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Rapu- Rapu Community College

Rapu Rapu Albay

Guided Reading Program to Enhance the Reading Skills of Grade 5 Students at Acal
Elementary School in English, School Year 2023-2024”
Passage 1:

The Industrial Revolution, which began in the 18th century, marked a significant shift in the
way goods were produced. It was a period of rapid industrialization and technological
advancements that transformed society. The invention of steam power and the mechanization
of production processes led to the development of factories and the mass production of
goods. This resulted in increased productivity, economic growth, and urbanization. However,
the Industrial Revolution also had negative consequences, such as harsh working conditions,
pollution, and social inequality.


1. When did the Industrial Revolution take place and what were its main characteristics?
a) 16th century, characterized by agricultural advancements and urbanization
b) 18th century, characterized by industrialization and technological advancements
c) 20th century, characterized by digital revolution and globalization
d) 19th century, characterized by political revolutions and social reforms
2. What were the positive effects of the Industrial Revolution?
a) Decreased productivity and economic growth
b) Improved working conditions and reduced pollution
c) Decreased urbanization and social equality
d) Increased agricultural production and technological advancements
3. What were some of the negative consequences of the Industrial Revolution?
a) Harsh working conditions and pollution
b) Increased productivity and economic growth
c) Improved living standards and social equality
d) Technological advancements and urbanization
4. How did the Industrial Revolution impact society as a whole?
a) It had no significant impact on society
b) It led to the development of factories and mass production of goods
c) It resulted in decreased productivity and economic growth
d) It improved working conditions and reduced pollution

Passage 2:

The concept of biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms on Earth, including plants,
animals, and microorganisms. Biodiversity plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and
stability of ecosystems. It provides us with essential ecosystem services, such as clean air,
water, and food. However, biodiversity is currently facing unprecedented threats, primarily
due to human activities. Habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, and the introduction
of invasive species are driving species extinction at an alarming rate. Protecting and
conserving biodiversity is vital for the long-term survival of both ecosystems and human


1. What does biodiversity refer to and why is it important?

a) The variety of life forms on Earth; it is important for economic growth
b) The variety of life forms on Earth; it is important for maintaining ecosystem health and
c) The variety of life forms on Earth; it is important for technological advancements
d) The variety of life forms on Earth; it is important for urbanization
2. What are some of the ecosystem services provided by biodiversity?
a) Clean air, water, and food
b) Increased pollution and climate change
c) Habitat destruction and invasive species
d) Technological advancements and economic growth
3. What are the main threats to biodiversity?
a) Habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, and invasive species
b) Increased productivity and economic growth
c) Improved living standards and social equality
d) Technological advancements and urbanization
4. Why is it crucial to protect and conserve biodiversity?
a) It has no significant impact on ecosystems and human societies
b) It is important for economic growth and technological advancements
c) It is important for maintaining ecosystem health and stability
d) It is important for urbanization and social equality

Answer the questions properly…………………… Thankyou for your cooperation!!

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