puberty
4. The union of different elements that constitute individuality and identity of a
person is ______.
a. body b. emotion c. self d. sensation
5. It is the ability to reflect and think about your own thoughts, feelings, actions
is called ________.
a. actualization b. awareness c. introspection d. reflection

6. The following are the characteristics of a teenager who is aware of his or her strengths except __________.
a. competent b. dependable c. emotionally mature d. shy
7. Which is not a characteristic of a self-actualized person?
a. open-minded b. pessimistic c. concern d. realistic to self and others
8. You may further develop your knowledge and skills through ________
a. effective time management c. effective study habits
b. stress management programs d. all of the above
9. Physical attributes and the psychological make-up of a person are due to ___
A. environmental factors B. heredity
a. Only letter A is correct c. Either A or B is correct
b. Only letter B is correct d. Both letters A and B are correct
10. Listening to the feedback of others is important because ______.
a. their ideas are better than yours b. it is difficult to describe who you really are
c. you cannot trust your own judgement about yourself
d. it allows you to validate your perception about yourself
11. The ability to accept one’s body and the ability to think more responsively of one’s body are developmental
tasks during which stage?
a. Early adolescence c. Middle adolescence
b. Late adolescence d. Puberty
12. Achieving new and more mature relations with age mates of both sexes is what stage in the
developmental task of an adolescent?
a. Early adolescence b. Middle adolescence c. Late adolescence d.
13. Already formed attitudes, learned skills, and established relationships that will give you bases of
ascertaining what kind of a person you are or what kind of life you want to lead is what stage in the developmental
task of an adolescent?
a. Early adolescence b. Middle adolescence c. Late adolescence d. puberty
14. Which is the most important building block of responsibility?
a. Self-regulation b. Self-esteem c. self-control d. self-discipline
15. What do you call to the term referred to as the ability to put oneself in another’s shoes?
a. Empathy b. Self- esteem c. Sympathy d. Value
16. Which statement best describes the developmental tasks of adolescents?
a. They follow a sequential order b. Girls matures faster than boys
c. Rapid growth is experienced by adolescents
d. Boys differ from girls in terms of developmental task
17. Which statement shows that you become more adept in social settings?
a. You can make new friends. b. You can find support from others.
c. You can establish intimate relationships. d. All of the above
18. Which is a characteristic of the adolescents of today?
a. Having an “instant” culture c. Being materialistic
b. Has the culture of hard work d. All of the above
19. The following are the developmental tasks during adolescence according to Robert Havighurst except
a. preparing for economic career b. preparing for marriage and family life
c. achieving a masculine or feminine role d. Desiring but not achieving socially responsible behavior
20. Which is not true about middle adolescence?
a. It is from 13-16 years old b. You become more independent
c. You put away your childish ways d. You achieve feminine or masculine role
21. What do you call to the ability to understand how others feel?
a. Accountability b. Conscience c. empathy d. sympathy
22. Which is considered as the most important building blocks of responsibility?
a. Self-regulation b. self-control c. self-esteem d. self-discipline
23. Which is the most important building block of responsibility?
a. Self-regulation b. Self-esteem c. self-control d. self-discipline
24. The ability to accept one’s body and the ability to think more responsively of one’s body are developmental
tasks during which stage?
a. Middle adolescence b. Early adolescence c. Late adolescence d. puberty
25. Which statement best describes the developmental tasks of adolescents?
a. They follow a sequential order b. Rapid growth is experienced by adolescents
c. Girls matures faster than boys d. Boys differ from girls in terms of developmental task
26. Which statement shows that you become more adept in social settings?
a. you find support from others b. You are able to make new friends
c. You are capable of establishing intimate relationships d. all of the above
27. Which is a characteristic of the adolescents of today?
a. Having an “instant” culture c. Being materialistic
b. Has a culture of hard work d. All of the above
28. Which is not true about middle adolescence?
a. It is from 13-16 years old c. You become more independent
b. You achieve feminine or masculine role d. You put away your childish ways
29. Because of modern technology, teenagers can easily access information. Which of the following
illustrates the possible negative side effects of modern technology?
a. Access to pornography c. instant relationships
b. Limited social interaction d. all of the above
30. How does today’s generation differ from older generations?
a. Style of living c. values and belief systems
b. Courtship rituals d. all of the above
31. Which one of the following is stimulus that is perceived to be a threat or that
which causes stress ?
A. Catharsis B. Mental Health C. Stressor D. Wellness
32. What type of stress that can challenge and motivate you to find creative solutions
to your concerns ?
A. Catastrophe B. Catharsis C. Distress D. Eustress
33. Which one of the following is a state of well- being in which the individual
realizes his or her own abilities can cope with the normal stresses of
everyday life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution
to his or her community ?
A. Mental Health B. Stress C. Stressors D. Wellness
34. What refers to a emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension ?
A. Mental Health B. Stress C. Stressors D. Wellness
35. Which one of the following is used when a person has no capacity to deal with
the source of the problem ?
A. Catastrophe B. Eustress C. Emotion - focused D. Problem-focused
36. What term is referred to which involve some personality constructs like thoughts, beliefs, values, attitudes, and
opinions ?
A. Biological Influence C. Social influence
B. Psycho-intrapersonal influence D. Technostress
37. Which of the following refers to the capacity to recover from an unpleasant
experience ?
A. Developing self-regulation C. Enhancing self -esteem
B. Enhancing resilience D. Enhancing social skills
38. What abilities is defined as the abilities to relate more effectively with
others ?
A. Developing self-regulation C. Enhancing self -esteem
B. Enhancing resilience D. Enhancing social skills
39. Which of the following is defined as you are confident, feel good about
yourself, find ways to improve, work cooperatively ?
A. Developing self-regulation C. Enhancing self -esteem
B. Enhancing resilience D. Enhancing social skills
40. Which of the following refers to the setting of goals and standard and
delaying gratification of needs ?
A. Developing self-regulation C. Enhancing self -esteem
B. Enhancing resilience D. Enhancing social skills

Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and if incorrect change the underline word/s to make the statement correct.

1. Boys usually start their growing spurt earlier than girls.

2. Obesity is commonly associated with hormonal changes.
3. An urge of independence is felt during adolescence stage.
4. Release of spermarche among boys indicates sexual maturity.
5. Widening of the hips is caused by the hormone called estradiol.
6. Physical attractiveness is one major concern among adolescents.
7. During adolescence, most teenagers gradually seek for their identity.
8. Psychologists believe that our thoughts influence our feelings and behaviors.
9. Hormones are chemical substances produced by endocrine glands that actively affect physical growth and
10. Testosterone is an estrogen that is strongly associated with the physical development of girls, such as widening
of hips, and breast and uterine development.

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